MAD Magazine #25

MAD Magazine #25 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
1st Edition - New York
August 1st, 1955
Sale price:
25 cent


Table of Contents

Cover: MAD Fearlessly Exposes The Tweed Ring

Artist: Harvey Kurtzman Artist, Writer: Thomas Nast

What?...You Haven't Tasted New Ipuna?

Artist: Bill Elder

Table of Contents

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman


Department: Radio

Artist: Bill Elder Writer: Harvey Kurtzman

A Stirring Scene To Say The Least From MGMG's "Leave Me Or Leave"!

Artist: Bill Elder Writer: Harvey Kurtzman

[No Title]

Department: Letter

Artist: The Usual Gang of Idiots

MAD Strikes Back!

Department: MAD Strikes Back!

...The Jack E. Glisten Story

Department: People

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman Artist: Wally Wood

Very Square Dance

Department: Music

Writer: Steve Allen

Reprinted in: US MAD Magazine #13

Baseball... Science Or Skill?

Department: Sports

Artist: Jack Davis Writer: Al Jaffee

Anyone For Wrist Slashing?

Department: Magazine

Artist: Wally Wood Writer: Stan Freberg

Was George Washington "George"?

Department: Confidential Information

Artist: Bill Elder Writer: Harvey Kurtzman

The Sleeping Beauty

Department: Fairy Tale

Artist: Gustave Doré Writer: Ernie Kovacs

MAD Awards...

Department: Mad Award

Artist: Bill Elder Writer: Harvey Kurtzman

[No Title]

Department: Newspaper

Writer: Bernard Shir-Cliff

They Built Their Dream-House Singlehanded

Department: Build-It-Yourself

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman Artist: Wally Wood

Gettysburg Address

Department: Education

The Stark Club

Department: Television

Artist: Jack Davis Writer: Harvey Kurtzman

Advice To Young Men On How To Get Into The Army

Department: Roger Price

Artist, Writer: Roger Price

Fozless Fooznick

Artist: Bill Elder

The Blackboard Jumble

Department: Movie

Writer: Harvey Kurtzman Artist: Wally Wood

Banish Body Aroma Problems and Like That

Artist: Bill Elder

Wowee Gang - I Wish I'd Written Both These New Mad Books!

Your Voice of Wiseness Says Smoke Kennt

Artist: Bill Elder Writer: Harvey Kurtzman

A Picture History of Ol' Craw

Artist: Bill Elder Writer: Harvey Kurtzman