Tako X is the pseudonym of the Brazilian-japanese born in Curitiba City, Paraná State, Brazil (in 1965) Edson O. Takeuti, who began to draw comics when he was eighteen years-old, publishing his first strips in the newspaper O Estado do Paraná. At age 20 he began to publish in the Brazilian version of MAD Magazine as illustrator of tv satires. Create your best known comic character, Marco, published from 1989 to 2000 in the newspaper A Gazeta do Povo.
It was during five years in Japan (1990 to 1994) in Tokyo, where he worked as a commercial illustrator for several publishing houses and advertising agencies. Back to Brazil in 1995, he worked in the newspaper Gazeta do Povo and set up his own art studio in Curitiba. In 2003 he graduated at EMBAP (School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná). He continues to collaborate with MAD (drawing satires and covers) and create a best-known Brazilian comic super-hero called O Gralha.
In 2002 directed and write the short film live action "The Egg or the Hen - an adventure of the Gralha" (Best Film of the Curitiba Movie Festival 2003). In 2004 returns to Japan where he worked as editorial cartoonist of the newspaper International Press. In 2008 he returns to Curitiba where currently works as a freelancer illustrator and caricaturist.
At the age of 12, signing with his real name (Edson Ossamu Takeuti), Edson Tako X was published in the intention section of Mad #45 (Vecchi) from March 1, 1978
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Contributions by Edson Tako X
- Na Vida Real.../Nas Telenovelas... (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- Certa Noite em Gotham City (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira)
- Outra Noite em Gotham City (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira)
- Mais uma Noite em Gotham City (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira)
- TV satire: ‘Japa!’ [‘Jaspion’] (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira, Bráulio Tavares)
- TV satire: ‘Drogão do Chatão’ [‘Domingão do Faustão’] (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção, Eduardo Carlos Pereira)
- Uma Visita ao Reino de Argh-Vilan (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira, Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- TV satire: ‘Bunda & Mula’ [‘Juba & Lula’] (Artist with Bráulio Tavares)
- Quando os Programas Infantis Dominarem Toda a Televisão (Artist with Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- Os Novos Jogos do “Super Mario Brás” (Artist with Baghanna Nammarikah, Domingos Demasi)
- A Biografia NÃO-Autorizada de Horronaldinho! (Artist with Ed Da Silva Rodrigues, Marcelo Martinez, Otacílio d’Assunção, Luiz Carlos (Luscar) dos Santos, Fernando Miller, Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira, André Almeida)
- Cover Artist
- Magazine satire: “Idioteen” (Artist with Flávio Dealmeida, Marcelo Martinez, Basil Wolverton)
- Cover Artist
- Revista Inimiga Especial – Leotário DiCaprio (Artist with Marcelo Martinez, Carlos Chagas, Otacílio d’Assunção, Fernando Miller)
- A Insuperável Mãe Dinalda Prevê o Futuro de Xaxa, Filha da Xoxa! (Artist with Marcelo Martinez)
- A Insuperável Mãe Dinalda Prevê o Futuro de Xaxa, Filha da Xoxa! (Artist with Marcelo Martinez)
- A Insuperável Mãe Dinalda Prevê o Futuro de Xaxa, Filha da Xoxa! (Artist with Marcelo Martinez)
- Cover Artist (with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
- Os 0900 do MAD – Parte 1 (Artist with Marcelo Martinez)
- MAD Vê o 0900 (Artist with Fernando Miller, Taiguara Torro, Marcelo Martinez, Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Uma Cena que Gostaríamos de Ver na Novela “Porco dos Mil Arghs” (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Cover Artist (with Nílson Sampaio)
- TV satire: “O Corno” (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção, Nílson Sampaio)
- TV satire: “O Corno” (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção, Nílson Sampaio)
- TV satire: “O Corno” (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção, Nílson Sampaio)
- Cover Artist
- Manual de Sobrevivência na “Casa dos Autistas” (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Cover Artist
- TV satire: “Barraco dos Autistas” (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Os Pensamentos de Horromário (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção, Flávio Dealmeida)
- Tudo o que Você Queria Saber sobre Vampiros... mas Saiu Correndo Antes de Ter Coragem de Perguntar! (Artist with Ed Da Silva Rodrigues, Otacílio d’Assunção, Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira, Marcelo de Andrade, Pupuca de Sá, Luciano Félix Bezerra)
- Cover Artist
- Quiz: "Voxê É um Emo?" (Artist with Adriana Ferranni (Drix), Ed)
- Cover Artist
- Verdades e Mentiras sobre o RBD (Artist with Adriana Ferranni (Drix))
- Pesquisa de Opinião Pública do MAD (para Quem Vê TV) (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira)
- TV satire: ‘Japa!’ [‘Jaspion’] (Artist with Eduardo Carlos Pereira, Bráulio Tavares)
- Capas dos números 80 a 158 da Nova Série (Artist with Roberto Parada, Victor Henrique "Ique" Woitschach, Maurício Veneza, Mark Fredrickson, Al Jaffee, Aczel, C.F. Payne, Rogério Wusch dos Santos, Carlos Chagas, Mort Drucker, Ofeliano de Almeida, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Richard Williams)
- Os Episódios do 'Arquivo X' que Nunca Foram ao Ar (Artist with Xandelon)