Timothy Shamey

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Contributions by Timothy Shamey

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #350October 1996
MAD Magazine #353January 1997
MAD Magazine #362October 1997
  • Mad Goes on the Set of the Next "Jerky Chan" Movie (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #363November 1997
  • Mad Interviews the Defense Attorney of the Year (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #366February 1998
  • College Tours Exposed! - Mad Reveals the Lies Behind the Official Snowjob! (Artist with Amy Gillett)
  • One Sunny Morning on Easter Island (Artist with Jay Lynch)
  • The Official Titanic Oriented Artifacts & Stuff Catalog (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #373September 1998
  • Minimum Wage Job Aptitude Test (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #374October 1998
MAD Magazine #375November 1998
  • Tipoffs That You Go to a Really Tough School (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
MAD Magazine #377January 1999
  • The Incredible Hanson Story, From Start to Finish! (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Mad's Realistic Food Guide Pyramid for College Students (Artist with Dennis Snee)
  • 17. Estrogen Rock - "Rock Concerts Vs. Lilith Fair" (Artist with Anthony Barbieri)
  • Steve Grieve's Official Catalog of Rare, Unaffordable Rock & Roll Memorabilia (Artist with David Shayne, Joe Raiola)
MAD Magazine #386October 1999
MAD Magazine #397September 2000
  • Peers Today, Gone Tomorrow (Artist)
MAD Magazine #398October 2000
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
MAD Magazine #414February 2002
  • Ad parody: LoJerk Stolen Vehicle Recovery System (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #435November 2003
MAD Magazine #436December 2003
  • If 24 really depicted what life would be like for America's first Black President (Artist with Mike Mikula)
MAD Magazine #437January 2004
  • 7. Thinking inside the Box - Man ships himself cross-country (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
  • When the government allows Product Placement in the Pledge of Allegiance (Artist with Darren Johnson)
MAD Magazine #513February 2012
  • 8. The NBA Lockout - "No Basketball Association" - (NBA Team Logo Parodies) (Artist)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
MAD Magazine #1April 2018
  • Back Cover: MAD's Guide to Protecting Your Home (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #8August 2019
MAD Magazine #21October 2021
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Record)
MAD Magazine #143September 1998
  • Movie satire: “Arquivo Xixi – Pô, Filme?” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
  • Titanic – Produtos & Artefatos: Catálogo Oficial (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
  • TAPGSM – Teste de Aptidão para Ganhar Salário Mínimo (Artist with Mike Snider)
  • Dicas de que Sua Escola É Mesmo Barra-Pesada (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
  • Uma Manhã de Sol na Ilha de Páscoa (Artist with Jay Lynch)
MAD Magazine #154December 1999
MAD Magazine #155February 2000
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)