MAD Magazine #223

MAD Magazine #223 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
1st Edition - New York
June 1st, 1981
Mad... Shoots J.R. and the Rest of His Empty-Headed Family With Our Version of "Dallas"
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- Image #2: Signed by Sam Viviano


Additional Images

Table of Contents

Cover: Mad... Shoots J.R. and the Rest of His Empty-Headed Family With Our Version of "Dallas"

Artist: Sam Viviano

Mad Super Special Fall 1981

Department: Mad Super Special

Table of Contents

Letters Dept.

Department: Letters


Artist: Mort Drucker Writer: Lou Silverstone

Don Martin Dept. Part I: One Morning on a Street Corner

Department: Don Martin

Artist, Writer: Don Martin

T-Shirts Through the Ages

Writer: Dick DeBartolo Artist: Harry North

New Inventions to Make Old Inventions Practical

Artist: Bob Clarke Writer: Tom Koch

The Old Gray Line

Artist: Angelo Torres Writer: Lou Silverstone

The New Gray Line

Artist: Angelo Torres Writer: Lou Silverstone

Don Martin Dept. Part II: One Afternoon in the Far East

Department: Don Martin

Artist, Writer: Don Martin

The Mad Sale of Expendable American Properties, Landmarks and Monuments

Artist: Sergio Aragonés Writer: Dennis Snee

Reprinted in: US MAD Magazine #17

The Lighter Side of...

Department: The Lighter Side of...

Artist, Writer: Dave Berg

A "Let the Punishment Fit the Crime" Up-Date

Artist: Jack Davis Writer: Mike Snider

How Can You Possibly Believe...

Artist: Paul Coker, Jr. Writer: George Hart

Unsung "Crossings"

Artist: Jack Rickard Writer: Dennis Snee

Still More Candid Snapshots of Historical Celebrities

Department: Snapshots of Historical Celebrities

Artist, Writer: Paul Peter Porges

Extraordinary People

Artist: Angelo Torres Writer: Stan Hart

Don Martin Dept. Part III: Late One Evening on Death Row

Department: Don Martin

Artist, Writer: Don Martin

Drawn Out Dramas (Various Places around the Magazine)

Artist, Writer: Sergio Aragonés

Back Cover Inside: What is Always the Movie Industry's Ghastliest Production?

Artist, Writer: Al Jaffee

Back Cover: The Escape

Artist, Writer: Don Martin