Facts about Paul Coker Jr.
Paul Coker, Jr was born in 1929 Lawrence, Kansas.
Paul had his first contribution 'A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes' published in issue #60. In the beginning his contributions were sporadic, but it didn't take long until his work was published in every issue of MAD. Paul's art is still present in current issues.
Paul's sketchy artwork style is his trademark.
Besides MAD he and Duck Edwing drew a daily comic strip called 'Lancelot' and 'Horace and Buggy'
He is also well known for his animation work for Rankin/Bass, where he is probably best remembered for his design work on 'Frosty the Snowman'
Mimi Sheraton/Paul Coker: 'The Seducer's Cookbook'(Random House, New York 1962. German: 'Verführen a la carte', Heyne 1966)
Frank Jacobs/Paul Coker,Jr: 'MAD for Better or Verse' (Signet, 1968/Warner, 1975)
Stan Hart/Paul Coker,Jr: 'The MAD Book of Revenge' (Warner,1976) German: 'Das MAD Buch der Rache', Williams 1976)
Nick Meglin/ UGOI: 'MAD Stew' (Warner, 1978. German: 'MADs grosses Müll-Buch', Williams 1978)
Stan Hart/Paul Coker, Jr: 'The MAD Book to Careers' (Warner, 1978)
Stan Hart/Paul Coker, Jr: 'The MAD Survival Handbook' (Warner, 1980)
Stan Hart/ Paul Coker, Jr: 'MADs Fast Look at Fast Living' (Warner, 1982)
Paul Coker, Jr: 'The MAD Pet Book' (Warner, 1983. German: 'MADs Tierleben', Williams 1984)
John Ficarra/ Paul Coker, Jr: 'The MAD Book of Fears and Phobias' (Warner, 1985. Dt. 'MAD Buch der 1000 Ängste', MiniPress, 1986)
Phil Hahn/ Paul Coker, Jr: 'The MAD Monster Book of Horrifying Cliches' (MAD Books, 2002)
Harvey Kurtzman/Will Elder: 'Playboy's Little Fanny Annie, Vol.1' (Dark Horse Comics, 2000)
Rick Goldschmidt: 'The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass: A Portfolio' (Rick Goldschmidt, 2007)
Filmography by Paul Coker,Jr as Production Designer for Rankin/Bass Productions (from IMDB.com)
1967: Cricket on the Hearth (TV movie)
1970: Santa Claus Is Comin'to Town(TV movie)
1972: The Enchanted World of Danny Kaye: The Emperor's New Clothes (TV movie)
1974: Twas the Night Before Christmas (TV short)
1974: The Year Without a Santa Claus (TV movie)
1976: The First Easter Rabbit (TV movie)
1976: Frosty's Winter Wonderland (TV short)
1976: Rudolph's Shiny New Year (TV movie)
1977: The Easter Bunny is Comin'to Town (TV movie)
1977: Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey (TV short)
Complete list on http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0170082/
Frosty The Snowman on youtube
Complete Contributions by Paul Coker,Jr from MAD Cover Site:
Additional Images
Contributions by Paul Coker, Jr.

- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A. (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A. (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A. (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A.: Washington, D.C. (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- How Bad Childhood Habits Can Help In a Congressional Career (Artist with Stan Hart)
- The Mad In and Out Book (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- The Sites and Sounds of the U.S.A.: Chicago (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A.: Miami Beach (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Mad's Valentines to American Industry (Artist with Jack Rickard, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, George Woodbridge, Mort Drucker, Bob Clarke, Don Martin)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A.: Ft. Worth, Texas (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- If Kids Used Movie Cliches in Everyday Life (Artist with Harry Purvis)
- The Sights and Sounds of the U.S.A.: Small Town, U.S.A. (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Today's Typical "Sales & Promotional" Gimmicks (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- What They Say and What It Really Means (Artist with Sol Weinstein, Ronald Axe)
- College Programs to Develop Masters of Mediocrity (Artist with Donald D. Shandler)
- Horrifying Cliches (Artist with George Woodbridge, May Sakami, Phil Hahn)
- Mad's Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters (Artist with Jack Davis, Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, George Woodbridge, Al Jaffee)
- You Know You're Really Getting Old When... (Artist with Jack Hanrahan, Phil Hahn)
- You Know You're Really Married When... (Artist with Jack Hanrahan, Phil Hahn)
- The Advantages of the Suburbs For Kids (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- You Know You're Really a Parent When... (Artist with Jack Hanrahan, Phil Hahn)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at the Post Office (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Some Mad Articles You Never Got to See (Artist with Bob Clarke, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, George Woodbridge, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Jack Davis)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Mad's Home Movies (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- You Know You've Really Made It When... (Artist with Frank Ridgeway)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- A Mad Look at...Frustration (Artist with Jack Kent)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Horrifying Cliches 7 (Artist with E. Nelson Bridwell, May Sakami)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- You Know You're Really Overweight When... (Artist with Jack Kent)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- The Mad Approach Toward Bridging the Generation Gap (Artist with Earle Doud)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- A Nostalgic Look at Dogs (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Mad's Lifetime Chart of Attitudes and Behaviors (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- You Know You're Really On Your Own When... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Gloria L. Rich)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- You Know You're Really a Bore When . . . (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- The Mad Sex Education Primer (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- Artist with Sergio Aragonés, Jack Davis
- A Mad Peek Behind The Scenes Of Home Services (Artist with Stan Hart)
- A Mad Look at Two High School Generations (Artist with Sergio Aragonés, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- You Never Really Get Used to... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Horrifying Cliches 9 (Artist with May Sakami)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Ordure of the Day (Artist with Ronnie Nathan)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- TV, as Viewed by the Animal World (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- A Fish Tale (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- The Mad Orthodontia Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Mad Interviews a Typical "Middle American" Family (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Condolence Cards For Business and Professional Tragedies (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Behind the Scenes at an Underground Newspaper (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- You Know You're Really Grown Up When... (Artist with Alis Ellis)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- At the Movies (Artist with Sergio Aragonés)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- When Somebody Says... (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Mad's Educator of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- The Mad "Religion in America" Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Mad's Ecology Mother Goose (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, M. S. Pinkham)
- The Fairy Godmother (Colorist, Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Why Not Have the Next Issue Sent Directly to Your Home? (Artist)
- Mad Interviews a Typical Liberal Family (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Mad's Corporate Ecologist of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Mad's Summer Camp Owner of the Year (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- A Mad Look at Two Grammar School Generations (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- Mad Visits The "Realistic School Of Medicine" (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Mad's Academy Awards for Best Performances in Every Day Situations (Artist with Donald K. Epstein, Dick DeBartolo)
- Gulliver's Travails (Artist with Don Edwing)
- More Modern Fairy Tales (Artist with Don Reilly)
- Great Poems Rewritten to Reflect the Freaky, Greedy, Rotten World of Today (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Castaway (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Beat the Recession with These Mad Penny-Pinching Hints (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- The Princess in the Tower (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Unweddings of the Future (Artist with Earle Doud)
- Unwedding Cake (Artist with Karen Carbone)
- A Mad Guide to the Modern American Class System (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Marilyn d'Amico)
- Mad's "Undercover Revolutionary" of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Mad's Christmas Carols for the 1976 Holiday Season (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- American Jokes They're Telling in Poland (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Merry Christmas, Y'all! (Artist)
- Footnotes* to Literature (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- When CB-Type Code Language is Used in Other Walks of Life (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- More American Jokes They're Telling in Poland (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Mad Like... Love... Hate Book (Artist with Marilyn Ippolito, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Mad's "Romance-Love-Relationship" Book (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Mad Greeting Cards for Very Special Occasions (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Earle Doud)
- If Children Treated Their Parents the Way Their Parents Treat Them (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- Mad Salutes One of Our Unsung Household Pets: The Turtle (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- A Mad Look at the Silent Thinking Audience (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- The Mad Dictionary of Cliche Parental Terms (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- Really Important and Relevant Life Spans (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- If the Guinness Book of World Records Dealt With Everyday Life (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Still More American Jokes They're Telling in Poland (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Mad's ABC's of Writing Successful Exams and Term Papers (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Mad's School Teacher of the Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Artist with Jack Rickard, Norman Mingo, Don Martin
- A Mad Guide Of Life's Annoying Little Uncertainties...Or...You're Never Really 100% Sure... (Artist with John Ficarra)
- Talking Cars of the Future (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Book of Mad (Artist with Bob Clarke, Don Martin, Dave Berg, Jack Rickard, Jack Davis, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone, George Woodbridge)
- What Parents Think...and What Kids Think... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- What It Will Be Like When Every Device "Talks" (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- An Instant Guide to American Regional Types (Writer with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Mad Don't Book Chapter I: What Not To Do At A Funeral (Artist with Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola)
- Porn in the U.S.A. (Writer with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Mad Practical Driving Test (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Practical Computer Programs for Normal Everyday Use (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- 14 Reasons Why You'll Miss Seeing Halley's Comet (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Why 999 Shoppers Out Of 1,000 Never Collect Those Manufacturers' Rebates (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Mad's Rock Music Predictions (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Are You A Good Driver (Artist with John Prete)
- More Logical Farewells to Replace the Dreaded Have a Nice Day! Have a Nice Day! Have a Nice Day! Have a... (Artist with Mike Snider)
- A Mad Look At... People Even Lonelier THan the Maytag Repairman (Artist with Mike Snider)
- The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Nationwide Survey Results That Advertisers Never Tell Us About (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- New Laws That Congress Should Pass Right Now! Right Now! Right Now! (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Mad's Comprehensive Modern-Day Disaster, Hazard & Problem Insurance (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Really Tough Categories For The $100,000 Pyramid (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Same Words... Different Circumstances! (Artist with John Prete)
- The MAD Flower Garden (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- MAD Re-Examines Some Wise Old Sayings (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Play Pictionary With The Mad Artists (Artist with Dave Berg, Gerry Gersten, Bob Clarke, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Prete, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Don Edwing, John Caldwell, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Harvey Kurtzman, Mort Drucker)
- More New Laws That Congress Should Pass Right Now! (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Compu-Doc Self-Service Medical Terminal (Artist, Writer with Floyd Kemske)
- The Mad Don't Book (Chapters 2-5) (Artist with Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau)
- Some Truly Joyous Things You Could Do If You Hit The Lottery (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Back Cover: Night Deposit (Artist with Don Edwing)
- All You Need To Know You Learned In Nursery School (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Mad Visits A Modern Day Law School (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Unofficial Yo-Yo Tricks Every Kid Knows (Artist with Dan Birtcher)
- Really Difficult is... (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Endangered Species Of The Music World (Artist with Rick Tulka, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Antonio Prohias, Don Edwing, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, John S. Marshall)
- Words and Phrases That Left the English Language During the 80's (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Modern Day Dinosaurs We Wish Were Extinct (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- America's Traditional Songs as They Sound to Five-Year Olds (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- If Your Home Life Was Reported The Same Way As The Evening News (Artist with Mark d'Amico)
- Games For People Too Old To Play But Who Still Want To Compete (Artist with William T. Raschendorfer)
- MAD's Christmas Carols For Modern Times (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- The New Benchmarks, Records and Barriers That Mankind Is Rapidly Approaching Part III (Artist with Mike Snider)
- How To Be Politic'lly Correct (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Back Cover: Scene: "Smogtex Industries" (Artist with Vincent Deporter)
- MAD's Do-It-Yourself Political Speech To Grab Voter Attention (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Greeting Cards That Keep Up With The Times (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Deviant Editorial Responses To Widely Held Opinions (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- "Cops 'N' Robbers" Type Games Played By Today's Modern Kids (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- Advertisement for Subscriptions - Why Kill Yourself? (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Baseball Card Wars (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Personality Traits and Genetics Or: Why You Are The Way You Are (Artist with P.J. Madden)
