Don Edwing

Don Edwing
January 20th, 1934
December 26th, 2016
More about:

Don "Duck" Edwing was an American gag cartoonist whose work has appeared for years in Mad. His signature "Duck Edwing" is usually accompanied by a small picture of a duck, and duck calls are heard on his answering machine. Mad editor John Ficarra said, "He's exactly how people picture a Mad magazine writer." In 2007, Edwing told an interviewer, "I always believed that when you choose your field, you should specialize. You never deviate. I chose 'sick puppy'."

Wikipedia contributors. (2019, September 19). Duck Edwing. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:11, January 17, 2020, from

Contributions by Don Edwing

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #99December 1965
  • Horror Movie Scenes We'd Like to See (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #100January 1966
MAD Magazine #106October 1966
MAD Magazine #123December 1968
MAD Magazine #124January 1969
  • A Collection of Mad X Ray-vings (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Put Them All Together, They Spell... (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #156January 1973
  • Oz-Revisited Or...Let's Follow the Yellow Brick Road Again...If We Can! (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Tell-Tale Comic Strip Balloons (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #161September 1973
MAD Magazine #162October 1973
MAD Magazine #164January 1974
  • A Mad Look at Burial at Sea (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #177September 1975
MAD Magazine #179December 1975
MAD Magazine #188January 1977
  • More What's the Story...? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Still More What's the Story...? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Presenting the Original Mad Cover, and One Mad Moment Later (Writer with Jack Rickard)
  • Presenting More Original Mad Covers and One Mad Moment Later (Writer with Jack Rickard)
  • Back Cover: One Day in Alaska (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #193September 1977
  • Back Cover: The Frog Prince (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #196January 1978
  • Back Cover: The Frog Prince (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #203December 1978
  • Back Cover: One Day in Paris (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Mad Look at Tarzan... Today (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Back Cover: Bartender... gi'me a double! (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #210October 1979
  • Don Martin's Guide to Some Very Obscure Comics Sound Effects (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #211December 1979
  • Back Cover: The Loincloth (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Back Cover: Pay Toll Fifty Feet (Writer with Don Martin)
  • An Eye-Popping Scene on a Corner (Writer, Artist)
  • The Big One That Got Away (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #218October 1980
  • A Collection of Mad X-Rayvings (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Back Cover: Checks Cashed (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #220January 1981
  • A Mad Guide to... Burning Calories Without Exercise (Writer, Artist)
  • A Basket Case High Up on the 37th Floor (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #228January 1982
  • Back Cover: Pencils for Sale (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #233September 1982
MAD Magazine #235December 1982
  • A Desert Island Game Plan (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #236January 1983
  • Back Cover: This Way...!! I Spotted Him !! (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Little-Known and Rarely Diagnosed Mad Ailments Contracted at Airports (Artist, Writer)
  • Don Martin's Atomic Holocaust Survival Manual (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Mad's X-Reagans (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Little-Known and Rarely Diagnosed Mad Ailments Contracted at Hospitals (Artist, Writer)
  • Little-Known and Rarely Diagnosed Mad Ailments Contracted at Supermarkets (Writer, Artist)
  • Little-Known and Rarely Diagnosed Mad Ailments Contracted at Fast Food Restaurants (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #241September 1983
  • Back Cover: William Don't Tell (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #242October 1983
  • Back Cover: One-On-One Night In The Laboratory (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #243December 1983
  • Back Cover: One Day on the Sixth Floor (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #244January 1984
  • Back Cover: The Invention of Graffiti (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Mad's Political Believe It or Nuts (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Back Cover: Elephant Sneeze (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #249September 1984
  • Mad's Ideal Presidential Candidate for 1984 (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Back Cover: One Fine Evening in a Dungeon (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #250October 1984
  • Mad's Easy Step-by-Step "Break Dance" Chart (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #252January 1985
  • Don Edwing Looks At Funerals (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover (Writer with George Woodbridge)
  • Back Cover (Writer, Artist)
  • One Fine Friday Evening Downtown (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #257September 1985
  • One Bright Morning at the Boston Cemetary (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #259December 1985
  • One Depressing Day in the Dungeon (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #260January 1986
  • One Not So Fine Day In the Life Of Artie Charney (Writer with Don Martin)
  • One Wednesday Morning In Roxbury, Connecticut (Writer with Don Martin)
  • One Thursday Morning in the Dungeon (Writer with Don Martin)
  • One Grim Morning In South America (Writer with Don Martin)
  • One Grim Afternoon Over the Mediterranean (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #265September 1986
MAD Magazine #267December 1986
  • Early One Morning at the Hospital (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Early One Afternoon at Top Gunk (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Early One Evening in Las Vegas (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #268January 1987
  • One Glorious December Morning (Writer with Don Martin)
  • One Delightful January Morning (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Late One Afternoon in the Dungeon (Writer with Don Martin)
  • One Fine Morning On East 69th Street (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Living on the Edge (Artist, Writer with Harry North)
  • The Morgue the Merrier! (Artist)
  • One Fine Day in South Balsamica (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Don Martin Dept. Part I: One Fine Day in North Calamari (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Don Martin Dept. Part II: One Fine Day in the South Bronx (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #273September 1987
  • Don Martin Visits the Morgue (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #274October 1987
MAD Magazine #275December 1987
  • The Perfect Body (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #276January 1988
  • Duck Edwing Looks At Superman (Artist, Writer)
  • The Colossal Courtroom Confrontation (Artist, Writer)
  • The Terrifying Terminal Tragedy (Writer, Artist)
  • The Stupefying Suicide Situation (Artist, Writer)
  • The Disastrous Desert Drama (Artist, Writer)
  • The Macabre Morticians' Melodrama (Writer, Artist)
  • The Frantic Fog-Filled Folly (Artist, Writer)
  • The Befuddling Balcony Blunder (Artist, Writer)
  • Tell-Tale Comic Strip Balloons (The Sequel) (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • The Demonic Detector Disaster (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing Rushes Into the Emergency Room (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #281September 1988
  • The Perilous Pacific Pickle (Writer, Artist)
  • The Manhattan Monster Monkeyshine (Artist, Writer)
  • The Nauseating Nuptial Nightmare (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #282October 1988
  • The Perilous Pioneer Predicament (Writer, Artist)
  • A Beginner's Guide To Cartoon Sound Effects (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • The Terrible Toilet Trauma (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #283December 1988
  • The Free-Style Firing Squad Fiasco (Artist, Writer)
  • The Pesky Pecker Puzzler (Writer, Artist)
  • The Exquisite Execution Experiment (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
  • Duck Edwing Moseys Out West (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing Contemplates Suicide (Artist, Writer)
  • Unnerving Undertaker's Undertaking (Artist, Writer)
  • The Refrigerated Rocky Run-Through (Writer, Artist)
  • The Hideous Headsman's Horseplay (Artist, Writer)
  • The Diabolical Dungeon Deception (Artist, Writer)
  • The Ghastly Gallows Goodbye (Writer, Artist)
  • The Inconceivable Island Incident (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #289September 1989
  • The Haunting Hunting Hullabaloo (Artist, Writer)
  • The Excruciating Escape Extravaganza (Writer, Artist)
  • The Silly Solitary Scenario (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #290October 1989
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • The Alarming Alien Atrocity (Writer, Artist)
  • The Dreaded Dental Debacle (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #291December 1989
  • The Lusty Ledge Legend (Artist, Writer)
  • The Feathered Feeding Frenzy (Writer, Artist)
  • The Jarring Jungle Joyride (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #292January 1990
  • One Fine Morning In Miami (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Duck Edwing Chills Out Up North (Artist, Writer)
  • One Sultry Evening In Cairo (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Extraordinary Eulogy Entrapment (Artist, Writer)
