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Contributions by Desmond Devlin

MAD Magazine #304July 1991
- Rotten Places Where Waldo Really Would Have To Hide (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
- Any Doofus / Bozo / Idiot / Schmuck / Moron / Schmendrick / Pinhead / Fool / Cretin / Boob / Ignoramus / Jerk (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
- The Startling Similarities Between Ancient Mythology & Modern Rock (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- Why Sports Life Is Harder Than Real Life (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #313September 1992
- MAD's Cross-Sections Of State Lottery Winners (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- The ABC's Of Rock (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #321September 1993
- Spin Doctors For The Rest Of Us (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- Baseball Card Wars (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #324January 1994
- Welcome To The Jungle (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- A Sports Fan / Sports Fanatic (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Back Cover: Haiku For Our Polluted Planet (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #325February 1994
- Cover Artist (with Sam Viviano)
- Cover: Beavis Clinton and Butt-Head Gore (Idea with Sam Viviano)
- When The Beavis & Butt-Head Phenomenon Spreads Into Politics (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- Every Single New Year's Eve (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #326March 1994
- When The Smithsonian Opens An Advertising Wing (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- It's a Recession, It's a Depression (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #327May 1994
- The Future Occupations For Today's Top Wrestlers (Writer with Kyle Baker)
- Even More Badly Needed Warning Labels For Rock Albums (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #328June 1994
- Cinema Vs. Movies (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- MAD's International Signs For The World Of Rock (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #330September 1994
- A Comprehensive Sociological Study Of The Distinguishing Characteristics Of Major League Baseball Fans (Writer with Monte Wolverton)
MAD Magazine #331October 1994
- Mad Equations (Writer)
- The Upside Of Terrorism (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Rap TV Shows Of The Very Near Future (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #333January 1995
- Cover Writer
- Some Statistics the NBA isn't Especially Proud of (Writer with Jack Davis)
- The Dysfunctional Family Circus (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Mad's Parental Guide for Safe TV Viewing (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #334March 1995
- Would It Kill Your Pet...? (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
- The 11 Rarest Animation Cels on the Market (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- Why Do We Believe... (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Real-Life Superheroes at Comic Book Conventions (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #336June 1995
- So What's the Problem? (Writer)
- When Beavis & Butt-Head Grow Old! (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- Other Interesting Infinity Combinations (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Mad Looks at the World of Rap (Writer with Kyle Baker)
MAD Magazine #337July 1995
- Only a Wrestling Fan Could Ever... (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Goofus and Gallant's Guide to Sex & Dating (Writer with David Manak)
MAD Magazine #338August 1995
- Rock & Roll Closeups (questions) (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- Breaking Down the MTV Generation (Writer with Leslie Sternbergh)
- You're a Winner and a Loser (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Rock & Roll Closeups - the correct answers (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #339October 1995
- Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #340November 1995
- The Untold Story of Rap Music Through History (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Superhero High (Writer with Joe Staton)
MAD Magazine #341December 1995
- Mad's Parental Guide for Safe MTV Viewing (Writer with Leslie Sternbergh, Ray Burns)
- Rarely Noticed Gaps (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #343March 1996
- Points to Ponder (Writer)
- The Bob Dole Guide to Instant Disagreement (Writer with Thomas Fluharty)
- The All-Time Pantheon of Oddball Music Fans (Writer with Kyle Baker)
MAD Magazine #344April 1996
- Mad's Academy Awards Seating Chart (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Strange But True... (Writer with Rick Geary)
MAD Magazine #346June 1996
- Now That It's All Over (Writer)
- More Chilling Thoughts (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- Are You a "Type A" Personality? (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #347July 1996
- Mad Visits This Year's Blahblahpaloser (Writer with Ray Alma)
- The Wonderful, Wonderful World of Computers (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #348August 1996
- The Hidden Drawbacks of Rock Superstardom (Writer with Kyle Baker)
- The Worst MTV Contests of All Time (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- You're a Crook / You're a Businessman (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- The Extremely Ultimate Fights (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Back Cover: Mad's Remotely Funny Fake-Out Cable Label (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #350October 1996
- You’re Their Biggest Fan… But You Just Might Be a Stalker if… (Writer with Terry LaBan)
- Consumer Product Factoids (Writer)
MAD Magazine #351November 1996
- It's a Moot Point (Writer)
- Troubleshooting Guide for this Issue (Writer)
- Mad Salutes Baseball Then and Now (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #352December 1996
- The Real Reasons Why Your Favorite Rock Band Just Split Up (Writer with Lisa Haney)
- In the Mind of a TV Executive (Writer with Rick Geary)
MAD Magazine #354February 1997
- Even More Chilling Thoughts (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- Beavis and Butt-Head Go Hollywood (Writer with David Manak)
- Truly Unbelievable Plot Twists in Action Movies (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #355March 1997
- Even Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer with Maple Communications, Inc. )
- Mad in the Year 2038 - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - The Mad Nasty File, Vol. 53 (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - You May Have Been a Test-Tube Baby If... (Writer with Don Edwing)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - A Mad Look at Alzheimer's (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at Michael Jordan's Funeral (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - Spy vs. Spy (Writer with David Manak)
- Mad in the Year 2038 - The Lighter Side of... (Writer with Dave Berg)
- When the Dilbert Cast Invades Other Comic Strips (Writer with Steve Smallwood)
MAD Magazine #356April 1997
- Hooked on Ebonics! (Writer with R.J. Matson)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Personal Fitness (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #357May 1997
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to World Travel (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- America Onhold (Writer with Charles Akins)
MAD Magazine #358June 1997
- Disney-fied Versions of Adult Films (Writer with Sam Viviano, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #359July 1997
- Letters (Shown on photo with Joe Raiola, Nick Meglin, John Ficarra, Charlie Kadau, Al Jaffee, David Shayne, Sam Viviano, Annie Gaines, Sergio Aragonés)
- Behind the Scenes at MTV (Writer with Kyle Baker)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Pet Ownership (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #360August 1997
- Rosie O'Donnell Grills Some Non-Showbiz Guests (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Truly Unbelievable Plot Twists in Action Movies 2 (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #361September 1997
- Get a New Psychiatrist If... (Writer with Butch D'Ambrosio, Al Jaffee)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Higher Education (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #362October 1997
- Mad Goes on the Set of the Next "Jerky Chan" Movie (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Death (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #365January 1998
- James Bond Villains' Pet Peeves (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Sportsmanship (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Fearless Predictions for 1998 (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Badly Needed CD Warning Labels - The Hip-Hop Edition (Writer)
MAD Magazine #367March 1998
- Badly-Needed Constitutional Amendments??? (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- The Story of Creation Re-Told in a Chat Room (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #369May 1998
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Party Going (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Mad Pop-Off Video (excerpts from Pop-Off Video Special) (Writer with David P. Levin)
MAD Magazine #370June 1998
- Pop-Off Video - Madonna "Frozen" (Writer)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Amusement Parks (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Pop-Off Video - Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #371July 1998
- Cover Writer
- South Park Toys and Products Coming to a Toy Shelf Near You! (Writer with Scott Bricher)
- Melvin and Jenkins' Guide to Saving the Planet (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #372August 1998
- Pop-Off Video - Usher "Nice and Slow" (Writer)
- Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Fine Dining (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Pop-Off Video - Ben Folds Five "Brick" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #373September 1998
- Pop-Off Video - Marcy Playground "Sex & Candy" (Writer)
- Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Summer Camp (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Mad Investigates the Psychic Hotline Business (Writer with Rick Geary)
- Pop-Off Video - Natalie Imbruglia "Torn" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #374October 1998
- Pop-Off Video - Hanson "Weird" (Writer)
- Pop-Off Video - Backstreet Boys "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" (Writer)
MAD Magazine #375November 1998
- Melvin & Jenkins Guide to the Rules of the Road (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #376December 1998
- The Wizard of Oz in a Chat Room (Writer with James Warhola)
- Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Money (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #377January 1999
- The Incredible Hanson Story, From Start to Finish! (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
- Melvin & Jenkins Guide to Music Appreciation (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- 5. The Flag Burning Amendment That Won't Die - "Your Congressmen Explain Their Stance on the Flag-Burning Amendment" (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- 9. Rodman & Malone's Pro Wrestling Sideshow - "A Peek Behind the Scenes at WCW's Bash at the Beach" (Writer with Grey Blackwell)
- 15. The Sultan of So-What - "Mark McGwire Timeline to History" (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #378February 1999
- Slam's End - The Catalog of Pro Wrestling Merchandise (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Abbott & Costello Organize the MTV Videotape Library (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Pop-Off Video - Alanis Morissette "Thank You" (Writer)
- Pro Wrestling Haiku (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- Upcoming Movies Based on Comic Books (Writer with Amanda Conner)
- Back Cover: Candy Hearts for Modern Lovers (Writer with Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #379March 1999
- Mad's TV Expert Quiz (Writer with Rick Geary)
- The Home Schlocking Network's "Beanie Baby Hour" (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Even Yet Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer)
- The Special Prosecutor's Official Report on Mister Rogers (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #380April 1999
- How Monica Lewinski Changed the World (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Mad's Parental Guide to Internet Websites (Writer with Charles Akins)
MAD Magazine #381May 1999
- Diary of a Tomb Raider Fanatic (Writer with Scott Bricher)
- How the NBA Plans to Win Back the Love of Their Former Fans (Writer with Keith Seidel)
- MAD’s Science Fiction Primer (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #384August 1999
- The Lost Poetry of Jewel (Writer with Yvonne Buchanan)
- Unspoken Rules of Double Dating (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
MAD Magazine #386October 1999
- Hokéycon (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
- Settling the Microsoft Monopoly Lawsuit on Judge Judy (Writer with Keith Seidel)
MAD Magazine #387November 1999
- The Boys of Summary (Writer with Grey Blackwell, Ray Alma, Angelo Torres)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Halloween (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- The Bland Witch Project (Writer with Bill Wray)
MAD Magazine #388December 1999
- Mad Looks at What's on the Back of Your Ticket (Writer with Butch D'Ambrosio, Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #389January 2000
- 10. The Umpires Strike Out - "Taken Out of the Ball Game" - (Take Me Out to the Ball Game song parody) (Writer with Keith Seidel)
- 11. The Blair Witch Project - "Eerie Comparisons Between The Wizard of Oz and The Blair Witch Project" (Writer with Sam Sisco)
- 15. Beanie Babies Call It Quits... Yeah, Right! - "The Telltale Signs of Post-Beanie Syndrome" (Writer with Lisa Haney)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to the Millennium (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #390February 2000
- How Various People Will React to the Next Random Act of Senseless Violence (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- How to Become a Big-Time Boy Band Producer! (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #391March 2000
- Harry Plodder and the Kidney Stone by J.K. Growling (Book Parody) (Writer with James Warhola)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Technology (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- George W. Bush Faces the Drug Issue Head-On! (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #392April 2000
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Hobbies (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Boobs Want To Be A Millionaire (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #393May 2000
- All-New Even Yet Still More Badly Needed Warning Labels for Rock Albums (Writer)
- Settling the Howard Stern Divorce Case on Judge Judy (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #395July 2000
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Politics (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: Great Newscasting Debacles (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: TV Guide Salutes the Underpaid and Over-Abused Assistants to the Stars! (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: William Shatner's TV Hairlines Collectors' Covers (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: So What If My Material Blows? This Raised Eyebrow Will "Let You In" That I'm Too Damn Hip For My Own Good (Writer with Keith Seidel)
- Upcoming TV Guide Multi-Covers: We Salute 25 Years of Cable TV! (Writer with John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #399November 2000
- $-MEN (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Totally Repulsed Live (Writer with Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #400December 2000
- The Untold History of Mad Magazine (Writer with Angelo Torres, Tom Richmond, Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., Scott Bricher, Drew Friedman, Sergio Aragonés)
- Goodnight Room (based on Margaret Wise Brown's Goodnight Moon) (Writer with Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #401January 2001
- 1. Election 2000 (featuring Al Gore or George Bush) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- How Bill Clinton Will Stack Up Against Other U.S. Presidents (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #403March 2001
- Malcontent in the Muddle (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- 2000: The Year in Film (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
MAD Magazine #404April 2001
- The Worst Selling Box Sets of All Time (Writer with Keith Seidel, Scott Bricher, James Warhola, Bob Staake, Ray Alma, Drew Friedman, Hermann Mejia, Bill Wray)
MAD Magazine #406June 2001
- The Age... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- A Special Mad Interview With Eminem (Writer with Ray Alma, Digital Chameleon)
MAD Magazine #411November 2001
- The 25 Least Powerful People in Show Business (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #412December 2001
- Cover Writer
- Harry Plodder and the Sorry-Ass Story (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- The Mysterious Mysteries of Televised Sports (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #414February 2002
- Even Yet Still Further More Badly-Needed Warning Labels For Today's Hottest CDs (Writer)
- 2001: The Year in Film (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
MAD Magazine #415March 2002
- Key Points of My, George W. Bush's, Environmental Plan (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #416April 2002
- Bored of the Rings - The Feebleschtick of Ka-Ching! (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- The Final Minute of Saturday Night Live (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #420August 2002
- Mad's 50 Worst Things About Music (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- The Everlasting Ridiculous Impacts of Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Writer with Ray Alma)
- Endless-Prize (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #421September 2002
- Drastic Cutbacks in the Music Industry (Writer with Digital Chameleon, Rick Tulka)
- Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows - The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (Writer with Bob Staake)
- The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Official Edict on Pedophile Priests (Writer with Tom Nick Cocotos)
MAD Magazine #423November 2002
- Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows - The Late Show with David Letterman (Writer with Rick Tulka)
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Breaking Up (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #426February 2003
- Mad Deconstructs TV Talk Shows - The O'Reilly Factor (Writer with Sam Sisco)
- 2002: The Year in Film (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
- Corporate Fraud Task Force #1 (Writer with Wildstorm, Amanda Conner)
MAD Magazine #427March 2003
- Mad's Proposed Rule Changes for the Upcoming NASCAR Season (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- 8:Mild (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #429May 2003
- MAD Deconstructs TV Talk Shows – This Month: Jerry Springer (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- MAD’s 2003 Spring Break Course Selections (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #430June 2003
- Movie satire: “$-Men 2” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Deconstructs TV Talk Shows – This Mont: The View (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #431July 2003
- MAD Deconstructs TV Talk Shows – This Month: Late Night with Conan O’Brien (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Hulk-A-Rama! (Writer with Mike Snider, Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #433September 2003
- The Differences Between Hogwarts and Your School (Writer with Amanda Conner, Bill Wray, Wildstorm)
MAD Magazine #434October 2003
- MAD's Deck of Least Wanted Americans (Writer with Mort Drucker, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Hermann Mejia, Drew Friedman, Sam Viviano)
- Using Kiddie TV to explain the War on Terror (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #438February 2004
- Author
- List of all contributors (Author with Josh Malinow, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, John Caldwell, Charlie Kadau, Tom Bunk, Johnny Styne, Arie Kaplan, Scott Maiko, Scott Bricher, Drew Friedman, Butch D'Ambrosio, Evan Dorkin, Kevin Pope, Joe Raiola)
- MAD's Handy Glossary to the War on Terror (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- 2003: The year in film (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
- An open letter from Michael Jackson (Writer with Chas D'Eau)
MAD Magazine #439March 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Bill Wray, Tom Nick Cocotos, Evan Dorkin, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Arie Kaplan, Scott Maiko, Scott Bricher)
MAD Magazine #440April 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Carolyn Abram, Evan Dorkin, Scott Maiko, Kevin Pope, Gary Hallgren, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Nick Cocotos, Barry Liebmann, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Paul Coker, Jr., Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk)
