Reuben Award – 2008 National Cartoonists
Society Advertising and Illustration Award for 1973
Special Features Award for 1971 and 1975 Humor Comic Book Award for 1979
2013 Will Eisner Hall of Fame Award
Contributions by Al Jaffee

MAD Magazine #26November 1955
- A Guide To Better Understanding The Fine Old Art of Boxing (Writer with Jack Davis)
- My Secret (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #27April 1956
- A Lad and a Lion (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Safety Features (Writer, Artist)
- Football (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #28July 1956
- Stamps (Artist, Writer)
- The Race is On for the Super Guided Missile (Artist, Writer with Wally Wood, Jack Davis)
- Million Dollar Horse (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #46April 1959
- See The Difference Color TV Makes... (Writer with Frank Kelly Freas)
- Modern Auto Accidents (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Modern Architecture (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #47June 1959
- The Battle of The Credit Cards (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- The Greatest Missle Ever Built (Writer with Wally Wood)
MAD Magazine #48July 1959
- Bridge: The Aristocrat of Card Games (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Miracle Fabrics (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #50October 1959
- How To Fight The Small Car Threat (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Women In Whisky Ads (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Nothing Stops It - Not Even Power Brakes (Writer with Frank Kelly Freas)
MAD Magazine #51December 1959
- Painting By The Numbers (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Testing Civilians For Space Flight (Writer)
MAD Magazine #54April 1960
- How I Turned $6.85 Into A Zillion (Writer)
- Doctors' Progress (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Frank Kelly Freas, George Woodbridge, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Wally Wood, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #55June 1960
- What? You Say I'm Not Covered? (Writer with Lester Krauss)
- Pictures The Editor Left Out (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #56July 1960
- Weak Coffee Sales Gives Us Growers Java Jitters! (Writer with Frank Kelly Freas)
MAD Magazine #57September 1960
- Madison Ave. Surplus Sale (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Fishing (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Tall Tales (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #59December 1960
- TV Ads We'd Like to See: The Polydent Commercial (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
- The Parent from Ages 21 to 60 (Writer with Wally Wood)
MAD Magazine #64July 1961
- Scenes We'd Like to See (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- A Mad Guide For Baby Sitters (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #66October 1961
- How To Find Things You Never Expected (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Future Telephone Triumphs (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #67December 1961
- Mad Suggestions for Use of New Army Rocket Belt (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #69March 1962
- Some TV Ads We Never Got to See (Writer with Jack Rickard, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #76January 1963
- If Kids Designed Their Own Christmas Toys (Artist, Writer with Lester Krauss)
MAD Magazine #81September 1963
- The Mad Plan for Beating TV Commercial Breaks (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- If Comic Strip Characters Behaved Like Real People (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Popular Scientific Mechanics (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #87June 1964
- Watch That Price with the Asterisk (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- The Great Cigarette Filter Tip War (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Who Wants to Be President More than Anything (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #89September 1964
- The One Sure Thing We'll All Get Out of Our Moon Shot (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #90October 1964
- Misleading TV Titles (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- The Next Scientific-Medical Breakthrough That Millions of Dollars Will Be Spent to Discover (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #91December 1964
- Some Mad Devices for Safer Smoking (Artist, Writer)
- What's Really Behind South American Unrest? (Writer, Artist)
- Self-Portrait (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #92January 1965
- The Image of U.S. Justice That the Rest of the World Sees (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #93March 1965
- A Child's View of Newspaper Headlines (Artist, Writer)
- A Mad Look at Signs of the Times (Writer with Don Reilly, Dick DeBartolo, Bob Clarke)
- What Brilliant New Ideas Has the Current TV Season Produced (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #94April 1965
- Famous People's Home-Study Courses (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Which National Symbol is Going to Need the Biggest Repair Job? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #95June 1965
- Hair Goo (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- The Fold--In Picture That Not Even Playboy Would Dare Print (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #96July 1965
- TV Commercial Aids (Writer, Artist)
- The Harvest We Shall Reap From the Super-Patriots' Methods of Exposing "Communist Plotters" in America (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #97September 1965
- Being Rich Is Better Than a Warm Puppy (Artist, Writer)
- What Comes After Pop Art and Op Art (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #98October 1965
- Surfing (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Mad's Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist, Writer)
- Who Are the Disaster Victims That Nobody Helps? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #100January 1966
- Mad's Puzzle Page (Artist, Writer)
- A Vital Message From the Staff of Mad (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #101March 1966
- Mad's Puzzle Page (Artist, Writer)
- How Do Bosses Plan To Celebrate Future Office Xmas Parties (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #102April 1966
- National Perspirer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- ABC TV's Wide World of Sports (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- How You Too Can Make a Fortune in the Booming Ski Business (Artist, Writer)
- The Television Studio (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #103June 1966
- Mad's "Share the Wealth" Income Tax Form (Artist, Writer)
- What Awesome U.S. Weapon Wipes Out Millions Every Year? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #104July 1966
- Postage Stamp Advertising (Artist, Writer)
- The Kind of Fireworks Some People Would Like to See (Artist, Writer)
- A Mad Look at Shut-Ins (Writer, Artist)
- What Awesome Beast Threatens Unwary Campers Every Year (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #106October 1966
- A Mad Look at the Joys of Scuba Diving (Writer with Dick DeBartolo, Bob Clarke)
- What Profitable Car-Buyer Market Will Automakers Stupidly Lose Again With This Year's Models (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #107December 1966
- Mad's Puzzle Page (Artist, Writer)
- What's the Dirtiest Play in Modern Football (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #108January 1967
- Telephone Solicitors (Artist, Writer)
- A Christmas Message from Santa Claus (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #109March 1967
- Idiot-Proof Products (Writer, Artist)
- How Various Magazines Would Handle the Same Cartoon Situation (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- What is Today's Most Shocking Drug Menace? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #110April 1967
- The Mad Hate Book (Artist, Writer)
- What Is Replacing Girls In Young Men's Minds (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #111June 1967
- Outdoor Sports Indoors (Artist, Writer)
- What Deadly Killer Threatens Us All? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #112July 1967
- What Would Be a Perfect Slogan For the Advertising Industry? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #113September 1967
- Artist
- Some Mad Auto Safety Features (Writer, Artist)
- Where Is the Current Trend in Popular Literature Headed? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #115December 1967
- What Is One of the Really Exciting Possibilities of a Psychedelic "Trip"? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #116January 1968
- Mad's Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters (Artist with Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Paul Coker, Jr., Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, George Woodbridge, Jack Davis, Bob Clarke)
- What Will Be the Ultimate Idea in "Mod" Fashions? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #117March 1968
- Let Us Spray (Artist)
- Mad's Medical Mother Goose (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- What Is the Most Expensive Accessory Item Young Car-Buyers Purchase? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #118April 1968
- Mad's Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions (Writer, Artist)
- What Is the Worst Threat to Recovery Hospital Patients Can Suffer? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #119June 1968
- Me and My Big Mouth (Artist with Dean Norman)
- What Dedicated Group Does a Lot of Planting, and Yet Nothing Ever Comes of It (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #120July 1968
- The Mad Hate Book II (Artist, Writer)
- What Is the One Thing Most School Dropouts Are Sure to Become? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #122October 1968
- When We Have the Future Long-Long Cigarette (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What new source of explosive energy has the United States developed (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #123December 1968
- In What Battle Zone Are the Most Shocking Atrocities Being Committed? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #124January 1969
- The Magic Spell (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- Christmas Is... (Artist with Gilbert Barnhill)
- What Gift Will Many Holiday Party Revelers Pick Up on the Drive Home? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #125March 1969
- Me and My Big Mouth 2 (Artist with Dean Norman)
- What Is the One Thing Protest Marches Have Greatly Improved (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #126April 1969
- Mad's Color Puzzle Page (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad's 1968-'69 Football Low Lights (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Which Modern Artist Is Most Successfully Communicating with His Audience? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #127June 1969
- Signs of Status (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Bullbit (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- What Industry Contributes More to Air Pollution than Any Other? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #128July 1969
- The Heart Transplant (Writer, Artist)
- What Is the One Unhappiness Almost All Modern Parents Are Sure to Share with Their Children (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #129September 1969
- What Were the Investigations Into the "Pueblo Affair" Really Looking For? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #130October 1969
- The Nightmare (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- What Does the Future Hold For Our Great American Pastime? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #131December 1969
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes: At a Hospital (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- What Great New Chasm Has Been Discovered That Dwarfs Even the Grand Canyon (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #132January 1970
- What New Trend Is Destroying a Time-Honored Theater Art? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #133March 1970
- What Is a Born Winner? (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- What Is One Special Benefit Derived From Modern Rock Music By Some of Its Fans (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #134April 1970
- What Offensive Animal Would Many Americans Like To See Become Extinct? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #135June 1970
- The Mad Book of Magic & Other Dirty Tricks (Writer, Artist)
- Who Is Fast Becoming Our All-Time Top Comic Character (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #136July 1970
- What Form of Inflation Are Most Americans Constantly Fighting? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #137September 1970
- Hawks And Dove (Artist, Writer)
- What Silent Majority Will We Never Hear From ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #138October 1970
- Hawks And Dove (Artist, Writer)
- What Innocent Product Threatens The World With An Immense Explosion ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #139December 1970
- Hawks & Doves (Artist, Writer)
- Mini ? Midi ? Maxi ? What Kind of Clothing Style Would We Like to See Kids Wear ? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #140January 1971
- The Christmas Tree (Artist, Writer)
- What Essential Item Won't Be Available Again This Year? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #141March 1971
- The Snowy Air Force Base (Writer, Artist)
- What Is Contributing Most to the Breakdown of Communication Between People? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #142April 1971
- The Cannon (Artist, Writer)
- In What Dangerous Direction Are Militant Revolutionaries Leading Us? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
- Sign Language (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #143June 1971
- The Fox Hole (Artist, Writer)
- You Know It's Really Over When... (Writer with Gloria L. Rich, Jack Rickard)
- What Is Fast Becoming the Only Place To See Rare Vanishing Animal Species? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #144July 1971
- The Mad Non-Smoker's Hate Book (Artist, Writer)
- The Air Show (Writer, Artist)
- What Deadly Missions Are More and More Servicemen Voluntarily Going on? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #145September 1971
- A Fish Tale (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Artist, Writer
- What New Phenomena Will Send Workingmen's Temperatures Soaring This Summer? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #146October 1971
- The Electronic War Game (Artist, Writer)
- What's Always Been the Favorite Method For Camouflaging Military Activity (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #147December 1971
- The Mountain Hike (Artist, Writer)
- What Kind of Political Bandwagon Would Many Republicans Like to See Prepared For Our V.P.? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #148January 1972
- The Sword Duel (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- The Electric Train (Writer, Artist)
- What Is Really Bugging Most Americans? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Caesar Made the Salad (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #149March 1972
- What Recent By-product of American Industry Is Winning the Public's Confidence? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #150April 1972
- More Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Writer, Artist)
- Just What Is Richard Nixon Hoping to Find on His Historic Trip to China? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #151June 1972
- What Beloved American Animal Will Never Become Extinct Because of Overwhelming Public Support? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #152July 1972
- What Institution Graduates Super-Specialists In Their Chosen Fields? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #153September 1972
- Snappy Answers to Stupid TV Commercials (Artist, Writer)
- What Sudden Assault Has Wiped Out More and More Americans Each Year? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #154October 1972
- The Mad Car-Owners Hate Book (Artist, Writer)
- What Can We Expect From All of the Candidates in the 1972 Political Swim? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Back Cover: Mad's Great Moments in Advertising: America's Final Cigarette Break (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #155December 1972
- The Fairy Godmother (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- What Special Spirit Seems to Inspire Today's Nutty Fashions? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #156January 1973
- Christmas Greedings (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- The Mad Christmas Hate Book (Artist, Writer)
- What Special Gift Is Still in Short Supply This Year? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #157March 1973
- Don't You Feel Like A Schmuck?! (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Crazy New Trips Are the Freaks Into Lately? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #158April 1973
- The Mad TV Viewers Hate Book (Artist, Writer)
- Whose Life Would Be Seriously Endangered If Pot Were Legalized? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #159June 1973
- In an Agent's Office (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Planned Obsolescence in Everyday Products (Writer, Artist)
- What Unique and Special Experience Are More and More Lovers Sharing These Days? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
- Equal Ju$tice For All (Artist, Colorist with Max Brandel)
MAD Magazine #160July 1973
- What of Nature's Ravages Continues To Defy Modern Technology? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #161September 1973
- Crime Foilers For the Average Citizen (Writer, Artist)
- What Is the Worst Form of Capital Punishment? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #162October 1973
- The Mad Motorist's Guide to American Wildlife (Artist, Writer with Robert Kaufman)
- What Old Indian Trick Is Actually Avenging the White Man's Massacres? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #163December 1973
- What Volatile System Is Now Heavily Fueled and Promises to Rocket to Unlimited Heights? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #164January 1974
- An Architectural Triumph (Artist, Writer)
- When Is There Never a Shortage of Gas? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #165March 1974
- Unavoidable Exercises For The Urban Dweller (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: What Is Believing In Honest Politicians Like? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #166April 1974
- Mad's Cheap Revolutionary Way to Eat Out and Lose Weight (Artist with Larry Gore)
- What Emerging Force Thinks it is Cleverly Solving the Problem of Overpopulation? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Back Cover: "Scenes From Childhood" series: Our Floundering Fathers (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #167June 1974
- The Mad Game of Basebrawl (Writer, Artist)
- What Is the Most Explicitly Taught Subject in the World? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #168July 1974
- A Mad Guide to Recycling Garbage (Artist, Writer)
- What Big Car Feature Will Soon Be Included in Small Economy Cars? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #169September 1974
- Trademark Graffiti (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Mad Fold-In (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #170October 1974
- What Is the Only Thing That Completely Ignores the Law of Gravity? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