  • Chilling Copter Caper (Artist, Writer)
  • The Astounding Aeronautic Adventure (Writer, Artist)
  • Double Dutch Deathtrap (Artist, Writer)
  • Cannibal Coffee-Shop Conundrum (Artist, Writer)
  • The Titillating Tennis Tumult (Writer, Artist)
  • Back Cover: An Ad They'll Never Show (Writer with John Pound)
  • Sports Disasters Of The 1980's (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Meaty Mermaid Menace (Writer, Artist)
  • A (The Turtle and The Hare) Modern Day Fairy Tale (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
  • The Longwinded Laboratory Liquidation (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover: Night Deposit (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Don Edwing On The Loose At The Zoo (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #297September 1990
  • The Lyrical Latin Lalapalooza (Artist, Writer)
  • The Torturous Trapeze Travesty (Artist, Writer)
  • The Sadistic Sharpshooter's Stunt (Writer, Artist)
  • Back Cover: A Map We're Soon Likely To See (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #298October 1990
MAD Magazine #299December 1990
  • The Nefarious Noose Nuisance (Artist, Writer)
  • The Zippy Zoo Zapper (Artist, Writer)
  • The Raging Rabble's Revenge (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #300January 1991
  • The Injurious Identification Intrigue (Artist, Writer)
  • The Death-Dealing Deep-Sea Debacle (Artist, Writer)
  • The Troubling Tribal Transgression (Artist, Writer)
  • The Surprising Seafaring Scenario (Writer, Artist)
  • The Receptionist's Revolting Resolution (Artist, Writer)
  • The Bloodcurdling Blue-Cross Brouhaha (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Duck Edwing D.O.A. (Artist, Writer)
  • Monstrous Molar Mayhem (Artist, Writer)
  • Splattered Speedster Spectacle (Writer, Artist)
  • The Revered Revolutionary Ruse (Artist, Writer)
  • The Pitiful Postal Peril (Artist, Writer)
  • The Masterful Mess-Hall Melee (Writer, Artist)
  • The Dorky Downhill Distortion (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
  • The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part 1 (Writer, Artist)
  • The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part II (Artist, Writer)
  • The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part III (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
  • The Jaundiced Jury's Judgement (Artist, Writer)
  • The Ingenious Indian Incursion (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #307December 1991
  • The Harmonious Homeboy's Homicide (Artist, Writer)
  • The Controversial Convict's Comeuppance (Artist, Writer)
  • The Vulnerable Victim's Voyage (Writer, Artist)
  • Back Cover: Fairy Tale We'd Like To See, A (Hansel & Gretel) (Writer with John Prete)
MAD Magazine #308January 1992
  • The Maniacal Matterhorn Mishap (Artist, Writer)
  • The Catastrophic Captives Condemnation (Writer, Artist)
  • The Perplexing Penitentiary Ploy (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing Hangs Out At The Mall (Artist, Writer)
  • The Loopy Lavatory Lunacy (Writer, Artist)
  • The Audacious Airport Accommodation (Artist, Writer)
  • The Peculiar Polar Permutation (Artist, Writer)
  • The Horrendous Homeless Heartbreak (Writer, Artist)
  • The Soggy Sea Saga (Artist, Writer)
  • The Shocking Sundown Showdown (Artist, Writer)
  • The Pernicious Prison Plight (Artist, Writer)
  • The Misguided Menagerie Moneymaker (Writer, Artist)
  • The Jerky Jester's Justification (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #313September 1992
  • The Outrageous Orchestral Offense (Artist, Writer)
  • The Devilish Decapitators' Delight (Writer, Artist)
  • The Bouncing Bungee Blooper (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #314October 1992
  • JFK Conspiracy Theories Oliver Stone Left On The Cutting Room Floor (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD presents Selected Scenes From The Transylvania Mall (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #315December 1992
  • The Flexible Fellow's Folderol (Artist, Writer)
  • The Portentous Pencil-Peddler's Prophecy (Artist, Writer)
  • The Baffling Biker's Bugaboo (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #316January 1993
  • The Cretinous Cook's Concoction (Artist, Writer)
  • The Wacky Washroom Whizbang (Artist, Writer)
  • The Volatile Vegetable Vignette (Writer, Artist)
  • The Villainous Vending Victimization (Artist, Writer)
  • The Sanguinary Serengetti Screw-Up (Artist, Writer)
  • The Eccentric Emergency Engagement (Artist, Writer)
  • The Whimsical Warpath Wingding (Writer, Artist)
  • The Conniving Carnival Caper (Artist, Writer)
  • The Acrobatic Apeman's Acclimation (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing's Twisted World Of Magic and Illusion (Writer, Artist)
  • The Odoriferous Olfactory Ordeal (Artist, Writer)
  • The Perturbed Puppeteer's Pronouncement (Artist, Writer)
  • The Hapless Hangman's Humiliation (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy vs. Spy Play Basketball (Writer with David Manak)
MAD Magazine #321September 1993
  • Advertisement for Subscriptions - Why Kill Yourself? (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • The Avenging Oar (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #322October 1993
  • The Puny Pugilist's Performance (Artist, Writer)
  • Salutes Some Legendary Moms and Dads (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Tumultuous Trebek Tribunal (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #323December 1993
  • The Jocular Jurassic Jolt (Artist, Writer)
  • The Startling Seashore Signoff (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #324January 1994
  • The Courageous Coil's Crusade (Artist, Writer)
  • The Funky Futuristic Fallout (Writer, Artist)
  • The Plucky Prisoner's Pandemonium (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #325February 1994
  • The Brutal Baseball Boondoggle (Artist, Writer)
  • The Long-Suffering Lackey's Lament (Writer, Artist)
  • Cover Idea
  • Special "Economic Recovery" Issue (Idea with Richard Williams)
  • The Intrepid Informer's Indictment (Artist, Writer)
  • The Goofy Galapagos Goon-Squad (Writer, Artist)
  • The Bodacious Bird Bewilderment (Artist, Writer)
  • The Rotten Royal Ruse (Artist, Writer)
  • The Traumatic Transparent Tragedy (Writer, Artist)
  • The Loopy Lavatory Logjam (Artist, Writer)
  • The Rascally Religious Ruse (Artist, Writer)
  • The Inane Invisible Intercourse (Writer, Artist)
  • The Idiotic Invisible Interplay (Artist, Writer)
  • The Infamous Invisible Incident (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #330September 1994
  • The Jaded Jumpers Jeopardy (Artist, Writer)
  • The Nefarious Nuptial Narrative (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #331October 1994
  • The Stupefying Stallion Subterfuge (Artist, Writer)
  • A Monster Gag (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Enjoyable Execution Exit (Writer, Artist)
  • The Delightful Deathbed Deception (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #332December 1994
  • The Freakish Funeral Finale (Artist, Writer)
  • The Weird Western Whirlwind (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #333January 1995
  • Duck Edwing Stalks the Grim Reaper (Artist, Writer)
  • The Peculiar Papal Parable (Artist, Writer)
  • The Bride of Frankenstein (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Mongolian Mountain Mystery (Artist, Writer)
  • The Revolting Roadside Roundup (Artist, Writer)
  • The Bombastic Baptismal Befuddlement (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover: One Sunny Morning in L.A. (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Why Kill Yourself? (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Trailblazing Transportation Travesty (Artist, Writer)
  • The Bizarre Bazaar Bonanza (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Why Kill Yourself? (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Don (Duck) Edwing Sequestered at the O.J. Trial (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Silly Suicidal Saga (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #339October 1995
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Book of Duck (Writer, Artist)
  • Back Cover: The Adventures of Harold Lipmeyer, Chiropractor (Writer with Irving Schild, Peter Sun)
MAD Magazine #340November 1995
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Momentous Medical Megillah (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #341December 1995
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Duck Edwing Clowns Around (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #342January 1996
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Asinine Archeological Atrocity (Writer, Artist)
  • The Flabbergasting Flamenco Finish (Writer, Artist)
  • Why Kill Yourself? (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Pernicious Plaything Payoff (Writer, Artist)
  • The Ghastly Gastronomical Glitch (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Why Kill Yourself? (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • The Confusing Cavalry Confrontation (Artist, Writer)
  • Why Kill Yourself? (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
  • The Diabolical Deluge Deceit (Writer, Artist)
  • Back Cover: A Soho Success Story (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Ridiculous Renaissance Revelation (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #349October 1996
MAD Magazine #350October 1996
  • The Bracing Bon Vivant Balloonacy (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
MAD Magazine #351November 1996
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Exquisite Exorcism Experience (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #352December 1996
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Raunchy Restroom Revulsion (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #353January 1997
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - Chapter IV - "The Falls of Death!" (Artist, Writer)
