February 7th, 1927, Vienna, Austria
December 20th, 2016
More about:
Contributions by Paul Peter Porges

MAD Magazine #112July 1967
- Historical Events as Covered By Modern News Feature Writers (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #149March 1972
- A Mad Guide to "TV Late Show" Cliche Movie Props (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #159June 1973
- Mad "Bugs" the Insect World (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- How Come on TV...? (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #163December 1973
- Graffiti Through History (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad's Sure-Fire Sports Predictions (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #176July 1975
- The Mad Handbook of House-Guesting (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Footnotes* to Hollywood (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Headlines of the Insect World (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #178October 1975
- A Mad Look At Some Well-Kept Celebrities Secrets (Writer with Sandy Kossin)
MAD Magazine #182April 1976
- Beat the Recession with These Mad Penny-Pinching Hints (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Mad Shoulder Patches (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #184July 1976
- Disaster Magazine (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Footnotes* to Great Lovers (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #186October 1976
- Paul Peter Porges's Idea of a Real Disaster (Artist, Writer)
- Infractions We'd Like to See Called in Every Day Life (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #189March 1977
- Mad's "Customized" Skateboards (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
- A Mad Look at Some Exciting New Job Opportunities (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #196January 1978
- A Mad Look at Mishaps of the Future (Writer, Artist)
- Inventions We'd Like to See (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #198April 1978
- Some Legendary Wire Hangers (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad One-Time-Use Products (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #200July 1978
- Graduating Class Pictures as Staged by Some of the World's Best-Known Picture-Makers (Writer with Harry North)
- A Mad Look at the Moment Before the Disaster (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #201September 1978
- Mad Goes to a Buffet Supper (Artist, Writer)
- How Can You Trust... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #202October 1978
- Some Imaginative Mad Suggestions for... Recycling Your Throw-Aways (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- Candid Mad Snapshots of Historical Celebrities (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #204January 1979
- Clones of the Future (Writer with Harry North)
- Clones of the Past (Writer with Harry North)
- Mad Novelty Items for Practical-Joker Jocks (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #205March 1979
- Mad's Candid Snapshots of Some Insignificant Moments in Sports (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #208July 1979
- Candid Close-Ups of Some Legendary Feets (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
MAD Magazine #209September 1979
- Mad Salutes One of Our Unsung Household Pets: The Turtle (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- A Mad Assortment of... Exposed "Jocks" (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #211December 1979
- Sibling Misery is... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- A Mad Look at Doors (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #212January 1980
- You're a Victim of Bad Timing When... (Artist, Writer)
- More How Can You Trust... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #215June 1980
- A Mad Look at the Future with the Energy Crunch (Writer with Harry North)
- Things You Can Do to Remember Your Car By (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #216July 1980
- A Mad Collection of Some Very Rare Famous Family Album Rejects (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #219December 1980
- More Wait Till You Get Home and Find That... (Artist, Writer)
- A Mad Expose of Some... Phoney Baloney (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #220January 1981
- A Mad Auction of Some Legendary Celebrities Personal Items (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #242October 1983
- Lose Weight (Mainly Because You Lose Your Appetite) With The Mad Gross-Out Diet (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #245March 1984
- Wishful Thinking (Artist, Writer)
- We Won't Miss Them...or Will We? (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #252January 1985
- The Passing Parade... As Seen from behind a Very Tall Crowd (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #260January 1986
- A Mad Field Guide For Spotting Celebrities At the Movies (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #261March 1986
- And Now Here Are Some Quick, Snappy Mad Suggestions on How to Enjoy the Feeling of a Mid-Winter Beach Vacation While Staying at Home (Writer, Artist)
- Inside Back Cover (Writer with Don Martin)
MAD Magazine #268January 1987
- Creatures from a Hack Buffoon (Artist)
- Santa Claus as Seen by... (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #278April 1988
- Dangerous Sports For The Very Daring and The Super Stupid (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
- Careers For Athletes Past Their Prime (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Play Pictionary With The Mad Artists (Artist with Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Gerry Gersten, Bob Clarke, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Prete, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Sam Viviano, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., John Caldwell, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Harvey Kurtzman)
- Only When You're In a Hurry... (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #288July 1989
- Mad's Cheap and Painless Methods For... Overcoming Baldness (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #298October 1990
- Cover: The Lambada In Everyday Life (Artist, Writer)
- Endangered Species Of The Music World (Artist with Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Antonio Prohias, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., John S. Marshall, Sam Viviano, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #299December 1990
- The 9 Real Reasons Why Your Parents Won't Let You Have a Pet (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
- How and Where Sneaky Smokers Can Hide Their Filthy Habit (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
- The Chilling Chopper Chapter (Artist, Writer)
- Other Uses For Satellite Dishes (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #307December 1991
- A Second Bathroom... Your Gateway To Fun and Adventure! (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #323December 1993
- Mad Contemplates, Investigates, and Fumigates Some... ...Bad Ideas Just Waiting To Happen! (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #331October 1994
- Not So Great Ideas: A Potpourri Of Pathetic Prototypes That Never (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #427March 2003
- Mad Artists Pay Tribute to The Lighter Side Of... (Artist with John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- Drop-Dead Porges (Artist, Writer)
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Paul Coker, Jr., Carolyn Abram, Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Gerry Gersten, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Greg Theakston, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin, Russ Cooper, John Pound, Sergio Aragonés, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Thomas Hachtman, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
- The Mad Vault - 1978 (Author with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Mort Drucker, Paul Coker, Jr., Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, John Caldwell, Jack Rickard, Don Martin, Dick DeBartolo, Sergio Aragonés, Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #512December 2011
- A Classic Article From #209 - The Turtle (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)

