December 2nd, 1924, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
July 27th, 2016, St. Simons Island, Georgia, U.S.
More about:
Contributions by Jack Davis

MAD Magazine #2December 1952
- Cover Artist (with Marie Severin)
- Front Cover (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Hex! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #6August 1953
- If You Haven't Been Able To Find 'MAD' On Your Local Newsstand... (Artist)
- Casey At The Bat! (Artist with Ernest Lawrence Thayer, Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #8December 1953
- So What? So You, Too, Can Join the E.C. Fan-Addict Club! (Artist)
- Lone Stranger Rides Again! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #9February 1954
- So What? So You, Too, Can Join The E.C. Fan-Addict Club! (Artist)
- Yep Kiddies! E.C.'s New Humor Mag, Panic, Is On Sale (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Hah! Noon! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #10April 1954
- I Dreamed I Went to a Fraternity Smoker in My Panic Magazine! (Artist)
- The Face Upon the Floor! (Artist with Marie Severin, H. Antoine D'Arcy, Harvey Kurtzman, Basil Wolverton)
MAD Magazine #11May 1954
- Beware of Imitations! (Artist)
- I Dreamed I Went to a Fraternity Smoker in My Panic Magazine! (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Murder the Husband! (Artist with Marie Severin, William Gaines, Al Feldstein)
- Murder the Story! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
- Beware of Imitations! (Artist with Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #12June 1954
- Do People Laugh at You for Reading Comic Books? (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Mark Trade! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #15September 1954
- Now...If You Join...You Get the Bulletin...Free! (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Captain Tvideo! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #18December 1954
- Alice In Wonderland! (Artist with Marie Severin, Lewis Caroll, Harvey Kurtzman, John Tenniel)
MAD Magazine #20February 1955
- Paul Revere's Ride! (Artist with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
- Cowboy! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #23May 1955
- Scenes We'd...Like To See! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
- The Barefoot Nocountessa! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #24July 1955
- I Dreamed I Walked Down 5th Avenue In My Ironmaidenfit (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Wrestling (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Anyone Can Build This Coffee Table (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Vera's Cruz (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Pictoquiz (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- In These Danger Periods Your Skin "Dies" A Little (Artist)
MAD Magazine #25August 1955
- Baseball... Science Or Skill? (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- The Stark Club (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #26November 1955
- The Dave Garrowunway Show (Artist)
- Let's Go For A Ride! (Artist)
- A Guide To Better Understanding The Fine Old Art of Boxing (Artist with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #27April 1956
- Cover Artist (with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
- Cover: 1956 (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
- Artist with Wally Wood, Harvey Kurtzman
- A Lad and a Lion (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Football (Artist with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #28July 1956
- The Race is On for the Super Guided Missile (Artist with Al Jaffee, Wally Wood)
- Young Men's Spring Fashions for 1956 (Artist)
- Million Dollar Horse (Artist with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #29September 1956
- New Designs In Television Sets (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- The Man In The Soot-Gray Flannel (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Camp (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- MAD Bubble Gum Cards (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Energetic 17-Year-Olds Are Happy Happy Happy (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #30December 1956
- Elvis Pelvis (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Gunsmoked (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- MAD Builds a More Civilized Mouse Trap (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Bowling (Artist with Nick Meglin, Al Feldstein)
- MAD Merit Badges (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Vital Items You Can Buy for a Quarter (Artist with Al Feldstein)
MAD Magazine #31February 1957
- The MAD Window Test (Artist with Bill Elder)
- Field & Scream (Artist)
- Why I Write Poetry (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Orson Bean Opens His Family Album (Artist with Orson Bean)
MAD Magazine #33June 1957
- Hey Gang! It's Here! (Artist with Carl Klein, Romeo Serry)
- Now! In Full Color (Artist with Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #41September 1958
- How To Put Out An Imitation of MAD (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder, Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #111June 1967
- Fantastic Voyages Based on Everyday Experiences (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #114October 1967
- TV Game Shows Based On Newspaper Headlines (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #116January 1968
- Mad's Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters (Artist with Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Paul Coker, Jr., Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, George Woodbridge, Al Jaffee)
- The Joe Nasty Show (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #119June 1968
- Mad's 1968 All-Star Basketball Teams (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- The Invasioners (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #120July 1968
- Some Mad Articles You Never Got to See (Artist with Bob Clarke, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Paul Coker, Jr., George Woodbridge, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #127June 1969
- The Mad Plan For Combatting the Boredom of Baseball (Artist with Earle Doud)
MAD Magazine #128July 1969
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes: At a Laundry & Dry Cleaners (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #129September 1969
- The Mad Primer of Bigots, Extremists and Other Loose Ends (Artist with Stan Hart, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #134April 1970
- Mad's Up-Dated Modern Day Mother Goose (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #137September 1970
- Artist with Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés
- A Boy-Dog Named "Lassie" (Artist with E. Nelson Bridwell)
MAD Magazine #138October 1970
- Artist with Paul Coker, Jr.
- A Sports Fan's Garden Of Verses (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #141March 1971
- Marching Songs for Crusaders, Militants and Assorted, Sundry Non-Conformists (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #144July 1971
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Recording Studio (Artist with Earle Doud)
MAD Magazine #148January 1972
- Mad's Rhyming Guide to Pro Football (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #150April 1972
- When TV Makes Full Use of Howard Cosell (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #151June 1972
- A Mad Look at TV Sports Interviews - - Past, Present and Future (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #152July 1972
- A Treasury of Television Poetry and Prose (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #153September 1972
- Typical Sports Movie of the Past (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Typical Sports Movie of the Present (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #154October 1972
- The Cowkids (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- The Television Yellow Pages 1972-73 (Artist with Jack Rickard, Mort Drucker, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #157March 1973
- Some Really Dangerous Jobs For George Plimpton (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #167June 1974
- A Swinging Jungle Tale (Artist, Colorist with Humberto de la Torre)
- Mad's "Karate Movie" Producer of the Year (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #175June 1975
- Mad's College Football Coach of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #179December 1975
- Artist with Al Jaffee
- Mad's Obnoxious Sports Spectator of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #180January 1976
- TV Disclaimers We'd Like to See (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #181March 1976
- Historical Scenes We'd Like to See Re-Enacted (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #183June 1976
- Take It With a Grain of Salt When... (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #186October 1976
- Infractions We'd Like to See Called in Every Day Life (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #189March 1977
- A Little Kid's Guide to Understanding the News (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #190April 1977
- When You're Poor...and...When You're Rich (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #194October 1977
- You're an Eternal Optimist If ... (Artist with Jack Kent, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #196January 1978
- A Mad Look at a Modern High School (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #197March 1978
- Mad Goes to a Preview of an "In Search of ..." Movie (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #199June 1978
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- Surprise Televisions Commercials (Artist with Dezi Szonntagh, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Back Cover: One Night in the City (Artist with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #201September 1978
- A Mad Look at the Changing Face of Crime (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #203December 1978
- If Sesame Street Branched out into Specialized Avenues of Education (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #204January 1979
- Mad Novelty Items for Practical-Joker Jocks (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #205March 1979
- Some Really Dangerous Stunts We'd Like to See Evel Knievel Do on TV (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #211December 1979
- Mad's Ingenious Plan for a More Efficient Government (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
MAD Magazine #212January 1980
- Cover Artist
- Front Cover (Cover Artist)
- The Mad Running Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #213March 1980
- Cover Artist
- Front Cover (Cover Artist)
- Mad's "Religion" Promoter of the Year (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #214April 1980
- The Jogger, With Apologies to Edgar Allan Poe (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #215June 1980
- Six Minutes on "The Return of the Draft" (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #216July 1980
- Mad's Plan to Make the Congressional TV Show More Entertaining (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #219December 1980
- A Mad Expose of Some... Phoney Baloney (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #222April 1981
- What Television Says and What it Really Means (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #225July 1981
- If They Can Put a Man on the Moon, Then Why Can't They... (Artist with John Ficarra)
MAD Magazine #226October 1981
- If Your Losing Streak is Becoming a Way of Life, You're in Luck! (Colorist, Artist)
- Stuff We Don't Get to See on the Tube (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #228January 1982
- Raiders of a Lost Art (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #229March 1982
- A Mad Look at the Idiocy of Young Athletes Who Imitate the Pros on TV (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #231June 1982
- Mad Visits a Local Gun Club Picnic (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #233September 1982
- Six Minutes Looks at Nuclear Power (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #236January 1983
- Q.T. The Quasi-Terrestrial (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Back Cover: This Way...!! I Spotted Him !! (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #237March 1983
- Paltry Guise (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- Back Cover: The Treasure Hunters (Colorist, Artist with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #238April 1983
- A Mad Look at the Differences Between Optimism, Pessimism & Realism (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #242October 1983
- An Advertiser Would Have Us Believe... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #243December 1983
- Amending the Rule Books to Cover Sportscasters (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- The Book of Mad (Artist with Don Martin, Dave Berg, Jack Rickard, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone, George Woodbridge, Paul Coker, Jr., Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #248July 1984
- Scarred Face (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Back Cover: Elephant Sneeze (Colorist, Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #249September 1984
- How Many Mistakes can You Find in this Picture of a Movie Theater? (Artist with Chris Hart)
MAD Magazine #251December 1984
- Mad's Baseball Owner of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #257September 1985
- A Frequent Flyer Bonus Program We'd Like to See (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #258October 1985
- Mad's Guide to Computer Language (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
- Goofies (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #265September 1986
- The Mad Sports Fan Hate Book (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #267December 1986
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes At A Music Video (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #270April 1987
- Mad's Record Book For Televised Sports-Vol. I (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #271June 1987
- Mad's Record Book for Televised Sports - Vol. II (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #274October 1987
- Major League Baseball Rule Changes For The 1980's (Artist with Chuck Shepherd)
MAD Magazine #276January 1988
- The Mad People Watcher's Guide To A Typical Football Game (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Predecessor (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #281September 1988
- A Mad Peek (Ripoff Mail Order House) Behind The Scenes (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
- Careers For Athletes Past Their Prime (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Play Pictionary With The Mad Artists (Artist with Gerry Gersten, Sergio Aragonés, Bob Clarke, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., John Prete, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Don Edwing, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, John Caldwell, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #289September 1989
- When Rap Music Spreads Into Everyday Life (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #292January 1990
- One Fine Morning In Miami (Artist with Don Edwing)
- One Typical Afternoon In The Bronx (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- One Sultry Evening In Cairo (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #297September 1990
- When TV Sports Advertisers Decide To "Sponsor" More Than Just Kickoffs and Home Runs (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #298October 1990
- The Obnoxious Sports Fan's Supply Catalogue (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Endangered Species Of The Music World (Artist with Rick Tulka, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Antonio Prohias, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., John S. Marshall, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg)
MAD Magazine #301March 1991
- Little-Known (And Rarely Called) Sports Infractions (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #302April 1991
- Hi, Readers! Reverend Donald Wildmon Here! (Artist with Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
- The MAD Guide To Sports Phrases On and Off The Playing Field (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #308January 1992
- Cover Artist
- Cover: Alfred E. Neuman Videotaping the Terminator (Cover Artist)
MAD Magazine #309March 1992
- Cover Artist (with Thomas Hachtman)
- Cover: Beverly Hillbillies 90210 (Artist with Thomas Hachtman)
MAD Magazine #312July 1992
- Rules For Games The Way They're Really Played (Artist with Michael Goodwin)
MAD Magazine #314October 1992
- MAD presents Selected Scenes From The Transylvania Mall (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #316January 1993
- Words of Warning That Your Life Is Not Going So Well (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #318April 1993
- What Would Really Happen If Extraterrestrials Came To Earth Today (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #320July 1993
- Great Moments From The Home Shopping Club: Own Them All on Videocassette! (Artist with Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau)
- Enjoy and Profit From World Cup Soccer (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #333January 1995
- Some Statistics the NBA isn't Especially Proud of (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- The Frugal Redneck (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #341December 1995
- Back Cover: Bore'em and Bait'em Media Circus (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #427March 2003
- Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... (Artist with Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Dave Berg)
MAD Magazine #469September 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Jacob Lambert, Darren Johnson, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Charles Akins, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jonathan Edwards, Matthew A. Cohen, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Scott Bricher, Tom Cheney, Bob Staake, Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- MAD issues 1-100 "Murmurs and Mumblings" (Author with Don Reilly, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Antonio Prohias, Nick Meglin, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Margaret Szep, Phil Hahn, Irving Schild, Wally Wood, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Don Martin, Frank Kelly Freas, Lester Krauss, Frank Frazetta, Jack Rickard, Basil Wolverton, Norman Mingo, Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder, Dave Berg)
- MAD issues 101-200 "Days of triumph, nights of turpitude" (Author with Sidney Paulson, Neal Barbera, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr., Semi, Bob Muccio, Earle Doud, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, Dave Berg, May Sakami, Gilbert Barnhill, Phil Hahn, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Sergio Aragonés)
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Russ Cooper, John Pound, Rick Tulka, Sergio Aragonés, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Thomas Hachtman, Dick DeBartolo, Paul Coker, Jr., Carolyn Abram, Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Gerry Gersten, Dave Berg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Greg Theakston, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with Frank Santopadre, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Peter Kuper, Drew Friedman, Mort Drucker, Brian Farrelly, Dave Berg, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Rick Tulka, Bob Staake, Stan Hart, Peter Sun, Irving Schild, Bill Wray, Sam Viviano, Al Jaffee, John Ficarra, Desmond Devlin, Sean Eisenporth, Paul Coker, Jr., Henry Clark, James Bennett, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Michael Gallagher, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Jonathan Bresman, Kevin Pope, Mark Stutzman, Joe Raiola, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Sean Farrelly, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Bunk, Gerry Gersten, Sergio Aragonés, Arie Kaplan, Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #503May 2010
- The Mad Vault - 1969 (Author with Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Chris Hart, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Frank Ridgeway, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #504August 2010
- The Mad Vault - 1992 (Author with Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas Hachtman, Stan Hart, Harry North, George Woodbridge, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Desmond Devlin, Michael Goodwin, John Prete, John Caldwell, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Don Edwing, Henry Clark, Rick Tulka, Irving Schild, Charlie Kadau, Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
- The Mad Vault - 1978 (Author with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, John Caldwell, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Dick DeBartolo, Sergio Aragonés, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr.)