- Bored of the Rings: Rehash of the Thing (lord of the Rings: Return of the King Parody) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #441May 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Bunk, Patrick Merrel, Don Vaughan, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Drew Friedman, Amanda Conner, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Ray Alma, Tom Nick Cocotos, Arie Kaplan, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Al Jaffee)
- MAD deconstructs TV Talkshows This month: Howard Stern on E (Writer with Nathan Fox)
- Barbie's "Dear John" letter to Ken (Writer)
- A day in the Life of... David Letterman's Baby (Writer with Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #442June 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Scott Maiko, Kevin Pope, Scott Bricher, Russ Cooper, Jack Syracuse, Brian Frazer, Evan Dorkin, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, Jr., Gary Hallgren, Ray Alma, Johnny Styne, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Charles Akins, Irving Schild, Mike Snider)
- Star Shrek (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #443July 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Patrick Merrel, Sam Sisco, Charles Akins, Joe Raiola, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Gary Hallgren, Charlie Kadau, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Don Edwing)
- Harry Plodder and the pre-teen nerds are actin' bad (Harry Potter Parody) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #444August 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, Ray Alma, Tom Bunk, Mike Snider, Steve Rosso, P.C. Vey, Gary Hallgren, Don Edwing, Tom Cheney, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Patrick Merrel, Garth Gerhart)
MAD Magazine #445September 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Evan Dorkin, Steve Rosso, Leonardo Rodriguez, Ray Alma, Nathan Fox, Sam Sisco, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #446October 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Patrick Merrel, Garth Gerhart, David Shayne, Jack Syracuse, Mike Snider, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charlie Kadau, Josh Eiserike, Tom Cheney, Rick Tulka, Charles Akins, Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #447November 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Dennis Wunderlin, Garth Gerhart, Gary Hallgren, Charlie Kadau, Dick DeBartolo, Patrick Merrel, Matthew A. Cohen, Jack Syracuse, Don Edwing, Mike Snider, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert)
- The strange similarities between the Bush administration and the world of Dr.Seuss (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #448December 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Dick DeBartolo, Jerry Ordway, Michael Gallagher, Charles Akins, Ray Alma, Patrick Merrel, Scott Maiko, Scott Bricher)
- Michael Eisner's Powerpoint presentation for saving Disney (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #449January 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Patrick Merrel, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Tom Bunk, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Hermann Mejia, Joe Raiola, Carolyn Abram, Garth Gerhart, David Shayne, Scott Bricher)
- 1. Abu Ghraib Jailhouse Rock (Writer with Richard Williams)
- 3. Dean's Cream (Writer with James Warhola)
- Kobe Bryant's Apology Double Drivel (Writer with Liz Lomax)
MAD Magazine #450February 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Patrick Merrel, Evan Dorkin, Jeff Kruse, Jack Syracuse, Mike Snider, Barry Liebmann, Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Cheney, Garth Gerhart, Charles Akins, Al Jaffee)
- Viewing guide to super bowl halftime counterprogramming (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Which Simpsons Character is gay? (Writer with Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #451March 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Tom Cheney, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Ray Alma, Dick DeBartolo, Patrick Merrel, Barry Liebmann, Jeff Kruse, Gary Hallgren, Don Edwing, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Jack Syracuse)
- Constant-theme (Constantine Parody) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- A sneak peek at the ESPN3 programming lineup (Writer with Peter Bagge)
MAD Magazine #452April 2005
- Limited Thickwit's A series of Uneventful Misfortunes (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- A MAD peek behind the scenes at Celebrity Poker Showdown (Artist with David Shayne, John Caldwell, Steve Rosso, Tom Richmond)
- Dan Rather's final News Broadcast (Writer with Tom Nick Cocotos)
MAD Magazine #453May 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Jerry Ordway, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Don Edwing, Greg Laub, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Rick Tulka, Charles Akins)
MAD Magazine #456August 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Alan Roberts, Mike Snider, Garth Gerhart, Scott Bricher, Ray Alma, Scott Mendenhall, Dennis Snee, Jeff Kruse, Gary Hallgren, Drew Friedman, Paul Coker, Jr., Timothy Shamey, Darren Johnson, Kevin Pope, Jack Syracuse, Don Edwing)
MAD Magazine #459November 2005
- MAD's inside scoop in this year's Stupidest Holiday Movies (Artist with Tom Richmond, Scott Maiko)
MAD Magazine #460December 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Timothy Shamey, Tom Nick Cocotos, Rich Powell, Leonardo Rodriguez, Don Edwing, Ross Garmil, Mark Cantrell, Matthew A. Cohen, Kevin Pope, Huw Evans, Grey Blackwell, P.C. Vey, Ray Alma)
- Harry Plodder has gotta retire (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #461January 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Grey Blackwell, Darren Johnson, Rick Tulka, Gary Hallgren, Mike Capozzola, Megan Ganz, Barry Liebmann, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Carolyn Abram, Tom Cheney, Tom Fowler, John Caldwell, Jacob Lambert, Michael Lore)
- 2. Tom Cruise: From pretty boy to "Hoo Boy!" (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- 12. Michael Jackson's touching tale (Writer)
- 15. Saddam photographed in jail (Writer)
MAD Magazine #462February 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Nate Fakes, Brian McConnachie, Jeff Kruse, Paul Gilligan, Jack Syracuse, Paul Coker, Jr., Tamara Federici, Emily Flake, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Jim Mahfood, Garth Gerhart, Rick Tulka, Charles Akins, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #463March 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Doug Bratton, Kevin Pope, Don Edwing, Jeff Katz, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #464April 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Arie Kaplan, Sam Sisco, Rick Tulka, Jack Syracuse, Brian McConnachie, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Jacob Lambert, Megan Ganz, Tom Cheney, Bob Staake, John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #465May 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Simon Rich, Angelo Torres, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Jim Mahfood, Darren Johnson, Steve Smallwood, Irving Schild, Josh Eiserike, Garth Gerhart, Joe Raiola, Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #467July 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Doug Bratton, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Patrick Merrel, Glen LeLievre, David Shayne, Charlie Kadau, Tom Cheney)
- MAD deconstructs TV Talkshows (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #468August 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Adam Rust, Kevin Pope, Scott Bricher, Kit Lively, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Stan Sinberg, P.C. Vey, Hermann Mejia, Jacob Lambert)
MAD Magazine #471November 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Glen LeLievre, Garth Gerhart, Steve Smallwood, Hermann Mejia, Adam Rust, Scott Maiko, Kevin Pope, Angelo Torres, Frank Santopadre, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #472December 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Matthew A. Cohen, Rick Tulka, Jack Syracuse, Tom Cheney, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Kevin Pope, Jacob Lambert, Dick DeBartolo, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #473January 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Nicholas Michael Ferry IV, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Kevin Pope, Adam Rust, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Dick DeBartolo, Garth Gerhart, P.C. Vey, Charles Akins, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- 16. Congressman Mark Foley - The louse of Representatives (Writer with AP/Wide World Photos)
MAD Magazine #474February 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Rick Tulka, Dick DeBartolo, Todd Eisner, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Glen LeLievre, P.C. Vey, Benjamin Schultz, Adam Rust)
MAD Magazine #475March 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Adam Rust, Jeff Kruse, Garth Gerhart, Ray Alma, Paul Coker, Jr., Francis Mao, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Don Edwing)
- MAD deconstructs TV Talkshows (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #476April 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Benjamin Schultz, Evan Dorkin, Jack Syracuse, Tom Cheney, Todd Eisner, Jeff Kruse, Rob Harrell, Sarah Dyer, John Caldwell, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- 13 fascinating music factoids (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #478June 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Darren Johnson, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Dick DeBartolo, Jason Yungbluth, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jacob Lambert, Paul Coker, Jr., Glen LeLievre, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #479July 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Ty Templeton, Garth Gerhart, Scott Maiko, Charles Akins, Russ Cooper, Sam Sisco, Matthew A. Cohen, Jeff Kruse, Noel Rappin, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Rick Tulka, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #481September 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Eric Scott, Don Edwing, Laura Howell, Rick Tulka, John Caldwell, Feggo, Kevin Pope, Jack Syracuse, Dick DeBartolo, Adam Rust, Jeff Kruse)
- 1300! (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
- List of all contributors (Author with Rick Tulka, Charles Akins, Jeff Kruse, Steve Smallwood, Hermann Mejia, Dick DeBartolo, P.C. Vey, Paul Gilligan, Irving Schild, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- "America's Next Top Mobster" (A MAD TV Mash-up of America's Next Top Model) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Harry Plodder and the Torture of the Fanbase (A MAD Movie Satire) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #484December 2007
- MAD deconstructs TV Talkshows - This month: The Colbert Show (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #485January 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Harrison Greenbaum, Bob Staake, Dick DeBartolo, Don Vaughan, Hermann Mejia, Todd Nauck, Glen LeLievre)
- 2. Bush breaks presidential record for time off (Writer with Mark Stutzman)
MAD Magazine #486February 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Jacob Lambert, Paul Coker, Jr., Sumukh Torgalkar, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Peter Bagge, Tom Bunk, Darren Johnson, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #488April 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Garth Gerhart, Jacob Chabot, Gary Hallgren, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Tom Cheney, Kevin Pope, Scott Bricher)
MAD Magazine #489May 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Hermann Mejia, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Tom Bunk, Glen LeLievre, Kevin Pope, Peter Bagge, Garth Gerhart)
- An AT&T Commercial We'd like to See (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #490July 2008
- Embryonic Jones and the Temple of Womb (A MAD Poster) (Writer with Richard Williams)
MAD Magazine #491July 2008
- MAD's helpful Guide to The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #492August 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Barry Liebmann, Rick Tulka, Jack Syracuse, Dave Hanson, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Jacob Lambert, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Hermann Mejia, Scott Nickel)
- MAD's international preview of the Beijing Olympics (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Ironic, Man (Iron Man Parody) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #495November 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with Garth Gerhart, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Dick DeBartolo, Sam Sisco, Scott Bricher, Tom Bunk)
- The dork knight (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- MAD's updated Glossary to the War on terror (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- MAD Deconstructs TV Talkshows (Writer with Peter Kuper)
MAD Magazine #496December 2008
- List of all contributors (Author with J.C. Duffy, Darren Johnson, Kevin Pope, Jacob Lambert, Greg Benson, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Ward Sutton, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond, Dick DeBartolo)
- The rise and fall of a Rap Star (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #497January 2009
- 1. Sarah Palin: Drowning in veep waters (Writer with Scott Bricher, Richard Williams)
MAD Magazine #498February 2009
- List of all contributors (Author with Leonardo Rodriguez, Gary Hallgren, Dick DeBartolo, Glen LeLievre, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Ray Alma, Tim Hamilton, Darren Johnson, Rick Tulka, John Caldwell, Dave Crosland, Barry Liebmann)
- MAD exposes who's thinking what at the Obama inauguration (Writer with Jeff Kruse, Tom Richmond, Dennis Snee, Jacob Lambert, Frank Santopadre)
MAD Magazine #499April 2009
- List of all contributors (Author with Ward Sutton, Jason Yungbluth, Sam Sisco, Kevin Pope, Sarah Dyer, Darren Johnson, Garth Gerhart, Marc Hempel, Evan Dorkin, Barry Liebmann, Jeff Kruse, Drew Friedman)
- Botchmen (Watchmen Parody) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- President Obama: The promise vs. The reality (Writer with Leonardo Rodriguez, Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- Melvin & Jenkins guide to sexual health (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- The dead celebrity apprentice (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Carolyn Abram, Paul Coker, Jr., Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Gerry Gersten, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Greg Theakston, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, John Pound, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Thomas Hachtman, Dick DeBartolo)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with Stan Hart, Peter Sun, Irving Schild, Bill Wray, Sam Viviano, Al Jaffee, Sean Eisenporth, Henry Clark, John Ficarra, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Paul Coker, Jr., Michael Gallagher, James Bennett, Jonathan Bresman, Kevin Pope, Mark Stutzman, Joe Raiola, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Sean Farrelly, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Gerry Gersten, Don Edwing, Dick DeBartolo, Arie Kaplan, Frank Santopadre, Tom Bunk, Anthony Barbieri, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Peter Kuper, Brian Farrelly, Drew Friedman, Mike Snider, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Tom Cheney, Bob Staake, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka)
- Insanity Claws - An unhealthy obession with Wolverine (Writer)
- MAD issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (Author with Bill Wray, Sean Farrelly, Peter Bagge, Josh Malinow, Drew Friedman, Dick DeBartolo, Arie Kaplan, Sam Sisco, Tom Bunk, Scott Maiko, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond, Roberto Parada, Jack Syracuse, Dave Croatto, Richard Williams, 3/Design Studios, Brian Farrelly, Peter Kuper, Timothy Shamey, Mort Drucker, Russ Cooper, Stan Sinberg, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Sergio Aragonés, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Ray Alma, Angelo Torres, Scott Sonneborn, Kenny Byerly, Al Jaffee, Mike Snider, Paul Coker, Jr., Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Anthony Barbieri, P.C. Vey, John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Mark Fredrickson, Charlie Kadau)
MAD Magazine #501October 2009
- Harry Plodder is a hot-blooded putz (A MAD Movie Parody) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #503May 2010
- Graphic Novel Review - Garfield: His Most Over-Rendered Book (Writer with Richard Williams)
- The Big Bomb Theory (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #504August 2010
- Toyota Story (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- The Mad Vault - 1992 (Author with Michael Goodwin, John Prete, John Caldwell, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Don Edwing, Jack Davis, Henry Clark, Rick Tulka, Irving Schild, Charlie Kadau, Angelo Torres, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas Hachtman, Stan Hart, Harry North, George Woodbridge, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #505October 2010
- Melvin & Jenkins' Guide to Volunteerism (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- The Wizard of O (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- The Mad Vault - 2001 (Author with Sean Farrelly, Tom Cheney, Rick Tulka, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, George Woodbridge, Don Edwing, James Bennett, Brian Farrelly, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, John Caldwell, Roberto Parada, Mark Fredrickson, Richard Williams, Mort Drucker, Mike Snider, Scott Maiko, Tom Richmond, C.F. Payne, Ray Alma, Norman Mingo)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
- Mad's Handy Quick Primer to World of Warcraft (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #507February 2011
- Harry Plodder and It's Dreadful What Follows (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- 8. Lebron James - "The F#@% Cleveland Show" (Writer with Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #508April 2011
- 100% Superficial - Justin Bieber - First Step 2 Obscurity: My Story - Mad Exclusive Excerpt (Writer with Scott Bricher)
- The Mad Vault - It's a Recession... / It's a Depression... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #509June 2011
- The Stupid Six - Reasons Keith Olbermann is No Longer on Countdown (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #510August 2011
- Green Lunkhead (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Mad Pins Down Some Truly Shocking WWE: Did You Know?s (Writer with Tim Hamilton)
MAD Magazine #512December 2011
- The Walking Dud (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Punitive Damages - A Game of Supreme Justice (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #513February 2012
- 4. Congressman Sexts His Weiner - "The Anthony Weiner 'No Limits' Sexting Plan" - (Ad Parody) (Writer)
- 7. Olbermann Implodes At MSNBC - The Worst Personal Choice in the World (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- 14. Trump Says Obama Not American - "Birther King" - (Burger King / Trump Portrait) (Writer with Roberto Parada)
- 18. Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark's Injuries - "The Amazingly Dangerous Spider-Play" - (The Amazing Spiderman Comic Book Parody) (Writer with Ty Templeton)
MAD Magazine #548December 2017
- Strangely Thin (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Horrifying Cliche's Special Trump Edition (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! 2017 Edition (Writer with Jacob Chabot)

MAD Magazine #1April 2018
- Star Bores: Half-Assed Jedi (A MAD Movie Satire) (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #11February 2020
- 5. Mitch McConnell's Bill Killing - "Inaction Comics - The Man of Stall" (Writer with Kerry Callen)
- 12. Robert Mueller's "Big" Reveal - A MAD Centerfold (Writer with AJ DiCosimo , Hermann Mejia)
- 14. Perverted Justice - "The Pedo Files" (Writer with Scott Anderson)
MAD Magazine #13June 2020
- A Special Mad Interview With Eminem (Writer with Jack Syracuse, Digital Chameleon)
- Rappers' Delight (Writer)
- 13 fascinating music factoids (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Hanson, MmmBop (Writer)
MAD Magazine #14August 2020
- Cheat Your Way to Olympic Gold (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Trademark Graffiti (Writer with Ed Steckley)
- Snappy Answers to Existential Questions (Writer with Johnny Sampson)
MAD Magazine #16December 2020
- Eerie Comparisons Between The Wizard of Oz and The Blair Witch Project (Writer with Sam Sisco)
MAD Magazine #19June 2021
- Mad in the Year 2038 - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #20August 2021
- MAD's Stupidest Behind the Scenes Facts About Peter Jackson's Remake of King Kong from Mad's Inside Scoop on this Year's Stupidest Holiday Movies (Writer with Scott Maiko, Tom Richmond)

MAD Magazine #49January 1989
- Etiquetas de Alerta Necessárias para Alguns Discos (Writer with Rogério Rebouças)
MAD Magazine #73May 1991
- Lugares Imundos Onde Wally Poderia Realmente Se Esconder (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #78November 1991
- As Espantosas Semelhanças entre Mitologia Antiga e Rock Moderno (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #94June 1993
- O Tesouro MAD dos Fenômenos Verdadeiramente Inexplicáveis (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #112February 1995
- Placas Internacionais MAD para o Mundo do Rock (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- Você Está Velho Demais para o Rock Quando… (Writer with Thomas Hachtman)
MAD Magazine #118November 1995
- Os 11 Quadros de Desenhos Animados Mais Raros do Mercado (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #125August 1996
- Movie satire: “Campeonato Mundial de Mortes Marciais – O Grande Calafrio!” (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #128December 1996
- As Desvantagens de Ser um Superastro do Rock (Writer with Kyle Baker)
- Você É um Bandido/Você É um Empresário (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #129February 1997
- Computadores São Ótimos, porque... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Os Piores Concursos da MTV de Todos os Tempos (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #131June 1997
- Os Verdadeiros Motivos que Levaram Sua Banda de Rock Favorita a Se Separar (Writer with Lisa Haney)
- Reviravoltas Realmente Inacreditáveis em Filmes de Ação! (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #132July 1997
- MAD no Ano 2038 (Writer with Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., David Manak, Mort Drucker, Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Guia da Boa Forma de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #134October 1997
- Por Trás dos Bastidores da MTV (Writer with Kyle Baker)
- Reviravoltas Realmente Inacreditáveis em Filmes de Ação – Parte II (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #135November 1997
- Guia dos Bichos de Estimação de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #137February 1998
- Os Grilos dos Vilões de James Bond (Writer with Drew Friedman)
- Guia da Educação Superior de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Arrume Outro Analista se... (Writer with Butch D'Ambrosio, Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #138April 1998
- A História da Criação Recontada em um Chat Room (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Guia da Morte de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #144December 1998
- South Park – Brinquedos & Produtos (Writer with Scott Bricher)
- Guia para Salvar o Planeta de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #148May 1999
- Como Monica Lewinsky Mudou o Mundo (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Guia do Dinheiro de Zé Mané & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #149June 1999
- Futuros Filmes Baseados nos Quadrinhos (Writer with Amanda Conner)
- Guia da Apreciação Musical de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #150July 1999
- Cartilha MAD da Ficção Científica (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Diário de um Fissurado em Tomb Raider (Writer with Scott Bricher)
MAD Magazine #154December 1999
- Regras Ocultas do Namoro a Quatro (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
- Movie satire: “A Bruxa de Bleargh” (Writer with Bill Wray)
MAD Magazine #155February 2000
- Fofo e Waldo Vão ao Cinema (Writer with Grey Blackwell)
- Movie satire: “O Paspalhão” (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Movie satire: “South Porka” (Writer with Grey Blackwell)
- Movie satire: “American Pum” (Writer with Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #158August 2000
- Como se Tornar Produtor de uma Banda B.O. (Boa pra Otário) (Writer with Hermann Mejia)

MAD Magazine #5August 2001
- Book satire: “Harry Podre e a Pedra no Rim” (Writer with James Warhola)
- Obituários para Personagens de Videogame (Writer with Kevin Greene)
MAD Magazine #6September 2001
- A Idade... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Zé José & Zé Mané – O Espírito Acadêmico (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #8December 2001
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Peido Fenomenal” (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #11June 2002
- Movie satire: “O Senhor dos Manés – A Boçalidade do Anel” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #14December 2002
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e a Câmara das Secreções” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #16April 2003
- Movie satire: “O Senhor dos Manés – As Duas Porras” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #23March 2004
- Peixe Morto #1 (Writer with Gustave Doré, Tom Cheney, Kevin Pope, Bob Clarke, Basil Wolverton, Pato Puto, Ed Da Silva Rodrigues, Otacílio d’Assunção, Garth Gerhart)
MAD Magazine #24April 2004
- Movie satire: “O Senhor dos Manés – O Corno do Rei” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #26June 2004
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e os Pré-Zoneiros de Aikibomba” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- MAD Apresenta Algumas Cenas – que nem no DVD Tiveram Coragem de Colocar! – de “Shrek 2” (Writer)
- TV/movie/whatever satire: “Star Shrek” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- As Diferenças entre Hogwarts e Sua Escola (Writer with Bill Wray, Wildstorm, Amanda Conner)
MAD Magazine #37November 2005
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Cale-se de Fogo” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #46December 2006
- "Tom Cheney", "Zé José e Zé Mané - Guia para Feiras de Ciência", "Dicas do Pinóquio" (Author with Otacílio d’Assunção, Tom Cheney, Kevin Pope)

MAD Magazine #2April 2008
- TV satire: "Zeroes" (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- 13 Fatos Musicais Fascinantes (Writer with Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #5July 2008
- Guia Internacional MAD das Olimpíadas de Pequim (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Movie satire: "O Homem Se Ferra" (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #13April 2009
- Movie Satire: “Atchinmen – O Filme” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Comic Satire: “Atchinmen” (Writer with Glenn Fabry, Melvin Cosnowski)
MAD Magazine #14May 2009
- “Zé Mané & Zé José em ‘O Guia do Transporte Público’”, “Sede de EMOglobina”, “As (Mais Cretinas e Mais) Loucordinárias Invenções do Dr. Frigório”, “Sexo in the Ciso”, “Certo Dia, na Produtora Pornô”, “A Política dos EUA na Era Bush e na Era Obama” (Author with Jorge Barreto, Kevin Pope, Carlos Latuff, Vasqs, Bione, Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira)
MAD Magazine #21December 2009
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Esmegma do Príncipe” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #26May 2010
- “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia da Saúde Pessoal”, “Parece Mentira, mas É Verdade!”, “A Coroa (Episódio 1)”, “LeLievre e Deixe LeLievre”, “Amorim”, “A Visita que Ninguém Quer Receber” (Author with Carlos Alberto da Costa Amorim, Scott Nickel, Renato Machado, Glen LeLievre, Evandro Alves, Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #30September 2010
- TV satire: ‘The Big Bomba Theory’ [‘The Big Bang Theory’] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #37April 2011
- 100% Superficial: Justin Bieber – Há Dois Passos do Esquecimento: Minha História (Writer with Scott Bricher)
MAD Magazine #39July 2011