MAD Magazine #12April 2020
- TV, as Viewed by the Animal World (Writer with Raven Juergensen, Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #19June 2021
- A Mad Look at Mishaps of the Future (Artist, Writer)
- Inventions We'd Like to See (Writer with Al Jaffee)

MAD Magazine #42September 1980
- Cosas que Haremos para Recordar Nuestro Auto (Artist, Writer)
- Los Deseos Frustrados (Writer with Jack Davis)

MAD Magazine #7January 1975
- Placas de Trânsito para Situações do Cotidiano (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #13July 1975
- O Manual MAD de Hospedagem (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Pés de Página da História (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Manchetes do Mundo dos Insetos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #32February 1977
- MAD Grila o Mundo dos Insetos (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- MAD Vê os Tenistas (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #43January 1978
- MAD Vê a Praia (Artist, Writer)
- Invenções que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #44February 1978
- O Despertar do Amor Selvagem (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Os Close-Ups do MAD (Writer with Harry North)
- Dez-Fechos (ou Melhor, Nove) que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #45March 1978
- MAD Vê as Guerras do Passado (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- MAD Vê as Desgraças do Futuro (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #46April 1978
- Produtos para Usar Uma Só Vez (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- Alguns Cabides Famosos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #56February 1979
- Clones do Futuro (Writer with Ramade Martins, Harry North)
- Clones do Passado (Writer with Harry North)
- MAD Vê as Novidades para Gozadores em Todos os Campos (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #65October 1979
- MAD Vê as Portas (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Uma Infância Miserável É... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #78December 1980
- Uma Rara Coleção MAD de Lixos dos Álbuns de Família (Writer with Harry North)
- MAIS Espere Até Chegar em Casa e Descobrir que... (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #97June 1982
- Como Ficar Esbelto(a) sem Fazer Dieta nem Exercícios (O Guia MAD do “Faça Você Mesmo”) (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #17January 1986
- Eis Algumas Sugestões Rápidas do MAD para como Aproveitar a Praia, no Verão, Mesmo Ficando em Casa (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #24November 1986
- As Vantagens de Ser Largado (Artist, Writer)
- Cuidado com Políticos que… (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #27February 1987
- Seu Bicho de Estimação Merece a Aposentadoria Celeste Quando… (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #40April 1988
- Esportes Perigosos para os Muito Corajosos e os Muito Burros (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #47November 1988
- Catálogo de Presentes para Animais de Estimação Mimados (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #48December 1988
- O que É um Superbabaca? (Writer, Artist)
- Carreiras para Atletas Envelhecidos (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #55July 1989
- Métodos Baratos e Indolores do MAD para Superar a Calvície – com um Pouco de Despesa, mas Ainda sem Dor (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #59December 1989
- Isto Também É Fantástico! (Nas Redes Locais de Televisão) (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #67October 1990
- Os Motivos Reais por que Você não Pode Levar Suas Namoradas em Casa (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #69January 1991
- As 9 Razões por que Seus Pais não Deixam Você Ter um Bicho (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #75July 1991
- Como e Onde Fumantes Inveterados Podem Ocultar o Seu Vício Nojento (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #103March 1994
- Exercícios de Masoquistas (Artist, Writer)
- A Última Apresentação do Circo Irmãos Bambini (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #104April 1994
- MAD Contempla, Investiga e Fulmina Algumas Péssimas Idéias que Virão por Aí! (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #112February 1995
- Gente Errada no Lugar Errado – Um Relatório MAD de Nosso Departamento de Pesquisa de Erros (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #114May 1995
- Idéias não Tão Geniais – Uma Amostra de Protótipos Patéticos que Nunca Foram Produzidos (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #19September 2003
- A Homenagem Final a David Berg e Seu “O Lado Irônico...” (Artist with Rick Tulka, Bob Clarke, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bill Wray, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, George Woodbridge, Drew Friedman, Jack Davis, Dave Berg)
MAD Magazine #37November 2005
- Produtos que Chegaram a Ser Testados mas não Foram Lançados no Mercado (Artist, Writer)