  • Now That the Aliens Have Landed... (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - Chapter VIII - "The Flames of Death!" (Writer, Artist)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - Chapter XI - "A Head Start!" (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #354February 1997
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Harrowing Harpist Happenstance (Writer, Artist)
  • Back Cover: One Day on the Snowy Plains of Hoth (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - You May Have Been a Test-Tube Baby If... (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Jerky Jurassic Junket (Writer, Artist)
  • Dummy & Dummier (Artist, Writer)
  • The Nights & Days of Desmond the Bungling Bomber (Writer with V.J. Mercado)
  • Altered Snakes (Writer, Artist)
  • Goner With the Wind (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
MAD Magazine #362October 1997
  • Border Writer
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit Chapter XX "The Cabin of Doom!" (Writer, Artist)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit Chapter XXIV "The Precipice of Peril!" (Artist, Writer)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit Chapter XXVII "Stumping Evil!" (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #363November 1997
MAD Magazine #364December 1997
  • The Beer Hunter (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #365January 1998
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • The World According to Carp (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #366February 1998
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Three Days of the Condom (Writer, Artist)
  • Buggy Nights (Writer, Artist)
  • Border Writer
  • A Tomb with a View (Artist, Writer)
  • Cover Writer
  • Godzilla Takes Manhattan (Artist, Writer)
  • The Daredevil's Advocate (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Cover Writer
MAD Magazine #374October 1998
  • When Suicide Cards Really Catch On (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #375November 1998
  • Mad Morphs (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Duck Edwing Takes Off The Mask of Zorro (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #376December 1998
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - Chap. XLI - "The Mountains of Mayhem!" (Artist, Writer)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - Chapter XLIII - "The Lair of Doom!" (Writer, Artist)
  • The Masked Mountie and His Wonder Dog, Biscuit - Chapter LXV - "The Pit of Peril!" (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #377January 1999
  • The Ambivalence Chaser - A Not-So-Grand Jury Testimony (Writer with David P. Levin)
MAD Magazine #378February 1999
  • The Congressional Record Comic Pages (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • The Mad World Of Yo-Yos Part I : In The Beginning (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • The Mad World Of Yo-Yos Part II : An Idea Gone Bad (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • More Mad Morphs (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • The Mad World Of Yo-Yos Part III : Simple Tricks Any Yo-Yo Can Do (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • Back Cover (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Cover Writer
  • ne Fine Day at the Chiropractors' Convention (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #385September 1999
  • Gigglin's Island (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #387November 1999
MAD Magazine #388December 1999
  • They Shoot Horses' Asses, Don't They? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #389January 2000
  • The Duck Stops Here (Writer, Artist)
  • Absurd Man of Alcatraz (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #390February 2000
  • Slithering Heights (Artist, Writer)
  • The Ex-Files (Writer, Artist)
  • Cover Writer
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Of Human Bandage (Artist, Writer)
  • Quasi Rider (Writer, Artist)
  • Sofa's Choice (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #398October 2000
  • A Rug's Life (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
MAD Magazine #399November 2000
  • Back to the Suture (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
  • Inside Back Cover: Gooffellas (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #402February 2001
  • Specialized State Death Penalties (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • The Legend of Beggar Vance (Artist, Writer)
  • Oh Rubber, Where Art Thou? (Artist, Writer)
  • A Day in the Life of the Little AOL Man! (Writer with Patrick Merrel)
  • Gulp Fiction (Artist, Writer)
  • Blind Man's Fluff (Artist, Writer)
  • The Miracle Jerker (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #411November 2001
  • A TV Scene We'd Like to See: The Crocodile Hunter (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #413January 2002
  • 6. Nascar's Crash Course in Recklessness - "Introducing NASCAR's New Pace Car" (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
  • 13. China Gets the Oympics, Human Rights Gets the Shaft (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
MAD Magazine #414February 2002
  • A Toll of Two Cities (Writer, Artist)
  • For Whom the Booth Tolls (Artist, Writer)
  • Unintended and Unfortunate Consequences of "IT" (Artist with John Caldwell)
  • Duck Droppings - The Bible (Writer, Artist)
  • Letters with Spy vs Spy newspaper comic (Writer with David Manak)
  • Last Bango In Paris (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #424December 2002
  • Scenes So Bad They Didn't Even Make the DVD - Spider-Man (Writer, Artist)
  • Splash Me if You Can (Artist, Writer)
  • The Hulk Has a Bad Week! (Writer with Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #435November 2003
  • Some like it hot (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #438February 2004
  • The mourn Identity (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #445September 2004
  • The dying game (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #450February 2005
MAD Magazine #501October 2009
  • Duck Droppings (Artist, Writer)
  • A Mad Look at Burial at Sea (Artist, Writer)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
MAD Magazine #15October 2020
MAD Magazine #16December 2020
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - The Mad Nasty File, Vol. 53 (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #20August 2021
  • Godzilla Takes Manhattan (Artist, Writer)
  • The Manhattan Monster Monkeyshine (Artist, Writer with Suzy Hutchinson)
  • Back Cover: Early One Morning in the Jungle (Writer with Frank Frazetta)
MAD Magazine #21October 2021
MAD Magazine #22December 2021
  • The Exquisite Exorcism Experience (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part 1 (Writer, Artist)
  • The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part II (Artist, Writer)
  • The Proverbial Postal/Pooch Parable Part III (Artist, Writer)
USA • MAD Super Special (New York)
  • Don Martin Looks at All Them Indians (Writer with Don Martin)
USA • MAD Paperbacks by Author (New York)
USA • Postcards, Trading Cards and Stickers
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Veechi)
MAD Magazine #7January 1975
MAD Magazine #9March 1975
  • As Viragens de Gulliver (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Contos de Fada “Modernos” (que São Ainda Mais Fantásticos que os Contos de Fada Antigos) (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Don Martin Foge da Prisão... (Quase!) (Writer with Don Martin)
  • MAD Vê os Enterros em Alto-Mar (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #14August 1975
  • Uma Coleção de Raios-X MAD (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #17November 1975
  • Balões Especiais para Quadrinhos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #18December 1975
MAD Magazine #26August 1976
  • MAIS Como É que Foi Mesmo? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #38August 1977
  • AINDA MAIS Como É que Foi Mesmo...? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Príncipe Encantado (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #56February 1979
  • Robinson Crusoé ou Em Uma Ilha Deserta com Don Martin (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Don Martin no Campo de Golfe (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #63August 1979
  • Guia Don Martin para Alguns Obscuros Efeitos Sonoros dos Quadrinhos (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #64September 1979
MAD Magazine #66November 1979
  • Don Martin Vê o Homem-Aranha (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #69February 1980
  • Don Martin Vê o Drácula (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Guia Don Martin para Alguns Efeitos de Discoteca Bastante Obscuros (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Don Martin Vê o Zorro (e Seu Amigo Tonto) (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #75September 1980
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #76October 1980
  • Uma Coleção de Raios-X MAD (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #80February 1981
  • Don Martin Vê “O Incrível Hulk” (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #88October 1981
  • Certo Dia na Vida de um Ceguinho (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #90November 1981
  • Don Martin Vê a “Jane” do Tarzan (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Guia MAD para Fazer Calorias sem Fazer Exercício (Artist, Writer)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Record)
MAD Magazine #2August 1984
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #4October 1984
  • Curso MAD Passo-a-Passo de Dança 'Break' (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • 'Guilherme Tell' (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #6December 1984
  • Don Martin Vê “Greystoke – A Lenda de Tarzan” (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver – Parte 2 (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #8March 1985
  • Don Edwing Vê os Funerais (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #9April 1985
  • Don Martin Vê 'Jornada nas Estrelas III - À Procura de Spock' (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Náufrago (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #13August 1985
  • Certa Tarde no Centro da Cidade (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #14September 1985
  • Certa Manhã no Cemitério da Bradesco-Atlântica (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #16December 1985
  • Certo Dia Depressivo nas Masmorras (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #17January 1986
  • Certo Sábado na Barra da Tijuca (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certo Domingo na Masmorra (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #18February 1986
  • Um Dia Nada Legal na Vida de João Lambada (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certa Manhã Sombria na América do Sul (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certa Tarde Sombria sobre o Mediterrâneo (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #22August 1986
  • Don Martin Vê os Casamentos (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #23October 1986
  • Certa Tarde nas Agulhas Negras (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #25December 1986
MAD Magazine #26January 1987
  • Certa Manhã num Hospital do Inamps (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certa Tarde em Las Vegas (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certa Manhã de Sábado no Tivoli Park (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #27February 1987
  • Perto do Final da Tarde numa Masmorra (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Uma Bela Manhã na Av. Copacabana (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #32August 1987
  • Certo Dia na Praça Principal (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #33September 1987
MAD Magazine #34October 1987
MAD Magazine #35November 1987
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Certo Dia no Centro da Cidade (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Corpo Perfeito (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #37January 1988
MAD Magazine #38February 1988
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Certo Dia num Tribunal da Polinésia (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Duck Edwing Saca ‘Superman’ (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Situação de Suicídio (Writer, Artist)
  • Melodrama Macabro (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Terrível Tragédia do Terminal (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Desastroso Drama do Deserto (Writer, Artist)
  • Manual de Sobrevivência ao Holocausto Atômico (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Frenética Folia Final (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #44August 1988
  • Don Martin Vê o Drácula (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Duck Edwing Vai ao Pronto-Socorro (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #45September 1988
  • O Nauseante Nó Nupcial (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #46October 1988
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Os Monstros Macaqueadores de Manhattan (Writer, Artist)
  • Guia de Efeitos Sonoros para Quadrinhos (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #47November 1988
  • O Perigo dos Pioneiros Panacas (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #48December 1988
  • O Terrível Trauma do Toalete (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #49January 1989
MAD Magazine #50February 1989
  • O Manjar Maravilhoso dos Mares do Sul (Writer, Artist)
  • O Apetitoso Almoço Amazônico (Artist, Writer)
  • O Chato Churrasquinho do Congo (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Duck Edwing Avacalha com o Velho Oeste (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Parada do Pica-Pau (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing Contempla o Suicídio (Writer, Artist)
  • O Fiasco do Fuzilamento Fajuto (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Perigoso Palhaço do Pacífico (Writer, Artist)
  • A Esquisita Experiência da Execução (Artist, Writer)
  • O Papo Parado do Papa-Defunto (Artist, Writer)
  • A Cortada Circular do Carrasco (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Fuga Fabulosa dos Fajutos (Artist, Writer)
  • O Macete Maquiavélico da Masmorra (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #56August 1989
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • As Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Doenças MAD Contraídas em Supermercados (Artist, Writer)
  • O Caso da Cagada na Caçada (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #57September 1989
  • O Lado Leso do Larápio Lelé (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Esquema Extra da Execução (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #58October 1989
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • As Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Doenças MAD Contraídas em Aeroportos (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #59December 1989
  • Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Salto da Selvagem Saltitante (Writer, Artist)
  • A Rabuda de Rocky Ralado (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #60January 1990
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Punição do Panaca Penoso (Writer, Artist)
  • A Alarmante Atrocidade Alienígena (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #61February 1990
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Abestada Aventura Aeronáutica (Writer, Artist)
  • O Pavoroso Picado do Panaca (Artist, Writer)
  • O Macete da Morte Marota (Artist, Writer)
  • O Sensacional Sermão Sacana (Writer, Artist)
  • O Café Cordial do Canibal (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Uma Noite Escaldante no Cairo (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Duck Edwing Vê o Pólo Norte (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Duck Edwing Foge pro Zôo (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Linda Manhã no Pará (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #65August 1992
MAD Magazine #66September 1990
  • Uma Fábula Moderna (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Sinuca do Sádico Señor (Artist, Writer)
  • O Tumulto Trepidante do Tênis (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #67October 1990
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Vingança Violenta do Vilarejo (Writer, Artist)
  • O Chato Caubói Criminoso (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #68November 1990
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Duck Edwing Vê os Carrascos (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #69January 1991
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Tragédia da Transgressão Tribal (Artist, Writer)
  • O Doloroso Desfio Dental (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #70February 1991
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Necrotério Edwing (Artist, Writer)
  • O Zip-Zap do Zôo (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Grito Galopante na Golden-Amil (Writer, Artist)
  • A Resolução Revoltante da Recepcionista (Artist, Writer)
  • A Surpreendente Surpresa do Super-Herói (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Perigo Postal Periclitante (Artist, Writer)
  • A Resolução Rápida do Refeitório (Artist, Writer)
  • O Engano Estúpido do Esquiador (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Risco do Revertério Revolucionário (Artist, Writer)
  • O Panaca da Patente Pioneira (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #76August 1991
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Perdição do Pirado no Peitoril (Artist, Writer)
  • A Inteligente Invenção Indígena (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #77October 1991
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Julgamento a Jato do Júri (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #78November 1991
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Vulnerável Viagem das Vítimas (Artist, Writer)
  • O Harmonioso Homicídio no Harlem (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #79December 1991
  • A Catastrófica Condenação Cegueta (Writer, Artist)
  • O Perplexo Plano Penitenciário (Artist, Writer)
  • João e Maria (Writer with John Pound)
MAD Magazine #80January 1992
  • Duck Edwing Vai às Compras (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #81February 1992
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Peculiar Permutação Polar (Artist, Writer)
  • O Atônito Acidente no Aeroporto (Artist, Writer)
  • O Depósito Noturno (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • O Dramático Desenlace do Duelo (Artist, Writer)
  • A Miserável Maratona do Mendigo (Artist, Writer)
  • A Perfeita Panaquice do Palhaço (Writer, Artist)
  • A Bolação Biruta do Babaca (Artist, Writer)
  • A Firula Fracassada do Fanfarrão (Artist, Writer)
  • O Plano Porreta do Presidiário (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #86September 1992
  • As Teorias de Conspiração contra JFK que Oliver Stone Deixou no Chão da Sala de Montagem (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #87October 1992
  • O Ônus da Ofensa Orquestral (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #88November 1992
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Fuga do Facínora Flexível (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #89December 1992
  • O Cozido Cretino do Cozinheiro (Artist, Writer)
  • A Lamentável Lavagem no Lavatório (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #90January 1993
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Portentosa Profecia do Pedinte (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD Apresenta Cenas Escolhidas de um Shopping na Transilvânia (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • O Macete Mórbido do Mafuá (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Excêntrica e Eminente Emergência (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Fatal Final Fedorento (Artist, Writer)