MAD Magazine #12April 2020
- M*U*S*H* (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- Reality Street (Artist with Nathan Kane, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #13June 2020
- Classical Beat Magazine (Writer with Raven Juergensen, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #16December 2020
- Arbor Day (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- A Monster Gag (Artist with Don Edwing, Carrie Strachan)
- Paltry Guise (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- Horror Movie Scenes We'd Like to See (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #20August 2021
- Cover Idea
- Contents Page (Artist)
- A Swinging Jungle Tale (Artist with Humberto de la Torre)
- When You're Poor...and...When You're Rich (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- MAD Raps Up Shakespeare (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #21October 2021
- Contents Page (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Casey At The Bat! (Artist with Ernest Lawrence Thayer)
- Little-Known (And Rarely Called) Sports Infractions (Artist with Mike Snider)
- A Mad Look at Sky Diving (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- A Sports Fan / Sports Fanatic (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- The Mad Sports Fan Hate Book (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)

- MAD’s Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters (Artist with Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, George Woodbridge, Al Jaffee, Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Back Cover: Magazine satire: ‘Sik-Teen Magazine’ (Artist with Jack Rickard)

Nick Meglin: Mad StewJanuary 1978
- Illustrator (with Don Martin, Sergio Aragonés, Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., Bob Clarke, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg)

- Author
The Mad Archives #2November 2007
- Illustrator (with Bernard Krigstein, Basil Wolverton, John P. Severin, Bill Elder, Wally Wood)

- Author (with Wally Wood, Bill Elder)

MAD Magazine #1July 1974
- Uma História da Selva (Artist with Humberto de la Torre)
- O Produtor de Filmes de Karatê do Ano (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #30December 1976
- Cuidado com as Imitações! (Artist)
- Infrações Cometidas no Jogo da Vida (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #31January 1977
- Catálogo MAD de Material Encalhado para os Leitores Desocupados e Editores de Imitações Concorrentes (Artist with Carlos Jorge Guidacci da Silveira, Jack Rickard, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke, Otacílio d’Assunção, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Domingos Demasi, Vilmar Rodrigues, Al Jaffee)
- Grandes Momentos da Mancada (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #34April 1977
- Quando Você É Pobre... e Quando Você É Rico (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #36June 1977
- Apresentando a Capa Original do MAD... e a Mesma Capa, Um Instante Depois (Artist with Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #40June 1977
- Você É um Eterno Otimista se... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Jack Kent)
MAD Magazine #42December 1977
- MAD Vê por Trás dos Bastidores de um Estúdio de Gravação (Artist with Earle Doud)
MAD Magazine #44February 1978
- Dez-Fechos (ou Melhor, Nove) que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #48June 1978
- O Salão de Honra dos Torcedores de Futebol (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #50August 1978
- O “Diretor de Trânsito do Ano” Escolhido pelo MAD (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #51September 1978
- Onde Mais, a não Ser na TV... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- MAD Vê a Metamorfose do Crime (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Uma Noite na Cidade (Artist with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #52October 1978
- Você não Pode Escapar do Stress porque... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #54December 1978
- Você não Pode Vencer o Sistema porque... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #56February 1979
- MAD Vê as Novidades para Gozadores em Todos os Campos (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #58April 1979
- MAD Vê Tarzan... Hoje (Artist with Don Edwing)
- A Premiação do Oscar para Líderes Sindicais (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #93March 1982
- Sugestões MAD para um Governo de Fato Eficiente (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- O Dia dos Desarvorados (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #95May 1982
- MAD Visita um Campo de Caçadores Fanáticos (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Coisas de um Viciado em Rock... (Artist with Christopher Hart)
MAD Magazine #98August 1982
- O Charlatão do Ano – MAD nos Bastidores do Ocultismo... Um Negócio Realmente do Futuro! (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #101November 1982
- Entrevista Altamente Radioativa na Usina de Sangra (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)