- Your Show Biz Career Is Definitely In The Dumper When... (Artist with Mike Snider)
- The Conservative Talk Show Host Of The Year (Artist with Stan Hart, Chris Hart)
- The Bill Clinton MTV Song Book (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Gerry Gersten, Sam Viviano, Tom Bunk)
- How TV Networks Can Work Simpson Trial Updates Into Their Regular Programming (Artist with John Boni)
- Only a Republican/Democrat Could Possibly Believe... (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- Back Cover: One Sunny Morning in L.A. (Artist with Don Edwing)
- If "Do-It-Yourself" Sex Were Taught in Public Schools (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Corporate Mergers That Would Do Us All Some Good (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Statistical Breakdown of Mad Subscriber Cancellations (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Mad's Guide to Health Clubs & Fitness Centers (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Twit-sters (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- Back Cover: One Day on the Snowy Plains of Hoth (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at Michael Jordan's Funeral (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Little Known Facts About Europe's Hottest Tourist Attractions (Artist with Andrew J. Schwartzberg)
- 15. The Sultan of So-What - "Mark McGwire Timeline to History" (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Step-By-Step Guide to Making Your Own Infomercial (Artist with Rob Wipond)
- The Timeline of Disillusionment (Artist with Jill Hamilton)
- Impeach Him! (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- TV Satire: ‘Sub-Brainy The Teenage Wretch’ [‘Sabrina The Teenage Witch’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- The Female Basketball Association 1999 Preview (Artist with Jeff Kruse, Grey Blackwell)
- When Other Celebrities Jump on the poetry Bandwagon (Artist with Andrew J. Schwartzberg, John Biederman)
- Mad's 1999 Political Christmas Carols (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Only a Republican/Democrat Could Possibly Believe... (vol. 2) (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at the Discovery Channel (Artist with Michael Gallagher)
- Bumper Stickers That Reflect Real School Life (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- One Fine Day In The Animal Testing Lab (Artist with Michael Gallagher)
- Words and Phrases That Left the English Language During the '90s (Artist with Mike Snider)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Modern Health Spa (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Some Who Wants to be a Millionaire Questions We'd Love to See Regis Ask (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- The Untold History of Mad Magazine (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond, Al Jaffee, Scott Bricher, Drew Friedman, Sergio Aragonés, Angelo Torres)
- How Bill Clinton Will Stack Up Against Other U.S. Presidents (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Amazing Facts and Surprising Discoveries from the Human Genome DNA Project (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Inside Back Cover: Season's Greetings 2001 from the Usual Gang of Idiots (Artist)
- Key Points of My, George W. Bush's, Environmental Plan (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Mad Examines Some Examples of Misdirected Patriotism (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
- The Real Demographics of Various TV Audiences – Part 3 (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Christmas Carols for Post 9/11 America (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... (Artist with Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing)
- Self-defeating consequences in modern American Life (Artist with Mike Snider)
- MAD's Handy Glossary to the War on Terror (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Desmond Devlin, Tom Bunk, Carolyn Abram, Evan Dorkin, Scott Maiko, Kevin Pope, Gary Hallgren, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Nick Cocotos, Barry Liebmann)
- List of all contributors (Author with Brian Frazer, Evan Dorkin, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Gary Hallgren, Ray Alma, Johnny Styne, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Charles Akins, Irving Schild, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Scott Maiko, Kevin Pope, Scott Bricher, Jack Syracuse, Russ Cooper)
- Only a democratcould possibly believe... (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- Only a republican clould possibly believe... (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- 24 Hours of NBC's endless olympic coverage (Artist with Andrew J. Schwartzberg)
- List of all contributors (Author with Timothy Shamey, Darren Johnson, Kevin Pope, Jack Syracuse, Don Edwing, Alan Roberts, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Scott Bricher, Ray Alma, Desmond Devlin, Scott Mendenhall, Dennis Snee, Jeff Kruse, Gary Hallgren, Drew Friedman)
- List of all contributors (Author with Nate Fakes, Ted Rall, Jacob Lambert, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Scott Mendenhall, Patrick Merrel, Barry Liebmann, Peter Bagge, Dick DeBartolo, Timothy Shamey, Mike Snider, Jack Syracuse, Peter Kuper)
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Bunk, Nate Fakes, Jeff Kruse, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Patrick Merrel, Rick Tulka, Al Jaffee, Jason Reich, Don Vaughan, Hermann Mejia, Drew Friedman)
- List of all contributors (Author with Nate Fakes, Brian McConnachie, Jeff Kruse, Paul Gilligan, Jack Syracuse, Tamara Federici, Emily Flake, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Desmond Devlin, Jim Mahfood, Garth Gerhart, Rick Tulka, Charles Akins, Dick DeBartolo)
- Liitle known facts, rumors and total fabrications about Cars (Artist with Scott Maiko)
- Classy ways to celebrate Barry Bonds historic season (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
- List of all contributors (Author with Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Charles Akins, Nicholas Michael Ferry IV, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Desmond Devlin, Adam Rust, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Dick DeBartolo)
- List of all contributors (Author with Garth Gerhart, Ray Alma, Francis Mao, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Don Edwing, Adam Rust, Jeff Kruse, Desmond Devlin)
- List of all contributors (Author with Sarah Dyer, John Caldwell, Benjamin Schultz, Evan Dorkin, Jack Syracuse, Tom Cheney, Todd Eisner, Jeff Kruse, Desmond Devlin, Rob Harrell)
- List of all contributors (Author with Doug Bratton, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Frank Santopadre, Rick Tulka, Jack Syracuse, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Dick DeBartolo)
- List of all contributors (Author with Glen LeLievre, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Desmond Devlin, Darren Johnson, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Dick DeBartolo, Jason Yungbluth, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jacob Lambert)
- 10 ways to liven up the national spelling bie (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- List of all contributors (Author with Jacob Lambert, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Jeff Kruse, Eric Scott, Irving Schild, Dick DeBartolo, Steve Rosso, Rick Tulka, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Bob Staake, John Crowther, Leonardo Rodriguez, Scott Bricher)
- The Believability & Unbelievability of Harry Potter (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- List of all contributors (Author with Rick Tulka, Charles Akins, Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse, Steve Smallwood, Hermann Mejia, Dick DeBartolo, P.C. Vey, Paul Gilligan, Irving Schild)
- MAD's 50 Worst Things about Advertising (Artist with Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Dave Crosland, Sergio Aragonés, Francis Mao, Sam Sisco, Tom Fowler, Rick Tulka, Marc Hempel, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Tim Hamilton, Timothy Shamey, Sarah Dyer, Bob Staake, Scott Maiko, Leonardo Rodriguez, John Caldwell, Hermann Mejia, Jack Syracuse, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Jose Garibaldi, Tom Bunk, Rich Powell, Evan Dorkin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Sam Viviano)
- Rejected Hillary Clinton campaign slogans (Artist with Nathaniel Stein)
- List of all contributors (Author with Jack Syracuse, Garth Gerhart, John Caldwell, Barry Liebmann, Matthew A. Cohen, Hermann Mejia, Frank Santopadre, P.C. Vey)
- List of all contributors (Author with Sumukh Torgalkar, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Peter Bagge, Tom Bunk, Darren Johnson, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jacob Lambert)
- Things we'll probably overhear at the upcoming Barry Bonds trial... (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- List of all contributors (Author with Sarah Dyer, Garth Gerhart, Rick Tulka, Randy McIlwane, Evan Dorkin, Bob Staake, Jacob Lambert, Ward Sutton, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Dick DeBartolo)
- List of all contributors (Author with Dan Long, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Rick Tulka, John Caldwell, Dick DeBartolo, Matthew A. Cohen, Jeff Kruse, Leonardo Rodriguez, Scott Bricher, Darren Johnson, Bob Staake, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Scott Nickel, Tom Bunk)
- Now that anyone can become a celebrity... (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
- List of all contributors (Author with Darren Johnson, Paul Gilligan, Garth Gerhart, Dick DeBartolo, Emily Flake, Bob Staake)
- MAD's updated Glossary to the War on terror (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- It's a good brand name...and a bad brand name... (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- Superstitions from around the world (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- MAD issues 101-200 "Days of triumph, nights of turpitude" (Author with Semi, Bob Muccio, Earle Doud, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, Dave Berg, May Sakami, Gilbert Barnhill, Phil Hahn, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, Sidney Paulson, Neal Barbera, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Mort Drucker)
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Thomas Hachtman, Carolyn Abram, Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Antonio Prohias, Richard Williams, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Gerry Gersten, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Greg Theakston, Harry North, Sam Viviano, Charlie Kadau, Paul Peter Porges, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, John Pound, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, Angelo Torres, George Woodbridge, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Dick DeBartolo)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with Dave Berg, Bob Staake, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Peter Sun, Irving Schild, Bill Wray, Sam Viviano, Sean Eisenporth, Al Jaffee, John Ficarra, Henry Clark, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Desmond Devlin, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, James Bennett, Michael Gallagher, Jonathan Bresman, Kevin Pope, Mark Stutzman, Joe Raiola, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Sean Farrelly, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Gerry Gersten, Arie Kaplan, Dick DeBartolo, Frank Santopadre, Tom Bunk, Sergio Aragonés, Anthony Barbieri, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Peter Kuper, Drew Friedman, Brian Farrelly, Mort Drucker, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jack Davis)
- MAD issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (Author with Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Ray Alma, Scott Sonneborn, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Kenny Byerly, Mike Snider, Desmond Devlin, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Anthony Barbieri, P.C. Vey, John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Mark Fredrickson, Charlie Kadau, Bill Wray, Peter Bagge, Sean Farrelly, Drew Friedman, Josh Malinow, Arie Kaplan, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Bunk, Sam Sisco, Scott Maiko, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond, Roberto Parada, Jack Syracuse, Dave Croatto, 3/Design Studios, Richard Williams, Peter Kuper, Brian Farrelly, Timothy Shamey, Mort Drucker, Stan Sinberg, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Hermann Mejia)
- The Mad Quarterly Report (Dec 2009 - March 2010) (Artist)
- The Mad Vault - 1969 (Author with Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Chris Hart, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Davis, Frank Ridgeway, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Don Edwing, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge)
- The Fast Five - Fun Facts About Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- Tea Party Logic (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- The Mad Vault - 1978 (Author with Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, John Caldwell, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Dick DeBartolo, Sergio Aragonés)
- What We Really Learned From WikiLeaks (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- The Mad Vault - It's a Recession... / It's a Depression... (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- The Fastest Five - Reasons for the Libyan Revolution (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- A Classic Article From #209 - The Turtle (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Horrifying Cliche's Special Trump Edition (Artist with Desmond Devlin)

- TV, as Viewed by the Animal World (Artist with Paul Peter Porges, Raven Juergensen)
- What It Will Be Like When Every Device "Talks" (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Practical Joke Items For The Pet Hater (Artist with Frank Santopadre)
- Overheard in Doggie Heaven (Artist with Jeff Kruse)

- A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes at the Post Office (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- You Know You’re Really a Parent When… (Artist with Jack Hanrahan, Phil Hahn)
- MAD’s Christmas Cards to Seasonal Exploiters (Artist with George Woodbridge, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg)

- Illustrator (with Bob Clarke, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Don Martin, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, Al Jaffee)

- MAD Vê a Falta de Gasolina (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- MAD Visita a Faculdade Realística de Medicina (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Os Pais: Mestres do “Non-Sequitur” (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Manual MAD para os Símbolos de Status (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- A Cartilha MAD das Crises (Artist with Stan Hart)
- A Moral... Antes... e Agora (Artist with Max Brandel)
- O Pesadelo (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Estamos Perdendo a Guerra contra os Computadores (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- MAD Apresenta o Instituto de Pesquisas do Ano (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- As Viragens de Gulliver (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Contos de Fada “Modernos” (que São Ainda Mais Fantásticos que os Contos de Fada Antigos) (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Clichês Aterrorizantes (Artist with May Sakami)
- Baixo Astral É... (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Pés de Página de Hollywood (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- MAD Vê a Frustração (Artist with Jack Kent)
- Clichês MAD (Artist with May Sakami, Phil Hahn, Ricky Goodwin, Neal Barbera, Sylvio Abreu, E. Nelson Bridwell)
- As Continuações dos Contos de Fadas (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- O Náufrago (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Os Filmes Domésticos de MAD (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Você Sabe que É um Chato de Galochas Quando... (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Cenas que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- Descasamentos do Futuro (Artist with Earle Doud)
- Você Sabe que Está Sozinho Quando... (Artist with Gloria L. Rich, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Dicas Econômicas do MAD (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Uma Visão Nostálgica dos Cães (Artist with Dean Norman)
- Guia MAD para o Moderno Sistema de Classes (Artist with Marilyn d'Amico, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- MAD Vê por Trás dos Bastidores dos Serviços Domésticos (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Você Sabe que Realmente Está Casado Quando... (Artist with Phil Hahn, Jack Hanrahan)
- O MAD Pergunta: o que Você Gosta.../Adora .../Detesta? (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Marilyn Ippolito)
- O Livro MAD da “Paixão-Amor-Convivência” (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- A Tabela Etária do MAD das Atitudes de Comportamento (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Guia Infantil para Entender o Noticiário (Writer with Jack Davis)
- O Livro MAD das Probabilidades (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Você É um Gênio se.../Mas um Idiota se... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Cartões MAD para Ocasiões MUITO Especiais (Artist with Earle Doud, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Amarradinha MAD Part 1 (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Amarradinha MAD Part 2 (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Se os Filhos Tratassem os Pais como os Pais Tratam os Filhos (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- O Dono de Colônia de Férias do Ano (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Cartões de Pêsames para Agências Profissionais e Comerciais (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- O Educador do Ano (Eleito pelo MAD) (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- A Tartaruga (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Teste Nacional para Pais (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Por que Você não Fez o Dever de Casa? (Artist with John Ficarra)
- Pequeno Vocabulário MAD de Expressões Favoritas dos Pais (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- Guia MAD para Passar de Ano sem Fazer Força (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)

- O Livro MAD (Artist with Bob Clarke, Don Martin, Dave Berg, Jack Rickard, Jack Davis, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone, George Woodbridge)
- Ser Machão Mesmo É... (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Clichês que São um Horror (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Os Mistérios da Manhã (Writer, Artist)
- O Livro 'Não' do MAD - Capítulo I: O que NÃO Fazer num Enterro (Artist with Charlie Kadau, Joe Raiola)
- 14 Regras MAD do Bom Comportamento (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Você Ficaria Rico se Ganhasse Um Cruzado… (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
- 14 Motivos pelos Quais Você Perderá a Passagem do Halley (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Programas Práticos de Computador para Uso Diário (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Frases de Despedida que Gostaríamos de Ouvir (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Escoteiros Vs. Velhinhas (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Quanto Mais as Coisas Mudam, Mais Continuam as Mesmas (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Writer: Al Jaffee (Artist)
- Dá um Medão Pensar… (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Pesquisa Independente do que os Anunciantes Nunca Nos Dizem! (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- A Apólice de Seguro MAD para Desastres & Acidentes dos Dias de Hoje (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Writer: Max Brandel (Artist)
- Guia de Efeitos Sonoros para Quadrinhos (Artist with Don Edwing)
- 15 Motivos pelos Quais Só Idiotas Podem Ter um 'Bom Dia' (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Você Ficaria Rico se Ganhasse Um Cruzado Novo… (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
- MAD Reexamina Mais Alguns Velhos Deitados (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- O 'Guerra nas Estrelas' não Tem como Falhar! (Artist with John S. Marshall)
- MAD Visita uma Clínica de Emagrecimento (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- MAD Visita uma Faculdade de Direito Moderna (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Coisas Realmente Legais pra Você Fazer se Ganhar na Sena (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Dinossauros Modernos que Gostaríamos de Ver Extintos (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Só Quando Você Tiver Certeza de que Ninguém Está Olhando... (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Provas para Pessoas Velhas Demais para Jogar mas que Ainda Desejam Competir (Artist with William T. Raschendorfer)
- O Depósito Noturno (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Movie satire: ‘Burrada nas Estrelas V – A Bobeira Final’ [‘Jornada nas Estrelas V – A Fronteira Final’/‘Star Trek V: The Final Frontier’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: ‘Burrada nas Estrelas VI – A Eca Desconhecida’ [‘Jornada nas Estrelas V – A Terra Desconhecida’ [‘Jornada nas Estrelas VI – A Terra Desconhecida’/‘ Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Desista! (Artist with John Prete)
- Truques Escusos com Ioiô que Toda Criança Conhece (Artist with Dan Birtcher)
- Se Sua Vida Doméstica Fosse Contada como nos Jornais da TV (Artist with Mark d'Amico)
- Brincadeiras de “Mocinho e Bandido” das Crianças de Hoje em Dia (Artist with Russ Cooper)
- Estatística dos Leitores do MAD que Pararam de Comprar a Revista (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Movie satire: “Burrada nas Estrelas – O Primeiro Cocôtato” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- MAD no Ano 2038 (Artist with Otacílio d’Assunção, Desmond Devlin, Al Jaffee, David Manak, Mort Drucker)
- Movie satire: “O Imundo Fedido no Jumentaço Park” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Certo Dia em um Laboratório de Testes de Animais (Artist with Michael Gallagher)

- Coisas de que Você Só Se Toca à Medida que Vai Ficando Mais Velho (Artist with Jill Hamilton)
- A Homenagem Final a David Berg e Seu “O Lado Irônico...” (Artist with Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk)
- Peixe Morto nº 3 (Artist with Tom Cheney, Flávio Dealmeida, Pato Puto, Otacílio d’Assunção, Bob Clarke, Gustave Doré)
- Como os Casamentos Gays Vão Começar a Afetar as Pessoas (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- “Confissões na Banheira com Padre Benevides”, “Hospício Lelé”, “Waldirley, o Cartunista Invisível”, “Firmino, o Zelador do Zoológico”, “Mona Lisa e Mona Lusa”, “Viva a Gordura!, por Jô Gordo”, “Rob, o Robô Sacana”, “Como Fazer um Punk Sorrir”, “Dona Fulustreca Visita Nova York”, “Asdrú (Author with Leonardo & Duchamp, Waldirley, Ted Rall, Otacílio d’Assunção, Chiquinha, Mo Willems, Keith Knight, Pupuca de Sá, Corey Pandolph, Garth Gerhart)

- "Histórias que Esperamos que Você não Venha a Contar pros Seus Netos", "Mais uma Dica do Pinóquio!", "Spoilers para a Próxima Temporada de ‘Heroes’", "P.C. Vey", "Pensou um Pouquinho e Foi ao Cinema", "Cenas Cortadas do ‘Homem de Ferro’", "Coluna do Professor Paspalho", "Parque dos Dinossauros" (Author with Chiquinha, Otacílio d’Assunção, Rob Harrell, P.C. Vey)
- Agora Qualquer Idiota Pode Se Tornar uma Celebridade... (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
- “Amarguraman”, “Mário e o Breve Desaparecimento”, “Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis”, “Uma Rima da Maternidade Moderna…”, “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para a Saúde Sexual”, “Purgantes Porges”, “Carta Tapa-Buraco”, “Superstições do Mundo Todo”, “Filho do Brasil”, “Puxa Meu Cheney” (Author with Pablo Peneira, Tom Cheney, Anthony Barbieri, Raphael Fernandes, Al Jaffee, Carl Peterson, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Peter Bagge, João Montanaro, Tom Fowler, Kevin Pope, Paul Peter Porges)
- 'O Covil do Ryan', 'Vey pra Viagem', 'As 5 Piores Coisas dos Filmes 3D', 'Calvin & Jobs', 'Os Últimos Classificados', 'Novos Problemas Aparecendo nos Toyotas', 'A Seguir, na Próxima Temporada do Animal Planet', (Author with Don Edwing, Evan Dorkin, Gary Hallgren, Ryan Pagelow, Scott Maiko, Jacob Lambert, Tom Bunk, Sarah Dyer, P.C. Vey)
- Outra Rapidinha: ‘Os Cinco Motivos da Revolução Líbia’ (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- MAD – 60 Anos (Artist with Mark Fredrickson, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Al Jaffee, Frank Ridgeway, Don Edwing, Brian Farrelly, Dick DeBartolo, James Bennett, Tom Cheney, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Tom Richmond, Harry North, Ray Alma, Paul Peter Porges, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Donald K. Epstein, Mort Drucker, Christopher Hart, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Frank Kelly Freas, Dave Gantz, Sean Farrelly, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, Irving Schild)
- O que esperar da Nova Cidade das Mulheres na Arábia Saudita (Artist with Matt Lassen)
- Redação MAD Faça Você Mesmo: Obamacare - Uma Resenha (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)

- As Porcentagens do MAD (Writer with John Ficarra)
- Você Sabe que Tá Gordo Paca Quando... (Artist with Jack Kent)
- Pés de Página de Hollywood (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- No Cinema (Artist with Sergio Aragonés)
- Respostas MAD para Clichês (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Você Sabe que É um Chato de Galochas Quando... (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Manual MAD para os Símbolos de Status (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- O Médico Automático 24 Horas (Artist, Writer with Floyd Kemske)
- MAD Vê as Fobias dos Anos 90 (Artist with John Ficarra)
- O Livro MAD das Probabilidades (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Você É Sex/? Então Faça Este Teste do MAD (Artist with Christopher Hart)
- Baixo Astral É… (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Programas Práticos de Computador para Uso Diário (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Difícil Mesmo É… (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Você É um Gênio se…/Mas um Idiota se… (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- MAD Vê os Descasamentos do Futuro (Artist with Earle Doud)
- Clichês que São um Horror (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)

- Pequenas Sacanagens para Quem Detesta Bichos (Artist with Frank Santopadre)
- Jogos para Quem Está Velho Demais para os Esportes... mas Mesmo Assim Continua Querendo Competir! (Artist with William T. Raschendorfer)
- Cartões de Saudações de Acordo com a Nossa Época (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)

- As Viragens de Gulliver (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Alguns Sanitários Famosos (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Escoteiros Vs. Vovozinhas (Artist)
- O que Esperar de Seus Pais (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Natal no Século 21 (Artist)
- Guia MAD de Respostas Cretinas pra Velhos Clichês (Artist with Stan Hart)
- MAD Invade o Mundo dos Insetos (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Você Sabe que Está Realmente ACIMA DO PESO Quando... (Artist with Jack Kent)
- Se as Crianças Falassem Usando Citações de Filmes Antigos (Artist with Harry Purvis)
- Respostas Cretinas para Conselhos Familiares Imbecis ou Ainda: “Os Conselhos que Seus Pais Dão e que Você Gostaria de Responder à Altura (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Nos Bastidores da Imprensa Marrom (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- Guia MAD pra Entender o Sistema de Classes (Artist with Marilyn d'Amico, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Você Nunca Ganha de um Cabeça-Dura! (Artist)
- O Livro MAD do “Eles” × “Você” (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- O Dicionário MAD de Termos Usados pelos Pais (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- Quanto Mais as Coisas Mudam, Mais Elas Ficam Piores (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Incômodas Incertezas da Vida ou “Você Nunca Tá 100% Certo...” (Artist with John Ficarra)
- A Tartaruga (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- As Respostas MAD para os Chavões Malhados (Artist with Stan Hart)

- Como os Casamentos Gays Vão Passar a Afetar as Pessoas (Artist with Barry Liebmann)

- MAD Ensina como Fazer Seu Próprio Discurso Político para Atrair a Atenção dos Eleitores (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- A TV... pelos Olhos do Mundo Animal (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Guia MAD das Academias (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Se as Crianças Usassem Clichês de Filmes Toda Hora (Artist with Harry Purvis)
- Certo Dia num Laboratório de Testes com Animais (Artist with Michael Gallagher)
- O Livro MAD da “Paixão-Amor-Convivência” (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- As Regras Secretas dos Supermercados (Artist with Charlie Kadau)
- Você Sabe que Tá Gordo Paca Quando… (Artist with Jack Kent)

- Certa Manhã na Quinta Avenida (Artist with Don Edwing)
- Coisas pra Fazer com Seu Cão no Aniversário Dele (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)

- Guía MAD de Centros de Salud y Clubes Deportivos (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)

- Perplejidad en las… Estaciones de servicio (Artist with Don Edwing)
- TV… vista por el mundo animal (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Locuras contempla… La escasez de gasolina (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
- Comprender a los padres (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Por estas calles de Dios (Artist)
- ¿No ha sentido escalofríos cuando… (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Educación sexual básica (Writer, Artist)
- Si los niños usaran esta fórmula en la vida cotidiana (Artist with Harry Purvis)

- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis)
- Artist (with Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth)
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis)
- Artist (with Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher)
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis)
- Artist (with Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth)
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis)
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis)
- Artist (with Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth)
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
- Artist (with Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley)
- Artist (with Rod Serling, Jack Davis, Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder)
- Artist (with Robert Sheckley, Arnold Roth, Ed Fisher, Bill Elder, Rod Serling, Jack Davis)