MAD Magazine #23February 2010
- “Amarguraman”, “Mário e o Breve Desaparecimento”, “Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis”, “Uma Rima da Maternidade Moderna…”, “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para a Saúde Sexual”, “Purgantes Porges”, “Carta Tapa-Buraco”, “Superstições do Mundo Todo”, “Filho do Brasil”, “Puxa Meu Cheney” (Author with Peter Bagge, Paul Coker, Jr., João Montanaro, Tom Fowler, Kevin Pope, Pablo Peneira, Tom Cheney, Anthony Barbieri, Raphael Fernandes, Al Jaffee, Carl Peterson, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse)
MAD Magazine #50August 2012
- MAD – 60 Anos (Writer with Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Frank Kelly Freas, Dave Gantz, Sean Farrelly, Desmond Devlin, Mike Snider, Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, John Caldwell, Irving Schild, Mark Fredrickson, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Don Edwing, Frank Ridgeway, Brian Farrelly, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Cheney, James Bennett, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Tom Richmond, Harry North, Ray Alma, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Mort Drucker, Donald K. Epstein, Christopher Hart, Jack Davis, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #78January 2015
- Algumas Sugestões Criativas da MAD para Reciclar o Seu Lixo (Writer with Al Jaffee)

Brasil MAD Special - Extra #124-AJuly 1996
- MAD Vê Alguns Argh-tletas Olímpicos (Artist, Writer)
- Olimpíadas do Sofá (Writer, Artist)
Mad A Presenta Al Jaffee #1January 1992

MAD Especial (Record) #1March 1985
- Os Skates “Envenenados” do MAD (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
- Manual MAD de Hospedagem (Writer with Jack Davis)
- MAD Vê os Tenistas (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Record) #5December 1987
- Grandes Momentos da Mancada (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Manchetes do Mundo dos Insetos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Especial (Record) #11December 1991
- Segundo Banheiro… Sua Saída para a Aventura e a Diversão! (Writer, Artist)
- MAD Vê o Outro Lado da Linha (Writer with Jack Davis)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #1December 2001
- MAD Vê os Arrotos Através da História (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Alguns Sanitários Famosos (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #4April 2003
- Idéias Cretinas que Nunca Serão Produzidas (Mas não Podemos Garantir!) (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Invade o Mundo dos Insetos (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #9August 2004
- Você Sabe que Está na Hora e no Lugar Errado Quando… (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #10October 2004
- Os Problemas de Se Sentar na Primeira Fila (Artist, Writer)
- Jogos e Passatempos Simples para Retardados Mentais (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #12September 2005
- Receitas Infalíveis pra Puxar o Saco dos Seus Avós (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #13February 2006
- MAD Vê a Crise de Energia (Writer with Harry North)
- Outros Riscos dos Fumantes (Writer, Artist)

MAD Especial (Panini) #3October 2008
- Dicas MAD pra Reciclar Assentos de Privada! (Writer, Artist)
- Grandes Momentos da Pagação de Mico (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Pensamentos Felinos (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #4January 2009
- MAD Vê o Verão (Writer, Artist)
- A TV... pelos Olhos do Mundo Animal (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Panini) #8March 2010
- MAD Vê os Arrotos Através da História (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- MAD Vê as Guerras do Passado (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Dez-Fechos (ou Melhor, Nove) que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Especial (Panini) #9June 2010
- MAD Vê o que Eles Realmente Estão Escrevendo (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Invenções que Gostaríamos de Ver (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- MAD Vê o Outro Lado da Linha (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Espere Até Chegar em Casa e Descobrir que… (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #10November 2010
- Outros Riscos de Fumar (Writer, Artist)
- MAD Vai a Algumas Festinhas (Artist, Writer)
MAD Especial (Panini) #12June 2011
- Esportes para Praticar Dentro de Casa (Artist, Writer)
- Truques Idiotas para Donos de Animais (Writer, Artist)
MAD Especial (Panini) #15September 2012
- Dicas Espertas para sair de Roubadas (Artist, Writer)
- MAD Vê os Beijos Sonoros (Writer, Artist)

Epic MAD #1June 2013
- Coisas pra Fazer com Seu Cão no Aniversário Dele (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- MAD Vê o que Seu Animal Está Te Respondendo (Writer, Artist with Carrie Strachan)

Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications