The admirer of graphic humor knows Ramade Martins primarily for the Brazilian covers of Mad magazine, where his style—heavily influenced by Mort Drucker (1929-2020)—was featured on the covers of the Brazilian edition. He replaced Carlos Chagas when Chagas left for the rival magazine "Pancada." However, Ramade was an artist of many talents: he was a magician—performing illusionist acts; he sang—interpreting Frank Sinatra's repertoire, sometimes accompanied by the saxophone of fellow cartoonist Aroeira; and, as if that weren't enough, he was also a motivational speaker at corporate events.
In addition to his work for Mad, the artist illustrated the graphic novel Victoria of the Amazon, with text by Maria Franco, which tells the adventures of the reporter Victoria Regia through the Amazon jungle (the work can be found online on Amazon). Born in 1957, the artist ran an event company and, despite being vaccinated, died at the age of 64 due to a COVID-19-related complication—a lung fungus led to septicemia, according to his wife, Katia Ramade. His death was not reported by the mainstream press, but his colleagues expressed their sorrow and paid tribute to him on social media.
Translated from
Contributions by Ramade Martins

- 007 e a Mulata do Opa-Opa ou: “O Espião que Me Espiava” (Artist, Writer)
- TV satire: “Josta Siveste” (Writer with Vilmar Rodrigues)
- O Equipamento MAD para os Prédios que Vão Desabar (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- Chama-se Inconveniente a Pessoa que... (Writer with José Alberto de Lima Campos, Júlio Shimamoto)
- Os Quebra-Cabeças do MAD (Artist, Writer with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- Cover Artist
- TV satire: “O Furo do Chato” (Artist with Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- Cover Artist
- Se os Filmes de Catástrofes Fossem Produzidos no Brasil (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- Alfred E. Neuman (Artist)
- Clones do Futuro (Artist with Harry North, Paul Peter Porges)
- TV satire: “Pedaço Engasgado” (Artist with Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- C2-PO (Artist)
- Alfred Miranda (Artist)
- Cover Artist
- TV satire: “Gabrieca” (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- Cover Artist
- O Jornalismo Através dos Séculos: “A Voz da Babilônia” (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- O Jornalismo Através dos Séculos: “O Papiro do Nilo” (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- TV satire: “Pau no Herói” (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- O Jornalismo Através dos Séculos: “O Correio Atheniense” (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- Movie satire: “Salada Azucrinante” (Artist with Domingos Demasi)
- Ad parody: “Schock II” [Schick II] (Artist, Writer)
- O Jornalismo Através dos Séculos – “Tribuna Romana” (Artist with José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- TV satire: “Borrão Maravilha” (Artist with Domingos Demasi, Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- TV satire: “Maluca Mulher” (Artist with Domingos Demasi, Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- O Jornalismo Através dos Séculos: “Gazeta Medieval” (Artist with Vilmar Rodrigues, José Alberto de Lima Campos)
- TV satire: “Pilantrão de Polícia” (Artist with Domingos Demasi, Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- TV satire: “Praga Pesada” (Artist with Domingos Demasi, Luis Felipe Ferreira)
- Já não se Joga Mais Futebol como Antigamente (Artist with Cláudio Cunha de Almeida)
- Cover Artist
- TV satire: “Mágoa Viva” (Artist with Cláudio Cunha de Almeida)
- Exclusivo! Uma Destas Pessoas É o Assassino de Miguel Fragonard (Artist, Writer with Otacílio d’Assunção)
- Chegamos aos 100 e Viramos a Cabeça (Artist)
- Cartões de Aniversário Personalizados (Writer, Artist)

- Novos Filmes de Terror para Quem Trabalha (Artist with Joseph "Joe" Orlando, E. Nelson Bridwell)

- Galeria de Capas de ETs do MAD – Série Nacional (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Carlos Chagas, Bill Elder, Richard Williams)