Desmond Devlin

Desmond Devlin
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Contributions by Desmond Devlin

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #257September 1985
  • Badly Needed Warning Labels For Rock Albums (Writer)
  • Mad's Sure Signs of Insanity (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #267December 1986
  • Mad's Practical Joke Catalogue For Courtrooms (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #268January 1987
  • More Badly-Needed Warning Labels For Rock Albums (Writer)
MAD Magazine #281September 1988
  • A Look At Mad's Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Making Baseball Card Collections Complete (Writer with John Pound)
  • MAD’s Lifetime Chart of Wasted Time (Writer with Harry North)
  • Rotten Places Where Waldo Really Would Have To Hide (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
  • Any Doofus / Bozo / Idiot / Schmuck / Moron / Schmendrick / Pinhead / Fool / Cretin / Boob / Ignoramus / Jerk (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
  • The Startling Similarities Between Ancient Mythology & Modern Rock (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Why Sports Life Is Harder Than Real Life (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels For Rock Albums (Writer)
MAD Magazine #313September 1992
  • MAD's Cross-Sections Of State Lottery Winners (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • The ABC's Of Rock (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • The MAD Treasury Of Truly Unexplained Phenomena (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #321September 1993
MAD Magazine #323December 1993
MAD Magazine #324January 1994
MAD Magazine #325February 1994
  • Cover Artist (with Sam Viviano)
  • Cover: Beavis Clinton and Butt-Head Gore (Idea with Sam Viviano)
  • When The Beavis & Butt-Head Phenomenon Spreads Into Politics (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Every Single New Year's Eve (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • The Future Occupations For Today's Top Wrestlers (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • Even More Badly Needed Warning Labels For Rock Albums (Writer with Irving Schild)
  • Cinema Vs. Movies (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • MAD's International Signs For The World Of Rock (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #330September 1994
  • A Comprehensive Sociological Study Of The Distinguishing Characteristics Of Major League Baseball Fans (Writer with Monte Wolverton)
MAD Magazine #331October 1994
  • Mad Equations (Writer)
  • The Upside Of Terrorism (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Rap TV Shows Of The Very Near Future (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #333January 1995
  • Cover Writer
  • Some Statistics the NBA isn't Especially Proud of (Writer with Jack Davis)
  • The Dysfunctional Family Circus (Writer with George Woodbridge)
  • Mad's Parental Guide for Safe TV Viewing (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • So What's the Problem? (Writer)
  • When Beavis & Butt-Head Grow Old! (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Other Interesting Infinity Combinations (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Mad Looks at the World of Rap (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • Only a Wrestling Fan Could Ever... (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Goofus and Gallant's Guide to Sex & Dating (Writer with David Manak)
  • Rock & Roll Closeups (questions) (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Breaking Down the MTV Generation (Writer with Leslie Sternbergh)
  • You're a Winner and a Loser (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Rock & Roll Closeups - the correct answers (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #339October 1995
  • Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #340November 1995
MAD Magazine #341December 1995
MAD Magazine #342January 1996
  • Points to Ponder (Writer)
  • The Bob Dole Guide to Instant Disagreement (Writer with Thomas Fluharty)
  • The All-Time Pantheon of Oddball Music Fans (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • Now That It's All Over (Writer)
  • More Chilling Thoughts (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Are You a "Type A" Personality? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Mad Visits This Year's Blahblahpaloser (Writer with Ray Alma)
  • The Wonderful, Wonderful World of Computers (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • The Hidden Drawbacks of Rock Superstardom (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • The Worst MTV Contests of All Time (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • You're a Crook / You're a Businessman (Writer with George Woodbridge)
  • The Extremely Ultimate Fights (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Back Cover: Mad's Remotely Funny Fake-Out Cable Label (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #350October 1996
  • You’re Their Biggest Fan… But You Just Might Be a Stalker if… (Writer with Terry LaBan)
  • Consumer Product Factoids (Writer)
MAD Magazine #351November 1996
  • It's a Moot Point (Writer)
  • Troubleshooting Guide for this Issue (Writer)
  • Mad Salutes Baseball Then and Now (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #352December 1996
  • The Real Reasons Why Your Favorite Rock Band Just Split Up (Writer with Lisa Haney)
  • In the Mind of a TV Executive (Writer with Rick Geary)
MAD Magazine #354February 1997
  • Even More Chilling Thoughts (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Beavis and Butt-Head Go Hollywood (Writer with David Manak)
  • Truly Unbelievable Plot Twists in Action Movies (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Even Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer with Maple Communications, Inc. )
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - The Mad Nasty File, Vol. 53 (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - You May Have Been a Test-Tube Baby If... (Writer with Don Edwing)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - A Mad Look at Alzheimer's (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at Michael Jordan's Funeral (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - The Lighter Side of... (Writer with Dave Berg)
  • When the Dilbert Cast Invades Other Comic Strips (Writer with Steve Smallwood)
  • Hooked on Ebonics! (Writer with R.J. Matson)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Personal Fitness (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Rosie O'Donnell Grills Some Non-Showbiz Guests (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Truly Unbelievable Plot Twists in Action Movies 2 (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #361September 1997
MAD Magazine #362October 1997
  • Mad Goes on the Set of the Next "Jerky Chan" Movie (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Death (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #364December 1997
  • Still Even More Chilling Thoughts (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #365January 1998
  • James Bond Villains' Pet Peeves (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Sportsmanship (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Fearless Predictions for 1998 (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Badly Needed CD Warning Labels - The Hip-Hop Edition (Writer)
MAD Magazine #366February 1998
  • Badly-Needed Constitutional Amendments??? (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • The Story of Creation Re-Told in a Chat Room (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Party Going (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Mad Pop-Off Video (excerpts from Pop-Off Video Special) (Writer with David P. Levin)
  • Pop-Off Video - Madonna "Frozen" (Writer)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Amusement Parks (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Pop-Off Video - Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" (Writer)
  • Cover Writer
  • South Park Toys and Products Coming to a Toy Shelf Near You! (Writer with Scott Bricher)
  • Melvin and Jenkins' Guide to Saving the Planet (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Pop-Off Video - Usher "Nice and Slow" (Writer)
  • Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Fine Dining (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Pop-Off Video - Ben Folds Five "Brick" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #373September 1998
  • Pop-Off Video - Marcy Playground "Sex & Candy" (Writer)
  • Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Summer Camp (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Mad Investigates the Psychic Hotline Business (Writer with Rick Geary)
  • Pop-Off Video - Natalie Imbruglia "Torn" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #374October 1998
  • Pop-Off Video - Hanson "Weird" (Writer)
  • Pop-Off Video - Backstreet Boys "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #375November 1998
  • Melvin & Jenkins Guide to the Rules of the Road (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #376December 1998
  • The Wizard of Oz in a Chat Room (Writer with James Warhola)
  • Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Money (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #377January 1999
  • The Incredible Hanson Story, From Start to Finish! (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
  • Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Music Appreciation (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • 5. The Flag Burning Amendment That Won't Die - "Your Congressmen Explain Their Stance on the Flag-Burning Amendment" (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • 9. Rodman & Malone's Pro Wrestling Sideshow - "A Peek Behind the Scenes at WCW's Bash at the Beach" (Writer with Grey Blackwell)
  • 15. The Sultan of So-What - "Mark McGwire Timeline to History" (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #378February 1999
  • Slam's End - The Catalog of Pro Wrestling Merchandise (Writer with Angelo Torres)
  • Abbott & Costello Organize the MTV Videotape Library (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Pop-Off Video - Alanis Morissette "Thank You" (Writer)
  • Pro Wrestling Haiku (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Upcoming Movies Based on Comic Books (Writer with Amanda Conner)
  • Back Cover: Candy Hearts for Modern Lovers (Writer with Jeff Kruse)
  • Mad's TV Expert Quiz (Writer with Rick Geary)
  • The Home Schlocking Network's "Beanie Baby Hour" (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Even Yet Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer)
  • The Special Prosecutor's Official Report on Mister Rogers (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Diary of a Tomb Raider Fanatic (Writer with Scott Bricher)
  • How the NBA Plans to Win Back the Love of Their Former Fans (Writer with Keith Seidel)
  • MAD’s Science Fiction Primer (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • The Jesse Venturification of U.S. Politics (Writer with Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #385September 1999
  • Detroit Rock Sissies (Writer with Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #386October 1999
MAD Magazine #387November 1999
MAD Magazine #388December 1999
MAD Magazine #389January 2000
  • 10. The Umpires Strike Out - "Taken Out of the Ball Game" - (Take Me Out to the Ball Game song parody) (Writer with Keith Seidel)
  • 11. The Blair Witch Project - "Eerie Comparisons Between The Wizard of Oz and The Blair Witch Project" (Writer with Sam Sisco)
  • 15. Beanie Babies Call It Quits... Yeah, Right! - "The Telltale Signs of Post-Beanie Syndrome" (Writer with Lisa Haney)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to the Millennium (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #390February 2000
  • How Various People Will React to the Next Random Act of Senseless Violence (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • How to Become a Big-Time Boy Band Producer! (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Harry Plodder and the Kidney Stone by J.K. Growling (Book Parody) (Writer with James Warhola)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Technology (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • George W. Bush Faces the Drug Issue Head-On! (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Hobbies (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Boobs Want To Be A Millionaire (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
  • All-New Even Yet Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer)
  • Settling the Howard Stern Divorce Case on Judge Judy (Writer with Angelo Torres)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Politics (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: Great Newscasting Debacles (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: TV Guide Salutes the Underpaid and Over-Abused Assistants to the Stars! (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: William Shatner's TV Hairlines Collectors' Covers (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: So What If My Material Blows? This Raised Eyebrow Will "Let You In" That I'm Too Damn Hip For My Own Good (Writer with Keith Seidel)
  • Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: We Salute 25 Years of Cable TV! (Writer with John Caldwell)
  • The Comics Page of L'Osservatore Romano (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #397September 2000
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Hospitals (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #399November 2000
MAD Magazine #400December 2000
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
  • 1. Election 2000 (featuring Al Gore or George Bush) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • How Bill Clinton Will Stack Up Against Other U.S. Presidents (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #402February 2001
  • Obituaries for Video Game Characters (Writer with Kevin Greene)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to School Spirit (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Mad's 50 Worst Things About Sports (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #410October 2001
MAD Magazine #411November 2001
  • The 25 Least Powerful People in Show Business (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #412December 2001
  • Cover Writer
  • Harry Plodder and the Sorry-Ass Story (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • The Mysterious Mysteries of Televised Sports (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #413January 2002
MAD Magazine #414February 2002
  • Even Yet Still Further More Badly-Needed Warning Labels For Today's Hottest CDs (Writer)
  • 2001: The Year in Film (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
  • Key Points of My, George W. Bush's, Environmental Plan (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Bored of the Rings - The Feebleschtick of Ka-Ching! (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • The Final Minute of Saturday Night Live (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Mad's 50 Worst Things About Music (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • The Everlasting Ridiculous Impacts of Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Writer with Ray Alma)
  • Endless-Prize (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #421September 2002
  • Drastic Cutbacks in the Music Industry (Writer with Rick Tulka, Digital Chameleon)
  • Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows - The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (Writer with Bob Staake)
  • The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Official Edict on Pedophile Priests (Writer with Tom Nick Cocotos)
MAD Magazine #423November 2002
  • Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows - The Late Show with David Letterman (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Breaking Up (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #424December 2002
  • Harry Plodder and the Lamest of Sequels (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #426February 2003
  • MAD Deconstructs TV Talk Shows – This Month: Jerry Springer (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • MAD’s 2003 Spring Break Course Selections (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Movie satire: “$-Men 2” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • Deconstructs TV Talk Shows – This Mont: The View (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #433September 2003
MAD Magazine #434October 2003
MAD Magazine #436December 2003
  • 2-Letter Video Labels MTV should use (Writer)
MAD Magazine #438February 2004
MAD Magazine #447November 2004
MAD Magazine #448December 2004
MAD Magazine #449January 2005
MAD Magazine #450February 2005
  • Battyman, begone! (Batman begins Parody) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #459November 2005
MAD Magazine #461January 2006
  • You can write the next American Idol single! (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #469September 2006
MAD Magazine #473January 2007
  • The Biggest Lardass (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
MAD Magazine #484December 2007
  • MAD deconstructs TV Talkshows - This month: The Colbert Show (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #485January 2008
  • Embryonic Jones and the Temple of Womb (A MAD Poster) (Writer with Richard Williams)
  • MAD's helpful Guide to The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #495November 2008
MAD Magazine #496December 2008
MAD Magazine #497January 2009
MAD Magazine #501October 2009
  • Harry Plodder is a hot-blooded putz (A MAD Movie Parody) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #502January 2010
  • Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to personal health (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
  • Mad's Handy Quick Primer to World of Warcraft (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #507February 2011
  • Harry Plodder and It's Dreadful What Follows (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • 8. Lebron James - "The F#@% Cleveland Show" (Writer with Jack Syracuse)
  • 100% Superficial - Justin Bieber - First Step 2 Obscurity: My Story - Mad Exclusive Excerpt (Writer with Scott Bricher)
  • The Mad Vault - It's a Recession... / It's a Depression... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • The Stupid Six - Reasons Keith Olbermann is No Longer on Countdown (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Green Lunkhead (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • Mad Pins Down Some Truly Shocking WWE: Did You Know?s (Writer with Tim Hamilton)
MAD Magazine #512December 2011
MAD Magazine #513February 2012
  • 4. Congressman Sexts His Weiner - "The Anthony Weiner 'No Limits' Sexting Plan" - (Ad Parody) (Writer)
  • 7. Olbermann Implodes At MSNBC - The Worst Personal Choice in the World (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • 14. Trump Says Obama Not American - "Birther King" - (Burger King / Trump Portrait) (Writer with Roberto Parada)
  • 18. Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark's Injuries - "The Amazingly Dangerous Spider-Play" - (The Amazing Spiderman Comic Book Parody) (Writer with Ty Templeton)
MAD Magazine #548December 2017
MAD Magazine #549February 2018
  • 19 NFL Blackballs Kaepernick Personnel Foul (Writer with Ward Sutton)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
MAD Magazine #1April 2018
  • Star Bores: Half-Assed Jedi (A MAD Movie Satire) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #11February 2020
  • 5. Mitch McConnell's Bill Killing - "Inaction Comics - The Man of Stall" (Writer with Kerry Callen)
  • 12. Robert Mueller's "Big" Reveal - A MAD Centerfold (Writer with Hermann Mejia, AJ DiCosimo )
  • 14. Perverted Justice - "The Pedo Files" (Writer with Scott Anderson)
MAD Magazine #14August 2020
MAD Magazine #15October 2020
  • Real-Life Superheroes at Comic Book Coventions (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #16December 2020
  • Eerie Comparisons Between The Wizard of Oz and The Blair Witch Project (Writer with Sam Sisco)
  • Mad in the Year 2038 - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #20August 2021
  • MAD's Stupidest Behind the Scenes Facts About Peter Jackson's Remake of King Kong from Mad's Inside Scoop on this Year's Stupidest Holiday Movies (Writer with Tom Richmond, Scott Maiko)
MAD Magazine #21October 2021
  • A Sports Fan / Sports Fanatic (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #23February 2022
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Record)
MAD Magazine #14September 1985
MAD Magazine #25December 1986
MAD Magazine #49January 1989
  • Lugares Imundos Onde Wally Poderia Realmente Se Esconder (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Tabela MAD da Perda de Tempo na Vida (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #78November 1991
  • As Espantosas Semelhanças entre Mitologia Antiga e Rock Moderno (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • O Tesouro MAD dos Fenômenos Verdadeiramente Inexplicáveis (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #97September 1993
  • Assessores Cascateiros para Todos Nós (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #100December 1993
MAD Magazine #109October 1994
MAD Magazine #111January 1995
  • Cada Véspera de Ano Novo… (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #112February 1995
  • Placas Internacionais MAD para o Mundo do Rock (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Você Está Velho Demais para o Rock Quando… (Writer with Thomas Hachtman)
MAD Magazine #118November 1995
  • Os 11 Quadros de Desenhos Animados Mais Raros do Mercado (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #119January 1996
  • Você É um Vencedor e um Perdedor... (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Quando Beavis & Butt-Head Ficarem Velhos (Writer with Sam Viviano)
