Max Brandel

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Contributions by Max Brandel

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
  • West & East (Writer)
MAD Magazine #106October 1966
  • A Mad Look at Trade-Marks (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #107December 1966
  • A Mad Porfolio of Fotos That Compare the Savage Society & the Great Society (Writer)
MAD Magazine #108January 1967
  • Christmas Cards We'd Like to See (Artist, Writer)
  • A Portfolio of Mad Namelies (Artist, Writer)
  • The Preamble Revisited (Writer)
  • Advertising Endorsements We'll Probably Never Get to See (Writer)
  • A Portfolio of Mad Zoo-Lulus (Artist, Writer)
  • A Portfolio of Mad Placelies (Artist, Writer)
  • Mad Easter Bonnets Designed For Male Celebrities (Artist, Writer)
  • The Ten Commandments - Revisited (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #113September 1967
MAD Magazine #114October 1967
  • President Johnson on Madison Avenue (Writer)
MAD Magazine #115December 1967
  • Mad's Pictoral Political Dictionary (Writer)
MAD Magazine #116January 1968
  • Back Cover: Mad's Great Moments in Politics: Surgical Scar (Writer, Colorist, Artist)
  • TV Shows...Re-Cast (Writer)
  • A Mad Portfolio of Some Famous "Protest Buttons" We'd Like to See Worn By Some Famous People (Artist, Writer)
  • The "Great Society" Alphabet Book (Writer)
MAD Magazine #122October 1968
MAD Magazine #123December 1968
  • A Portfolio of Mad Portraits (Artist, Writer)
  • A Mad Look at the Diseases of Our Sick Society (Writer)
MAD Magazine #129September 1969
  • A Dove's Eye View of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Writer)
MAD Magazine #131December 1969
  • A Mad Look at Modern College Courses (Writer)
MAD Magazine #132January 1970
  • Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward All Men (Writer)
  • Dreams That Went Up in Smoke (Writer)
  • The Richard M. Nixon Presidential Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
  • Back Cover: The Official Mad Portrait of The President of the United States (Writer)
MAD Magazine #140January 1971
  • A Mad Look at Flags of the World (Writer, Artist)
  • Mad Christmas Cards From Celebrities (Writer)
  • Communism Revisited (Writer)
  • Mad Salutes the Output of American Industry (Artist, Writer)
  • Nixon & Agnew, As Seen By... (Writer)
  • Our American Heritage (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #145September 1971
  • A Mad Look at Then...and Now (Or "We've Come a Long Way, Baby!") (Writer)
  • That Sinking Feeling... (Writer with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
  • The Modern Crucifixtion (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #146October 1971
  • This Is America... (Writer)
  • Road Signs We'd Like to Post (Writer)
  • When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again (Writer with Jack Thurston)
  • Mad Photoetry (Writer)
MAD Magazine #153September 1972
MAD Magazine #155December 1972
  • ...But It's Still the Same Old Gas (Writer)
  • Patterns of Speech (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • Amputee (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #161September 1973
  • More Mad Phototoons (Writer with Bob Clarke)
  • What's In a Name? (Writer)
MAD Magazine #162October 1973
MAD Magazine #164January 1974
  • New Names for Old Occupations (Writer)
  • What's In a Name, Part Two: Institutions (Writer)
  • A Mad Look at the Almighty Dollar Sign (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #171December 1974
  • Morality...Then...and Now (Writer)
USA • MAD Super Special (New York)
USA • MAD Paperbacks by Author (New York)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Veechi)
  • MAD Vê o Símbolo do Dólar (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #5November 1974
  • “ATENÇÃO! Capacidade licenciada: 3 BILHÕES. A utilização acima destes limites é PERIGOSA e ILEGAL!” (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #27September 1976
  • As Impressões Globais do MAD (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #28October 1976
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Record)
MAD Magazine #34October 1987
MAD Magazine #36December 1987
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #7November 2001
Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)
  • “População: Mais de 6 Bilhões. Gente É Bicho Perigoso e Devia Ser Ilegal” (Writer)
Spain • MAD Magazine (Locuras)
MAD Magazine #1December 1974
  • Back Cover: ¿Qué le sugiere esta imagen? (Writer with Irving Schild)