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We are desperately looking for pictures of Thomas F. "Tom" Koch. Drop us a mail here!
Contributions by Thomas F. "Tom" Koch

MAD Magazine #39May 1958
- Commemorative Stamps (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- The Saturday Evening Pest (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #40July 1958
- MAD Trading Stamps (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- MAD Summer Vacation Guide (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #41September 1958
- The MAD Primer (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
- How To Play Golf (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- The National Osographic Magazine (Writer with Wally Wood)
MAD Magazine #42November 1958
- MAD's 1958 Pigskin Preview (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- 25c MAD Children's Books (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #43December 1958
- The End of Comics (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Future Magazine Mergers (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- The MAD Treasury of Unknown Poetry (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #44January 1959
- Junior Additions (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Alfred E. Neuman's Family Tree (Writer with Wally Wood)
- Veeble People (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #45March 1959
- MAD's Guide For Novice Drivers (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Tatooing Gets A Shot In The Arm (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Gook (Writer with Wally Wood)
MAD Magazine #51December 1959
- A MAD Treasury of Unknown Poetry Volume 2 (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #52January 1960
- New Ad Spaces (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- MAD's Modern Folk Music (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #54April 1960
- Ad Testimonials From Politicians (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Educational Billboards (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #56July 1960
- MAD's Modern Olympic Games (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- MAD Bubble Gum Cards (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
- Honest Ads (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #63June 1961
- Mad's Modern Elementary School Text Books (Writer with Dave Berg)
- Magazines For Senior Citizens (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #64July 1961
- The Mad Treasury of Unknown Poetry (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Sneaky Camera (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #65September 1961
- A Mad Guide to Classified Ad Abbreviations (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- TV Commercials With Suspense (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad's Auto Travel Games (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #103June 1966
- The Face on the Town Square Walk (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Honey Waste (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Fraternity Magazine (Writer with Joseph "Joe" Orlando)
MAD Magazine #119June 1968
- Mad's 1968 All-Star Basketball Teams (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Personalized Absence Notes (Writer)
MAD Magazine #120July 1968
- Mad's Simplified A B C Method of Bulling Your Way Through Final Exams (Writer)
MAD Magazine #131December 1969
- You Know You're Really in Trouble When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- Hoo-Boy, Columbus (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #134April 1970
- Hints For Special Occasion Gifts (Writer)
- You Know You're Really On Your Own When... (Writer with Gloria L. Rich, Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #149March 1972
- Truly "Relevant" TV Shows (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- The Sports Spectators' Hall of Fame (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #151June 1972
- A Mad Look at TV Sports Interviews - - Past, Present and Future (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Mad's Auto Manufacturer of the Year (Writer with Earle Doud, George Woodbridge)
- You Know Your Days Are Numbered When... (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #152July 1972
- The Art of Writing Home For Money (Writer)
- A Treasury of Television Poetry and Prose (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #154October 1972
- The Television Yellow Pages 1972-73 (Writer with Jack Davis, Jack Rickard, Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #155December 1972
- Mad's Simplified ABC Method of Bullying Your Way Through Election Campaigns (Writer)
- Mail Order Gift Catalog (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- The Mary Tailor-Made Show (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #158April 1973
- Rewriting Your Way To a Ph. D. (Writer)
- Why Does It Always Happen That... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- Head Shop Supplies (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- When All of TV Must Grant Equal Time (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #160July 1973
- A High School Yearbook That Tells It Like It Really Is (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #162October 1973
- You Know It's Really Summer When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- Magazines For Neglected Sports (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Bawde (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #164January 1974
- When All Businesses Rely on Sales Promotion Gimmicks (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #167June 1974
- You Know There's Something Fishy When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- What Is an Introvert? (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #173March 1975
- Specialized Magazines for Office Waiting Rooms (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- Annual Reports to Family Members (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #175June 1975
- What is a Guidance Counselor? (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- Barnacle Groans (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #185September 1976
- Where Else but on TV...? (Writer with Jack Davis)
- More Lawsuits We'd Like to See (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #192July 1977
- Mad Forms for Personalized Wills (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- When Truth-in-Advertising Laws Apply to Movie Ads (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #197March 1978
- Mad's "Do It Yourself" Job Application Letter (Writer)
- Instructions for Things That Need Instructions (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #198April 1978