  • A Maravilha Macetada da Marionete (Artist, Writer)
  • O Efeito Episódico do Enforcado (Writer, Artist)
  • Certa Noite no Farol do Alexandre (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Perigoso Perigo Postal – Parte I (Writer, Artist)
  • O Perigoso Perigo Postal – Parte II (Artist, Writer)
  • O Perigoso Perigo Postal – Parte III (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #96August 1993
  • A Mudança Marota do Macaco (Writer, Artist)
  • O Sanguinário Safári Selvagem (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #97September 1993
  • A Performance do Pequeno Pugilista (Artist, Writer)
  • O Tumultuado Tribunal Televisivo (Artist, Writer)
  • O Desastrado Dia-a-Dia dos Dinossauros (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #98October 1993
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Placa Premonitória da Praia (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #99November 1993
  • A Vítima da Vendedora Vilã (Writer, Artist)
  • A Prática Poluente dos Patetas (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #100December 1993
  • Spy Vs. Spy – “O Turista” (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Remo Vingador (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #101January 1994
  • A Ferrada Fiscalizadora Futurista (Artist, Writer)
  • A Miraculosa Militância do Mola (Writer, Artist)
  • O Potente Pandemônio do Prisioneiro (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #102February 1994
  • O Indiciamento do Intrépido Informante (Artist, Writer)
  • Leviandades dos Linchadores Lesos (Writer, Artist)
  • Duck Edwing Vê os Carregadores de Caixões (Writer, Artist)
  • O Longo Lamentar do Lacaio (Artist, Writer)
  • A Traumática Tragédia Transparente (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD Saúda Alguns Lendários Mães e Pais (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Papaco, o Pássaro Porreta (Artist, Writer)
  • O Ridículo Recurso Real (Artist, Writer)
  • O Safado Sofrimento Sanitário (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #108September 1994
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Ridícula Rapinagem Religiosa (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Milagroso Macete Matrimonial (Artist, Writer)
  • A Solução Sonora do Suicida (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #109October 1994
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Maravilhosa Maracutaia Moribunda (Artist, Writer)
  • O Cúmulo Caso Cavalar (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #110November 1994
  • A Espetacular Execução Especial (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #111January 1995
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Piadinha de Monstro (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • O Funcional Funeral Final (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #112February 1995
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Peculiar Parábola Papal (Artist, Writer)
  • O Mistério da Montanha Mijona (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver – A Noiva de Frankenstein (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Duck Edwing Espreita a Morte (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Bombástica Barafunda do Batizado (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #116September 1995
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Sádica Saga do Suicida (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #117October 1995
  • A Momentosa Mixórdia Médica (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
MAD Magazine #118November 1995
  • A Portentosa Presepada Paroquial (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #119January 1996
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Atroz Asneira Arqueológica (Writer, Artist)
  • Los Espetaculares Exterminadores Españoles (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Contundente Constatação da Cavalaria (Artist, Writer)
  • A Chtranha Chuva na Chelva (Artist, Writer)
  • Certo Dia na Feira Hippie (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • A Ridícula Revelação da Renascença (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #126September 1996
  • A Caminhada do Candidato Cego (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Infame Incidente na Ilha (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #127October 1996
MAD Magazine #128December 1996
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Uma Esquisita Experiência de Exorcismo (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #129February 1997
  • O Curioso Caô da Churrascaria (Artist, Writer)
  • Novos Jogos Infantis (Writer with Michael Paraskevas)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Grande Gafe Gastronômica (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Writer, Artist)
  • Agora que os ETs Chegaram... (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Insólito Improviso no IML (Artist, Writer)
  • As Versáteis Vias do Ventríloquo (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #133September 1997
  • Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Cenas Eliminadas do Novo Filme de Batman & Robin (Artist, Writer)
  • As Noites & Os Dias de Dudu, o Bundabomber (Writer with V.J. Mercado)
  • João e Maria (Writer with John Pound)
MAD Magazine #134October 1997
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Estranho Espetáculo do Encantador (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #136January 1998
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Writer, Artist)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #137February 1998
  • O Assombroso Almoço no Atlântico (Writer, Artist)
  • A Surpreendente Solução do Soldado (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • A Patética Presença dos Preservativos (Writer, Artist)
  • Godzilla Ataca a Cidade (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Marcelo Martinez)
MAD Magazine #143September 1998
  • O Econômico Enterro do Empresário (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #144December 1998
  • A Desconcertante Despedida do Dublê (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #145January 1999
  • Duck Edwing Arranca A Máscara do Zorro (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Writer, Artist)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • O Brutal Bailado da Boazuda (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #151September 1999
  • Um Belo Dia na Convenção de Quiroprática (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #155February 2000
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • A Notável Novidade dos Náufragos (Writer, Artist)
  • O Frenético Fracasso dos Fuzilamentos (Artist, Writer)
  • A Sábia Solução da Sucuri (Artist, Writer)
  • O Absurdo Arremesso de Alcatraz (Writer, Artist)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #1December 2000
  • Certo Dia na Beneficência Portuguesa (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Um Cara Sofado (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #2February 2001
  • Embromação na Recepção (Artist, Writer)
  • De Volta para a Sutura (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #3April 2001
  • Os Mafiossos (Writer, Artist)
  • Na Tribo dos Komiku (Artist, Writer)
  • Um Dia na Vida de Welberson, o Mendigo (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #5August 2001
  • A Camisa-de-Fogo (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #6September 2001
  • O Mandraque de Araque (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Fria na Delegacia (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #7November 2001
  • Um Dia na Vida de um Ceguinho (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #8December 2001
  • Certo Dia no Reino de Dom Fernandenrique (Artist, Writer)
  • Certo Dia no Reino de Dom Fernandenrique (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #9February 2002
  • Mais um Dia na Vida de um Ceguinho (Writer, Artist)
  • O Último Dia na Vida de um Ceguinho (Artist, Writer)
  • Don Martin Vê o Homem-Aranha (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Coisas que Vão Acabar Acontecendo com “A Coisa” (Artist with John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #13October 2002
  • Don Martin Vê o Drácula (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certo Dia na Xuleta de Prata (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #14December 2002
  • Da Série: “Cenas que Ficaram Tão Ruins que nem no DVD Tiveram Coragem de Colocar” – Este Mês: O Homem-Aranha (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #15February 2003
  • Certa Tarde no Banheiro da Rodoviária (Artist, Writer)
  • Certo Dia no Presídio de Segurança Mínima Bangu 8 (Artist, Writer)
  • Don Martin no Necrotério (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #18August 2003
  • Foi uma Péssima Semana pro Hulk (Writer with Ray Alma)
  • O Hulk (o das Antigas) Zoado pelo Don Martin (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certo Dia numa Praia do Nordeste (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #22January 2004
  • Certo Dia no IML (Artist, Writer)
  • Don Martin na Sala de Operações (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Don Martin Vê os Bombeiros (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Certa Tarde em Metrópolis (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Tarde no Banheiro da Rodoviária (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #27August 2004
  • A Cachorrada com o Carteiro – Part 1 (Writer, Artist)
  • A Cachorrada com o Carteiro – Part 2 (Artist, Writer)
  • No Cemitério São Filinto Muller (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #29October 2004
  • Sábado Passado no Hotel Copacabana Palhace (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Manhã na Selva (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #30December 2004
  • A Fuderosa Furada Funerária (Writer, Artist)
  • A Furibunda Farofada Funerária (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #31January 2005
