Contributions by Jason Yungbluth
USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #478June 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jacob Lambert, Paul Coker, Jr., Glen LeLievre, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Desmond Devlin, Darren Johnson, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #483November 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Benjamin Schultz, Garth Gerhart, Rick Tulka, Jacob Lambert, Todd Eisner, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Don Edwing, Michael Slack, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Sergio Aragonés)
- Elf Droppings (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #499April 2009
- List of all contributors (Author with Evan Dorkin, Barry Liebmann, Jeff Kruse, Drew Friedman, Ward Sutton, Sam Sisco, Kevin Pope, Desmond Devlin, Sarah Dyer, Darren Johnson, Garth Gerhart, Marc Hempel)
MAD Magazine #508April 2011
- The Yungbluth and the Restless Dinosaur with Bible Excavated (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #550April 2018
- The Yungbluth and the Restless - stranded on cartoon islands (Artist, Writer)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
MAD Magazine #8August 2019
- The Preposterous Palpatine Plot Hole: Why Didn't The Emperor Clone Darth Vader? (Artist with Jonathan Bresman)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #7September 2008
- Festival de Tiras: "Mentolado e Com Abas", "Vida Cruel", "Confissões na Banheira com Padre Benevides", "Estou com um Idiota", "A Máquina que Viaja pelo Tempo", "Scooby-Dor!", "As Aparências Enganam" (Artist, Writer with Keith Knight, Vic Black, Zach Weiner, Rich Moyer, Douglas Paszkiewicz)
MAD Magazine #20November 2009
- Festival de Tiras: “A Máquina que Viaja pelo Tempo”, “Eu, Eu Mesmo e Meu Fantoche – Sobre os Médicos”, “Garota do Calendário!”, “Os Castores”, “Scooby-Dardei!”, “As Aparências Enganam” (Author with Douglas Paszkiewicz, Joey Alison Sayers, John Kovaleski, Paul Gilligan)
MAD Magazine #29August 2010
- Festival de Tiras: 'Jimmy, o Nerd', 'Humor de Outro Mundo', 'O Pequeno Chutador de Nozes Nazistas', '360 Graus de Separação', 'Eu, Eu Mesmo e Meu Fantoche - A Salvo', 'A Parte Boa e a Ruim Disso', 'O Insanatório', 'A Máquina que Viaja Através do Tempo' (Author with Todd Clark, Keith Knight, Márcio Baraldi, Dan Long, Johnny Ringo, Joey Alison Sayers, John Kovaleski)
MAD Magazine #38May 2011
- O Pior de Yungbluth (Artist, Writer)
- Festival de Tiras: ‘Aquele Sentimento Tolo’ (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #55January 2013
- Festival de Tiras: 'Marshall Lent, o Detetive Marcha Lenta' (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #58May 2013
- Festival de Tiras: 'Marshall Lent, o Detetive Marcha Lenta' (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #67February 2014
- Festival de Tiras: 'Marshall Lent, o Detetive Marcha Lenta' (Writer, Artist)
Brasil • Various MAD Books