MAD Magazine #1July 1984
- Quantos Erros Você Consegue Encontrar Neste Desenho? (Artist with Christopher Hart)
MAD Magazine #2August 1984
- Movie satire: “Scarraface” (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #4October 1984
- O Livro MAD (Artist with Bob Clarke, Don Martin, Dave Berg, Jack Rickard, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone, George Woodbridge, Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #8March 1985
- TV satire: 'Traque John, Médico' ['Trapper John, Médico'/'Trapper John, M.D.'] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #12July 1985
- TV satire: 'Guerra, Sobras e Nada de Fresco' ['Guerra, Sombra e Água Fresca'/'Hogan's Heroes'] (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #16December 1985
- Movie satire: 'Cagonies' ['Os Goonies'/'Goonies'] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #36December 1987
- Movie satire: ‘Peidador’ [‘Predador’/‘Predator’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #40April 1988
- Song parody: “Fede!” (Artist with Domingos Demasi, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #42June 1988
- TV saitre: ‘A Bela É a Fera’ [‘A Bela e a Fera’/‘Beauty and the Beast’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #47November 1988
- MAD Vê os Bastidores de uma Firma de Vendas por Reembolso (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #55July 1989
- Movie satire: ‘Cocôon II – O Merdorno’ [‘Cocoon II – O Regresso’/‘Cocoon: The Return’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #63June 1990
- O Salão de Honra dos Torcedores de Futebol (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Uma Noite Escaldante no Cairo (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Uma Típica Tarde em Copa (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #77October 1991
- Movie satire: “Burrobin Hood – O Príncipe dos Furões” (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #80January 1992
- Quando o Rap Fizer Parte do Nosso Dia-a-Dia (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #91March 1993
- MAD Apresenta Cenas Escolhidas de um Shopping na Transilvânia (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #97September 1993
- Sinais de Alerta de que Sua Vida não Anda Lá Essas Coisas (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #99November 1993
- Regras para Jogos como Realmente São Jogados (Artist with Michael Goodwin)
MAD Magazine #113March 1995
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver – A Noiva de Frankenstein (Artist with Don Edwing)

MAD Magazine #19September 2003
- A Homenagem Final a David Berg e Seu “O Lado Irônico...” (Artist with Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano)

MAD Magazine #50August 2012
- MAD – 60 Anos (Artist with John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Frank Kelly Freas, Dave Gantz, Sean Farrelly, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, Irving Schild, Mark Fredrickson, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Don Edwing, Frank Ridgeway, Brian Farrelly, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Cheney, James Bennett, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Tom Richmond, Harry North, Ray Alma, Paul Peter Porges, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Mort Drucker, Donald K. Epstein, Christopher Hart, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #70June 2014
- O que Aconteceria se Narrassem Propagandas no Meio dos Jogos? (Artist with Mike Snider)

MAD Especial (Record) #1March 1985
- Apresentando a Capa Original do MAD... e a Mesma Capa, Um Instante Depois (Artist with Norman Mingo)
- Manual MAD de Hospedagem (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Especial (Record) #3March 1986
- Faça-Você-Mesmo a Sua Seqüência de “Indiana Jones” (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
- Movie satire: ‘Caçadores da Arte Perdida’ [‘Caçadores da Arca Perdida’/‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’] (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Dick DeBartolo)
- O Produtor de Filmes de Karatê do Ano (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Especial (Record) #5December 1987
- Grandes Momentos da Mancada (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- MAD Vê o Tarzan (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Especial (Record) #6July 1989
- Arrasadores de Clichês do MAD (Garantidos!) (Artist with Stan Hart)
- O Pensamento Positivo (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Especial (Record) #7August 1990
- MAD Vê os Bastidores do Vídeo-Clip (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Só um Fanático por Rock… (Artist with Christopher Hart)
MAD Especial (Record) #8November 1990
- TV satire: ‘Traque John, Médico’ [‘Trapper John, Médico’/‘Trapper John, M.D.’] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Especial (Record) #9March 1991
- Movie satire: ‘Alienados’ [‘Aliens’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- O Dia dos Desarvorados (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Especial (Record) #11December 1991
- Manual MAD do Teste de Cooper (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- MAD Vê o Outro Lado da Linha (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- As Próximas Duplas Policiais da TV (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
MAD Especial (Record) #12February 1992
MAD Especial (Record) #13September 1992
- Cenas Reais que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)

