Contributions by Dave Croatto

MAD Magazine #386October 1999
- Mad's Stuck-In-Traffic, Second-By-Second Timetable (Writer with Bob Staake)
MAD Magazine #396August 2000
- Spy vs. Spy - Missile in Spy Clothes (Writer with Peter Kuper)
- Tom Green - The Obnoxious Early Years (Writer with Sam Sisco)
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
- 7. Darva Conger: Who Wants To Marry a Centerfold Bimbo? (Playboy Magazine Cover Parody) (Writer)
MAD Magazine #412December 2001
- President George W. Bush - The First Six Months - Official Presidential Diary (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #436December 2003
- A series of Uneventful Misfortunes by Lemony Snicket (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #461January 2006
- 6. Price Harry: Not knowing reich from wrong (Writer with Richard Williams)
MAD Magazine #468August 2006
- T.G.I Fried Days (T.G.I Fridays Menu Card Parody) (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #480August 2007
- The simple Prisonbreak life (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- The Secret is out! (Author)
MAD Magazine #497January 2009
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk, Adam Rust, P.C. Vey, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Dick DeBartolo)
- 13. Texas polygamy wives: The joy of sects (Sculptor with Justin Tyler, Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- MAD issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (Author with 3/Design Studios, Richard Williams, Peter Kuper, Brian Farrelly, Timothy Shamey, Mort Drucker, Stan Sinberg, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Ray Alma, Angelo Torres, Scott Sonneborn, Al Jaffee, Kenny Byerly, Mike Snider, Desmond Devlin, Paul Coker, Jr., Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Anthony Barbieri, P.C. Vey, John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Mark Fredrickson, Charlie Kadau, Bill Wray, Peter Bagge, Sean Farrelly, Josh Malinow, Drew Friedman, Arie Kaplan, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Bunk, Sam Sisco, Scott Maiko, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond, Roberto Parada, Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #507February 2011
- 19. The Mosque at Ground Zero - "If You Build a Mosque at Ground Zero" (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #511October 2011
- MAD Foldout Poster with Blank Spy Action Figures (Artist with Jason Freeny, Loise "Felt Mistress" Evans, Matthieu "McBess" Bessudo, John "Derf" Backderf, Michael Allred, Liz Lomax, Diana Weissman, Jay Shuster, Jacob Lambert, Peter Kuper, Dave Perillo, Claudia "Claw" Money, Shawn Knapp, Mr. Shane Jessup, Brian Flynn, Simon Doonan, Andrew Bell, Bill Amend, Jonathan Edwards, Bubi Au Yeung, Tracy Tubera, David Anson Russo, The Prohias Family, Al Jaffee, Tom Otterness, Mark Marek, Randy Klimpert, George Gaspar, Sam Flores, Jon Burgerman, Lisa Barnstone, Andy Ross, Bob Staake, Andrew "Sket One" Yasgar, Gavin Strange, Hermann Mejia, Presspop, Peter Bagge, Tom Bunk, Brandon Ortwein, Abe Lincoln Jr., Steve Kiwus)
MAD Magazine #550April 2018
- Senior Editor (with Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau)
- Things You Don't Want to Hear Coming from the Next Bathroom Stall (Writer with Josh Mecouch, Jacob Lambert)

- Author (with Joe Raiola, John Ficarra, Charlie Kadau)

Estúpida-Mente MAD #2December 2013
- TV satire: 'Caca Velha' (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Desventuras em Série - A Sequência Seguinte (Writer with Gary Hallgren)

- Author (with Tom Richmond)