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Contributions by Patrick Merrel

MAD Magazine #413January 2002
- 20. What - Mad Sell Out? - "A MAD Cover We'll Soon See" (Writer, Artist with Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #423November 2002
- Cover Artist
- Mad's Ridiculous 50th Anniversary Crossword Puzzle (Writer)
MAD Magazine #441May 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Arie Kaplan, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Al Jaffee, Tom Bunk, Don Vaughan, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Drew Friedman, Amanda Conner, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Ray Alma, Desmond Devlin, Tom Nick Cocotos)
MAD Magazine #443July 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Sam Sisco, Charles Akins, Joe Raiola, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Gary Hallgren, Charlie Kadau, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #444August 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Mike Snider, Steve Rosso, P.C. Vey, Gary Hallgren, Don Edwing, Tom Cheney, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, Ray Alma, Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #446October 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Garth Gerhart, David Shayne, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charlie Kadau, Josh Eiserike, Tom Cheney, Rick Tulka, Charles Akins, Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #447November 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Mike Snider, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Desmond Devlin, Dennis Wunderlin, Garth Gerhart, Gary Hallgren, Charlie Kadau, Dick DeBartolo, Matthew A. Cohen, Jack Syracuse, Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #448December 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Jacob Lambert, Dick DeBartolo, Jerry Ordway, Michael Gallagher, Charles Akins, Ray Alma, Scott Maiko, Scott Bricher, Desmond Devlin, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #449January 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Hermann Mejia, Joe Raiola, Carolyn Abram, Garth Gerhart, David Shayne, Scott Bricher, Desmond Devlin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Tom Bunk)
- 15. Same Sex Weddings - Here comes the hide (Writer with Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Tim Okamura)
MAD Magazine #450February 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Cheney, Garth Gerhart, Charles Akins, Al Jaffee, Evan Dorkin, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Barry Liebmann)
MAD Magazine #451March 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Cheney, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Barry Liebmann, Jeff Kruse, Gary Hallgren, Don Edwing, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #454June 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Josh Eiserike, Evan Dorkin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Charlie Kadau, Eric Palma, Garth Gerhart, Jack Syracuse, Scott Mendenhall, Mike Snider, Matthew A. Cohen, Joe Raiola)
MAD Magazine #457September 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Nate Fakes, Ted Rall, Jacob Lambert, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Scott Mendenhall, Barry Liebmann, Peter Bagge, Dick DeBartolo, Timothy Shamey, Mike Snider, Jack Syracuse, Peter Kuper, Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #458October 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with L.P. Ferrante, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jack Syracuse, Dick DeBartolo, Ed Steckley, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Hermann Mejia, Jacob Lambert, John Pound, Mike Snider, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Peter Kuper)
MAD Magazine #459November 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Nate Fakes, Jeff Kruse, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Rick Tulka, Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., Jason Reich, Don Vaughan, Hermann Mejia, Drew Friedman, Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #467July 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Cheney, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Doug Bratton, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Desmond Devlin, Glen LeLievre, David Shayne, Charlie Kadau)
MAD Magazine #470October 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Scott Maiko, Jack Syracuse, Rich Powell, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Adam Zyglis, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, P.C. Vey, Johnny Ryan, Garth Gerhart)