Andrew J. Schwartzberg

Andrew J. Schwartzberg

Contributions by Andrew J. Schwartzberg

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #313September 1992
  • World's Great Thinkers Go To a Baseball Game (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Mad's Baseball Rotisserie League Draft Form (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Job Opportunities for Presidential Runner-Ups (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #342January 1996
  • You Know America's Been Nuked When... (Writer)
  • When "Per Serving" Information is Placed on Everything (Writer with Glenn Barr)
MAD Magazine #349October 1996
  • Little Known Facts About America's Hottest Tourist Attractions (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #350October 1996
  • Better Things Millionaires Can Do to Help the USA Than Run for President (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Back Cover: MAD’s Mandatory School Uniform for the ’90s (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #352December 1996
  • Concert Pairings That Make Sense (Writer)
  • Generation X Job Resume (Writer with Greg Theakston)
  • A Typical Night in the City That Never Sleeps (Writer with Rick Tulka)
  • Back Cover: Tired of Blending in with the Crowd? - Just for Rodman Hair Color (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
MAD Magazine #353January 1997
  • You'll Probably Win That Sexual Harrassment Suit If... (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
  • Watch Out Guys, It's a Chick Flick! (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #361September 1997
  • If Clinton and Yeltsin Held Their Summits in a Private Online Chat Room (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #364December 1997
  • Important Lessons Learned from the Mars Pathfinder Mission (Writer with Thomas Hachtman)
MAD Magazine #365January 1998
  • The Dallas Cowboys Off-the-Field Playbook (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
  • Siskel & Ebert Trash Home Movies (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Little Known Facts About Europe's Hottest Tourist Attractions (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
  • When Non-Sports Shows Use the "Fox Box" Concept (Writer with Drew Friedman)
  • Cyber-Snaps - Yo' Mamma Jokes for Computer Nerds (Writer with Grey Blackwell)
MAD Magazine #377January 1999
  • 13. Norm "Crybaby" McDonald "Norm McDonald Lost His Job" (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #378February 1999
  • The Loveline Advice Chart for Dysfunctional Celebrities (Writer with Joe Ciardiello)
MAD Magazine #385September 1999
MAD Magazine #397September 2000
  • How Alex Rodriguez Will Spend His $252 Million (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • Other Medical "Surveys" The Public Never Heard About (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #437January 2004
  • 1. The California Recall: Media Circus of the Stars (Writer with Steven Chorney)
MAD Magazine #445September 2004
MAD Magazine #449January 2005
  • Ben Affleck - The Art of the Poker Face (Writer with Drew Friedman)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
MAD Magazine #16December 2020
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Record)
MAD Magazine #81February 1992
MAD Magazine #88November 1992
  • Se os Grandes Pensadores Fossem ao Estádio (Writer with Mort Drucker)
  • As Estranhas e Piradas Aventuras de A. Ranca, o Dentista (Writer with Marshall Vandruff)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
  • Pesquisas Médicasdas Quais o Público Nunca Ouviu Falar (Writer with Tom Bunk)
Brasil • Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Record) (Record)
  • TV satire: ‘Misérias Insolúveis’ [‘Mistérios Insolúveis’/‘Unsolved Mysteries’] (Writer with Jack Davis)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • As Grandes Descobertas Feitas pela Sonda-Robô em Marte (Writer with Thomas Hachtman)
Brasil • Mini-MAD (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • Pesquisas Médicas das Quais o Público Nunca Ouviu Falar (Writer with Tom Bunk)
Brasil • Various MAD Books
Epic MAD #1June 2013
  • Canções para o Pessoal da Escola (Writer with Tom Richmond)
Mexico • MAD Magazine (Mina)
MAD Magazine #17December 2005
  • Otras “Encuestas” Médicas que el Público Nunca Ha Escuchado (Writer with Tom Bunk)