- School Supplies Unlimited 1978-79 Wholesale Catalogue (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Kids' Fresh New Comebacks to Parents' Tired Old Comments (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- You Can't Beat the System (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #200July 1978
- The Rime of the Modern Skateboarder (Writer with Don Martin)
- You Can Never Escape From Stress (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #202October 1978
- American Recreational & Resort Facilities, Inc. Wholesale Supply Catalogue (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #203December 1978
- If Freedom of the Press Applied to High School Papers (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #204January 1979
- A Preview of This Year's "Gimmick" Christmas Gifts (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #205March 1979
- Recycled Magazine Articles (Writer with Harry North)
- Lou Grouch (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #208July 1979
- Re-Writing Classical Poetry to Give Women Equal Time (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- What is Humility? (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- Crafty Bunko Schemes, Inc. 1979-80 Repairmen's Parts & Supply Catalogue (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #209September 1979
- The Disco Man (Writer with Don Martin)
- Guarantees We'd Like to See (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- When "Truth-in-Advertising" Laws Apply to Classified Ads (Writer)
MAD Magazine #210October 1979
- The Mad Nasty Book [Volume One] (Writer with Harry North)
- Why Do We Assume It Makes Sense? (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #211December 1979
- The Yellow Pages Through History [Paleolithic Telephone Company] (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #212January 1980
- More Yellow Pages Through History [Imperial Roman Telephone Co.] (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Appeals From Charities Through History (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Newspaper Stories We'll Never See (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #213March 1980
- Still More Yellow Pages Through History [His Majesty's Medieval Telephone Co. Classified Directory] (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- What is a Show Off? (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- Surplus Items We Can Sell to the Arabs (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #214April 1980
- Still More Yellow Pages Through History [Early American Telephone Co. Classified Directory] (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #218October 1980
- The Mad Nasty Book Volume Two (Writer with Harry North)
- Advertising Makes You Wonder... (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #220January 1981
- Amalgamated Student Supply Co. Mail Order Catalog 1980-1981 School Year (Writer with Diane Riccobene, Bob Clarke)
- Everyday Crimes That Should Be Punished (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #222April 1981
- We'll Always Be Suckers For Clever Advertising... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- What Television Says and What it Really Means (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #226October 1981
- Stadium & Team Owners Paraphenalia 1981 Supply Catalogue (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #229March 1982
- A Mad Look at the Idiocy of Young Athletes Who Imitate the Pros on TV (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Mad's Do-It-Yourself Comedy Routine (Writer)
MAD Magazine #230April 1982
- Questions We'd Like to Ask Some TV Advertisers (Writer with Angelo Torres, Billy Doherty)
MAD Magazine #231June 1982
- Truly Honest and Informative Listings (Writer)
- The Mad Nasty Book Volume Three (Writer with Harry North)
- Swill Street Blues (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #232July 1982
- If Junk Mail had Always Existed (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Mad's ABC's of Writing Successful Exams and Term Papers (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #235December 1982
- If Elected, I Solemnly Promise ... (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- The Yaks of Life (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #236January 1983
- If You Think Things Are...Bad Well, They Could be...Worse In Fact They Could Be...Downright Horrible (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #238April 1983
- A Mad Look at the Differences Between Optimism, Pessimism & Realism (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #240July 1983
- The Evolution of a TV Situation Comedy (Writer with Harry North)
- State College of Adulthood Training (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- High School Bulletin Board (Writer)
MAD Magazine #241September 1983
- Three Cornered Pitney (Writer with Jack Davis)
- The Mad Nasty Book, Volume Four (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #242October 1983
- Warning Labels We Desperately Need (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- An Advertiser Would Have Us Believe... (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #243December 1983
- Amending the Rule Books to Cover Sportscasters (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #244January 1984
- Bedsheet Signs We'll Never See on TV (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Macho Is... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #245March 1984
- What Parents Think...and What Kids Think... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- What Is a Hang-up? (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- The 1984 M.G.M. Movie Theater Owners Supply Catalogue (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #247June 1984
- The Mad Owner's Manual for a New American Car (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- It's a Mad, Mad World (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #251December 1984
- Ain't It Great!! (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Only in the Middle of the Night... (Writer with Harry North)
- The Criminals' Yellow Pages (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #252January 1985
- The Best... and the Worst... Things to Say for Every Occasion (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #254April 1985
- Honest Ads That Introduce New, Improved Products (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Wanted Posters For the Real Criminals Who Threaten Our Lives (Writer)
MAD Magazine #256July 1985
- Raising Money With Other Forms Of Legalized Gambling (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- The Mad Practical Driving Test (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #257September 1985
- Relevant Fortune Cookies For Other Dining Spots (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #259December 1985
- 14 Reasons Why You'll Miss Seeing Halley's Comet (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #264July 1986
- Why 999 Shoppers Out Of 1,000 Never Collect Those Manufacturers' Rebates (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #266October 1986
- The Cosby Show Nasty File (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- How P B S Really Differs From Commercial TV (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #267December 1986
- Those Ridiculous Little Things TV Commercials Say! (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #269March 1987
- Hidden Details In Art (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- How Do You Rate As A Yuppie? (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- TV Spin-Offs Yet To Come (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #270April 1987
- Mad's Record Book For Televised Sports-Vol. I (Writer with Jack Davis)
- State of the Art Is... (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #271June 1987
- The Brown Noser's Guide to Writing A+ School Papers (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad's Record Book for Televised Sports - Vol. II (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #272July 1987
- Mad's Alibis For All Occasions (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Why the U.S. Government Really Spends So Much (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #274October 1987
- Why Owning a VCR Is Better Than Going To The Movies (Writer with Harvey Kurtzman)
- The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #276January 1988
- Nationwide Survey Results That Advertisers Never Tell Us About (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Charity Drives We'd Like To See... (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #277March 1988
- If "They" Had To Fill Out "Your" Questionnaires (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #278April 1988
- The MAD Nasty File Volume 2 (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
- Celebrity Reading Lists (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #279June 1988
- New Laws That Congress Should Pass Right Now! Right Now! Right Now! (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #283December 1988
- Twelve Reasons Why Being In Congress Is Worth The Price (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
- MAD Re-Examines Some Wise Old Sayings (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- 15 Reasons Why Only Mindless Idiots Can "Have a Nice Day" (Writer with John Caldwell)
- When Scandals Completely Take Over The News (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #288July 1989
- Scientific Advances That Improve Our Lives! (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #289September 1989
- More New Laws That Congress Should Pass Right Now! (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #291December 1989
- Why Are You Sure To Win The Next Magazine Publishers Sweepstakes (Writer with John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #293March 1990
- 12-Point Plan For Improving America Without Spending More Tax Dollars (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- The MAD Nasty File Volume 4 (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
MAD Magazine #295June 1990
- Some Truly Joyous Things You Could Do If You Hit The Lottery (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #296July 1990
- All You Need To Know You Learned In Nursery School (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Important Things We'd Never Learn Without TV (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Leisure Time Courses Adults Really Need (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Greeting Cards For People We Don't Even Know (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #302April 1991
- The Mad Nasty File – Volume V (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
- A MAD Look at How Far We’ve Come (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #305September 1991
- America's Traditional Songs as They Sound to Five-Year Olds (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #306October 1991
- Un-Learning Adult Education Courses (Writer with Harry North)
- Once Upon a Time... (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #310April 1992
- When More Celebrities Introduce Their Own Brands of Perfume (Writer with Greg Theakston)
MAD Magazine #314October 1992
- Why The 21st Century May Be Even Worse Than This One! (Writer with Rick Tulka)
MAD Magazine #315December 1992
- $ure Bet$ In Sports (Writer with Jack Davis)
- MAD's Do-It-Yourself Political Speech To Grab Voter Attention (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #316January 1993
- The Proverbs Guaranteed To Leave 'Em Speechless (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #317March 1993
- Deviant Editorial Responses To Widely Held Opinions (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #319June 1993
- A TV News Editor's "Experts To Call In a Pinch" File (Writer with Larry Friedrich, Marshall Vandruff)
MAD Magazine #324January 1994
- Doctors' Supply Catalogue (Writer with Al Jaffee)
- The MAD Nasty File Volume VII (Writer with Gerry Gersten)
MAD Magazine #387November 1999
- Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1900 - 1929) (Idea with James Warhola)
- Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1930 - 1959) (Idea with Richard Williams)
- Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1960 - 1989) (Idea with Scott Bricher)
- Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (1990 - 1999) (Idea with Drew Friedman)
- Mad Regurgitates the 20th Century - 100 Years of Idiocy (Insets) (Idea with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Dick DeBartolo, John Pound, Rick Tulka, Paul Coker, Jr., Stan Hart, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Thomas Hachtman, Carolyn Abram, Jack Davis, Phil Hahn, Dave Berg, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin, Gerry Gersten, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, Greg Theakston)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Sean Farrelly, Gerry Gersten, Don Edwing, Arie Kaplan, Dick DeBartolo, Tom Bunk, Frank Santopadre, Anthony Barbieri, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Peter Kuper, Drew Friedman, Brian Farrelly, Mike Snider, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Tom Cheney, Dave Berg, Bob Staake, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Peter Sun, Irving Schild, Bill Wray, Sam Viviano, Al Jaffee, Sean Eisenporth, Henry Clark, John Ficarra, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Desmond Devlin, Paul Coker, Jr., Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Michael Gallagher, James Bennett, Jonathan Bresman, Kevin Pope, Mark Stutzman, Joe Raiola)