- Movie satire: ‘Harry Podre e as Bijuterias da Morte’ [‘Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte – Parte 1’/‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I’] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Resumão da MAD pra Você Entender “World of Warcraft” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #40August 2011
- Movie satire: ‘Latrina Verde’ [‘Lanterna Verde’/‘Green Lantern’] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #44January 2012
- As Verdades Chocantes (e Pouco Críveis) da MAD – Edição WWE (Writer with Tim Hamilton)
MAD Magazine #47April 2012
- TV show satire: ‘The Walking Merd’ [‘The Walking Dead’] (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #50August 2012
- MAD – 60 Anos (Writer with Jack Davis, Christopher Hart, Tom Cheney, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Dave Gantz, Frank Kelly Freas, Sean Farrelly, Mike Snider, Paul Coker, Jr., Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, Irving Schild, Mark Fredrickson, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Frank Ridgeway, Don Edwing, Dick DeBartolo, Brian Farrelly, James Bennett, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Tom Richmond, Harry North, Ray Alma, Paul Peter Porges, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Mort Drucker, Donald K. Epstein)
MAD Magazine #51September 2012
- Movie satire: 'Jogos com Gases' ['Jogos Vorazes'/'The Hunger Games' (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #52October 2012
- O Homem-Aranha Tweetava Enquanto Via o Filme dos Vingadores (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #54December 2012
- 5-in-1 movie satire: 'A Saga Prepúcio' ['A Saga Crepúsculo'/'The Twilight Saga'] (Writer with Anton Emdin)
MAD Magazine #58May 2013
- Títulos que Monica Lewinski Não Pode Usar no Seu Próximo Livro (Writer with Ward Sutton)
MAD Magazine #60July 2013
- Crítica Literotária - 'Diário de um Zumbi Banana' (Writer with Ty Templeton)
- TV show satire: 'A Guerra dos Cornos' ['A Guerra dos Tronos'/'Game of Thrones'] (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #62September 2013
- Operação 'Spyfallido' - A Batalha dos Bonds (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #64November 2013
- Movie satire: 'O Horrobit - Uma Jornada Desesperada' ['O Hobbit - Uma Jornada Inesperada'/'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jorney'] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
- Relações Públicas para Todos Nós (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #65December 2013
- Pensamentos Assustadores - Edição 2014 (Writer with Sarah Dyer, Evan Dorkin)
MAD Magazine #67February 2014
- Frases de 'Duck Dynasty' que Gostaríamos de Ouvir (Writer with Tom Bunk)
MAD Magazine #69April 2014
- Empresário de Imita Fala sobre Possíveis Plágios (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- As Leis Antigays da Rússia (Writer with Peter Kuper)
- Dennis (Rodman) e o Embaixador Pimentinha (Writer with Jim Campbell, Gary Hallgren)
MAD Magazine #72August 2014
- Momentos Esquecidos dos 30 Anos de 'Wrestlemania' (Writer with Anton Emdin)
MAD Magazine #73September 2014
- Rapper ou Código de Aeroporto? (Writer with Justin Peterson)
- Movie satire: 'Jogos Fominhas' ['Jogos Vorazes: em Chamas'/'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire'] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #75November 2014
- Movie satire: 'O Bobbit - A Adaptação Alongada' ['O Hobbit - Uma Jornada Inesperada'/ An Unexpected Journey'] (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #77December 2014
- As 50 Piores Coisas sobre a Comida (Writer with Josh Mecouch, Peter Kuper, Justin Peterson, Rich Powell)
MAD Magazine #82May 2015
- Pensamentos Assustadores - Edição 2015 (Writer with Evan Dorkin, Sarah Dyer)
- A Militarização da Polícia - Farsa Mortal (Writer with Richard Williams)

Mad O Pior DoSeptember 2000
- Reviravoltas Realmente Inacreditáveis em Filmes de Ação! (Writer with Mort Drucker)

MAD Especial (Record) #7August 1990
- A Sala de Troféus MAD do Rock’n’Roll (Writer with Sam Viviano)
- A Exploração da Morte de um Roqueiro (Writer with George Woodbridge)

Mini-MAD (Mythos) #1June 2006
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e o Peido Fenomenal” (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Movie satire: “Harry Podre e os Pré-Zoneiros de Aikibomba” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- As Diferenças entre Hogwarts e Sua Escola (Writer with Amanda Conner, Bill Wray)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #6October 2003
- Você Precisa de um Novo Psiquiatra... (Writer with Butch D'Ambrosio, Al Jaffee)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #10October 2004
- South Park – Novos Produtos que Vão Levar Todo Seu Dinheiro! (Writer with Scott Bricher)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #11April 2005
- Escola de Super-Heróis (Writer with Joe Staton)
- Super-Heróis da Vida Real (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #14August 2006
- Versões Disney de Filmes Violentos (Writer with Sam Viviano, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia pra Terminar Namoro (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #15December 2006
- Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia de Lazer (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Regras Implícitas nos Encontros Duplos (Writer with Timothy Shamey)
- Desvendando a Geração MTV (Writer with Leslie Sternbergh)

MAD Especial (Panini) #1April 2008
- Guia para Salvar o Planeta de Zé José e Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Especial (Panini) #3October 2008
- Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para o Halloween (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Especial (Panini) #4January 2009
- Guia para Festas de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)
- Os Efeitos Colaterais de Ser uma Estrela do Rock (Writer with Kyle Baker)
MAD Especial (Panini) #5April 2009
- Movie satire: “Xixi-Men” (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- A História da Criação em um Bate-Papo (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Movie satire: “Xixi-Men 2” (Writer with Tom Richmond)
MAD Especial (Panini) #7November 2009
- Tabela MAD da Perda de Tempo na Vida (Writer with Harry North)
- O Tesouro MAD dos Fenômenos Verdadeiramente Inexplicáveis (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- Guia para Parques de Zé José & Zé Mané (Writer with Kevin Pope)
MAD Especial (Panini) #15September 2012
- O Guia da Educação Superior de Zé Mané & Zé José (Writer with Kevin Pope)

MAD Magazine #111December 2007
- Happy Popper und ordentlich garnix (Writer with Stefan Dinter, Tom Richmond)

MAD Magazine #1July 2004
- TV/movie/whatever satire: “Star Shrek” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Movie satire: “Harry Plotter y el Prisionero de Razcabán” (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
MAD Magazine #2August 2004
- Diferencias entre Hogwarts y Tu Escuela (Writer with Amanda Conner, Bill Wray, Wildstorm)
MAD Magazine #18January 2006
- MAD Balconea los Estrenos de Fin de Año (Writer with Tom Richmond, Scott Maiko)
- Obituarios para Personajes de Video Juegos (Writer with Kevin Greene)