- A Mad Look at a TV Commercial (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #171December 1974
- What Looks Like the Surest, Fastest Transportation to Washington This Year? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #172January 1975
- Picture Road Signs We'd Like to See (Writer with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Bob Clarke)
- Mad Solutions to Big City Doggie-Do Problems (Writer, Artist)
- What Simple Pasttime is Fast Becoming a Luxury That Many Americans Can No Longer Afford? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #173March 1975
- Inside Back Cover: What Is the One Driving Hazard That Auto Makers Are Almost Powerless to Remove? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #174April 1975
- Artist
- Inside Back Cover: What Special-Interest Group is Benefiting Most from Our Jammed Courts? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #175June 1975
- Inside Back Cover: Mad's Fold-In Folds with This Issue (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Back Cover: Ms. Liberty (Writer)
MAD Magazine #176July 1975
- Inside Back Cover: Where Has the Most Shocking Rise in Crime Taken Place? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #177September 1975
- Mad Devices Designed to Solve Our Smoker vs. Non-Smoker Problems (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Special Items Do Foreign Shoppers Find Easily Obtainable in the U.S.? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #178October 1975
- The Mad Economics Primer (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Inside Back Cover: What Large Group Would Be Delighted to Have President Ford Join Their Ranks? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #179December 1975
- Artist with Jack Davis
- Future "No-Frills Travel" Gimmicks (Writer, Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Inside Back Cover: When Can You Be Guaranteed the Very Best Weather? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #180January 1976
- Artist with Dave Berg, Don Martin
- Inside Back Cover: What Unusual Dining Aid Will Soon Become a Necessity in Many Restaurants? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #181March 1976
- Artist
- Inside Back Cover: What Kind of Vicious Big Shots Have Been Taking Over Our Cities? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #182April 1976
- The Castaway (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Inside Back Cover: In What Important Bowl Game are There Nothing But Losers? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #183June 1976
- Inside Back Cover: How Have Some Pesky Critters Gotten Out of Control Lately? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #184July 1976
- Mad Solutions to Big City Parking Problems (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Is Becoming a Most Disturbing Political Argument These Days? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #185September 1976
- Some Useful Mad Gadgets for Slob-Proofing Your Home (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Abused Old Timer Needs More Tender Loving Care than Ever Lately? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #186October 1976
- The Neuman Book of World Records...that Led to Lesser-known Follow-up Records (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: What Important Executive Position Should You Train For? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Back Cover: Let Us Spray (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #187December 1976
- What Popular Con Game...Played in a Carnival-like Atmosphere...Makes Suckers of Us All (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #188January 1977
- Inside Back Cover: What Particular Species in Our Environment is Sure to Get Special Protection From Any Winning Candidate (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #189March 1977
- A Mad Look at Some Exciting New Job Opportunities (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Best Thing to Use to See Stars? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #190April 1977
- Back Cover: Mad Salutes the Automobile Industry (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #191June 1977
- Inside Back Cover: What Remarkable Magic Trick Will the East be Looking for This Fall? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #192July 1977
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Most Popular Talk Show on the Air Today? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: One Night in the Big City (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #193September 1977
- Mad Products with Paired Names (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Welcome to Mad Magazine's Reality World (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Inside Back Cover: Where Are Some of the World's Great Oil deposits? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #194October 1977
- Inside Back Cover: What Popular Source of Energy Is Short-Lived and of Questionable Value? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #195December 1977
- Inside Back Cover: What's the One Thing Oil-rich Sheiks Have No Intention of Fueling in Their Own Lands? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #196January 1978
- Inventions We'd Like to See (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Inside Back Cover: What Does a College Education Promise to Give Many of Today's Students? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #197March 1978
- Inside Back Cover: What Infectious Foreign Invasion Is Spreading in Epidemic Proportions Among Americans Lately? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #198April 1978
- Mad One-Time-Use Products (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Inside Back Cover: What Competitive Russian and Japanese Enterprise Threatens Total Annihilation? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #199June 1978
- Cover Artist
- Front Cover (Artist)
- "Inventive Genius" (Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: Where Are Some Very Successful Actors Coming from Lately? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: One Night in the City (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #200July 1978
- Inside Back Cover: What Volatile Ingredients - - Now Being Formulated - - are Sure to Cause Future Catastrophes? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #201September 1978
- Trademark Graffiti (Artist, Writer with Jim Rutherford)
- Inside Back Cover: What Colorful Spectacular Creature is Still Being Exploited... Even After it has Wiggled and Died? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #202October 1978
- Some Imaginative Mad Suggestions for... Recycling Your Throw-Aways (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Inside Back Cover: What Kind of Competition is Giving Motel Owners the Jitters? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #203December 1978
- Inside Back Cover: What Former World Champ Is Taking an Awful Licking Lately? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #204January 1979
- "New-Improved" Products that Really Are New and Improved (Artist, Writer with Billy Doherty)
- Inside Back Cover: What Marvelous New Development Should Have Architects Everywhere Rejoicing? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #205March 1979
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to Be Presented to Deserving Doctors (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Most Sickening Thing on T.V. Today? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #206April 1979
- Everyday Scenes We'd Love to See (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Corporate Executives (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Great Star Are We All Eagerly Waiting to Applaud? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #207June 1979
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Teachers (Writer, Artist)
- A Mad Look at... Half Truths in TV Ads (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Inside Back Cover: What Heavy Drinker Should be Kept Off the Road? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #208July 1979
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Lawyers (Writer, Artist)
- The Space Age Razor Race (Writer, Artist with John Wick)
- Inside Back Cover: What Inspiring Lesson Does Professional Sports Teach Our Children? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #209September 1979
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Politicians (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Kind of "Tripping" is Becoming a Big Turn-Off for Many Kids? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #210October 1979
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Professional Athletes (Writer, Artist)
- More "New-Improved" Products That Really Are New and Improved (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Type of Revolting Theater Fare Will Not Appear This Summer... Thank God! (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover (Writer with Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #211December 1979
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Medical Workers (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: The Fold-In Fanatic Award (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #212January 1980
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Students (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Lightning Never Strikes in the Same Place Twice (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #213March 1980
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Working People (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Big Disaster Has Occured on This Page? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #214April 1980
- This Issue's Proposed Mad Medals... to be Presented to Deserving Actors (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Scary New Form of Fallout Has Technology Foisted On Us Lately? (Writer, Artist)
- Back Cover: The Soaker (Artist with David Manak)
MAD Magazine #215June 1980
- An Al Jaffee Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions: Jogging Incident (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Specie Would We All Like to See Become Extinct? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #216July 1980
- An Al Jaffee Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions: Fishing Incident (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What New Way Are People Falling "Head Over Heels" These Days? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Our Nation's Lowest Award... The Congressional Medal of Dishonor (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #217September 1980
- Cover Artist
- Cover: Alfred E. Neuman for President (Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Best Way to Become a Member of a Crime Organization? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #218October 1980
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Most Exciting Thing on TV Today! (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #219December 1980
- Inside Back Cover: The Race for the Presidency (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Club for Sale (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #220January 1981
- An Al Jaffee Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions: Gangland Episode (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What is a Ridiculously Expensive Trip Today That Most of Us Would Rather Avoid? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #221March 1981
- Mad Image-Builders (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Disgusting Form of Pollution is Now Considered Dangerous to Us All? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #222April 1981
- Inside Back Cover: A Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions "Mother Goose" Fold-In (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #223June 1981
- Inside Back Cover: What is Always the Movie Industry's Ghastliest Production? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #224July 1981
- Cover Artist
- Front Cover (Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: How Do Today's Crooks Really Strike it Rich? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #225July 1981
- Inside Back Cover: What Ancient Slow-Moving Creature is Threatened With Extinction? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #226October 1981
- A Barf Bag That Advertises (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Convenient Place has the Chemical Industry Found to Dump its Toxic Products (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #227December 1981
- Inside Back Cover: What New Sex Object has Brought Out Our Animal Instincts? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #228January 1982
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Difference Between an Idiot - and Someone Who Folds "Fold Ins"? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #229March 1982
- Inside Back Cover: What Kind of Obscenity Makes Parents Hate Sending Their Kids to the Movies? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #230April 1982
- Video Games Based on Real Life (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Why is Taxpayer Like a Bottle of Wine? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #231June 1982
- If Photograph Albums Told the Whole Truth (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Inside Back Cover: What Remarkable Trick Did You Learn from This Magazine? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #232July 1982
- The Mad Student's Hate Book (Artist, Writer with Mike Claussen, Jody Revenson)
- Inside Back Cover: Why Are New "Reaganomics" Like Old Reagan Movies (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #233September 1982
- Mad's Updated Practical Joke Catalog (Writer, Artist with Diane Riccobene)
- Inside Back Cover: A "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" Fairy Tale Fold-In (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #234October 1982
- Mad's Theft and Vandal-Proof Products (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Modern Frowned-Upon Activity Is Keeping Our Youth Slim and Trim? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #235December 1982
- If Elected, I Solemnly Promise ... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Inside Back Cover: What Would be a Vast Improvement on "The Right To Bear Arms"? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #236January 1983
- Chutzpah Is... (Writer with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Mad Presents Some Graphic Demonstrations Of...When Not To Use Famous "Pick-Up" Lines (Artist with Chris Hart)
- Inside Back Cover: What Is The Poor's Greatest Problem ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #237March 1983
- Inside Back Cover: How Will Our Military Budget Result in Bloodshed? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #238April 1983
- Inside Back Cover: What Recent Spiritual Movement Has (Thank God) Burned Itself Out? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #239June 1983
- Mad's "Defense Contractor" of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Inside Back Cover: Where Are Public Executions Sometimes Performed to Entertain an Audience? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #240July 1983
- Inside Back Cover: How Has the Reagan Administration Secretly Introduced Prayer into High Schools? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #241September 1983
- Inside Back Cover: Where Should Most Modern Classic Exploitation Horror Films Be Kept? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #242October 1983
- Inside Back Cover: What Is Changing America's Drinking Habits ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #243December 1983
- Inside Back Cover: What Great Sporting Event Could Bring Families Together Again (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #244January 1984
- Inside Back Cover: What Kind of Weather Report Can Chill You To the Bone? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #245March 1984
- Inside Back Cover: What Dreaded Eruption Will Devastate Millions in 1984? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #247June 1984
- The Mad Owner's Manual for a New American Car (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Inside Back Cover: What Is the One Issue that Leaves Pres. Reagan Absolutely Cold? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #248July 1984
- Mad's Practical Joke Catalogue for Doctors (Artist with Beppe Sabatini)
- Inside Back Cover: What Has Replaced the Bald Eagle as America's Symbol All Over the World? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #249September 1984
- Things To Do on the Day After (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: How Are Some People Bringing Far-Out Sex and Violence Into Their Dull Lives? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #250October 1984
- Mad's Easy Step-by-Step "Break Dance" Chart (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Inside Back Cover: What Bizarre New Epidemic Is Threatening to Fill Our Hospitals? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #251December 1984
- A Mad Look at Airlilne Safety Instructions (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What New Form of Addiction Threatens to Enslave Our Youth? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #252January 1985
- Inside Back Cover: Who Had a Hand in Promoting a Hot New Erotic Fashion Trend? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #253March 1985
- Front Cover (Writer with Richard Williams)
- Exciting New Uses For Miracle Velcro (Writer, Artist with T.J. Glenn)
- Inside Back Cover: What New Labor Development (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #254April 1985
- Writer
- Cover: Special Rock Issue (Writer with Richard Williams)
- Where Your Rock Album Dollar Goes (Artist with John Ficarra)
- Useful and Practical Inflight Information We'd Like to See (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Powerful Non-Nuclear Device is There No Defense Against? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #255June 1985
- Front Cover (Writer with Richard Williams)
- A Mad Guide To How Simple Things Work (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Area Of High-Tech (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #256July 1985
- Front Cover (Writer with Richard Williams)
- Inside Back Cover: What Safe, Cheap Star Wars Technology Would We Like To Suggest To the Pentagon? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- The Mad Emergency Barf-Inducing Technique The Potrzebie Maneuver (Artist with John Ficarra)
MAD Magazine #257September 1985
- Truly Logical Transformers (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What is Fast Becoming America's Most Expensive Leisure Time Activity? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #258October 1985
- Cover Artist
- Cover: Featuring the Mad Computer Program (Artist)
- A Mad Look at Some Not-So-Famous First Attempts (Artist with Mike Snider)
- The Mad Computer Primer (Artist with John Boni)
- Inside Back Cover (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: The Weinburger (Writer with Bill Elder, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #259December 1985
- One Disastrous Day on the Atlantic (Writer with Don Martin)
- And Now Mad Salutes All the Ladies Who Pump Iron With... Superior Girl (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Bad Habit Enders (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #260January 1986
- New Uses For Old Batteries (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: How Did This Year's Biggest Product Promotion End Up? (Artist)