  • Estranho... mas Verdadeiro!!! (Writer with Rick Geary)
  • Movie satire: “Campeonato Mundial de Mortes Marciais – O Grande Calafrio!” (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #128December 1996
  • As Desvantagens de Ser um Superastro do Rock (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • Você É um Bandido/Você É um Empresário (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #129February 1997
  • Computadores São Ótimos, porque... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Os Piores Concursos da MTV de Todos os Tempos (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Os Verdadeiros Motivos que Levaram Sua Banda de Rock Favorita a Se Separar (Writer with Lisa Haney)
  • Reviravoltas Realmente Inacreditáveis em Filmes de Ação! (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #133September 1997
  • Guia de Viagens de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #134October 1997
  • Por Trás dos Bastidores da MTV (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • Reviravoltas Realmente Inacreditáveis em Filmes de Ação – Parte II (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #135November 1997
  • Guia dos Bichos de Estimação de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #137February 1998
  • A História da Criação Recontada em um Chat Room (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Guia da Morte de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Guia do Namoro de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Guia para Festas de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #143September 1998
  • Guia para Parques de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #144December 1998
  • South Park – Brinquedos & Produtos (Writer with Scott Bricher)
  • Guia para Salvar o Planeta de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #145January 1999
  • Guia da Boa Mesa de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Guia do Acampamento de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Guia da Estrada de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Como Monica Lewinsky Mudou o Mundo (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • Guia do Dinheiro de Zé Mané & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Futuros Filmes Baseados nos Quadrinhos (Writer with Amanda Conner)
  • Guia da Apreciação Musical de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Cartilha MAD da Ficção Científica (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Diário de um Fissurado em Tomb Raider (Writer with Scott Bricher)
MAD Magazine #153November 1999
MAD Magazine #154December 1999
  • Regras Ocultas do Namoro a Quatro (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
  • Movie satire: “A Bruxa de Bleargh” (Writer with Bill Wray)
MAD Magazine #155February 2000
  • Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia da Tecnologia (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Como se Tornar Produtor de uma Banda B.O. (Boa pra Otário) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #2February 2001
MAD Magazine #3April 2001
  • Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia dos Hospitais (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #5August 2001
  • Book satire: “Harry Podre e a Pedra no Rim” (Writer with James Warhola)
  • Obituários para Personagens de Videogame (Writer with Kevin Greene)
MAD Magazine #6September 2001
MAD Magazine #7November 2001
  • Movie satire: “Laura Cospe – O Filme” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #8December 2001
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Peido Fenomenal” (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Movie satire: “O Senhor dos Manés – A Boçalidade do Anel” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #14December 2002
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e a Câmara das Secreções” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • Movie satire: “O Senhor dos Manés – As Duas Porras” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #20November 2003
  • Zé Mané & Zé José Terminam um Namoro (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Movie satire: “O Senhor dos Manés – O Corno do Rei” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e os Pré-Zoneiros de Aikibomba” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • MAD Apresenta Algumas Cenas – que nem no DVD Tiveram Coragem de Colocar! – de “Shrek 2” (Writer)
  • TV/movie/whatever satire: “Star Shrek” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • As Diferenças entre Hogwarts e Sua Escola (Writer with Wildstorm, Amanda Conner, Bill Wray)
MAD Magazine #31January 2005
  • Cursos de Férias que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #32February 2005
  • Movie satire: “Desventuras, Encerrem!” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #37November 2005
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Cale-se de Fogo” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #46December 2006
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #1March 2008
  • Movie satire: "Harry Podre e a Bosta no Tênis" (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #2April 2008
  • Guia Internacional MAD das Olimpíadas de Pequim (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Movie satire: "O Homem Se Ferra" (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #8October 2008
  • Movie satire: "O Cavaleiro das Pregas" (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #19October 2009
  • “O Aprendiz” com Celebridades Mortas (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #21December 2009
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Esmegma do Príncipe” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #29August 2010
MAD Magazine #30September 2010
  • TV satire: ‘The Big Bomba Theory’ [‘The Big Bang Theory’] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #34January 2011
  • Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para o Voluntariado (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #35February 2011
  • 100% Superficial: Justin Bieber – Há Dois Passos do Esquecimento: Minha História (Writer with Scott Bricher)
  • Movie satire: ‘Harry Podre e as Bijuterias da Morte’ [‘Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte – Parte 1’/‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I’] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • Resumão da MAD pra Você Entender “World of Warcraft” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #40August 2011
  • Movie satire: ‘Latrina Verde’ [‘Lanterna Verde’/‘Green Lantern’] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #44January 2012
  • As Verdades Chocantes (e Pouco Críveis) da MAD – Edição WWE (Writer with Tim Hamilton)
  • TV show satire: ‘The Walking Merd’ [‘The Walking Dead’] (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #51September 2012
  • Movie satire: 'Jogos com Gases' ['Jogos Vorazes'/'The Hunger Games' (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #52October 2012
  • O Homem-Aranha Tweetava Enquanto Via o Filme dos Vingadores (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #54December 2012
  • 5-in-1 movie satire: 'A Saga Prepúcio' ['A Saga Crepúsculo'/'The Twilight Saga'] (Writer with Anton Emdin)
  • Títulos que Monica Lewinski Não Pode Usar no Seu Próximo Livro (Writer with Ward Sutton)
  • Crítica Literotária - 'Diário de um Zumbi Banana' (Writer with Ty Templeton)
  • TV show satire: 'A Guerra dos Cornos' ['A Guerra dos Tronos'/'Game of Thrones'] (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #62September 2013
  • Operação 'Spyfallido' - A Batalha dos Bonds (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #64November 2013
  • Movie satire: 'O Horrobit - Uma Jornada Desesperada' ['O Hobbit - Uma Jornada Inesperada'/'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jorney'] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • Relações Públicas para Todos Nós (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #65December 2013
MAD Magazine #66January 2014
MAD Magazine #67February 2014
  • Frases de 'Duck Dynasty' que Gostaríamos de Ouvir (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #72August 2014
  • Momentos Esquecidos dos 30 Anos de 'Wrestlemania' (Writer with Anton Emdin)
MAD Magazine #73September 2014
  • Rapper ou Código de Aeroporto? (Writer with Justin Peterson)
  • Movie satire: 'Jogos Fominhas' ['Jogos Vorazes: em Chamas'/'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire'] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #75November 2014
  • Movie satire: 'O Bobbit - A Adaptação Alongada' ['O Hobbit - Uma Jornada Inesperada'/ An Unexpected Journey'] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #77December 2014
  • Em Toda Noite de Ano Novo... (Writer with Tom Bunk)
  • Factoides Obscuros do Esporte (Writer with Anton Emdin)
Brasil • Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Record) (Record)
Mad O Pior DoSeptember 2000
  • Reviravoltas Realmente Inacreditáveis em Filmes de Ação! (Writer with Mort Drucker)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Record) (Record)
Brasil • Mini-MAD (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Peido Fenomenal” (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e os Pré-Zoneiros de Aikibomba” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • As Diferenças entre Hogwarts e Sua Escola (Writer with Amanda Conner, Bill Wray)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • South Park – Novos Produtos que Vão Levar Todo Seu Dinheiro! (Writer with Scott Bricher)
  • Escola de Super-Heróis (Writer with Joe Staton)
  • Super-Heróis da Vida Real (Writer with Al Jaffee)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Panini) (Panini)
  • Guia para Salvar o Planeta de Zé José e Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Movie satire: "Bostman Breguinha" (Writer with Tom Richmond)
  • Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para o Halloween (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Guia para Festas de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Os Efeitos Colaterais de Ser uma Estrela do Rock (Writer with Kyle Baker)
  • Guia Financeiro de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • Tabela MAD da Perda de Tempo na Vida (Writer with Harry North)
  • O Tesouro MAD dos Fenômenos Verdadeiramente Inexplicáveis (Writer with Al Jaffee)
  • Guia para Parques de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
  • O Guia da Educação Superior de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
Finland • MAD Magazine (Semic)
  • Cover Writer
  • Cover Writer
  • Cover Writer
Germany • MAD Magazine (Dino/Panini)
MAD Magazine #111December 2007
Mexico • MAD Magazine (Mina)
  • TV/movie/whatever satire: “Star Shrek” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
  • Movie satire: “Harry Plotter y el Prisionero de Razcabán” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #2August 2004
MAD Magazine #18January 2006