Tom Richmond

May 4th, 1966
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Contributions by Tom Richmond

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #399November 2000
  • Gadgets to Really Make Home Theater Like Going to the Movies! (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #400December 2000
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
  • 1. Election 2000 (featuring Al Gore or George Bush) (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #410October 2001
MAD Magazine #412December 2001
  • The Mysterious Mysteries of Televised Sports (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #413January 2002
MAD Magazine #414February 2002
  • Their Team... Your Team... (Artist with John Prete)
MAD Magazine #421September 2002
  • Conclusive Evidence of the Ever-Widening Gap Between Baseball's Small and Large Market Teams (Artist with Scott Lieberman)
MAD Magazine #422October 2002
  • A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of “The Sopranos” (Artist with John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #424December 2002
MAD Magazine #426February 2003
  • Mad's Proposed Rule Changes for the Upcoming NASCAR Season (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #434October 2003
MAD Magazine #435November 2003
MAD Magazine #436December 2003
  • Is our World all that different from the Matrix? (Artist with Greg Leitman)
MAD Magazine #438February 2004
  • MAD's Suggestions for improving American Idol (Artist with Greg Leitman)
MAD Magazine #445September 2004
MAD Magazine #446October 2004
MAD Magazine #447November 2004
MAD Magazine #449January 2005
  • Lewd & Disorder - Criminal Malcontent (Law & Order Parody) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #450February 2005
  • Dump my Ride (Pimp my Ride Parody) (Artist with Dave Croatto)
MAD Magazine #458October 2005
  • MAD's exclusive backstage tour of the Family Guy (Artist with David Richards)
MAD Magazine #459November 2005
MAD Magazine #460December 2005
  • Extreme Once-Over home repitition (Extreme Makeover Home Edition Parody) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #461January 2006
  • 11. The Terry Schiavo Media Circus (Artist)
MAD Magazine #462February 2006
  • You can write the next American Idol single! (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Stuporman Returns (Superman Returns Parody) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #470October 2006
MAD Magazine #471November 2006
  • The Meldalini Pages; "The amazing racist", "Mel Gibsons Drink and Say", "Saddam Sez", "The Cover we did not use", "Mel Gibsons Apology", "One Afternoon on Pacific Coast Highway" (Author with Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Charles Akins, Scott Maiko)
  • When Video Games become religious (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
MAD Magazine #472December 2006
MAD Magazine #473January 2007
  • 11. North Korea Tests the Bomb - The nutty aggressor (Artist)
  • The Evolution of Hunger (Artist)
MAD Magazine #481September 2007
  • Things shouted out to Paris Hilton as she left prison (Artist)
  • Celebrity Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards (Artist with Michael Arnold)
MAD Magazine #483November 2007
  • When other advertising characters get tv shows (Artist with Scott Maiko)
MAD Magazine #485January 2008
  • 13. The Sopranos Finale (Artist)
MAD Magazine #486February 2008
  • Mad Presents The Whitest Kids U' Know (Special Advertising Section) (Artist)
  • Meet the new Staff of MAD (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
  • Slomantha? Who cares! (Samantha Who Parody) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #495November 2008
MAD Magazine #497January 2009
  • 9. The economic collapse: Saved by the bail (Artist)
MAD Magazine #498February 2009
MAD Magazine #502January 2010
  • 4. Henry Gates arrested in own home - Beer & Loathing (Artist)
  • Board Game-Based Movies we'll soon be seeing (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
  • Reasons Cited by Sportswriters for Not Voting Mark McGwire into Baseball's Hall of Fame (Artist)
  • Relive The Stupidity - 3 of Your Favorite Dumb News Stories from Last Year! Now on DVD and Blu-ray (30,000 - Special Troop Surge Edition; Made Up; White House Crashers) (Artist)
  • The Big Bomb Theory (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
MAD Magazine #507February 2011
  • Harry Plodder and It's Dreadful What Follows (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #511October 2011
MAD Magazine #512December 2011
  • Punitive Damages - A Game of Supreme Justice (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #513February 2012
  • 6. Charlie Sheen Self-Destructs - "Sheen Lantern" - (Green Lantern Comic Book Cover Parody) (Artist with Scott Nickel, Kit Lively)
  • Cover Artist
MAD Magazine #548December 2017
  • Cover: Stranger Things (Artist)
  • Strangely Thin (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #549February 2018
  • 4 White Supremacists March the Bigot Losers (Colorist, Artist)
  • 8 Turmp vs. Kim Jong-Un Atom & Eve of Destruction (Artist)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
MAD Magazine #1April 2018
  • Star Bores: Half-Assed Jedi (A MAD Movie Satire) (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Ad for Subscriptions with Limited Edition Alfred E. Neuman Mini Tiki Mug Bonus (Artist)
  • Starchie Reconstituted (Artist with Ian Boothby)
  • Riverdull (A MAD TV Satire) (Artist with Ian Boothby)
MAD Magazine #8August 2019
  • Silly Wonky & The Town of Flavor (Artist with Alec Owen)
MAD Magazine #9October 2019
MAD Magazine #10December 2019
  • The Manmaid's Tale (Artist with Tammy Golden)
  • Xander and Kam's Night of the Living Sequels! (Artist with Ian Boothby)
MAD Magazine #11February 2020
  • 15. Anti-Vax Hotshots - "Madame Pus-sauds Anti-Vax Museum" (Artist with Sarah Hutto)
  • 19. Dems a Lot of Candidates! - "Democratic MADvent Calendar" (Artist with Amanda Stellberg)
MAD Magazine #14August 2020
  • Cheat Your Way to Olympic Gold (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Here's to you, Mr. Jaffee! (Artist)
MAD Magazine #15October 2020
  • The Wisenheim Museum - Mort The Master (Artist, Writer)
  • A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of The Hulk (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Greg Leitman)
MAD Magazine #20August 2021
  • Cover Artist
  • MAD's Stupidest Behind the Scenes Facts About Peter Jackson's Remake of King Kong from Mad's Inside Scoop on this Year's Stupidest Holiday Movies (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Scott Maiko)
MAD Magazine #23February 2022
  • Cover Artist
  • Cover Artist
USA • DC MAD Variant Covers 2014
  • Cover Artist
USA • DC MAD Cover Variation
USA • MAD Kids (New York)
MAD Kids #7May 2007
  • Cover Artist
MAD Kids #13December 2008
  • Cover Artist
USA • Miscellaneous MAD Specials (New York)
USA • Special Collector's Edition (New York)
USA • Miscellaneous MAD Books (New York)
USA • Poster & Displays
USA • MAD & Alfred E. Neuman Cameos
USA • Secondary Literature
  • Cover Artist
Australia • MAD Magazine
  • Cover Artist
MAD Magazine #511December 2018
  • Cover Artist
MAD Magazine #518December 2019
  • Cover Artist
  • Cover Artist
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #7November 2001
  • Movie satire: “Laura Cospe – O Filme” (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Movie satire: “Boçais em Linhas Inimigas” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #14December 2002
  • Movie satire: “Harry Podre e a Câmara das Secreções” (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • MAD Espia as Filmagens de um Episódio da “Família Sótrampo” (Artist with John Caldwell)
  • Movie satire: “Xixi-Men 2” (Artist)
MAD Magazine #18August 2003
MAD Magazine #19September 2003
  • Movie satire: “O Esculhambador do Futuro 3 – A Rebelião dos Malas” (Artist)
MAD Magazine #21December 2003
  • Nosso Mundo É Assim Tão Diferente do Mundo de “Matrix”? (Artist with Greg Leitman)
MAD Magazine #29October 2004
  • Movie satire: “Bostman Breguinha” (Artist)
  • TV satire: "Bost" (Artist)
  • Movie satire: "O Segredo dos Cowboys Bem que Montando" (Artist)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #1March 2008
  • Movie satire: "Harry Podre e a Bosta no Tênis" (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Coisas que Foram Ditas a Paris Hilton Assim que Saiu da Prisão (Artist)
MAD Magazine #2April 2008
MAD Magazine #8October 2008
MAD Magazine #11February 2009
  • Movie Satire: “Atchinmen – O Filme” (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #29August 2010
MAD Magazine #30September 2010
  • TV satire: ‘The Big Bomba Theory’ [‘The Big Bang Theory’] (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #35February 2011
  • Writer: Arnie Kogen (Artist)
  • Movie satire: ‘Harry Podre e as Bijuterias da Morte’ [‘Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte – Parte 1’/‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I’] (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #40August 2011
  • Movie satire: ‘Latrina Verde’ [‘Lanterna Verde’/‘Green Lantern’] (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #43December 2011
MAD Magazine #51September 2012
  • Movie satire: 'Jogos com Gases' ['Jogos Vorazes'/'The Hunger Games' (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
  • Movie satire: 'Vinganadores' ['Os Vingadores'/'The Avengers'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #62September 2013
  • Operação 'Spyfallido' - A Batalha dos Bonds (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #64November 2013
  • Movie satire: 'O Horrobit - Uma Jornada Desesperada' ['O Hobbit - Uma Jornada Inesperada'/'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jorney'] (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #66January 2014
  • TV show satire: 'Homerdland' ['Homeland - Segurança Nacional'/'Homeland'] (Artist with David Shayne)
  • Writer: Arnie Kogen (Artist)
MAD Magazine #73September 2014
  • Movie satire: 'Jogos Fominhas' ['Jogos Vorazes: em Chamas'/'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire'] (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #74October 2014
MAD Magazine #75November 2014
  • Movie satire: 'O Bobbit - A Adaptação Alongada' ['O Hobbit - Uma Jornada Inesperada'/ An Unexpected Journey'] (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #79February 2015
  • TV satire: "House of Chatos" ["House of Cards"] (Artist with David Shayne)
Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • Cover Artist
Brasil • Mini-MAD (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • Movie satire: “Escória do Rock” (Artist)
  • Movie satire: “Escória do Rock” (Artist)
Brasil • Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Mythos) (Mythos)
MAD Extra #1July 2002
Brasil • MAD Especial (Panini) (Panini)
Brasil • Various MAD Books
Epic MAD #1June 2013
Germany • MAD Magazine (Dino/Panini)
MAD Magazine #111December 2007
Mexico • MAD Magazine (Mina)
MAD Magazine #4October 2004
  • Movie satire: “El Hombre que Araña – Dos” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #18January 2006
Spain • MAD Books and Paperbacks
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications