Additional Images
Contributions by Peter Bagge
USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #451March 2005
- A sneak peek at the ESPN3 programming lineup (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #453May 2005
- 13 things you never want to hear from a computer tech support guy (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #457September 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Dick DeBartolo, Timothy Shamey, Mike Snider, Jack Syracuse, Peter Kuper, Paul Coker, Jr., Nate Fakes, Ted Rall, Jacob Lambert, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Scott Mendenhall, Patrick Merrel, Barry Liebmann)
- MAD's 50 worst things about... Video Games (Artist with Matthew Schwartz, David Shayne, Jacob Lambert, Kenny Byerly, Hermann Mejia, Francis Mao, Scott Bricher)
MAD Magazine #464April 2006
- 35 scholarly reasons why school sucks (Artist with Tom Richmond, Jacob Lambert)
MAD Magazine #472December 2006
- Unexpected hassles of new video game consoles (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
- MAD's 50 Worst Things about Advertising (Artist with Tim Hamilton, Paul Coker, Jr., Timothy Shamey, Sarah Dyer, Bob Staake, Scott Maiko, Leonardo Rodriguez, John Caldwell, Hermann Mejia, Jack Syracuse, Drew Friedman, Jose Garibaldi, Tom Bunk, Rich Powell, Evan Dorkin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Dave Crosland, Sergio Aragonés, Francis Mao, Sam Sisco, Tom Fowler, Rick Tulka, Marc Hempel, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #486February 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jacob Lambert, Paul Coker, Jr., Sumukh Torgalkar, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, Darren Johnson, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #489May 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Tom Bunk, Glen LeLievre, Kevin Pope, Garth Gerhart, Hermann Mejia, Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #493September 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Zachary Baldus, Darren Johnson, Gary Hallgren, Dick DeBartolo, Jonathan Edwards, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Joe Quinones, Tom Cheney, Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #494October 2008
- A fast food customer satisfaction survey (that tells it like it is) (Artist with Scott Maiko)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- A modern nursery rhyme... (Artist)
- MAD issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (Author with John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Mark Fredrickson, Charlie Kadau, Bill Wray, Sean Farrelly, Josh Malinow, Drew Friedman, Dick DeBartolo, Arie Kaplan, Sam Sisco, Tom Bunk, Scott Maiko, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond, Roberto Parada, Jack Syracuse, Dave Croatto, Richard Williams, 3/Design Studios, Brian Farrelly, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Timothy Shamey, Russ Cooper, Stan Sinberg, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Sergio Aragonés, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Ray Alma, Scott Sonneborn, Angelo Torres, Kenny Byerly, Al Jaffee, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Paul Coker, Jr., Anthony Barbieri, P.C. Vey)
MAD Magazine #511October 2011
- Signs That Your Parents Are Trying to Kill You (Artist with Kit Lively)
- MAD Foldout Poster with Blank Spy Action Figures (Artist with Liz Lomax, Diana Weissman, Jay Shuster, Jacob Lambert, Peter Kuper, Dave Perillo, Claudia "Claw" Money, Shawn Knapp, Mr. Shane Jessup, Brian Flynn, Simon Doonan, Andrew Bell, Bill Amend, Jonathan Edwards, Bubi Au Yeung, Tracy Tubera, David Anson Russo, The Prohias Family, Dave Croatto, Al Jaffee, Tom Otterness, Mark Marek, Randy Klimpert, George Gaspar, Sam Flores, Jon Burgerman, Lisa Barnstone, Andy Ross, Bob Staake, Andrew "Sket One" Yasgar, Gavin Strange, Hermann Mejia, Presspop, Tom Bunk, Brandon Ortwein, Abe Lincoln Jr., Steve Kiwus, Jason Freeny, Loise "Felt Mistress" Evans, Matthieu "McBess" Bessudo, John "Derf" Backderf, Michael Allred)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
USA • DC MAD Variant Covers 2014
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #35July 2005
- Seus Pais Usam Dois Pesos e Duas Medidas! (Artist with David Shayne)
- 13 Coisas que Você não Gostaria de Ouvir do Suporte do Seu Provedor (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #41July 2006
- 21 Razões por que a Escola É um Saco (Artist with Jacob Lambert, Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #46December 2006
- Problemas Inesperados Causados pelos Novos Consoles de Videogame (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #14May 2009
- Um Guia de Sobrevivência pra Pesquisas de Fast-Food (Artist with Scott Maiko)
MAD Magazine #23February 2010
- “Amarguraman”, “Mário e o Breve Desaparecimento”, “Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis”, “Uma Rima da Maternidade Moderna…”, “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para a Saúde Sexual”, “Purgantes Porges”, “Carta Tapa-Buraco”, “Superstições do Mundo Todo”, “Filho do Brasil”, “Puxa Meu Cheney” (Author with Al Jaffee, Carl Peterson, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Paul Coker, Jr., João Montanaro, Tom Fowler, Kevin Pope, Paul Peter Porges, Pablo Peneira, Tom Cheney, Anthony Barbieri, Raphael Fernandes)
MAD Magazine #42October 2011
- Sinais de que Seus Pais Estão Tentando Matar Você (Artist with Kit Lively)
MAD Magazine #55January 2013
- Coisas que (Não) Gostaríamos de Ler/Ouvir no Bank Phone (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #64November 2013
- Por que Construir uma Réplica do Titanic É uma Boa Ideia (Artist with Matt Lassen)
- Writers: Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse, Scott Maiko (Artist with Hermann Mejia, Adam Koford, Anton Emdin)
Brasil • Mini-MAD (Mythos) (Mythos)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #4September 2006
- 13 Coisas que Você não Gostaria de Ouvir do Suporte do Seu Provedor (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- Seus Pais Usam Dois Pesos e Duas Medidas! (Artist with David Shayne)
Brasil • Various MAD Books
Estúpida-Mente MAD #2December 2013
- Cover Artist (with Leonardo Rodriguez, Eric Scott, Don Martin, Sergio Aragonés, Kevin Pope, Don Edwing, Jacob Chabot, Antonio Prohias, Tom Bunk)
- Temperaturas Corporais no Termômetro MAD (Artist with John Prete)
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications