Contributions by Angelo Torres

MAD Magazine #132January 1970
- Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at the Phone Company (Artist with Earle Doud)
MAD Magazine #133March 1970
- If TV Shows Were Actually Like Their Capsule Descriptions (Artist with Earle Doud)
MAD Magazine #146October 1971
- The Mad "Effluent Society" Pollution Primer (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
MAD Magazine #148January 1972
- Messy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Kedzie North)
MAD Magazine #149March 1972
- Truly "Relevant" TV Shows (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- A Mad Guide to "TV Late Show" Cliche Movie Props (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #154October 1972
- When Watching Television, You Can Be Sure of Seeing... (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #155December 1972
- A Parade of Mad Protesting Co-Signers (Artist with Max Brandel)
- The Mary Tailor-Made Show (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #159June 1973
- Owem Marshmallow, Attorney-at-Law (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #160July 1973
- Going Thy Way (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Going Way Out (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #164January 1974
- Kung Fool (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Mad's 1973 Christmas Poem (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #168July 1974
- Singable Theme Songs for TV Shows (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Billy Jock (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #209September 1979
- Shmork & Windy (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #216July 1980
- Election Year Jabberwocky (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Bentson (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #218October 1980
- Mad Magazine Resents Throw Up the Academy (Artist with Stan Hart)
- WKRAP in Cincinnati (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #223June 1981
- The Old Gray Line (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- The New Gray Line (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Extraordinary People (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #224July 1981
- Who Are You Gonna Blame...? (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- Har to Har (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #230April 1982
- Questions We'd Like to Ask Some TV Advertisers (Artist with Billy Doherty, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #237March 1983
- Some Simple Laws that Make Sense Out of Soap Operas (Artist with Mark A. Dressler)
MAD Magazine #240July 1983
- How Many Mistakes can You Find in this Picture? (Artist with Chris Hart)
- Give Us a Break! (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #241September 1983
- Knut Rider (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Little Known Celebrity Cult Groups (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #242October 1983
- Mad's Video Game Arcade Owner Of The Year (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #253March 1985
- MAD Multiplex - Three Big Hits 3.The Karocky Kid (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #260January 1986
- Sicky Minutes Looks At... Sex and Violence In America Today! (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #261March 1986
- Some American Express Card Commercials We'd Like to See (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Murder She Hopes (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #264July 1986
- Mad's Pro Wrestling Predictions (Artist with John Prete)
- When the Rambo Influence Spreads Everywhere (Artist with John Prete, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- When the Coke/Pepsi Rivalry Gets Out Of Hand (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #266October 1986
- Groaning Pains (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #267December 1986
- Mr. Jolly Rogers' Neighborhood Visits A Local Bank (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Grabme & Spacey (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #269March 1987
- I Love Luny (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- TV Spin-Offs Yet To Come (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #272July 1987
- Forget Smart (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Donald K. Epstein)
- When American TV Programs Are Shown in Russia (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #277March 1988
- Junky Video Collections We're Sure To See (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Why Are We Always Impressed By...? (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
- Back Cover: A TV Commercial We'd Like To See (Artist with Billy Doherty)
MAD Magazine #280July 1988
MAD Magazine #282October 1988
- Double Damp (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- MAD Visits The C.I.A. (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
- Play Pictionary With The Mad Artists (Artist with John Caldwell, George Woodbridge, Harvey Kurtzman, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Gerry Gersten, Bob Clarke, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Prete, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Who De-Famed Roger Rabbit (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #288July 1989