Mad EsøtericøDecember 1993
- O que Aconteceria Realmente se os Extraterrestres Viessem à Terra (Artist with Mike Snider)
Brasil MAD Special - Extra #124-AJuly 1996
- Momentos Olímpicos que Vamos Ver (Artist with Mike Snider)
Mad O Pior DoSeptember 2000
- Cuidado com as Imitações! (Artist)
- Uma Típica Tarde em Copa (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- TV satire: ‘Misérias Insolúveis’ [‘Mistérios Insolúveis’/‘Unsolved Mysteries’] (Artist with Andrew J. Schwartzberg)
- TV satire: ‘Os Invazorras’ [‘Os Invasores’/‘The Invaders’] (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Movie satire: ‘E.T.lho’ [‘ET – O Extraterrestre’/ ‘E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial’] (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Movie satire: ‘Peidador’ [‘Predador’/ ‘Predator’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: ‘Alienados’ [‘Aliens’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #2May 2002
- Uma Noite na Cidade (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- A Vingança da Mãe Natureza (Artist with Steve Greenberg)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #3November 2002
- Propagandas Fazem Você Pensar... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Ataque dos Operadores de Telemarketing do Inferno (Artist with John Reiner)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #7December 2003
- Writer: Lou Silverstone (Artist)
- Quando Você É Pobre.../Quando Você É Rico... (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #8March 2004
- Movie satire: “B.T. – O Besta-Terrestre” [E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial] (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Movie satire: “Catadores da Caca Perdida” [Raiders of the Lost Ark] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver Part 2 (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #12September 2005
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver – “A Noiva de Frankenstein” (Artist with Don Edwing)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #13February 2006
- MAD Saúda Alguns Lendários Papais e Mamães (Artist with Don Edwing)

MAD Especial (Panini) #3October 2008
- Grandes Momentos da Pagação de Mico (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Especial (Panini) #8March 2010
- Dez-Fechos (ou Melhor, Nove) que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Especial (Panini) #9June 2010
- MAD Vê o Outro Lado da Linha (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- UUÁÁÁ! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Especial (Panini) #11February 2011
- Movie satire: 'Caçadores da Caca Perdida' ['Caçadores da Arca Perdida'/'Raiders of the Lost Ark'] (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Especial (Panini) #12June 2011
- Você não Pode Escapar do Estresse porque… (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Quando o Jogo Termina (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Especial (Panini) #14March 2012
- Se Eles Podem Mandar o Homem à Lua, por que não… (Artist with John Ficarra)

MAD Magazine #218June 1980
- 'The Jogger' - With Apologies to Edgar Allan Poe (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)

MAD Magazine #1December 1974
- El telefilme que no ha llegado a su pantalla. El Cannonobus (Parodia de “Cannon”, la serie de televisión en la que William Conrad representaba al obeso detective Frank Cannon) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)

- Artist (with John P. Severin, Harvey Kurtzman, Wally Wood, Bill Elder, Bernard Krigstein, Basil Wolverton)
- Artist (with Wally Wood, Bill Elder, Bernard Krigstein, Basil Wolverton, John P. Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)

Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications
Humbug (2 Volume Set) March 2009
- Illustrator (with Al Jaffee, Arnold Roth, Bill Elder, Harvey Kurtzman)
- Illustrator (with Jack Kirby, John P. Severin, Howard Nostrand, Al Jaffee, Russ Heath, Bill Elder)
Help! #2September 1960
- Artist (with Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher)
Help! #3October 1960
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling)
Help! #6January 1961
- Artist (with Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr.)
Help! #9April 1961
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
Help! #11June 1961
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling)
Help! #12September 1961
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
Help! #13February 1962
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling)
Help! #14May 1962
- Artist (with Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr.)
Help! #16November 1962
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
Help! #17February 1963
- Artist (with Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley)
Help! #18May 1963
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
Help! #19October 1963
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling)
Help! #20February 1964
- Artist (with Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr.)
Help! #22January 1965
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
Help! #23March 1965
- Artist (with Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth)
Help! #25July 1965
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
Help! #27August 1965
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Paul Coker, Jr., Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling)
- Illustrator (with Russ Heath, Al Jaffee, Frank Frazetta, Bill Elder, Harvey Kurtzman)