MAD Magazine #19June 2021
- Relevant Fortune Cookies For Other Dining Spots (Writer with George Woodbridge)

MAD Magazine #4October 1974
- Corporação Médica Cadavérica S.A. – Catálogo de Equipamento Hospitalar 1974 (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #15September 1975
- Revistas Especializadas para Sala de Espera (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #25July 1976
- Você Sabe que Está Sozinho Quando... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr., Gloria L. Rich)
MAD Magazine #27September 1976
- Catálogo de Fornecimento para Restaurantes – Acessórios de Luxo Furteau (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #54December 1978
- Você não Pode Vencer o Sistema porque... (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Você É um Gênio se.../Mas um Idiota se... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #70March 1980
- Companhia Nacional de Produtos para o Lazer — Catálogo Geral de Produtos — Verão de 1980 (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #83May 1981
- Novas Invenções para Tornar Úteis Alguns Antigos Inventos (Writer with Bob Clarke)

MAD Magazine #8March 1985
- As Melhores… e as Piores Coisas para Dizer em Cada Ocasião (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #13August 1985
- Cartazes de Procura-se de Criminosos de Verdade que Ameaçam Nossas Vidas (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #19April 1986
- 14 Motivos pelos Quais Você Perderá a Passagem do Halley (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #26January 1987
- Filmes para a TV que Você não Precisa Acabar de Ver (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #29April 1987
- TV satire: 'O Pavoroso Bestson' ['O Poderoso Benson'/'Benson'] (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- O Máximo do Avanço É… (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #31July 1987
- Essas Coisinhas Ridículas que Dizem os Comerciais de TV (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #33September 1987
- TV satire: ‘Hill Street Burros’ [‘Hill Street Blues’] (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #34October 1987
- Quanto Mais as Coisas Mudam, Mais Continuam as Mesmas (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #35November 1987
- Por que Ter um Vídeo É Melhor do que Ir ao Cinema (Writer with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Quem Precisa…? (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #38February 1988
- Pesquisa Independente do que os Anunciantes Nunca Nos Dizem! (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #45September 1988
- Novas Invenções para Tornar Úteis Alguns Antigos Inventos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #47November 1988
- Dez Motivos pelos Quais Ser Vereador Vale o Investimento (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #49January 1989
- 15 Motivos pelos Quais Só Idiotas Podem Ter um 'Bom Dia' (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #54June 1989
- MAD Reexamina Mais Alguns Velhos Deitados (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Se 'Eles' Tivessem que Preencher os “Seus” Formulários (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #56August 1989
- Avanços Científicos que Pioraram Nossas Vidas! (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #74June 1991
- Coisas Realmente Legais pra Você Fazer se Ganhar na Sena (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #76August 1991
- MAD Vê Até Onde Chegamos (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Lembra Quando... (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #99November 1993
- Ganhando Dinheiro com Outras Formas de Loteria (Writer with George Woodbridge)

MAD Magazine #50August 2012
- MAD – 60 Anos (Writer with Tom Richmond, Harry North, Ray Alma, Paul Peter Porges, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Donald K. Epstein, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Christopher Hart, Tom Cheney, Sergio Aragonés, John Caldwell, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Dave Gantz, Frank Kelly Freas, Sean Farrelly, Desmond Devlin, Paul Coker, Jr., Mike Snider, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Stan Hart, Irving Schild, Mark Fredrickson, Angelo Torres, Frank Ridgeway, Don Edwing, Brian Farrelly, Dick DeBartolo, James Bennett, Rick Tulka, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)

MAD Especial (Record) #5December 1987
- Manual MAD para os Símbolos de Status (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Record) #6July 1989
- Revistas Especializadas para Sala de Espera (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- O Fabricante de Carros do Ano (Writer with Earle Doud, George Woodbridge)
MAD Especial (Record) #10July 1991
- Se os Computadores São Inteligentes… (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Especial (Record) #11December 1991
- Você É um Gênio se…/Mas um Idiota se… (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Detalhes Ocultos na Arte (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- As Melhores e as Piores Coisas para Dizer em Cada Ocasião (Writer with George Woodbridge)

Mad A Presenta Al Jaffee #1January 1992
- “Se Eu For Eleito, Prometo Solenemente…” (Writer with Al Jaffee)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #4April 2003
- Respostas Cretinas para Conselhos Familiares Imbecis ou Ainda: “Os Conselhos que Seus Pais Dão e que Você Gostaria de Responder à Altura (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #8March 2004
- Quanto Mais as Coisas Mudam, Mais Elas Ficam Piores (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Mythos) #9August 2004
- A Epopéia do Skate (Um Poema Delírico de Don Martin) (Writer with Don Martin)

MAD Especial (Panini) #3October 2008
- MAD Ensina como Fazer Seu Próprio Discurso Político para Atrair a Atenção dos Eleitores (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Especial (Panini) #10November 2010
- SS – Catálogo de Material Escolar 78/79 (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Especial (Panini) #12June 2011
- Você não Pode Escapar do Estresse porque… (Writer with Jack Davis)