MAD Magazine #261March 1986
- Zonk Me Out at the Ball Game (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Back Cover: The New, Improved Mad Pooper Scooper (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #263June 1986
- Consumer Revenge Bill$ (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Current Pop Cult Is Attracting Legions Of Followers? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #264July 1986
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes At A Health Spa (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Biggest Financial Drain On the Federal Government? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions In A Video Rental Store (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #265September 1986
- Follow Up Report On Progress (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Here We Go With Another Ridiculous (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #266October 1986
- Inside Back Cover: What kind of aid is the administration offering the American farmer? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #267December 1986
- Mad's Practical Joke Catalogue For Courtrooms (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: How Can Devastating Floods of Gunk and Filth Be Stopped? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #268January 1987
- The Mad Richter Scale for Human Beings (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: What Do Experts Agree Makes Students Confused and Out of Touch with Reality? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Back Cover: Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions at Richard M. Nixon High (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #269March 1987
- Mad Mini-Movies Featuring the Fickle Finger Of Fate (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Rampart Form Of Addiction Threatens the Foundation Of Our Society? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #270April 1987
- Future Phone Gimmicks We Expect To See (Writer, Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Hottest Number in Merchandising TOday? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #271June 1987
- Mad's Advertising Gullibility Test (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Inside Back Cover: What Would Be Helpful in Evaluating Government Leaders? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #272July 1987
- It's a Crummy Job ... (Artist with John Ellis Sech)
- Inside Back Cover: Mad Fold-In (Artist)
MAD Magazine #273September 1987
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In (Artist, Writer)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at Pee-Wee's Playhouse (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #274October 1987
- What group displaying deviant sexual behavior did the Meese Commission overlook? (Writer, Artist)
- Ultimate Accessories For Personal Stereos (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Little Known World Landmarks (Artist with Dave Wilson)
MAD Magazine #275December 1987
- Low-Tech Inventions For Everyday Needs (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What Predatory Creature Most Threatens the Survival of Endangered Species? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #276January 1988
- Commemorative Chrismas Ornaments (Artist with John Prete)
- Inside Back Cover: What Menace Is Zapping the Energy Of Today's Youth? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #277March 1988
- Dual-Purpose Office Supplies For Working Mothers (Artist with John Rios)
- Inside Back Cover: What Seems To Be the Only Way Of Making Your Fortune TOday? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #278April 1988
- Quick Recoveries For Embarrassing Situations (Artist, Writer)
- The Official Mad Pardon Of Ronald Reagan (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Inside Back Cover: What is fast becoming the number one cause of drinking among today's youth? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #279June 1988
- Mad Looks At Handshakes (Artist, Writer with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: What popular teenage turn on is a turn off for parents? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #280July 1988
- Gary Hart Land (Artist with Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau)
- Inside Back Cover: What loathsome form of useless vegetation is cropping up all over the land? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #281September 1988
- A Collector's Guide To Stamps Sneakily Designed For Fun and Profit (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What is fast becoming the hottest high stakes card game in the country? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #282October 1988
- Inside Back Cover: What hurdle must all Olympic athletes pass as they go for the gold? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #283December 1988
- Other McDlt Type Ideas We'd Like To See From McDonald's (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Inside Back Cover: What advancement is being hailed as a breakthrough in air pollution control? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
- Play Pictionary With The Mad Artists (Artist with Sergio Aragonés, John Prete, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., John Caldwell, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Harvey Kurtzman, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Gerry Gersten, Bob Clarke, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Jack Davis)
- When Scandals Completely Take Over The News (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Inside Back Cover: What one thing makes life in the fast lane possible? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #285March 1989
- Mad's Find The Hidden Scoundrels Puzzle (Artist with John Prete)
- Inside Back Cover: The Worst Poison Spewing Out of Morton Downey Jr's Mouth (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #286April 1989
- If Bad Taste Took A Holiday (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Inside Back Cover: What Is the Latest, Most Terrible Form Of Radio Activity? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #287June 1989
- Specialized Nautilus Machines For Practical Everyday Activities (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- It's Never a Good Sign When.. (Artist with John Prete)
- Inside Back Cover: What Is Constantly Reaching New Heights? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #288July 1989
- MAD Switcheroos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: What new exam will every student soon be required to pass? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #289September 1989
- The Rookstone Catalog of Really Useful Tools, Nifty Gadgets, Hi-Tech Thingamajigs and Crafty Geegaws (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Latest In Exciting Summer Water Sports (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #290October 1989
- Modern Rube Goldberg Inventions (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Kind Of Plague That Has Today's Parents Feeling (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #291December 1989
- MAD's Big Ego Busters (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Inside Back Cover: When it comes to protecting us, where is our government's weakest link? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #292January 1990
- Mad's Catalogue Of Practical Joke Items For The Computer (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Inside Back Cover: What do we fear will be the Bush administration's solution to flag burning? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #293March 1990
- Inside Back Cover: What beloved, legendary ball player is a poor bet to make the Hall of Fame? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #294April 1990
- Do You Really Need To Know... (Artist with John Prete)
- Inside Back Cover: The Creature That Recently Became Extinct In Alaska (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #295June 1990
- More Mad Switcheroos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: A "Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions" Smoking (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #296July 1990
- More Quick Recoveries For Embarrassing Situations (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: For Whose Work Is a Bidding War Creating Higher and Higher Prices? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #297September 1990
- What Corporate Initials Really Stand For (Artist with Michael Goodwin)
- Inside Back Cover: The Most Sickening Trend In Movies Today (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #298October 1990
- "Hey - Look Behind You!" (Artist with Mark d'Amico)
- Endangered Species Of The Music World (Artist with John S. Marshall, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Angelo Torres, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Antonio Prohias, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Inside Back Cover: What have we gotten out of George Bush's "Thousand Points of Light" so far? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Mad ad Absolut Truth (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #299December 1990
- Inside Back Cover: What musical group has surpassed the achievements of The Beatles? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Air Travel (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #300January 1991
- MAD's Restaurant Survival Kit (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Master Underachiever That Has Undeservedly Attained Worldwide Fame and Fortune (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #301March 1991
- Inside Back Cover: The Ominous Death-Dealing Device That Continues To Threaten Future Generations (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #302April 1991
- Great Moments in Medicine (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Has George Bush's "Read My Lips" Changed To? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #303June 1991
- A Mad Guide To How Simple Things Work, Part II (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Who Has Carried The Phrase "Read My Lips" Much Too Far (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #304July 1991
- New and Improved Store Kiddie Rides (Artist with Dan Birtcher)
- Inside Back Cover: What New Health Hazard Are Scientists Now Carefully Monitoring? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions At A Wrestling Match (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
- Inside Back Cover: The Failure Of American Society That Is Weighing Heavily On Many Of Today's Teens (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
- Inside Back Cover: The Tyrannical Overbearing Dictator That Was Recently Cut To Size (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #307December 1991
- Recycling Obsolete Military Equipment (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Where Our Government Is Most Successfully Using The Camouflage Technique (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #308January 1992
- Radio Stations We Never Get To Hear (Artist with Dan Birtcher)
- Inside Back Cover: The Garishly Loud Fashion Statements That Have Become a Must For Trendy People (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #310April 1992
- A MAD Commentary: Tattoos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: Who The Victim Really Was In a Highly Publicized Sexual Harassment Case (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #311June 1992
- MAD's Suggestions For Gulf War Memorials (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Republican With An Outrageous Past Who Is Hoping To Steal His Party's Nomination In '92 (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #312July 1992
- The MAD Fast Food Employees Hate Book (Artist with Mike Birtchet)
- Inside Back Cover: What The U.S. Can Export To Instantly Cripple The Japanese Auto Industry (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #313September 1992
- Snappy Actions To Stupid Questions (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: The Only Way For Today's Youth To Insure Their Financial Stability (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #314October 1992
- The Pump Idea In Other Products (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Assumed Protector Of Our Individual Rights Who Has Been a Stunning Disappointment (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #315December 1992
- American Radiators (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Most Effective Way To Deal With Repeat Offenders (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #316January 1993
- The Proverbs Guaranteed To Leave 'Em Speechless (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Inside Back Cover: Mad Fold-In With The Demise of The Soviet Fleet, What Appears To Be Our Navy Hotshots' Latest Target (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #317March 1993
- A MAD Report on Rollerblading (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Favorite Of Both Kids And Parents That Is Guaranteed To Be Around Forever (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #318April 1993
- The MAD Treasury Of Truly Unexplained Phenomena (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: The Hideous Creature That Is Spreading a Reign Of Death Over Our Youth (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #319June 1993
- Unsuccessful Fund-Raising Events For Little Known Special Interest Groups (Artist with Chris Gudgeon)
- What's Hot With The Blue Dot (Or What To Wear If You're An Alleged Victim) (Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: The Potential Disaster That The Florida People Are Bracing Themselves For (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #320July 1993
- Cover Artist
- Cover: A Fold-In Cover of... Mad (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
- Back Cover: On the Road With Bill and Hillary (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #321September 1993
- Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions / Stinging Comebacks To Snappy Answers (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: The Vile Act That Would Be More Perverse Than Anything These Performers Have Been Accused Of (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #322October 1993
- Inside Back Cover: Where There Is Pestilence, Hunger and Human Suffering Even The U.N. Can't Stop (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #323December 1993
- Inside Back Cover: Where The Average Family Is Running Into Big Money Problems These Days (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #324January 1994
- Doctors' Supply Catalogue (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Inside Back Cover: For Many, The Form Of Mobility That Is The Fastest Way Out Of The Ghetto (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #325February 1994
- Inside Back Cover: Who On TV Is Surpassing Rush Limbaugh For Intellectual Social Commentary (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #326March 1994
- Inside Back Cover: What Is Fast Replacing Candy As The Valentine Gift More and More Women Desire? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #327May 1994
- Inside Back Cover: The Sadistic April Fool's Trick That Never Leaves 'Em Laughing (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #328June 1994
- Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions Special Killers & Victims Episodes (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: The Single Goal That Has Brought Agreement and Unity Among Vastly Different Groups (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #329July 1994
- Everything You Need To Know About Caning (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What Has Been Michael Jackson's Most Prized Acquisition (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #330September 1994
- The MAD Mall Directory (Artist with William T. Raschendorfer)
- Al Jaffee Gets Gross (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: The Part Of The Clinton Crime Plan That Seems Destined To Fail (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #331October 1994
- Airport Maps Reveal What Cities Are Really Famous For (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What All The Cheating and Lying In Congress Really Does Prove (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #332December 1994
- Inside Back Cover: The Horrible Sickness That Has Recently Been Linked To Smoking (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #333January 1995
- Inside Back Cover: What would a lot of people like to see David Copperfield make disappear? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #334March 1995
- Real-Life Superheroes at Comic Book Conventions (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Only Hope All Americans Have of Receiving Exellent Health Care? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #335May 1995
- Inside Back Cover: What is replacing baseball as our new national pastime? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #336June 1995
- Inside Back Cover: What disgraceful historic event will be commemorated in 1995? (Writer, Artist)
- Back Cover: Newton's 3 Laws of Motion as Applied to "Newton" Gingrich (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #337July 1995
- Inside Back Cover: What's prompting many Republican candidates to line up eagerly at fundraising dinners? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #338August 1995
- Inside Back Cover: In typical Hollywood one-upmanship, what do Disney execs hope Pocahantas will become? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #339October 1995
- A Mad Reality Check - What You Can Expect from the Information Superhighway (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Inside Back Cover: What form of horrible physical abuse is society powerless to end? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #340November 1995
- Inside Back Cover: What form of street noise is becoming increasingly annoying to everyone? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #341December 1995
- Magic Tricks in Everyday Life (Artist with Darren Johnson)
- Inside Back Cover: What do Americans have to be truly thankful for this Thanksgiving? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #342January 1996
- Inside Back Cover: A worried nation ponders: Where will the next bomb go off? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #343March 1996
- What People Say / What Other People Hear (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- Inside Back Cover: What's emerging as the greatest threat to our nation's youth? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #344April 1996
- Comic Strip Classics in Their Full Strip Form (Writer with Walt F. Rosenberg)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the new hot sports fan collectible? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #345May 1996
- Inside Back Cover: What sinister operation is driving people to the breaking point? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #346June 1996
- What does a college degree still assure today's graduates? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #347July 1996
- Inside Back Cover: Who has the most to lose if kids are kept away from the web? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #348August 1996
- What crime against humanity is the government doing nothing to prevent? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #349October 1996
- Inside Back Cover: What dangerous crop is emerging as a serious threat to our society? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #351November 1996
- Mad Salutes Baseball Then and Now (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: What proposed merger is the federal government moving quickly to block? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #352December 1996
- Inside Back Cover: What is David Letterman's best hope for gaining more viewers? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #353January 1997
- More Mad Mini Movies Featuring The Fickle Finger of Fate (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #354February 1997
- Richard Simmons' Etiquette Guide for the 1000 lb. Man (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Inside Back Cover: What pop culture phenomenon would we like to see shot down? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #355March 1997
- Mad in the Year 2038 - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: Who will come out on top in this year's "March Madness?" (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #356April 1997
- Absolut Kevorkian. (Writer with Greg Theakston)
- Absolut Liver. (Writer with Greg Theakston)
- Absolut O.J. (Writer with Greg Theakston)
- Inside Back Cover: Where Has an Unexpected Supply of Crude Recently Been Discovered? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Absolut Winter. (Writer with Greg Theakston)
MAD Magazine #357May 1997
- Inside Back Cover: What Besieged Group of People Does Our Military Seem Unwilling to Protect (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #358June 1997
- Inside Back Cover: What Is This Spring's Biggest Fashion Blunder? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #359July 1997
- Letters (Shown on photo with Charlie Kadau, Desmond Devlin, David Shayne, Sam Viviano, Annie Gaines, Sergio Aragonés, Joe Raiola, Nick Meglin, John Ficarra)
- Inside Back Cover: Where do experts agree more defense dollars are urgently needed? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #361September 1997
- Get a New Psychiatrist If... (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Butch D'Ambrosio)
- Inside Back Cover: What Could Bill and Hillary be Doing When They Leave the White House? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #362October 1997
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Hottest Sound in Rap Today? (Artist, Writer, Colorist)
MAD Magazine #363November 1997
- Border Artist
- Cover: Win a Night with the Spice Girls (Artist with Joe DeVito, Don Edwing)
- Inside Back Cover: What Scientific Meddling Has Many Folks Trembling? (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
MAD Magazine #364December 1997
- Inside Back Cover: What Beloved Four Legged Creature Won't Be Around to Light Up Kids' Lives This Christmas? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #365January 1998
- Sure Signs Your Job Interview Isn't Going Well (Artist with Don Jacobs)
- Inside Back Cover: What hot Hollywood trend has many Americans gasping? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #366February 1998
- Inside Back Cover: In what star-studded area have scientists been unable to find any signs of intelligent life? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #367March 1998
- Inside Back Cover: What American export is costing many foreigners an arm and a leg? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #368April 1998
- Inside Back Cover: What gore-filled scene truly horrifies many Americans? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #369May 1998
- How Many Bimbos Can You Find in this Oval Office Picture? (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What terrorist organization threatens the life and liberty of every American? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #370June 1998
- Inside Back Cover: What hideous beast is running out of control in our country? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #371July 1998
- Inside Back Cover: What area of the country leads the nation in death sentences? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #372August 1998
- Inside Back Cover: What form of brutality is on the rise at sporting events? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #373September 1998
- Inside Back Cover: What company has a lot of people going wild over its bottom line? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #374October 1998
- Adding Pay-Per-View Excitement to Other Sports (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What seasonal disaster wreaks havoc on American families? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #375November 1998
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What has become the hottest stand-up routine in the country? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #376December 1998
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Can you find the one turkey in this picture who will be lucky to survive Thanksgiving? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #377January 1999
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What attraction drew fans to the ballpark in record numbers this year? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #378February 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What impending disaster in the year 2000 threatens to turn the clock back to 1900? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #379March 1999
- The Mad World Of Yo-Yos Part I : In The Beginning (Artist with Don Edwing)
- The Mad World Of Yo-Yos Part II : An Idea Gone Bad (Artist with Don Edwing)
- The Mad World Of Yo-Yos Part III : Simple Tricks Any Yo-Yo Can Do (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Inside Back Cover: What Extreme "Sport" Has Unfortunately Been Growing In Popularity Despite It's Violence ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #380April 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What is the one offensive statistic pro basketball players don't want to see publicized? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #381May 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What epic struggle will resume this summer but fail to live up to its predecessor? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions – Special All-Smoking Edition (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #382June 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What New Sport Has Recently Been Added to the Olympics? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #383July 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What Eagerly Anticipated Event is Finally Upon Us? (Colorist, Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #384August 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What dire situation is law enforcement failing to control? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #385September 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What Childhood Disease Is Being Denied Coverage By HMO's ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #386October 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What ongoing danger in America threatens our students' futures? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #387November 1999
- Inside Back Cover: What has become the most effective way of recycling garbage? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #388December 1999
- What frightening project has inexplicably raked in millions? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #389January 2000
- 19. Pamela Anderson's Breast Implants - Fold-In (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What ball are many people anxiously waiting to see finally drop? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #390February 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What's the most offensive thing you can see on display at a museum? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #391March 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What global technology is bound to create increased death and injury? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #392April 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What hot thing has got teenage boys really excited? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #393May 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What frequently prosecuted crime family is trying to muscle in on New York? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #394June 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What Rocker Is Everyone Sick Of Listening to ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #395July 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What form of highway pollution is sickening many Americans? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #396August 2000
- Inside Back Cover: Who's responsible for the ugliest acts of violence in sports today? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #397September 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What change to the landscape do environmentalists fear the most? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #398October 2000
- Inside Back Cover: What measure are many states considering to protect innocent citizens? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #399November 2000
- The Rescue (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Whassup? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #400December 2000
- The Untold History of Mad Magazine (Artist with Tom Richmond, Paul Coker, Jr., Scott Bricher, Drew Friedman, Sergio Aragonés, Angelo Torres, Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: What Magazine is Celebrating a Milestone With Much Fanfare? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
- 19. Scooter Wipeouts Strain Health Care System - Fold-In (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #402February 2001
- Inside Back Cover: What heavy issue is weighing mightily on today's students? (Writer, Artist)
- Back Cover: One Fine Day on Main Street (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #403March 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In: What major challenge is confronting many of today's teens? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #404April 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What destructive species would we all like to see become extinct? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #405May 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In -- What Texan is under severe national pressure to prove his worth? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #406June 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In -- Who is suffering a power shortage that could prove disastrous to the country? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #407July 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What televised sports disaster horrified millions of viewers this year? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #408August 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What seems to be the only safe and convenient air carrier left? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #409September 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What horrific events is the government increasingly concerned about? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #410October 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What historically great team has stumbled badly in the last year? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #411November 2001
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What mind-altering experience is leaving more and more people out of touch with reality? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #412December 2001
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions - Special Law Enforcement Edition (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What professional sector in our economy is always guaranteed a job? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #414February 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What widely-read fiction has become a national obsession? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #415March 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What civil liberty will Americans never give up, even during international conflicts? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #416April 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What ogre is destined to have a frightening presence this oscar night? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #417May 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What one group above all others is President Bush intent on protecting? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #418June 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where are extreme acts of mistreatment tolerated by the American public? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #419July 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What Whopping Expense Looms On The Horizon For Every New Parent ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #420August 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What shocking events have resulted in countless lives being ruined? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #421September 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What goofy character is America's youth learning the most from? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #422October 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What kind of unchecked development has become a major problem? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #423November 2002
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - For years, where has there been a major intelligence failure? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #424December 2002
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions - Special Sports Edition! (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - How should the most corrupt business executives be punished? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #425January 2003
- 8. Olympic Figure Skating: The Agony of Deceit (Artist)
- 20. Bush vs. Pretzel - Fold-In (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #426February 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What disturbing screen images are more and more young people being exposed to? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #427March 2003
- Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... (Artist with Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Mort Drucker)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Who's most likely to steal the show at this year's academy awards? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #428April 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Who is responsible for a major increase in crack on our streets? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #429May 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What nasty foreigner is wreaking havoc on American lives? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #430June 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What extreme sport will many youths soon take part in? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #431July 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What incredible green marvel are many eagerly waiting to see? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #432August 2003
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions – Special Medical Edition (Artist, Writer with Wildstorm)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What is a major new cause of global warming? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #433September 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What epidemic from the Far East has unfortunately made its way to our shores? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #434October 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What does the Bush administration have millions of Americans on the lookout for? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #435November 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What form of terrorism does the Department of Homeland Security appear helpless to prevent? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #436December 2003
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What has turned out to be this year's biggest work of fiction? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #437January 2004
- 19. What despicable duo died in a horrific bomb this year? (MAD Fold-In) (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #438February 2004
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What stomach-turning reality show has many across the land completely disgusted? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #439March 2004
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What is bigger than ever among American students? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #440April 2004
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What competition will all eyes soon be focused on? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #441May 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Ray Alma, Desmond Devlin, Tom Nick Cocotos, Arie Kaplan, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Tom Bunk, Patrick Merrel, Don Vaughan, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Drew Friedman, Amanda Conner)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where are American boys under constant attack? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #442June 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Which celebrity do Americans most want to see convicted? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #443July 2004
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What's the latest tactic recording companies are using to discourage music downloading? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #444August 2004
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist, Writer with Wildstorm)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What will be the most grueling event in the upcoming olympics? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #445September 2004
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where do all Americans hope the vicious attacks will end soon? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #446October 2004
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What's causing the unemployment rate to rise every week? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #447November 2004
- What to expect at your team's spanking new $450 million ballpark (Artist with Joe Raiola, Getty Images)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What obnoxious bore is notorious for asking questions no one else does? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #448December 2004
- Michael Eisner's Powerpoint presentation for saving Disney (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What developing news story has many Americans totally transfixed? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #449January 2005
- 20. What endless Farewell Dragged on interminably on TV this year? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #450February 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Patrick Merrel, Evan Dorkin, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Barry Liebmann, Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Cheney, Garth Gerhart, Charles Akins)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What controversial transportation issue has politicians in an uproar? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #451March 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What is the hottest new fan giveaway at sports stadiums? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #452April 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What big star's record is the public just not buying? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #453May 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What is the hottest thing in music today? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #454June 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Which epic space battle will prove to be the bloodiest? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #455July 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What event is guaranteed to bring many Mad readers together this year? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #456August 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What is the leading cause of heart attacks among Americans? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #457September 2005
- Pre-movie screens we'd like to see (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What's the hot new way many are getting their music? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #458October 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What threat to our American way of life needs to be constantly checked? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #459November 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Bunk, Nate Fakes, Jeff Kruse, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Patrick Merrel, Rick Tulka, Paul Coker, Jr., Jason Reich, Don Vaughan, Hermann Mejia, Drew Friedman)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What kind of pot have many young Americans become highly addicted to? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #460December 2005
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What's the dead end job where there inexplicably seems to be no shortage of applicants? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #461January 2006
- 19. What controversial relationships are many teachers now having to deny? (A special edition MAD 20 Fold-In) (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #462February 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What was President Bush most upset to see destroyed by Hurricane Katrina? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #463March 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What long-running ill-conceived debacle seems to have no exit strategy? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #464April 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What "Lost" character do many feel is not getting enough attention? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #465May 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What infestation are more and more American's fearing lately? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #466June 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - This coming May, what group of mutants will you be seeing in every multiplex? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #467July 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What ugly civil war are many Americans watching closely? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #468August 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What potential American disaster is even Superman powerless to stop? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #469September 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where is it most important to stop the influx of unskilled and unsavory workers? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Dodge Advertisement: MAD Fold-In (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #470October 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What group is guilty of the most flagrant invasion of privacy? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #471November 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Which Hollywood Figures Are Down Again This Year? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Dodge Advertisement: MAD Fold-In (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #472December 2006
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What has been revealed as one of the major causes of global warming? (Writer, Artist)
- Back Cover: DODGE Advertisement as MAD Fold In (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #473January 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What athletic embarrassment do many Americans never want to see compete again? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #474February 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Who's been manipulating pages in despicable and embarrassing ways for far too long? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #475March 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What alternative mode of transportation may soon have energy companies quaking in their boots? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #476April 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What recent video caused many Americans to turn their heads away in disgust? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #477May 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - On what program can many of America's biggest stars be seen? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #478June 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What has many American students jittery and edgy? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #479July 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What Asian menace is causing anxiety and sleepless nights for many Americans? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #480August 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where has the recent surge in combatants only increased the level of violence? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #481September 2007
- Contents Page (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What do many experts say is the greatest looming threat to the American public? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
- MAD's 50 Worst Things about Advertising (Artist with Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Dave Crosland, Francis Mao, Sam Sisco, Tom Fowler, Rick Tulka, Marc Hempel, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Angelo Torres, Tim Hamilton, Paul Coker, Jr., Timothy Shamey, Sarah Dyer, Bob Staake, Scott Maiko, Leonardo Rodriguez, John Caldwell, Hermann Mejia, Jack Syracuse, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Tom Bunk, Jose Garibaldi, Rich Powell, Evan Dorkin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper)
- George W. Bush's Colonoscopy Results (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What hotly debated issue has Americans split right down the middle? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #483November 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What little rat-faced chef raked in millions this year? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #484December 2007
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What primitive form of sub-human life has recently been discovered? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #485January 2008
- 19. What's the latest animal to on the endangered species list? The Family Pet! (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #486February 2008
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist, Writer with Ryan Flanders)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What unqualified, smug goofball was, thankfully, banned from running for president in 2008? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #487March 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What major star has recently admitted receiving illegal career-damaging human growth injections? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #488April 2008
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Human Questions (Writer with Ryan Flanders)
- MAD Fold-In (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #489May 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where does everyone agree the level of patient care is deplorable? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #490July 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What frightening ancient relic will be the focus of much attention and fanfare this summer? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #491July 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where will the world turn a blind eye to torture and human rights violations in the months ahead? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #492August 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What is the one hero fans never seem to tire of? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #493September 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What horrific disaster is leaving many experts feeling bewildered and helpless? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #494October 2008
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist, Writer with Ryan Flanders)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What types of increases provoke the most obsessive media scrutiny? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #495November 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Who's made a fortune collecting and packaging garbage? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #496December 2008
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What's quickly becoming the hottest destination for many teenagers? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #497January 2009
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What important inhabitant from the north was in over their head this year? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #498February 2009
- The 2009 Al Jaffee Calendar! (Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What transition of power are many Americans still feeling uneasy about? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #499April 2009
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - A Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions snowboarding conversation (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- Snappy Answers to snappy questions (Artist)
- MAD issues 1-100 "Murmurs and Mumblings" (Author with Jack Rickard, Basil Wolverton, Norman Mingo, Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder, Dave Berg, Don Reilly, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Antonio Prohias, Nick Meglin, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Margaret Szep, Phil Hahn, Irving Schild, Wally Wood, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Don Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Jack Davis, Lester Krauss, Frank Frazetta)
- MAD issues 101-200 "Days of triumph, nights of turpitude" (Author with May Sakami, Gilbert Barnhill, Phil Hahn, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, Sidney Paulson, Neal Barbera, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr., Semi, Bob Muccio, Earle Doud, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Antonio Prohias, Dick DeBartolo, Dave Berg)
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Greg Theakston, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin, John Pound, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Thomas Hachtman, Dick DeBartolo, Paul Coker, Jr., Carolyn Abram, Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Gerry Gersten, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with Mark Stutzman, Joe Raiola, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Sean Farrelly, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Gerry Gersten, Dick DeBartolo, Arie Kaplan, Frank Santopadre, Tom Bunk, Sergio Aragonés, Anthony Barbieri, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Peter Kuper, Brian Farrelly, Drew Friedman, Mort Drucker, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jack Davis, Bob Staake, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Peter Sun, Irving Schild, Bill Wray, Sam Viviano, Sean Eisenporth, Henry Clark, John Ficarra, Desmond Devlin, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Paul Coker, Jr., Michael Gallagher, James Bennett, Jonathan Bresman, Kevin Pope)
- MAD issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (Author with Sean Farrelly, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Josh Malinow, Arie Kaplan, Dick DeBartolo, Sam Sisco, Tom Bunk, Scott Maiko, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond, Roberto Parada, Jack Syracuse, Dave Croatto, 3/Design Studios, Richard Williams, Brian Farrelly, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Timothy Shamey, Stan Sinberg, Russ Cooper, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Sergio Aragonés, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Ray Alma, Scott Sonneborn, Angelo Torres, Kenny Byerly, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Paul Coker, Jr., Anthony Barbieri, P.C. Vey, John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Mark Fredrickson, Charlie Kadau, Bill Wray)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What horrible blight has terrorized Americans relentlessly? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #501October 2009
- Snappy Answers to stupid Questions (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What potential health threat has been linked to the nation's pig population? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #503May 2010
- The Mad Vault - 1969 (Author with Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Chris Hart, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Davis, Frank Ridgeway, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What condition definitely won't be covered by the new Obama health plan? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #504August 2010
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What situation has many Americans sickened and disgusted? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #505October 2010
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What stratospheric condition caused many not to fly this year? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
- Fold-In - What's the one thing dumber than reading Mad Magazine? (Artist, Writer)
- The Mad Vault - 1978 (Author with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, John Caldwell, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Dick DeBartolo, Sergio Aragonés, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Angelo Torres, Jack Davis, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What American enterprise is still widely regarded as too big to fail? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #508April 2011
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What new kind of body scanning is causing people to waste countless hours? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #509June 2011
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where did many young performers get their first big break? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #510August 2011
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - What despicable group is scorned around the country wherever they go? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #511October 2011
- MAD Foldout Poster with Blank Spy Action Figures (Artist with Peter Bagge, Presspop, Brandon Ortwein, Tom Bunk, Abe Lincoln Jr., Steve Kiwus, Jason Freeny, Loise "Felt Mistress" Evans, Matthieu "McBess" Bessudo, John "Derf" Backderf, Michael Allred, Diana Weissman, Liz Lomax, Jay Shuster, Jacob Lambert, Peter Kuper, Dave Perillo, Claudia "Claw" Money, Shawn Knapp, Mr. Shane Jessup, Brian Flynn, Simon Doonan, Andrew Bell, Bill Amend, Jonathan Edwards, Bubi Au Yeung, Tracy Tubera, David Anson Russo, Dave Croatto, The Prohias Family, Tom Otterness, Mark Marek, Randy Klimpert, George Gaspar, Sam Flores, Jon Burgerman, Lisa Barnstone, Andy Ross, Andrew "Sket One" Yasgar, Bob Staake, Gavin Strange, Hermann Mejia)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Where has the housing market taken an especially bad hit? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #512December 2011
- Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist, Writer with Tom Luth)
- Inside Back Cover: Fold-In - Which union is the Republican party most eager to break up? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #549February 2018
- 18 What Widespread Addiction In America Is Whirling Out of Control? (Artist)
MAD Magazine #550April 2018
- Inside Back Cover: What astonishing discovery is amazing scientists around the world? (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #1April 2018
- MAD Fold-In: What is the last thing many Americans do before dying? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #7June 2019
- Events That Inspired - Iconic Signature - Part One (Artist, Writer)
- Inside Back Cover: What inevitable sequel already has many people sick to their stomachs? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #8August 2019
- Inside Back Cover: What sudden assault wipes out more and more Americans each year? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #10December 2019
- Events That Inspired Al Jaffee's Signature - Part Two (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover: What widely-read fiction has become a national obsession? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #11February 2020
- Christmas Greedings (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Inside Back Cover: Reprinted Fold In What crisis is putting a strain on our health care system this year? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #12April 2020
- A Mad Look at a TV Commercial (Artist, Writer)
- The Mad Plan for Beating TV Commercial Breaks (Writer with Carrie Strachan, Bob Clarke)
- Inside Back Cover: What's the Most Sickening Thing on T.V. Today? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: RGA Victim Color TV (Writer with Frank Kelly Freas)
MAD Magazine #13June 2020
- Inside Back Cover: What musical group has surpassed the achievements of The Beatles? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #14August 2020
- Contents Page (Artist)
- Stinky Old Miner's Feet (Artist with David Manak)
- The Space Age Razor Race (Artist, Writer with John Wick)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes At A Health Spa (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Nathan Kane)
- Mad Solutions to Big City Doggie-Do Problems (Artist, Writer with Carrie Strachan)
- Bullbit (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Mad's Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist, Writer)
- The Television Studio (Writer, Artist)
- The Mad Emergency Barf-Inducing Technique The Potrzebie Maneuver (Artist with John Ficarra, Nathan Kane)
- One Night in the City (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Great Moments in Medicine (Artist with Carrie Strachan, Nick Meglin)
- National Perspirer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- An Architectural Triumph (Writer, Artist)
- Some Useful Mad Gadgets for Slob-Proofing Your Home (Artist, Writer)
- Al Jaffee Gets Gross (Artist, Writer with Nathan Kane)
- Inside Back Cover: Why is the "What, Me Worry?" kid so worried? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #15October 2020
- Real-Life Superheroes at Comic Book Coventions (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #19June 2021
- Mad in the Year 2038 - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- The Amazing All-Seeing Al Jaffee's MAD E.S.P. (Artist, Writer with Benjamin Le Clear, Tom Richmond)
- Inventions We'd Like to See (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #21October 2021
- Contents Page (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Outdoor Sports Indoors (Writer, Artist)