- New Comic Book Heroes Based On Real People (Artist with Mike Snider)
- Lurking Girl (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #290October 1989
- TV satire: ‘The ABC Misery Movie’ [“The ABC Mystery Movie”] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #291December 1989
- MAD's Political Image Maker Of The Year (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #292January 1990
- Six Minutes Looks At... Smoking (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
- The Great Toon Surplus Sale (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #293March 1990
- A Mad Look At Fabulous 1980's (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Bill Fibbers)
MAD Magazine #298October 1990
- Robocrap 2 (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Endangered Species Of The Music World (Artist with Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Antonio Prohias, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., John S. Marshall, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #299December 1990
- The Simpsons (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Mad's Sports Business Agent of the Year (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
- MAD's Merchandiser Of The Year (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Back Cover: Mad ad "How To Spot a Mutt Life Representative" (Artist with Joe Raiola, Charlie Kadau)
MAD Magazine #310April 1992
- Love Corruption (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- If Blondie Entered The Real Workplace (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #315December 1992
- Dance Steps We All Know (Artist with Darren Johnson)
- CNN Sitcoms Based On News Stories They've Covered (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #318April 1993
- Superman R.I.P. (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- "Blah-Sum" (Artist with Dennis Snee)
MAD Magazine #319June 1993
- Blunder Siege (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Back Cover: Other Superhero Deaths (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
MAD Magazine #320July 1993
- Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket at The Movies (A-lad-dim, Beauty and The Beef) (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #326March 1994
- When Today's Controversial Issues Totally Invade The Comics (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #333January 1995
- It's Clear the President is a Danger (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- The Frugal Trekkie (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #336June 1995
- Lotus & Cluck - The New Misadventures of Stuporman (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #340November 1995
- If James Bond Were "Updated" for the Politically-Correct '90s (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #345May 1996
- Why Kill Yourself? (Artist)
- "The Royal Family" sung to the tune of "Yellow Submarine" (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The Devil's Advocate - The Monthly Newsletter For Satan Worshippers (Artist with George Woodbridge, Mort Drucker, Lisa Blackshear, Bill Fibbers, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #350October 1996
- Movie satire: ‘It’s Depends Day’ [‘Independence Day’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #362October 1997
- Border Artist
- Cover: If You Don't Buy This Magazine, We'll Kill This Virtual Pet! (Artist with Mark Fredrickson)
MAD Magazine #374October 1998
- Leo's Talk Show Adventure or Why Stars Hate Going on Talk Shows (Artist with Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #375November 1998
- AHM-A-GETTIN' (The Hell Outta Here!) (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #378February 1999
- Slam's End - The Catalog of Pro Wrestling Merchandise (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #387November 1999
- The Boys of Summary (Artist with Grey Blackwell, Desmond Devlin, Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #393May 2000
- A Magazine Publisher's Sweepstakes Letter We'd Like to See (Artist with Stan Sinberg)
- Settling the Howard Stern Divorce Case on Judge Judy (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #400December 2000
- The Untold History of Mad Magazine (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond, Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., Scott Bricher, Drew Friedman, Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #411November 2001
- Under-Represented and Over-Represented Groups on TV (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #413January 2002
- 1. Jerry Falwell Attacks America - "A.I.: Asinine Ideology" - (A.I.: Artificial Intelligence movie poster parody) (Artist)
MAD Magazine #419July 2002
- Who's In The Crowd In The New Star Wars Senate Scene (Artist with Mike Martone, Dan Levine)
MAD Magazine #422October 2002
- Movie satire: 'The Dumb of All Films' ['The Sum of All Fears'] (Artist with, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Digital Chameleon)
MAD Magazine #427March 2003
- Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... (Artist with Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #434October 2003
- 8 simple rules for writing a MAD spoof of a dopey ABC-TV sitcom (Artist with Josh Gordon)
MAD Magazine #439March 2004
- MasichistCommander on the farce side of the world (Master & Commander Parody) (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Wildstorm)
MAD Magazine #446October 2004
- Without a trace of interest (Without a Trace Parody) (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, David Rodriguez)
MAD Magazine #452April 2005
- Repeat the Fock-Ups (Meet the Fockers Parody) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #465May 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Simon Rich, P.C. Vey, Scott Bricher, Jim Mahfood, Darren Johnson, Steve Smallwood, Irving Schild, Desmond Devlin, Josh Eiserike, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Joe Raiola)
MAD Magazine #471November 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Frank Santopadre, Jeff Kruse, John Caldwell, Desmond Devlin, Glen LeLievre, Garth Gerhart, Steve Smallwood, Hermann Mejia, Adam Rust, Scott Maiko, Kevin Pope)
MAD Magazine #472December 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Kevin Pope, Jacob Lambert, Dick DeBartolo, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Matthew A. Cohen, Rick Tulka, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Tom Cheney, Kiernan P. Schmitt)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
- MAD's 50 Worst Things about Advertising (Artist with Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Dave Crosland, Francis Mao, Sam Sisco, Tom Fowler, Rick Tulka, Marc Hempel, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Al Jaffee, Paul Coker, Jr., Tim Hamilton, Timothy Shamey, Sarah Dyer, Bob Staake, Scott Maiko, Leonardo Rodriguez, John Caldwell, Hermann Mejia, Jack Syracuse, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Tom Bunk, Jose Garibaldi, Rich Powell, Evan Dorkin)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- MAD issues 101-200 "Days of triumph, nights of turpitude" (Author with Gilbert Barnhill, Phil Hahn, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, Sidney Paulson, Neal Barbera, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr., Semi, Bob Muccio, Earle Doud, Max Brandel, Jack Rickard, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, Dave Berg, May Sakami)
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Greg Theakston, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin, Russ Cooper, John Pound, Rick Tulka, Sergio Aragonés, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Thomas Hachtman, Dick DeBartolo, Paul Coker, Jr., Carolyn Abram, Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Gerry Gersten, Dave Berg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with Frank Santopadre, Joe Raiola, George Woodbridge, Anthony Barbieri, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Bob Clarke, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Bunk, Sergio Aragonés, Brian Farrelly, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Bob Staake, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Peter Kuper, Peter Sun, Drew Friedman, Mort Drucker, Irving Schild, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Sean Eisenporth, Henry Clark, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Bill Wray, Michael Gallagher, Jonathan Bresman, Sam Viviano, Kevin Pope, Al Jaffee, John Ficarra, Mark Stutzman, Desmond Devlin, Paul Coker, Jr., James Bennett, Sean Farrelly, Gerry Gersten, Arie Kaplan)
- MAD issues 401-500 "Beginnings" (Author with Roberto Parada, Jack Syracuse, Dave Croatto, 3/Design Studios, Richard Williams, Brian Farrelly, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Timothy Shamey, Stan Sinberg, Russ Cooper, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Sergio Aragonés, Jeff Kruse, Marc Hempel, Hermann Mejia, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Ray Alma, Scott Sonneborn, Al Jaffee, Kenny Byerly, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Paul Coker, Jr., Anthony Barbieri, P.C. Vey, John Caldwell, Scott Bricher, Mark Fredrickson, Charlie Kadau, Bill Wray, Sean Farrelly, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Josh Malinow, Arie Kaplan, Dick DeBartolo, Sam Sisco, Tom Bunk, Scott Maiko, Rick Tulka, Tom Richmond)
MAD Magazine #504August 2010
- The Mad Vault - 1992 (Author with George Woodbridge, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Desmond Devlin, Michael Goodwin, John Prete, John Caldwell, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Don Edwing, Jack Davis, Henry Clark, Rick Tulka, Irving Schild, Charlie Kadau, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas Hachtman, Stan Hart, Harry North)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
- Possible Last Lines from the Kids on How I Met Your Mother (Artist with Matthew A. Cohen)
- The Mad Vault - 1978 (Author with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, John Caldwell, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Dick DeBartolo, Sergio Aragonés, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Paul Peter Porges, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr.)

MAD Magazine #15October 2020
- New Comic Book Heroes Based On Real People (Artist with Mike Snider, Carrie Strachan)
- Back Cover: Other Superhero Deaths (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
MAD Magazine #18April 2021
- Wishin' for the Impossible (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Forget Smart (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #21October 2021
- MAD Multiplex - Three Big Hits 3.The Karocky Kid (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #22December 2021
- The Devil's Advocate - The Monthly Newsletter For Satan Worshippers (Artist with George Woodbridge, Mort Drucker, Lisa Blackshear, Bill Fibbers, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)

MAD Magazine #11March 1975
- TV satire: “O Homem dos Seis Milhões de Centavos” (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #14August 1975
- Movie satire: “Golpe Baixíssimo – Contra o Público!!!” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #15September 1975
- Movie satire: “Assim” de Mortos no Oriente Express” (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #18December 1975
- MAD Vê por Trás dos Bastidores da Companhia Telefônica (Artist with Earle Doud)
MAD Magazine #21March 1976
- Episódios Finais MAD para Programas que Já Duraram Demais (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone, Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #27September 1976
- Guia MAD dos Grandes Clichês de Cinema (Artist with Paul Peter Porges)
MAD Magazine #42December 1977
- TV satire: “Stático e Hatchim” (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #83May 1981
- TV satire: “Gaiática – Bandalha nas Estrelas (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: “Gente Pior que a Gente” (Artist with Stan Hart)

MAD Magazine #4October 1984
- TV satire: 'A Submáquina' ['A Supermáquina'/'Knight Rider'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Spy Vs. Spy (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #7January 1985
- Quantos Erros Você Consegue Entender Neste Desenho? (Artist with Christopher Hart)
- O Dono de Fliperama do Ano (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Movie satire: 'A Hora da Ruindade' ['Karatê Kid - A Hora da Verdade'/'Karate Kid'] (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #11June 1985
- Movie satire: 'Um Titica da Pesada' ['Um Tira da Pesada'/'Beverly Hills Cop'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #15November 1985
- Movie satire: 'A Bestemunha' ['A Testemunha'/'Witness'] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #18February 1986
- TV satire: 'Escarro Comando' ['Carro Comando'/'T.J. Hooker'] (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #19April 1986
- Writer: Ota (Artist with Carlos Chagas, Al Jaffee, Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira, Otacílio d’Assunção, Victor Henrique "Ique" Woitschach)
MAD Magazine #20June 1986
- Alguns Anúncios do Cartão American Express que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #22August 1986
- TV satire: 'Escarra no Coroa' ['Cara ou Coroa'/'Hardcastle and McCormick'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #25December 1986
- Movie satire: 'Karaokê Kid II' ['Katarê Kid II - A Hora da Verdade Continua'/'Karate Kid II'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #29April 1987
- TV satire: 'O Pavoroso Bestson' ['O Poderoso Benson'/'Benson'] (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- TV satire: 'O Xoxô da Lucy' ['O Show da Lucy'/'I Love Lucy'] (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #30May 1987
- TV satire: “As Supergastas” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Jay Kogen)
MAD Magazine #31July 1987
- TV satire: ‘Bill Cospy’ [‘Bill Cosby’/‘The Bill Cosby Show’] (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #32August 1987
- TV satire: ‘Indigente 86’ [‘Agente 86’/‘Get Smart’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Quando os Enlatados Americanos Forem Exibidos na Rússia (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #33September 1987
- TV satire: ‘Hill Street Burros’ [‘Hill Street Blues’] (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #34October 1987
- TV satire: ‘Primo Currado’ [‘Primo Cruzado’/‘Perfect Strangers’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: ‘Máquina Sonífera 2’ [‘Máquina Mortífera 2’/‘Lethal Weapon 2’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #37January 1988
- Movie satire: ‘Os Intragáveis’ [‘Os Intocáveis’/‘The Untouchables’] (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #38February 1988
- TV satire: ‘Entrudo em Família’ [‘Tudo em Família’/‘All in the Family’] (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #42June 1988
MAD Magazine #44August 1988
- TV satire: ‘Ilha da Porcaria’ [‘A Ilha da Fantasia’/‘Fantasy Island’] (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #50February 1989
- Movie satire: ‘Uma Cagada para Roger Rabbicha’] [‘Uma Cilada para Roger Rabbit’/‘ Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #54June 1989
- Movie satire: ‘Uma Secretária que Dá Furo’ [‘Uma Secretária de Futuro’/‘Working Girl’] (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #58October 1989
- O Fazedor de Presidenciáveis MAD do Ano (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #61February 1990
- A Liqüidação MAD de Artigos de Desenhos Animados (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- TV satire: “O Incrível Urgh!” (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #65August 1992
- Movie satire: “Robocó 2” (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Movie satire: “Trolha em Quem Está Falhando” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #78November 1991
- Movie satire: “Backtraque – Cortina de Bobo” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #80January 1992
- O Banqueiro do Ano (Escolhido pelo MAD) (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #83April 1992
- Movie satire: ‘O Príncipe dos Lelés’ [‘O Príncipe das Marés’/‘The Prince of Tides’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #88November 1992
- Movie satire: ‘Jogos para Idióticos’ [‘Jogos Patrióticos’/‘Patriot Games’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #89December 1992
- TV satire: ‘Murcha e Bronca’ [‘Murphy Brown’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #90January 1993
- Movie satire: ‘Uma Idiotice Muito Especial’ [‘Uma Equipe Muito Especial’/‘ A League of Their Own’] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #91March 1993
- TV satire: ‘Contra Trampos’ [‘Contratempos’/‘Quantum Leap’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #92April 1993
- Movie satire: ‘A Força em um Pateta’ [‘A Força em Alerta’/‘Under Siege’] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #95July 1993
MAD Magazine #96August 1993
- Movie satire: ‘Potoca Indigente’ [‘Proposta Indecente’/‘Indecent Proposal’] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #98October 1993
- Movie satire: “Demente por Um Dia” [Dave] (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #102February 1994
- Movie satire: “Tremei, Mortos!” [Earthquake] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #104April 1994
- Se os Super-Heróis Precisassem de um Dinheirinho Extra (Artist with Bob Supina)
MAD Magazine #118November 1995
- Movie satire: “Apelo 13” (Artist with Stan Hart)
- TV satire: “Asnos da Lei” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #120March 1996
- TV satire: “As Desventuras do Supermancada” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- Se James Bond Fosse “Atualizado” para os Politicamente Corretos Anos 90 (Artist with Mike Snider)
MAD Magazine #123June 1996
- Movie satire: “Mr. Horroland – Meu Arghdorável Professor” (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Magazine #128December 1996
- Movie satire: “Que Mal de Arquivo” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Magazine #139May 1998
- Chico Prego e Parafuso na Cidade Grande! – Causo de Hoje: “Festa de Arromba” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #151September 1999
- Movie satire: “Maustrux” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: “Mafuá no Divã” (Artist with Josh Gordon)

MAD Magazine #2February 2001
- Movie satire: “Xixi-Men” (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Movie satire: “Estranha Porcaria” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #19September 2003
- A Homenagem Final a David Berg e Seu “O Lado Irônico...” (Artist with Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Paul Peter Porges, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray)
MAD Magazine #24April 2004
- Movie satire: “Merda dos Mares – No Lado Mais Asfixiante do Mundo” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Wildstorm, Domingos Demasi)

MAD Magazine #18September 2009
- “Os Guitarristas do Amanhã”, “Hoje em ‘No Limite’”, “As (Mais Cretinas e Mais) Loucordinárias Invenções do Dr. Frigório”, “Certo Dia na Estrela da Morte”, “Super Mário Broxa”, “Bichos do Lixo” (Author with X, Vasqs, João Montanaro, Juarez Ricci, Evandro Alves)
MAD Magazine #50August 2012
- MAD – 60 Anos (Artist with Ray Alma, Paul Peter Porges, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Mort Drucker, Donald K. Epstein, Christopher Hart, Jack Davis, Tom Cheney, Sergio Aragonés, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Dave Gantz, Frank Kelly Freas, Desmond Devlin, Sean Farrelly, Mike Snider, Paul Coker, Jr., Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, Irving Schild, Mark Fredrickson, Frank Ridgeway, Don Edwing, Dick DeBartolo, Brian Farrelly, James Bennett, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Tom Richmond, Harry North)

MAD Especial (Record) #1March 1985
- TV satire: “O Casal 20000000000” (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Especial (Record) #7August 1990
- Movie satire: ‘Horrocky II’ [‘Rocky II’] (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Movie satire: ‘Horrocky III’ [‘Rocky III’] (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
- Movie satire: ‘Horrocky IV’ [‘Rocky IV’] (Artist with Stan Hart)
MAD Especial (Record) #8November 1990
- Pequeno Guia de Primeiros Socorros (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: ‘O Apagado’ [‘O Iluminado’/‘The Shining’] (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Especial (Record) #10July 1991
- TV satire: ‘O Homem dos Seis Milhões de Centavos’ [‘O Homem de Seis Milhões de Dólares’/‘The Six Million Dollar Man’] (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Especial (Record) #11December 1991
- O Produtor de Filmes Apelativos do Ano (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Movie satire: ‘Scarraface’ [‘Scarface’] (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Especial (Record) #14February 1993
- Writer: Frank Jacobs (Artist)
- Movie satire: ‘Um Titica da Pesada’ [‘Um Tira da Pesada’/‘Beverly Hills Cop’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)

Mad EsøtericøDecember 1993
- Movie satire: ‘Na Linha de Bobo’ [‘Na Linha de Fogo’/‘In the Line of Fire’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
Miscellaneous MAD Specials (Record) #1January 1995
- Movie satire: ‘Perigo Real e Entediado’ [‘Perigo Real e Imediato’/‘ Clear and Present Danger’] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: ‘A Besta e a Ferra’ [‘A Bela e a Fera’/‘Beauty and the Beast’] (Artist with Stan Hart)

Mini-MAD (Mythos) #2July 2006
- Movie satire: “Um Demente Embrulhante” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: “Um Demente Embrulhante” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #9August 2004
- TV satire: 'As Patetas' [Charlie’s Angels] (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #12September 2005
- TV satire: “Arquivo Xinfrim” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- TV satire: “Anjoelho” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
- Movie satire: “Frankenstrume” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #14August 2006
- Movie satire: “Arghmageddom” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)

MAD Especial (Panini) #3October 2008
- Movie satire: “O Ilumicado” (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- Movie satire: “Sem Sentido” (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Especial (Panini) #4January 2009
- TV satire: “S.O.S. Mal-i-Burro” (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen)
MAD Especial (Panini) #10November 2010
- Movie satire: 'Descaratê Kid' ['Karate Kid'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo, Sam Viviano)
- Movie satire: 'Descaratê Kid 2' ['Karate Kid 2'] (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Especial (Panini) #12June 2011
- Movie satire: 'Enguiço do Tempo' ['Feitiço do Tempo'/'Groundhog Day'] (Artist with Stan Hart)

MAD Magazine #1December 1974
- Nuestra apestosa sociedad (texto ilustrado) (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
MAD Magazine #2February 1975
- Kung Fuul (Parodia de la serie televisiva “Kung Fu”, protagonizada por David Carradine) (Artist with Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #4May 1975
- Columbio. (Parodia de la serie televisiva Columbo, Colombo en España, protagonizada por Peter Falk) (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
MAD Magazine #5June 1975
- McClod (Parodia de la serie televisiva McCloud, protagonizada por Dennis Weaver como el sheriff Sam McCloud que debe desempeñar su labor en Nueva York) (Artist with Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone)
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications
Creepy #11964
- Illustrator (with Roy Krenkel, Reed Crandall, Gray Morrow, Alfonso "Al" Williamson, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Maurice Whitman, George Evans, Frank Frazetta)
The Art of Star Wars Galaxy #1May 1996
- Illustrator (with Rick Geary, Drew Friedman, Greg Theakston, Sergio Aragonés, Kyle Baker)
- Illustrator (with Rick Geary, Drew Friedman, Greg Theakston, Sergio Aragonés, Kyle Baker)