MAD Magazine #387

MAD Magazine #387 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
1st Edition - New York
November 1st, 1999
The 20th century - why it sucked!
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Cover Variations

Table of Contents

Advertisement for Subscriptions with Kelly Freas artwork

Artist: Frank Kelly Freas

Vey To Go - Thanks for the lemonade

Artist, Writer: P.C. Vey

Contents Page

Advertisement for Mad About the 1990s book, How to be a Successful Dog book, and Super Special #141 - Mad Trashes the 90s!


The Boys of Summary

Department: Foley and Walsh Go to the Movies

Writer: Desmond Devlin Artist: Angelo Torres Artist: Ray Alma Artist: Grey Blackwell

The Frog Prince - an updated fairy tale...

Department: The Princess and the P.C.

Writer: Don Edwing Artist: Gary Hallgren

Monroe &... South of the Border

Department: Angster's Paradise

Artist: Bill Wray Writer: Anthony Barbieri

The Mad World of the Press

Department: Media Shower

Writer: Mike Snider Writer: Butch D'Ambrosio Artist: R.J. Matson

Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1900 - 1929)

Artist: James Warhola Idea: Tom Koch

Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1930 - 1959)

Artist: Richard Williams Idea: Tom Koch

Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1960 - 1989)

Artist: Scott Bricher Idea: Tom Koch

Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1990 - 1999)

Artist: Drew Friedman Idea: Tom Koch

Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (Insets)

Artist: Sergio Aragonés Idea: Tom Koch

More Joke Set-Ups That Don't Need a Punchline

Department: The Yuk Stops Here

Artist, Writer: John Caldwell

Mad Equations

Department: Add Nauseam

Writer: Don Edwing Artist: Sam Sisco

Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Halloween

Department: The Schmucks Stop Here

Writer: Desmond Devlin Artist: Kevin Pope

Modern Chinese Fortune Cookies

Department: Chop Schtick

Photographer: Irving Schild Writer: Dennis Snee

The ABC's of Drugs

Department: A View to a Pill

Writer: Frank Jacobs Artist: Rick Tulka

A Mad Look at Animal Activists

Department: Serge-In General

Artist, Writer: Sergio Aragonés

Trivialers HMO Medical Claim Form

Department: An Embarrassement of Richard's

Writer: Dick DeBartolo Idea: John Biederman Artist: Elwood Smith

The Bland Witch Project

Department: Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Something From the Coven

Writer: Desmond Devlin Artist: Bill Wray

Mad's Celebrity Cause-Of-Death Betting Odds: Dr. Jack Kevorkian

Department: Grieving Las Vegas

Artist: Hermann Mejia Writer: Mike Snider

Drawn Out Dramas (Various Places around the Magazine)

Artist, Writer: Sergio Aragonés

Back Cover Inside: What has become the most effective way of recycling garbage?

Artist, Writer: Al Jaffee

Back Cover: Spy vs. Spy

Writer: Don Edwing Artist: Peter Kuper