- The Value of Magazines (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- MAD Mischief Stickers (Artist)
- The MAD Hate Book – Volume II (Artist, Writer)
- MAD’s Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters (Artist with Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, George Woodbridge, Jack Davis, Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Paul Coker, Jr.)

- Artist (with John Caldwell, Tom Bunk, Mark Fredrickson, Sergio Aragonés, Kevin Pope)

Nick Meglin: Mad StewJanuary 1978
- Illustrator (with Paul Coker, Jr., Bob Clarke, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Don Martin, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés)

MAD Magazine #1July 1974
- Exercícios Inevitáveis para o Morador Urbano (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #2August 1974
- Manual MAD para o Reaproveitamento do Lixo (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #3September 1974
- Uma História de Pescador (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Um Triunfo da Arquitetura (Artist, Writer)
- Livro de Ódio MAD (para os Não-Fumantes) (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis no Escritório (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #4October 1974
- O Livro MAD de Mágica e Outros Truques Sujos (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #6December 1974
- O Pesadelo (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Livro do Ódio MAD (para os que Vêem TV) (Writer, Artist)
- O Método Revolucionário e Barato de MAD para Comer Fora e Perder Peso (Artist with Larry Gore)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #7January 1975
- Presentes de Natal (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Placas de Trânsito que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Bob Clarke)
- Soluções MAD para o Problema da Poluição Canina (Artist, Writer)
- Mais Poderoso que uma Locomotiva (Artist, Writer)
- Livro de Ódio MAD (do Natal) (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #8February 1975
- No Escritório de um Empresário (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #9March 1975
- Se os Personagens de Quadrinhos se Comportassem como Pessoas Normais (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Mais Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #12June 1975
- O Estúdio de Televisão (Writer, Artist)
- O Livro do Ódio MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #13July 1975
- O Livro do Ódio MAD Volume II (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #14August 1975
- Aparelhos MAD Desenvolvidos para Resolver Nossos Problemas de Fumantes × Não-Fumantes (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #15September 1975
- MAD Vê os Presos (Artist, Writer)
- O Livro do Ódio MAD (para os Automobilistas) (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #16October 1975
- Quebra-Cabeças MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Various Places around the Magazine) (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #17November 1975
- Você Sabe que Tudo Acabou Quando... (Writer with Gloria L. Rich, Jack Rickard)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #20February 1976
- Esta É a Terra que Sam Construiu (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #22April 1976
- O Náufrago (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- MAD Vê os Computadores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #24June 1976
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- “Eu e Minha Boca Grande!” (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #25July 1976
- No Dia de São João (Writer, Artist)
- No Bebedouro (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- O Valor das Revistas (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- O Transplante de Coração (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #26August 1976
- Sugestões MAD para os Problemas de Estacionamento (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #27September 1976
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- MAD Vê por Trás dos Bastidores de um Hospital (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #28October 1976
- O Livro Neuman de Recordes Mundiais... que Resultaram em Recordes Mundiais Colaterais e Desconhecidos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #29November 1976
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #30December 1976
- Natal É... (Artist with Gilbert Barnhill)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #31January 1977
- Catálogo MAD de Material Encalhado para os Leitores Desocupados e Editores de Imitações Concorrentes (Artist with Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Domingos Demasi, Vilmar Rodrigues, Otacílio d’Assunção, Jack Davis, Carlos Jorge Guidacci da Silveira, Jack Rickard, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke, Don Martin)
- Algumas Engenhocas MAD para Proteger Sua Casa de Porcalhões (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #32February 1977
- Você não se Sente um Panaca? (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #33March 1977
- Sugestões para Racionalização dos Aviões (Artist, Writer with Dick DeBartolo)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #34April 1977
- MAD Investiga o Sórdido Negócio da Jogatina (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #35May 1977
- MAD Recomenda: Fume com Segurança (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #41November 1977
- MAD Vê Algumas Novas Oportunidades de Emprego (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #42December 1977
- Se as Crianças Criassem Seus Próprios Presentes de Natal (Writer, Artist with Lester Krauss)
MAD Magazine #46April 1978
- Produtos para Usar Uma Só Vez (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #48June 1978
- Seja Bem-Vindo à Realidadelândia (Artist with Mark Bilgrey, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #49July 1978
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- O Príncipe Encantado (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #51September 1978
- Guia MAD para o Motorista no Campo (Writer, Artist with Robert Kaufman)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Uma Noite na Cidade (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #55January 1979
- Produtos com “Nova Fórmula” que Realmente Foram Aperfeiçoados (Writer, Artist with Billy Doherty)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #57March 1979
- Cenas do Cotidiano que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #59May 1979
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Médicos Merecedores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #61July 1979
- Medalhas MAD para os Professores Dedicados (Artist, Writer)
- A Corrida Espacial das Lâminas de Barbear (Artist, Writer with John Wick)
MAD Magazine #62July 1979
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Advogados Merecedores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #63August 1979
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Políticos Incansáveis (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #64September 1979
- Medalhas MAD para Dedicados Atletas Profissionais (Artist, Writer)
- O Troféu dos Fanáticos pela Dobradinha (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #65October 1979
- Mais Produtos com “Nova Fórmula” que Foram Realmente Aperfeiçoados (Artist, Writer with Billy Doherty)
- Raios Nunca Caem no Mesmo Lugar (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #67January 1980
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Estudantes Qualificados (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #70March 1980
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist, Writer)
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas para Trabalhadores Merecedores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #71April 1980
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis Durante um Teste de Cooper (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #73July 1980
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis Durante uma Pescaria (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #78December 1980
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis em Chicago (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #80February 1981
- Criadores de Imagem do MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #93March 1982
- Nosso Candidato à Presidência (Writer, Artist)
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #97June 1982
- Todo Estudante Detesta... (Artist, Writer with Mike Claussen, Jody Revenson)
- Se os Álbuns de Família Contassem a Verdade... (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #98August 1982
- Guia MAD de Truques Idiotas e Brincadeiras sem Graça (Artist, Writer with Diane Riccobene)
MAD Magazine #101November 1982
- “Se Eu For Eleito, Prometo Solenemente...” (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)

MAD Magazine #1July 1984
- O MAD Dá Alguns Exemplos de como não Usar Cantadas Manjadas (Artist with Christopher Hart)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #2August 1984
- Coisas para Fazer Após o Dia Seguinte (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #4October 1984
- Curso MAD Passo-a-Passo de Dança 'Break' (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #9April 1985
- Novos e Excitantes Usos para o 'Velcro' (Artist, Writer with T.J. Glenn)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #11June 1985
- Informações de Vôo Úteis e Práticas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #12July 1985
- Videogames Baseados na Vida Real (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #13August 1985
- O Método MAD de Indução ao Vômito (Artist with John Ficarra)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #15November 1985
- Guia MAD de como as Coisas Simples Funcionam (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #16December 1985
- Certo Dia Desastroso no Atlântico (Writer with Don Martin)
- 'Transformers' Lógicos doMAD (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #17January 1986
- Vigilantes dos Maus Hábitos (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #18February 1986
- Novos Usos para Pilhas Velhas (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #19April 1986
- Writer: Ota (Artist with Carlos Chagas, Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira, Otacílio d’Assunção, Victor Henrique "Ique" Woitschach, Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #20June 1986
- MAD Vê os Bastidores de uma Academia de Ginástica (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #21July 1986
- Acessórios MAD de Dupla Utilidade (Artist with Mark A. Dressler)
- 1956-1986 - Salve os 30 Anos da Indústria Automobilística Brasileira (Artist)
MAD Magazine #25December 1986
- Algumas Engenhocas MAD para Proteger Sua Casa de Porcalhões (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis numa Escola do 2º Grau (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #26January 1987
- A Escala Richter MAD para os Seres Humanos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #27February 1987
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis num Videoclube (Artist, Writer)
- Os Minifilmes do MAD Apresentam 'O Caprichoso Dedo do Destino (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #28March 1987
- Os Futuros Macetes para Telefones que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist, Writer with Dick DeBartolo)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #29April 1987
- A Nova e Aperfeiçoada Pá de Eca do MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #30May 1987
- Teste MAD da Credulidade nos Comerciais (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #31July 1987
- É um Serviço de Eca… mas Alguém Precisa Fazê-lo! (Artist with John Ellis Sech)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #33September 1987
- Exemplos MAD de Imprudência ao Volante (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #35November 1987
- Inventos de Baixa Tecnologia para as Exigências Diárias (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #36December 1987
- Os Mais Recentes Acessórios para Walkman (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #38February 1988
- Produtos com 'Nova Fórmula' que Realmente Foram Aperfeiçoados (Writer, Artist with Billy Doherty)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #39March 1988
- MAD Recomenda: Fume com Segurança (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #40April 1988
- A Volta por Cima nas Situações Vexaminosas (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #42June 1988
- Materiais de Escritório de Dupla Utilidade para Mães que Trabalham Fora (Artist with John Rios)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #45September 1988
- Você não Se Sente um Panaca? (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #46October 1988
- Cartilha MAD da Economia (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #48December 1988
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- A Comenda MÍNIMA da Nação… A Medalha de Desonra ao Mérito (Writer with Rogério Wusch dos Santos)
MAD Magazine #53May 1989
- Máquinas de Exercícios para o Dia-a-Dia (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #54June 1989
- Nunca É um Bom Sinal Quando… (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #56August 1989
- Catálogo MAD de Ferramentas Completamente Inúteis e Acessórios Idem para os Mais (ou Menos) Habilidosos (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #57September 1989
- Produtos MAD à Prova de Furto e Vandalismo (Writer, Artist)
- Eleições 89 – Que Vença o Melhor (Writer, Artist)
- Certo Dia na Idade da Pedra (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #58October 1989
- Arrasa-Ego do MAD (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #59December 1989
- As Modernas Invenções do MAD à Maneira de Rube Goldberg (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #62May 1990
- Catálogo MAD para Pregar Peças com Computador (Artist with Steve Greenberg, Dick DeBartolo)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #65August 1992
- MAD Chinês! (Artist with J.J.J., Don Edwing, Otacílio d’Assunção, Dave Berg)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #66September 1990
- A Volta por Cima nas Situações Vexaminosas (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #68November 1990
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis num Avião (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #70February 1991
- Grandes Momentos da Medicina (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #72April 1991
- Guia MAD de como as Coisas Simples Funcionam – Parte 2 (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #73May 1991
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Médicos Merecedores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #74June 1991
- Novos Brinquedos para Shopping Centers (Artist with Dan Birtcher)
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas para Trabalhadores Merecedores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #75July 1991
- Medalhas MAD para Dedicados Atletas Profissionais (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis na Luta Livre (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #76August 1991
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Políticos Incansáveis (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #78November 1991
- Medalhas MAD a Serem Oferecidas aos Estudantes Qualificados (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #79December 1991
- Medalhas MAD para Executivos Merecedores (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #81February 1992
- Novidades que Gostaríamos de Ver no McDonald’s (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #82April 1992
- Um Comentário MAD sobre a Tatuagem (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #84June 1992
- O Livro do Ódio MAD dos Funcionários de Lanchonetes (Artist with Mike Britchet)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #86September 1992
- Reações Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #88November 1992
- TV satire: ‘American Galinheiro’ [‘American Gladiators’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Andrew J. Schwartzberg)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #92April 1993
- Sugestões para Produtos Infláveis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #94June 1993
- O Tesouro MAD dos Fenômenos Verdadeiramente Inexplicáveis (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #95July 1993
- Levantamento de Fundos Fracassados para Grupos Minoritários a Quem Ninguém Dá a Mínima (Artist with Chris Gudgeon)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #100December 1993
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Boas Saídas para Respostas Cretinas (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #103March 1994
- A Última Apresentação do Circo Irmãos Bambini (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #105May 1994
- Tampas Maneiras para Produtos Banais (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #115July 1995
- No Escritório de um Empresário (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #118November 1995
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #126September 1996
- Na Casa do Seu Olegário (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #129February 1997
- Mais Minifilmes do MAD – “O Caprichoso Dedo do Destino” (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #132July 1997
- MAD no Ano 2038 (Artist with David Manak, Mort Drucker, Otacílio d’Assunção, Desmond Devlin, Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #137February 1998
- Arrume Outro Analista se... (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Butch D'Ambrosio)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #141July 1998
- Quantas Mulés Você Consegue Achar Nesta Cena Doméstica da Casa Branca? (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #150July 1999
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #155February 2000
- Doenças do Mundo das Máquinas (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #1December 2000
- Soluções MAD para o Problema da Poluição Canina (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #3April 2001
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Certo Dia no Bairro de Moema (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #9February 2002
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis – Especial Puliça em Ação! (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #10April 2002
- O Primeiro Ioiô (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Ioiô-utra Piada Infame (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #13October 2002
- 50 Anos de MAD – Parte IV: a Invasão Latina (Artist with James Warhola, Antonio Prohias, Sergio Aragonés, Otacílio d’Assunção, Norman Mingo)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #14December 2002
- 50 Anos de MAD – Parte V: MAD Domina o Mundo (continuação da página 22) (Artist with Carlos Chagas, Bill Wray, Norman Mingo, Mort Drucker, 3/Design Studios, Otacílio d’Assunção, Wally Wood, Don Martin, Drew Friedman, Dave Berg, Myoung Youn Lee, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, Frank Kelly Freas, Sergio Aragonés)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #16April 2003
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis na Chicago dos “Bons” Tempos (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #17June 2003
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #19September 2003
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis no Mundo da Medicina (Writer, Artist)
- A Homenagem Final a David Berg e Seu “O Lado Irônico...” (Artist with Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #20November 2003
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #25May 2004
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #27August 2004
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis Após a Passagem do Furacão “Ermengarda” (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #29October 2004
- Uma Cena que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #30December 2004
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #32February 2005
- Dicas MAD para Reciclagem (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #34June 2005
- Dobradinha MAD + Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #39March 2006
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis Durante uma Pescaria (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)

MAD Magazine #4June 2008
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #8October 2008
- Respostas Cretinas pra Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer with Ryan Flanders)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #23February 2010
- “Amarguraman”, “Mário e o Breve Desaparecimento”, “Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis”, “Uma Rima da Maternidade Moderna…”, “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para a Saúde Sexual”, “Purgantes Porges”, “Carta Tapa-Buraco”, “Superstições do Mundo Todo”, “Filho do Brasil”, “Puxa Meu Cheney” (Author with Carl Peterson, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Peter Bagge, Paul Coker, Jr., João Montanaro, Tom Fowler, Kevin Pope, Paul Peter Porges, Pablo Peneira, Tom Cheney, Anthony Barbieri, Raphael Fernandes)
MAD Magazine #24March 2010
- “Aqui Vai a Bile de Gilligan – Na Reunião de Família do Exterminador do Futuro”, “O que Aconteceu com a Sua Coleção da MAD?”, “Puxa o Meu Cheney”, “E se Outros Líderes Mundiais Usassem o Visual sem Mangas de Michelle Obama?”, “As Piores Cantadas do Mundo”, “Humor na Vey”, “Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis” (Author with P.C. Vey, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Rick Tulka, Dick DeBartolo, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Paul Gilligan, Tom Cheney)
MAD Magazine #45February 2012
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Artist, Writer
MAD Magazine #50August 2012
- MAD – 60 Anos (Artist, Writer with Frank Kelly Freas, Dave Gantz, Sean Farrelly, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, John Caldwell, Irving Schild, Mark Fredrickson, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Don Edwing, Frank Ridgeway, Brian Farrelly, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Cheney, James Bennett, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Tom Richmond, Harry North, Ray Alma, Paul Peter Porges, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Mort Drucker, Donald K. Epstein, Christopher Hart, Jack Davis, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #62September 2013
- Sinais de que Você É Muito Gordo para receber a Pena de Morte (Artist with Carl Peterson)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #78January 2015
- Algumas Sugestões Criativas da MAD para Reciclar o Seu Lixo (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)

Mad O Pior DoSeptember 2000
- Inventos de Baixa Tecnologia para as Exigências Diárias (Artist, Writer)
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Dobradinha MAD – Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis numa Discussão sobre Cigarro (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis na Luta-Livre (Artist, Writer)
- Uma Dobradinha Charada (Artist, Writer)
- Capas dos números 80 a 158 da Nova Série (Artist with Aczel, C.F. Payne, Rogério Wusch dos Santos, Carlos Chagas, Mort Drucker, Edson Tako X, Ofeliano de Almeida, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Richard Williams, Roberto Parada, Victor Henrique "Ique" Woitschach, Maurício Veneza, Mark Fredrickson)
Mad A Presenta Al Jaffee #1January 1992
- Cover Artist
- Certo Dia no Deserto (Artist with David Manak)
- Outras 'Dornças' do Mundo das Máquinas (Artist with Mike Snider)
- O Livro Neuman de Recordes Mundiais… que Resultaram em Recordes Mundiais Colaterais e Desconhecidos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Manual MAD para o Reaproveitamento do Lixo (Artist, Writer)
- O Livro do Ódio MAD (para os Não-Fumantes) (Writer, Artist)
- Exercícios Inevitáveis para o Morador Urbano (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Invenções que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Quebra-Cabeças MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis no Escritório (Artist, Writer)
- “Se Eu For Eleito, Prometo Solenemente…” (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- “Eu e Minha Boca Grande” (Artist with Dean Norman)
- O MAD Dá Alguns Exemplos de Quando não Usar Cantadas Manjadas (Artist with Christopher Hart)
- MAD Vê as Nada Famosas Primeiras Tentativas (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Portfólio de Dobradinhas MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis Durante um Teste de Cooper (Artist, Writer)
- Quando Tivermos o Futuro Cigarro Long-Long-Size (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Vê por Trás dos Bastidores de um Hospital (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- O Livro do Ódio MAD (para os que Vêem TV) (Writer, Artist)
- MAD Vê os Apertos de Mão (Artist, Writer)
- Produtos à Prova de Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Um Triunfo da Arquitetura (Writer, Artist)
- O Método Revolucionário e Barato de MAD para Comer Fora e Perder Peso (Artist with Larry Gore)
- MAD Vê Algumas Novas Oportunidades de Emprego (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Criadores de Imagem do MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Você e Sua Boca Grande! (Artist with Dean Norman)
- O Livro do Ódio MAD (para os Automobilistas) (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis numa Escola do 2º Grau (Artist, Writer)
Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Record) #1January 1995
- Provérbios MAD para Calar a Boca dos Outros (Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)

MAD Especial (Record) #1March 1985
- Manual MAD para o Reaproveitamento do Lixo (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Record) #2August 1985
- Se os Personagens de Quadrinhos Se Comportassem como Pessoas Normais (Writer with Wally Wood)
MAD Especial (Record) #5December 1987
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Um Triunfo da Arquitetura (Artist, Writer)
- Produtos à Prova de Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- O Livro do Ódio MAD (para os Automobilistas) (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Record) #6July 1989
- Uma História de Pescador (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- A Obsolescência Planejada dos Pequenos Produtos (Writer, Artist)
- “Eu e Minha Boca Grande!” (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Ser Rico É... (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- O Príncipe-Sapo (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Especial (Record) #7August 1990
- Guia MAD Passo a Passo de Dança Break (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Para Onde Vai a Grana do Seu Disco de Rock (Artist with John Ficarra)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Record) #8November 1990
- O Transplante de Coração (Artist, Writer)
- Catálogo MAD de Brincadeiras de Mau Gosto para Médicos (Artist with Beppe Sabatini)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Record) #9March 1991
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis em Chicago (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Record) #10July 1991
- MAD Vê as Instruções de Segurança dos Aviões (Artist, Writer)
- Cartilha MAD do Computador (Artist with John Boni)
- MAD Vê os Computadores (Artist, Writer)
- Seja Bem-Vindo à Realidadelândia (Artist with Mark Bilgrey, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Record) #11December 1991
- Estações de Rádio que nunca Conseguimos Ouvir (Artist with Dan Birtcher)
- A Escala Richter MAD para os Seres Humanos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Os Minifilmes do MAD Apresentam “O Caprichoso Dedo do Destino” (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Record) #12February 1992
- Aparelhos Anticrime para o Cidadão Comum (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Record) #13September 1992
- Guerra & Paz (Artist, Writer)
- Guerra & Paz (Artist, Writer)
- No Bebedouro (Artist with Jack Rickard)
MAD Especial (Record) #14February 1993
- Produtos MAD à Prova de Furto e Vandalismo (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #1December 2001
- O Método Revolucionário e Barato de MAD para Comer Fora e Perder Peso (Artist with Larry Gore)
- A Nova e Aperfeiçoada Pá de Eca do MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Porcarias do Al Jaffee (Writer, Artist)
- Auto-Retrato (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #2May 2002
- Uma Noite na Cidade (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Truques Mágicos com Objetos do dia a dia (Artist with Darren Johnson)
- Eventos que Iam Ser um Sucesso... mas que Acabaram Virando um Baita Fracasso! (Artist with Chris Gudgeon)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #3November 2002
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Boas Saídas para Respostas Cretinas (Artist, Writer)
- Grandes Momentos da Medicina (Artist, Writer)
- No Deserto (Artist with David Manak)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #6October 2003
- Você Precisa de um Novo Psiquiatra... (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Butch D'Ambrosio)
- Equipamentos MAD pra Fumar com Segurança (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas pra Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Três Métodos Revolucionários pra Você Fazer a Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #7December 2003
- Falcão & Pombas (Artist, Writer)
- Três Métodos Revolucionários pra Você Fazer a Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Linguagem dos Sinais (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #9August 2004
- No Dia de São João (Writer, Artist)
- O Valor das Revistas (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Investiga o Sórdido Negócio da Jogatina (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Você e Sua Boca Grande! (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Lugares Onde Você não Deve Usar Certas Cantadas (Artist with Christopher Hart)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #11April 2005
- Um Dia na Cidade (Artist, Writer)
- Super-Heróis da Vida Real (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #13February 2006
- Quantas Estagiárias Você Consegue Encontrar Nesta Foto do Salão Oval? (Artist, Writer)
- A Escala Richter MAD para Seres Humanos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)

Mini-MAD (Mythos) #3August 2006
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- O Lado Irônico... (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #5October 2006
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Writer, Artist)
- Dicas MAD para Reciclagem (Artist, Writer)
- Você e Sua Boca Grande! (Artist with Dean Norman)
- O Valor das Revistas (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Certa Noite na Cidade Grande (Artist, Writer)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #6November 2006
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis no Mundo dos Esportes (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Investiga o Sórdido Negócio da Jogatina (Writer with Wally Wood)

MAD Especial (Panini) #2July 2008
- O que as Pessoas Dizem/O que as Pessoas Escutam (Artist with Greg Eckler)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #3October 2008
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis – Especial de Medicina (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Panini) #4January 2009
- Vê os Guias de Segurança pra Aviões (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis numa Videolocadora (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #7November 2009
- Novos e Excitantes Usos para o “Velcro” (Artist with T.J. Glenn)
- O Tesouro MAD dos Fenômenos Verdadeiramente Inexplicáveis (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis num Avião (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Panini) #8March 2010
- Se os Álbuns de Família Contassem a Verdade… (Artist with Stan Hart)
- O Livro Neuman de Recordes Mundiais… que Resultaram em Recordes Mundiais Colaterais e Desconhecidos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Todo Estudante Detesta… (Artist, Writer with Mike Claussen, Jody Revenson)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis (Artist, Writer)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis no Escritório (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Panini) #9June 2010
- Invenções que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis Durante uma Pescaria (Artist, Writer)
- Nosso Candidato à Presidência (Quando Houver Eleições!) (Writer, Artist)
- Certo Dia na Idade da Pedra (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #10November 2010
- Algumas Sugestões da MAD para Reaproveitamento do que se Joga Fora (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Panini) #11February 2011
- Produtos MAD à Prova de Furto e Vandalismo (Artist, Writer)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #12June 2011
- O Guia MAD de como as Coisas Simples Funcionam (Writer, Artist)
- Dobradinha MAD (Artist, Writer)

Epic MAD #1June 2013
- Provérbios MAD que Vão Deixar Eles de Queixo no Chão (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
Estúpida-Mente MAD #2December 2013
- O Náufrago (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- O Velho Caubói (Artist with David Manak)

MAD Magazine #19October 1969
- Die Herztransplantation (Artist, Writer)
- Die Herztransplanation (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #27February 1971
- Falk & Taub (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Stereoführer (Writer, Artist)
- Falk & Taub (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #31October 1971
- MADs Hass-Buch für Nichtraucher (Artist, Writer)
- Falk & Taub (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #56December 1973
- MADs Weihnachtshassbuch (Artist, Writer)
- Idiotensichere Produkte (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #74June 1975
- Back Cover: Werbeszenen, wie wir sie gerne sehen möchten - Wrigleys Kaugummi (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #78October 1975
- MAD Methoden zur Lösung des Konflikts zwischen Rauchern und Nichtrauchern (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #92December 1976
- Das MAD-Buch der Weltrekorde (Artist, Writer)
- Weihnachen ist... (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #100August 1977
- MAD - Faltblatt - Gegen welche Gefahr beim Autofahren sind die Automobil-Hersteller machtlos ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #101September 1977
- MAD wirft einen Blick auf Stellenangebote für neue Berufe (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Mit welchen Instrument kann man am besten die Sterne sehen ? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Eines Nachts in der Grosstadt (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #102October 1977
- Willkommen in MADs Welt der Wahrheit (Artist, Writer)
- MAD - Faltblatt - Welche politische Taktik wurde zum Alptraum unserer Zeit ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #103November 1977
- MAD - Faltblatt - Wo findet man einige der grössten Ölvorkommen der Welt ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #104December 1977
- MAD-Faltblatt - Welche von den vielen Talk-Shows ist die beliebteste ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #105January 1978
- MAD-Faltblatt - Auf welche Ware sind manche Besucher Amerikas ganz besonders scharf ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #106February 1978
- MAD-Faltblatt - Welches amerikanische Tier ist garantiert niemals vom Aussterben bedroht ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #110June 1978
- MAD Produkte für den Einmal-Gebrauch (Artist, Writer)
- MAD - Faltblatt - Welcher ansteckende Massenerreger hat von Europa nun auch auf Amerika übergegriffen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #115November 1978
- MAD-Faltblatt - Welches schillernde, flatterhafte Geschöpf wird über seinen Tod hinaus ausgebeutet ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #116December 1978
- Neue Ideen für alte Abfälle (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher ehemalige Weltmeister muss eine Niederlage nach der anderen einstecken ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #118February 1979
- Lieber Reich und Gesund, als Arm und Krank (Artist, Writer)
- MAD - Faltblatt - Welcher Wettbewerb zwischen Russen und Japaner wird zum Vernichtungsfeldzug ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #120April 1979
- MAD - Faltblatt - Was können viele Studenten nach Ihrer Promovierung mit Sicherheit erwarten ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #121May 1979
- Neue, verbesserte Produkte, die wirklich neu verbessert sind (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #122June 1979
- MAD-Faltblatt - Was schadet den Kindern im Fernsehen am meisten ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #124August 1979
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher Superstar ist die Hoffnung der Zukunft ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #126October 1979
- Und zum Schluss noch ein paar Alltagsszenen die wir gerne sehen würden (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher schwere Trinker muss weg von der Strasse ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #129January 1980
- Noch ein paar verbesserte Produkte, die wirklich besser verbessert geworden sind (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #131March 1980
- MAD Medaillen für besonders verdienstvolle Ärzte (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Konkurrenz fürchten die Urlaubshotels am meisten ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #133May 1980
- MAD - Medaillen für verdienstvolle chüler und Studenten (Artist, Writer)
- ereignet ? (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Fussschweiss-Comic (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #135July 1980
- MAD Medaillen für besonders verdienstvolles Pflege - personal (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Mit welchem alten Trick werden viele Leute immer wieder reingelegt ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #136August 1980
- Der schlagfertige Jogger (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Medaillen für besonders verdienstvolle Firmenbosse (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #137September 1980
- MAD Medaillen für besonders verdienstvolle Schauspieler (Artist, Writer)
- Auf welche neue Masche fallen viele Leute kopfüber rein ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #139November 1980
- MAD Faltblatt - Bei welchem Wettbewerb gibt es nur Verlierer ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #141January 1981
- Welches abgetakelte Trauerspiel blieb uns 1980 zum Glück erspart ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #143March 1981
- MAD Faltblatt - Wer hat Schuld an den am weitesten verbreiteten Verschmutzung der Luft ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #147July 1981
- Dinge, die das Ansehen stärken (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welches ist das Gespenstischeste Produkt Hollywoods ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #149September 1981
- MAD macht das Rauchen Gesünder (Writer, Artist)
- Kluge Antworten auf dumme Fragen (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #151November 1981
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher Platz wurde zur Ablagerungsstätte für die Giftprodukte der chemischen Industrie ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #153January 1982
- MAD Faltblatt - Welches neue Sex-objekt erweckt in uns tierische Instinkte ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #162October 1982
- MAD Faltblatt - Was haben Präs. Reagan alte Filme und seine neue Politik gemeinsam ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #164December 1982
- Wahlversprechen, mit denen man garantiert gewinnt (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Womit verschwenden junge Leute Zeit und Energie...zum Schrecken ihrer Eltern ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #167March 1983
- Situationen, in denen die alten Anmachphrasen fehl am Platze sind (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Urzeit - Comic (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #168April 1983
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche nicht sehr beliebte Reise wird immer teurer (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #170June 1983
- Welche überirdische Erscheinung wird von Millionen angebetet ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #172August 1983
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Schweinerei ist im Kino von heute die Grösste ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #176December 1983
- MAD Faltblatt - Wo finden unter dem Beifall von Zuschauern immer noch öffentliche Hinrichtungen statt ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #180April 1984
- MAd Faltblatt - Welche Wettervorhersage treibt uns die Angst in die Knochen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #182June 1984
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher gefürchtete Ausbruch macht auch dieses Jahr Millionen unglücklich ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #184August 1984
- MAD Scherzartikel für Ärzte mit Sinn für Humor (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Was hat den Adler als Symbol Amerikas in der ganzen Welt abgelöst ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #187November 1984
- MAD Zeichnet vor : so lernt man Breakdance (Writer, Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #191March 1985
- MAD studiert im Flugzeug die Anweisungen für den Notfall (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #194June 1985
- Was passiert mit jeder Mark die man für Rock-Platten ausgibt ? (Writer, Artist)
- MAD Faltblatt - Gegen welche Erfindung gibt es in freier Natur keinen Schutz ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #197September 1985
- Informationen, die wir im Flugzeug wirklich brauchen (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #198October 1985
- MAD Faltblatt - Was wird mehr und mehr zur teuersten Freizeitaktivität ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #199November 1985
- MADs Notmassnahmen zur Entleerung des Maens : Das Feinbein-Manöver (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #201January 1986
- MAD - Methode zur Beendigung schlechter Angewohnheiten (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #204April 1986
- Neulich, im indischen Ozean (Artist, Writer)
- Der praktische MAD Führer - So funktionieren einfache Dinge (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #206June 1986
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher gnadenlosen Gewalt muss eine weltbekannte Erscheinung weichen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #208August 1986
- Rechnungen, mit denen sich der Kunde rächt ! (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher Kult gewinnt unter der Jugend immer mehr Anhänger ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #209September 1986
- MAD blickt hinter die Kulissen in einem Fitness-Studio (Writer, Artist)
- Back Cover: Kluge Antworten auf dumme Fragen in einer Videothek (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #210October 1986
- MAD Faltblatt - Wo findet man die seltsamsten und buntesten Lebewesen ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #214February 1987
- MAD - Zubehör, den man doppelt verwenden kann (Artist, Writer)
- Kluge Antworten auf dumme Fragen - In einer Oberschule (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #217May 1987
- MAD Faltblatt - Was ist derzeit die schärfste Sache auf dem Gebiet der Elektronik ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #221September 1987
- Es ist ein harter Job... aber irgendeiner muss ihn ja tun (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #225January 1988
- MAD Faltblatt - Von welchem erbarmungslosen Verfolger werden manche Tierarten mit der Auslösung bedroht ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #228April 1988
- Primitive Erfindungen, die noch dringend gemacht werden müßten (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #233September 1988
- Händeschütteln, das man lieber vermeiden soll (Writer, Artist)
- MAD Faltblatt - Was macht Teenies an und bringt Ihre Eltern aus dem Häuschen ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #235November 1988
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Pflichtübung bereitete den Olympia-Sportlern die grössten Schwierigkeiten ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #237January 1989
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Atmosphärische Katastrophe ist mit keinem Mittel zu stoppen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #238February 1989
- Briefmarken-Ausschnitte die uns die Wahrheit verraten (Artist, Writer)
- Letzten Sommer, als Gewitter kam (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #241May 1989
- Telefon-Modelle die in naher Zukunft auf den Markt kommen werden (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #243July 1989
- Wenn der schlechte Geschmack für einen ganzen Tag verboten wird (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Was ist die neuste Form der Radioaktivität ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #245September 1989
- Es ist niemals ein gutes Zeichen, wenn... (Writer, Artist)
- Betriebsgeheimnisse von MäcDonald (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Was macht für manche das Leben besonders flott ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #249January 1990
- MADs miese Ego Killer (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Auf welchen Gebiet versagen Schutz und Abwehr durch den Staat ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #253May 1990
- Müssen wir wirklich wissen ... (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Lebewesen sind in Alaska völlig verschwunden ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #259November 1990
- He, du ! Schau dich mal um (Artist, Writer)
- "MAd Faltblatt - Eine Raucher-Episode zum Thema : ""Kluge Antworten auf dumme Fragen""" (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #261January 1991
- Back Cover: Kluge Antworten auf dumme Fragen - bei Flugreisen (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #263March 1991
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche weit verbreitete Todesmaschine gefährdet künftige Generationen ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #269September 1991
- Welche Musikgruppe hat die Bedeutung der Beatles übertroffen ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #270October 1991
- MADs moderne Schaukel-Kisten (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Was für eine Kinder-Seuche macht Eltern hilflos und verwirrt ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #275March 1992
- MAD Faltblatt - Was schwingt ständig umberechenbar auf und ab ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #277May 1992
- Krankheiten aus der Welt der Maschinen (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Erfindung hilft uns, die immer größeren Werbeflut einzudämmen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #279August 1992
- Kluge Reaktionen auf dumme Fragen (Artist, Writer)
- Das MAD - Hassbuch für Burger-Bäcker (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #282February 1993
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche miese Kreatur versaut unsere Jugend ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #283April 1993
- MAD Faltblatt - Was brauchen die ganz jungen und die ganz alten ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #284June 1993
- Gewisse aussichtslose Versuche gewisser Minderheiten, Spenden für Wohltätige Zwecke zu sammeln (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #287December 1993
- Der moderne Arzt - Katalog (Writer, Artist)
- MAD Faltblatt - Was wäre noch lästiger als manche Pop-Perversität ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #290June 1994
- MAD Faltblatt - Womit schützt man sich vor Geschwindigkeitskontrollen ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #291August 1994
- Alles, was ihr schon immer über die Prügelstrafe wissen wolltet (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #295February 1995
- MAD Faltblatt - Wen sollte David endlich verschwinden lassen ? (Writer, Artist)
- Back Cover: Unterwegs mit Bill und Hillery (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #296March 1995
- Comic-Superhelden aus dem Alltag (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Faltblatt - Mit welchem miesen Qualm muss man in der Rauch-Szene leider immer rechnen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #297April 1995
- MAD Faltblatt - Wo erfährt man heute noch was über Gesund- oder Krankheit ? Beim Arzt nicht mehr ! Vielleicht im.... (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #87December 2005
- MAD - Faltblatt - Welche neue Sucht versklavt unsere Jugend ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #90March 2006
- bescheuerte Antworten auf hirnrissige Fragen (Writer, Artist)
- MAD-Faltblatt - Was ist die neue hippe Art heutzutage seine Lieblingshits zu bekommen ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #92May 2006
- Kinowerbung die wir gern sehen würden (Artist, Writer)
- MAD - Faltblatt - Was ist der Hauptgrund für Herzattacken bei Deutschen ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #93June 2006
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche heissdiskutierte Reise-Sicherheitslücke versetzt die Behören in Panik ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #94July 2006
- MAD Faltblatt - Welcher verschollene wird seit der Lost-Sendepause von allen am meisten vermisst ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #96September 2006
- MAD Faltblatt - Für welchen miesen Idioten-Job gibt es unendlich viele Interessenten ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #97October 2006
- MAD Faltblatt - Welche Bedrohung ängstigt immer mehr Deutsche ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #100January 2007
- MAD-Faltblatt - Welche Gruppe verletzt ihre Privatsphäre am hachhaltigsten ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #102March 2007
- MAD - Falkblatt : Welche neue Sucht treibt unsere Jugend blind in die Abhängigkeit ? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #108September 2007
- MAD Faltblatt - Wer manipuliert ahnungslose Jugendliche auf extrem abstossende und eklige Weise ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #112January 2008
- Schon wieder eine neuartige MAD-Einfalt (MAD Faltblatt) (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #113February 2008
- Schon wieder eine neuartige MAD-Einfalt (MAD Faltblatt) (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #218June 1980
- An Al Jaffee 'Snappy Answers to Syupid Questions' Jogging Incident (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Medals to Be Presented to Deserving Actors (Writer, Artist)

MAD Magazine #3September 2004
- Respuestas Correctas para Preguntas Estúpidas – Edición Especial Médica (Writer, Artist with Wildstorm)
- Página Plegable de MAD (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #22March 2006
- Los Más Chafones Eventos de Caridad (Artist with Chris Gudgeon)
- Los Más Chafones Eventos de Caridad (Artist with Chris Gudgeon)
MAD Magazine #23April 2006
- Kit de Supervivencia para Restaurantes (Artist, Writer)
- Back Cover: Doblez de MAD (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #1December 1974
- Una hazaña arquitectónica (Artist, Writer)
- Una de pesca (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #2February 1975
- Libro negro de los no fumadores (Writer, Artist)
- Halcón y Paloma (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #3April 1975
- Nada es inservible (Artist, Writer)
- Ejercicios del sufrido ciudadano (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Halcón y Paloma (Artist, Writer)
- He aquí un ridículo plegable de Locuras (Idea)
MAD Magazine #5June 1975
- Un cuento de Grimm (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Respuestas mordaces a preguntas estúpidas (Artist, Writer)
- Halcón y Paloma (Artist, Writer)
- Guía del conductor silvestre (Writer, Artist with Robert Kaufman)
MAD Magazine #6July 1975
- Halcón y Paloma (Writer, Artist)
- ¿No sentimos gran agitación cuando.... (Artist, Writer)

- Ser Rico Es Mejor que Tener un Osito Caliente (Artist, Writer)
- Contestaciones MAD a Preguntas Tontas (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Señala las Señales (Writer with Dick DeBartolo, Bob Clarke)

Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications
Humbug (2 Volume Set) March 2009
- Illustrator (with Arnold Roth, Bill Elder, Harvey Kurtzman, Jack Davis)
- Illustrator (with Howard Nostrand, Russ Heath, Bill Elder, Jack Kirby, John P. Severin, Jack Davis)
- Illustrator (with Frank Frazetta, Bill Elder, Harvey Kurtzman, Jack Davis, Russ Heath)