  • As Aventuras do Homem Invisível – Episódio de Hoje: “No Consultório do Dr. Pimpão” (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #32February 2005
  • Duck Edwing no Fabuloso Mundo dos Mágicos (Writer, Artist)
  • Certo Dia numa Ilha Deserta (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #36September 2005
  • Certa Tarde em Fortaleza do Sul (Writer, Artist)
  • Certo Dia num Parque Temático em Fortaleza do Sul (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #37November 2005
  • Certa Tarde em Albuquerque (Artist, Writer)
  • É Melhor Desistir do Encontro Quando... (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Manhã em Santa Fé (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #38January 2006
  • Certa Tardinha 1 Milhão de Anos Atrás (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Tarde na Selva (Artist, Writer)
  • Auxílio Monstruoso (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Na Masmorra (Artist)
  • "Certo Dia na Lapa", "Certo Dia na Oficina do Pascoal", "Certo Dia nas Filmagens", "Certo Dia numa Ilha do Pacífico", "Certa Manhã numa Árvore", "Certa Tarde na África", "Certo Dia em Nova York" (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Na Masmorra (Writer, Artist)
  • Certo Dia na Praia (Artist, Writer)
  • Certo Dia em El Mocorongo (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #42August 2006
MAD Magazine #43September 2006
  • Morte em Grande Estilo (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #45November 2006
  • O Pouso Precário do Piloto em Pânico (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #46December 2006
  • O Homem Invisível (Writer, Artist)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #6August 2008
MAD Magazine #21December 2009
  • “Mundo Brabos”, “Calvin & Jobs”, “LeLievre e Deixe LeLievre”, “Causa Mortis de Pessoas que Já Deviam Ter Morrido – Jonas Brothers”, “Escrotices do Duck” (Author with Pablo Mayer, Gary Hallgren, Glen LeLievre, Sam Sisco)
MAD Magazine #31October 2010
Brasil • Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Record) (Record)
Mad EsøtericøDecember 1993
  • O Mundo Distorcido da Mágica e da Ilusão de Duck Edwing (Artist, Writer)
  • O Tumulto Trepidante do Tênis (Artist, Writer)
Mad O Pior DoSeptember 2000
  • Don Martin Vê os Casamentos (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Ridícula Rapinagem Religiosa (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão Maravilha! Episódio IV: 'A Cascata Fatal' (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! Episódio VII: “As Chamas da Morte” (Writer, Artist)
  • O Inimaginável Incidente Invisível (Artist, Writer)
  • O Insano Incidente Invisível (Writer, Artist)
  • O Infame Incidente Invisível (Artist, Writer)
  • A Ocorrência Ocasional no Oeste (Artist, Writer)
  • A Alarmante Atrocidade Alienígena (Artist, Writer)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Record) (Record)
  • Guia Don Martin para Alguns Obscuros Efeitos Sonoros dos Quadrinhos (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Balões Especiais para Quadrinhos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • MAD Vê os Enterros em Alto-Mar (Artist, Writer)
  • Guia MAD Passo a Passo de Dança Break (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • Guia MAD para Alguns Efeitos Sonoros de Discoteca Bastante Obscuros (Writer with Don Martin)
  • As Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Doenças MAD Contraídas em Hospitais (Artist, Writer)
  • As Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Doenças MAD Contraídas em Lanchonetes (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Cesta Lá em Cima no 37º Andar (Writer, Artist)
  • Certo Dia na Vida de um Ceguinho (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing Vê os Funerais (Artist, Writer)
  • A Mancada Macabra do Maníaco (Writer, Artist)
  • O Papo Parado do Papa-Defunto (Artist, Writer)
  • A Parada do Pica-Pau (Artist, Writer)
  • Don Martin Vê o Drácula (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Uma Situação de Suicídio (Writer, Artist)
  • Certa Noite Assim-Assim no Laboratório (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Cínica Curtição dos Carrascos (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Cesta Lá em Cima no 37º Andar (Writer, Artist)
  • Melodrama Macabro (Writer, Artist)
  • A Terrível Tragédia do Terminal (Artist, Writer)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! – Episódio IV: “A Cascata Fatal” (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! – Episódio VII: “As Chamas da Morte” (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! – Episódio XI: “É pras Cabeça!” (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Certo Dia na Feira Hippie (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • As Viragens de Gulliver (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • O Chato Churrasquinho do Congo (Artist, Writer)
  • O Manjar Maravilhoso dos Mares do Sul (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! – Episódio XX: “A Cabana do Terror” (Writer, Artist)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! – Episódio XXIV: “O Precipício do Perigo” (Artist, Writer)
  • O Montada Mascarado e Biscoito, o Cão-Maravilha! – Episódio XXVII: “Toco Cru Pegando Fogo!” (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Spy Vs. Spy – O Turista (Writer with David Manak)
  • Descoberta Arqueológica Ilógica (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Estranho Mundo dos Homens Invisíveis (Artist, Writer)
  • O Evangelho de Duck (Writer, Artist)
  • Um Dia no Alasca (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Incrível Mundo Marinho (Artist, Writer)
  • Remador Mascarado (Artist, Writer)
  • Um Dia no Sexto Andar (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Sádico Sinuqueiro Sacana (Artist, Writer)
  • O Mensageiro da Morte na Masmorra (Writer, Artist)
  • Laçando o Larápio Linguarudo (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Terrível Turba Trucida (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Bocejante Bombardeio a Balonistas (Artist, Writer)
  • Fuentes y Su Flamenco Fulminante (Artist, Writer)
  • João e Maria (Writer with John Pound)
  • A Semana de Hermínio, o Homem-Bomba (Writer with V.J. Mercado)
  • Os Transportadores do Tapado no Trono (Artist, Writer)
  • Cartas Chegando a Cavalo (Writer, Artist)
  • A Inusitada Incursão Inusitada (Artist, Writer)
  • O Monstro Mijão na Montanha (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Os Peripatéticos Peregrinos Portugueses, Ó Pá! (Artist, Writer)
  • O Confuso Confronto da Cavalaria (Artist, Writer)
  • Cover Artist
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Mulher que Manjava Matemática (Artist, Writer)
  • Godzilla no Rio de Janeiro (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • O Guia MAD do Corpo Perfeito (Writer, Artist)
  • A Senil Senhora e o Sem-Sorte (Artist, Writer)
  • Doenças Desconhecidas que Assolam a Ciência (ou: “Que Doenças Estapafúrdias Você Pode Pegar ao Viajar de Avião”) (Artist, Writer)
  • A Cretina Carnificina do Carrasco! (Writer, Artist)
  • A Terrível Tortura da Tartaruga (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD Dá uma Olhada nos Enterros em Alto-Mar (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Inusitada Iguaria Indígena (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Noite num Banco (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Excruciante Escapada Eufórica (Writer, Artist)
  • Madrugada na Selva (Writer with Frank Frazetta)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 1 (Writer with George Woodbridge)
  • O Mar não Tá pra Peixe (Writer, Artist)
  • O Zip-Zap do Zôo (Artist, Writer)
  • O Lírico Lero Latino (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing (Artist, Writer)
  • Don Martin Visita o Necrotério (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Dano do Detector Demoníaco (Artist, Writer)
  • A Rápida Ruína do Rapidinho (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Um Dia em Paris (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Duelador Destemido (Writer, Artist)
  • Garibando o Gogó do Gritador (Artist, Writer)
  • Treinamento Total do Toupeira (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • A Titânica Tragédia do Titanic (Artist, Writer)
  • Cartões para Mandar em Caso de Suicídio (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • O Penado Panaca (Writer, Artist)
  • Guia Don Martin para Algumas Obscuras Onamatopéias de Quadrinhos (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Batman & Robin – Cena Cortada 621: “O Beijo” (Writer with James Bennett)
  • Um Dia Agitado em Metrópolis (Writer)
  • MAD Vê o Superman (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Don Martin Vê o Hulk (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Cozinha Cretina do Congo (Artist, Writer)
  • O Audaz Auxiliar do Aeroporto (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver – “A Noiva de Frankenstein” (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Spy Vs. Spy – As Tiras de Jornal Esquecidas (Writer with David Manak)
  • As Três Tetas da Tenista (Artist, Writer)
  • A Estúpida Esquiada do Escroto (Writer, Artist)
  • O Triste Trauma do Titereiro (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD Saúda Alguns Lendários Papais e Mamães (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • O Letal Lançamento do Legume (Writer, Artist)
  • A Calamitosa Comida do Cruzeiro (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Noite na Masmorra (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Duck Edwing Tira a Máscara do Zorro (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • A Suculenta Sobremesa da Sereia (Artist, Writer)
  • Um Dia não Muito Bom na Vida de Aníbal Boçal (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Uma Tarde na Floresta de Sherwood (Writer with Don Martin)
  • O Capítulo da Hélice Invisível (Artist, Writer)
  • Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
Brasil • Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Mythos) (Mythos)
MAD Extra #1July 2002
Brasil • Mini-MAD (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • Certo Dia no IML (Artist, Writer)
  • A Fuderosa Furada Funerária (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Manhã na Selva (Writer with Don Martin)
  • No Velório do Padilha (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Tarde no Banheiro da Rodoviária (Artist, Writer)
  • No Velório do Padilha (Writer, Artist)
  • Certa Tarde no Banheiro da Rodoviária (Artist, Writer)
  • Certo Dia na Lapa (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Duck Edwing no Fabuloso Mundo dos Mágicos (Writer, Artist)
  • Sábado Passado no Hotel Copacabana Palhace (Artist, Writer)
  • Certa Tarde em Metrópolis (Artist, Writer)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #4September 2006
  • A Furibunda Farofada Funerária (Writer, Artist)
  • A Visão de Raio-X MAD Mostra Tudo o que Você não Costuma Ver! (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • No Cemitério São Filinto Müller (Artist, Writer)
  • As Aventuras do Homem Invisível – Episódio de Hoje: “No Consultório do Dr. Pimpão” (Writer, Artist)
  • Writer with Don Martin
  • Certo Dia na Selva (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Certo Dia numa Ilha Deserta (Artist, Writer)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Panini) (Panini)
  • A Jogada Mortal (Artist, Writer)
  • Outro Dia na Pré-História (Artist, Writer)
  • Fome Animal (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with Peter Kuper)
  • Uma Execução Muito Animada (Artist, Writer)
  • Fala Sério, Conta Outra! (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Santo do Pau Oco (Artist, Writer)
  • O Salto Sem Sorte do Suicida (Artist, Writer)
  • A Nefasta Noite de Núpcias (Writer, Artist)
  • O Derradeiro Desejo do Defunto (Artist, Writer)
  • A Peculiar Parada Papal (Artist, Writer)
  • A Estranha Experiência com Exorcismo (Writer, Artist)
  • A Bombástica Besteira Batismal (Artist, Writer)
  • A Bizarrice no Bazar Beneficent (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Manhã Ensolarada no Litoral (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Um Sarro sobre a Cegueira (Writer, Artist)
  • A Manada de Manés Malucos (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Certa Manhã de Sorte na Sexta-Feira 13 (Writer with Don Martin)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • De Volta para a Sutura (Writer, Artist)
  • Certa Tarde numa Esquina da Cidade (Writer with Don Martin)
  • A Vingança da Turba Furiosa (Artist, Writer)
  • A Lenda do Mendigo Milionário (Writer, Artist)
  • Certo Dia na Vida de um Ceguinho (Artist, Writer)
  • As Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Doenças MAD Contraídas em Hospitais (Artist, Writer)
  • As Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Doenças MAD Contraídas em Lanchonetes (Writer, Artist)
  • Duck Edwing Foge pro Zoo (Artist, Writer)
  • Uma Linda Manhã no Pará (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • A Notável Novidade dos Náufragos (Writer, Artist)
  • Ainda Mais Como É que Foi Mesmo…? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Brincando numa Ilha Deserta (Artist, Writer)
  • A Terrível Tragédia do Terminal (Artist, Writer)
  • O Esquema Extra da Execução (Writer, Artist)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Lado Leso do Larápio Lelé (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Duck Edwing Tira um Sarro com o Velho Oeste (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Como É que Foi Mesmo? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • O Julgamento a Jato do Júri (Artist, Writer)
  • O Papo-Furado do Papa-Defunto (Artist, Writer)
  • O Perigoso Perigo Postal (Writer, Artist)
  • A Portentosa Profecia do Pedinte (Artist, Writer)
  • O Remo Vingador (Artist, Writer)
  • Spy Vs. Spy (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Doenças Pouco Conhecidas e Raramente Diagnosticadas Contraídas em Aeroportos (Artist, Writer)
Brasil • Various MAD Books
Epic MAD #1June 2013
  • Certa Manhã na Quinta Avenida (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • O Rei de Roma Ruma às Ruas (Artist, Writer)
  • A Febre das Fobias Fatais (Writer, Artist)
  • O Longo Lamento do Lesado Lacaio (Artist, Writer)
Denmark • MAD Magazine (Egmont)
  • Border Writer
  • Cover Writer
Finland • MAD Magazine (Semic)
  • Border Writer
  • Cover Idea
  • Cover Idea
  • Cover Writer
  • Cover Writer
  • Cover Idea
Germany • MAD Magazine (Williams)
MAD Magazine #1September 1967
  • Back Cover: Eines Morgens im Dschungel (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #3November 1967
  • Die Pfadfinder und die alten Damen (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #77September 1975
  • Seemannsbegräbnis (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover: Es war einmal...Die Prinzessin in dem Turm (Writer, Artist)
  • aus...aber ein paar Minuten Später war es so ! (Artist, Writer)
  • Die neuste Sammlung von MAD - Röntgenbildern (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #153January 1982
  • Am Montag, hoch oben im 37. Stock (Writer, Artist)
  • MAD - Krankheiten : Diesmal im Supermarkt (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD - Krankheiten : Diesmal in der Imbiss-Stube (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #174October 1983
  • Letzten Mittwoch, an der Ecke (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #178February 1984
  • Back Cover: Baustellen-Comic (Artist with Don Martin)
  • MAD Krankheiten : Auf dem Flughafen (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #185September 1984
  • Elefanten - Comic (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #187November 1984
  • MAD Zeichnet vor : so lernt man Breakdance (Artist with Al Jaffee)
  • MAD besucht Begräbnisse (Artist, Writer)
  • Insel - Comic (Writer, Artist)
  • Abends, in Fröhns guter Stube (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorhin, über dem Atlantik (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #211November 1986
  • Video - Krankheiten (Writer, Artist)
  • Oben, im 7. Stock (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #223November 1987
  • Die Einsägung (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorhin, im Schwurgericht (Writer, Artist)
  • Am Mauersims, im 13. Stock (Artist, Writer)
  • Letzten Samstag im Festsaal (Artist, Writer)
  • Drama in den Lüften (Writer, Artist)
  • Neulich, am Wüstenrand (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #233September 1988
  • Duck Edwing humpelt in die Erste-Hilfe-Sttion (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #234October 1988
  • Damals, im Burgverlies (Writer, Artist)
  • Sonntags, in Manhattan (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #235November 1988
  • Neulich, kurz vor Mallorca (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #236December 1988
  • Gestern, im Männerklo (Artist, Writer)
  • Der Feuermelder im 13. Stock (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #237January 1989
  • Vorhin, im Knast von Santo Gumbo (Artist, Writer)
  • Das exquisite Exekutions-Experiment (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #238February 1989
  • Damals, im Wilden Westen (Writer, Artist)
  • Vorgestern, an der Ecke (Artist, Writer)
  • In Borneo, hinten rechts (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing reitet gen West (Writer, Artist)
  • Vorhin, am U-Bahn-Eingang (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, rechts vom Amazonas (Artist, Writer)
  • Freitag, im Schlachthof (Writer, Artist)
  • In Borneo, hinten rechts (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing verübt Selbstmord (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, am 15. Juli 1489 (Writer, Artist)
  • Damals, im Königlichen Kerkerkeller (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #245September 1989
  • Gestern, am Strassenrand (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, im Gumbo - Archipel (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #246October 1989
  • Neulich, am Freitag dem 13. (Writer, Artist)
  • Im Knast, Trakt B, Zelle 60249 (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #247November 1989
  • Nebenan, beim Zahnarzt (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #248December 1989
  • Gestern, im achten Stock (Writer, Artist)
  • Neulich, im grünen Forst (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #249January 1990
  • Frühmorgens, an der Ecke (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #250February 1990
  • Vorhin, auf dem Lindenbaum (Writer, Artist)
  • Neulich, bei Tarzans (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing zieht gen Norden (Artist, Writer)
  • Damals, in der Hafen-Festung (Writer, Artist)
  • Neulich, über den Wolken (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorhin, in der Bucht von Neapel (Artist, Writer)
  • Damals, auf der Teufelsinsel (Writer, Artist)
  • Duck Edwing zu Besuch im Zoo (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover: Gestern, kurz vor Mitternacht (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #257September 1990
  • Und wieder mal in Südamerika (Artist, Writer)
  • Im Frühstücks-Cafe von Borneo (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #258October 1990
  • Duck Edwing besucht den Scharfrichter (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #259November 1990
  • Vorhin, in der Leichenhalle (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, beim Tennis-Turnier (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #260December 1990
  • Vorgestern, im Zoo (Artist, Writer)
  • Im Kerker von La Bazonga (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #261January 1991
  • Gestern, auf hoher see (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #262February 1991
  • In der Festung von Rio Gumbo (Artist, Writer)
  • Rechts hinten, im Regenwald (Artist, Writer)
  • In der Praxis von Dr. med. Fröhn (Writer, Artist)
  • Letzten Freitag, im Büro (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, im Zirkus Zambo (Artist, Writer)
  • Der Trick mit dem Strick (Writer, Artist)
  • Duck Edwing in der Leichenhalle (Artist, Writer)
  • Damals, auf der Galeere (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorhin, neben dem Bahnhof (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, über San Francisco (Writer, Artist)
  • Vor 100 Jahren, in Arizona (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorhin, in der Mannschaftskantine (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #269September 1991
  • Gestern in der Vorstadt (Writer, Artist)
  • Vorhin, direkt am Amazonas (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #270October 1991
  • Gestern, am Stadtrand (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #271November 1991
  • Vorhin, im Postamt 13 (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #272December 1991
  • Gestern, neben der Disco (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorhin, im Gerichtssaal (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #273January 1992
  • gestern, auf dem Patentamt (Writer, Artist)
  • Damals, an der Küste Amerikas (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover: Das Märchen von Hänsel und Grätel (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #274February 1992
  • In der Festung von Rio Morte (Writer, Artist)
  • Letztes Wochenende, in Tirol (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwing im Einkaufszentrum (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, auf dem Matterhorn (Artist, Writer)
  • Damals, im WildenWesten (Writer, Artist)
  • Unterwegs, zum Hauptbhnhof (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, im Mittelalter (Artist, Writer)
  • Vorgestern, in Sing - Sing (Writer, Artist)
  • Neulich, in Sing - Sing (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #280October 1992
  • Gestern, auf der Bungee-Brücke (Artist, Writer)
  • Acht Kennedy-Mord-Theorien (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #281December 1992
  • Der dünne Mann hinter dicken Mauern (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #282February 1993
  • Das Geheimnis der Supersuppe (Artist, Writer)
  • Das Telefonzellen-Wunder (Writer, Artist)
  • Neulich, beim Toilettenball - Turnier (Artist, Writer)
  • Szenen aus dem Leben der Briefträger (Artist, Writer)
  • Duck Edwings verdrehte Welt aus Magie und Illusion (Writer, Artist)
  • Kürzlich, im mittleren Orient (Artist, Writer)
  • Neues von der biologisch - natürlichen Methode (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #286October 1993
  • Neulich, im Jurassic Park (Artist, Writer)
  • Neulich, auf Sylt, bei Bühne 10 (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #287December 1993
  • Neulich, im Gerichtssaal 666 (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #288February 1994
  • Neulich, überm Polarkreis (Artist, Writer)
  • Das mexikanische Macho-Massaker (Writer, Artist)
  • Abends, unter alten arbeitslosen Akademikern (Artist, Writer)
  • Die windige Wohltat im WC (Artist, Writer)
  • Das inkompetente Inkognito (Writer, Artist)
  • Die fröhlichen Fummler im Fahrstuhl (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD zu Besuch bei den Monster Mamas & Papas (Artist, Writer)
  • Die tapsigen Touristen im Trödelshop (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #292October 1994
  • Vorgestern, im 7. Stock (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #293December 1994
  • Neulich, kurz vorm Exitus (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #294January 1995
  • eine virtuos verlegte Verbrennung (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #295February 1995
  • Duck Edwing erfolgt den Sensenmann (Artist, Writer)
  • Filmszenen, die wir sehen wollen (Artist, Writer)
  • Parabel vom Papst und von der Polizei (Artist, Writer)
  • Die marode mongolische Monster-Mission (Writer, Artist)
  • Ein Notrülps von King Kong (Artist, Writer)
  • Horror in Florida : Noch ein Fall von Touristenfalle (Artist, Writer)
  • Back Cover: Neulich bei O.J. in L.A. (Writer, Artist)
  • Das grausame Galgen-Gericht auf Galapagos (Artist, Writer)
  • Triumph der Taktik bei der Taufe (Artist, Writer)
  • Traktat vom trügerischen Transatlantischen Transport-Transfer (Writer, Artist)
Germany • MAD Magazine (Dino/Panini)
MAD Magazine #1October 1998
  • Godzilla in Manhattan (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #2November 1998
  • Das höllische Harfen-Happening ? (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #3December 1998
  • Die bemerkenswerte Bauchrednerbegebenheit (Artist, Writer)
  • Der zahnfeindliche Zechzwischenfall (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #4January 1999
  • Der X-Traterrestrische Telefonterror (Artist, Writer)
  • Die Exquisite Exorzismus Episode (Artist, Writer)
  • Die sagenhafte Saurier Saga (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #5February 1999
  • Der maskierte Mountie 4 - Das Blockhaus des Schreckens (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #6March 1999
  • Die kalte Kerker Katastrophe (Artist, Writer)
  • Die tragische Titanic Tafelrunde (Writer, Artist)
  • Die bitterböse Büchsen Begebenheit (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #7April 1999
  • Der tierisch teuflische Tiefausläufer (Artist, Writer)
  • Des unsichtbaren unsäglicher Unfall (Writer, Artist)
  • Die abartige Archäologie Anekdote (Artist, Writer)
  • Der spektakuläre Spieldosen Splatter (Artist, Writer)
  • Der wahrhaft wüste Würstchenwahnsinn (Artist, Writer)
  • Der maskierte Mountie 7 - Die Berge des Chaos (Writer, Artist)
  • Der maskierte Moutie 8 - Die Höhle der Verdammnis (Artist, Writer)
  • Der maskierte Mountie 9 - Die Grube des Todes (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #14November 1999
  • Neulich auf der MS Roguly (Writer, Artist)
  • Die Maske des Zorro (Artist, Writer)
  • Die kurzweiligen Kerkerkämpfe (Artist, Writer)
  • Das lästige Läufer Leiden (Writer, Artist)
  • Die Transparente Teilchenbeschleunigungs Tragödie (Artist, Writer)
  • Die plagiatelische Priester Parabel (Artist, Writer)
  • Der Zahnsteinzeitliche Zwischenfall (Writer, Artist)
  • Die fantastischen Fakir Fabel (Artist, Writer)
  • Die futuristische Fusel Falle (Artist, Writer)
  • Die traurige Traumstrandtragödie (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #23August 2000
  • Das Fantastische Flamenco Finish (Artist, Writer)
  • Die erbauliche Exekutions Episode (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #25October 2000
  • Der Rüpelhafte Rothaut Rückschlag (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #27December 2000
  • Die Schleierhafte Suizid Saga (Writer, Artist)
  • Die teuflisch trickreiche Tauf Taktik (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #29February 2001
  • Der schreckliche Senioren Schlamassel (Artist, Writer)
  • Die Kurzatmige Klinik Katastrophe (Writer, Artist)
  • Das gefühllose Glöckner Geheimnis (Artist, Writer)
  • Das niederstreckende Notfall Novum (Artist, Writer)
  • Die fatale Feinschmecker Ferkelei (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #36September 2001
  • Die schaurig sprunghafte Selbstmord Situation (Artist, Writer)
  • Die Super sportliche Saurier Sause (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #37October 2001
  • Die schmackhafte Südsee Sonnen Saga (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #39December 2001
  • Das taktlose Toiletten Trauma (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #40January 2002
  • Der widerwärtige Wüsten Wahnsinn (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #41February 2002
  • Die klaustrophobische Kroko Klemme (Writer, Artist)
  • Die gezwungen geistlose Gerichts Gepflogenheit (Artist, Writer)
  • Der gigantisch geldgierige Glücksgriff (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #47August 2002
  • Die abartig Angsteinflößende Autobahn Anekdote (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #49October 2002
  • Der Extrem explosive Expertentipp (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #50November 2002
  • Die ohrenbetäubende Orchester Offenbarung (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #53February 2003
  • Der obskure ozean Offenbarungseid (Artist, Writer)
  • Die abscheuliche Angel Anekdote (Writer, Artist)
  • Die seltsam sarkastische Serengeti Stupidität (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #59August 2003
  • Die scheusslich schusslige Sekretärinnen Schlamperei (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #61October 2003
  • Die ungezogene Urinal Unverschämtheim (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #64January 2004
  • Die Taktlos turbulente Trauer Tragödie (Artist, Writer)
  • Die höllisch hirnlose Heli Hilfe (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #73October 2004
  • Die Possenhafte Pazifik Pleite (Writer, Artist)
  • Unterbelichtung des Monats & Comic (Artist, Writer)
  • Letzten Dienstag im Urwald (Artist, Writer)
  • MAD Classics - Die teuflisch tumbe Tierschau (Writer, Artist)
Germany • MAD Paperbacks (Williams)
Germany • MAD Paperbacks (Dino/Panini)
Great Britain • MAD Paperbacks
Mexico • MAD Magazine (Mina)
MAD Magazine #2August 2004
MAD Magazine #3September 2004
MAD Magazine #4October 2004
MAD Magazine #16November 2005
MAD Magazine #17December 2005
  • La Novia de Franki (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Nuevo Armamento (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #18January 2006
  • Penas de Muerte Especializadas (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • El Libro de Duck (Writer, Artist)
  • El Libro de Duck (Artist, Writer)
  • Rescate en Altamar (Artist, Writer)
  • Hulk Tiene una Mala Semana (Writer with Ray Alma)
Netherlands • MAD Omnibus
  • Cover Artist
Netherlands • MAD Paperbacks
Norway • MAD Paperbacks (Semic)
South Africa • MAD Super Special
  • Cover Artist
Spain • MAD Magazine (Locuras)
MAD Magazine #2February 1975
MAD Magazine #3April 1975
  • Back Cover: Escenas que nos gustaría ver (Writer with Jack Rickard)
Spanish Export • MAD Magazine (Spanish Language Export)
Sweden • Stora Julpajaren
  • Cover Artist
Sweden • MAD Paperbacks
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications
Help! #15August 1962