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We are desperately looking for pictures of Gerry Gersten. Drop us a mail here!
October 17th, 1927
January 12th, 2017
Contributions by Gerry Gersten

MAD Magazine #283December 1988
- Rewriting The Constitution For Political Extremists (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #284January 1989
- Play Pictionary With The Mad Artists (Artist with Antonio Prohias, Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Sergio Aragonés, John Prete, Robert G. "Bob" Jones, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Don Edwing, Paul Coker, Jr., John Caldwell, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Harvey Kurtzman, Mort Drucker, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke, Richard Williams)
MAD Magazine #308January 1992
- All-Inclusive Do-It-Yourself White House Press Conference (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #316January 1993
- Mix 'N' Match Donahue / Oprah / Geraldo / Maury / Sally Jessy / Jane Guest & Topic Generator (Artist with John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #323December 1993
- Slim (But Nonetheless Undeniable) Differences Between Hollywood & Washington D.C. (Artist with Russ Cooper)
MAD Magazine #331October 1994
- The Bill Clinton MTV Song Book (Artist with Paul Coker, Jr., Sam Viviano, Tom Bunk, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #340November 1995
- Back Cover: Tankedaway - How Refreshingly Destructive (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #345May 1996
- "Hey, Newt" sung to the tune of "Hey, Jude" (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #355March 1997
- Mad in the Year 2038 - The Mad Nasty File, Vol. 53 (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #365January 1998
- The Dallas Cowboys Off-the-Field Playbook (Artist with Andrew J. Schwartzberg)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- MAD issues 201-300 "Snatched glory and bruised knuckles" (Author with Stan Hart, Bob Clarke, Jack Rickard, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Don Martin, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Thomas Hachtman, Dick DeBartolo, Paul Coker, Jr., Carolyn Abram, Phil Hahn, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Irving Schild, Joe Raiola, Richard Williams, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, John Ficarra, Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Dave Berg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, Greg Theakston, Harry North, Charlie Kadau, Sam Viviano, Paul Peter Porges, Al Jaffee, Bill Elder, Desmond Devlin, John Pound, Russ Cooper, Sergio Aragonés, Rick Tulka)
- MAD issues 301-400 "The rush to antietam" (Author with Bob Clarke, Charlie Kadau, James Warhola, Peter Kuper, Brian Farrelly, Drew Friedman, Mort Drucker, Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jack Davis, Bob Staake, Dave Berg, Rick Tulka, Stan Hart, Peter Sun, Irving Schild, Bill Wray, Sam Viviano, Sean Eisenporth, Al Jaffee, Henry Clark, John Ficarra, Desmond Devlin, Andrew J. Schwartzberg, Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Paul Coker, Jr., Michael Gallagher, James Bennett, Jonathan Bresman, Kevin Pope, Mark Stutzman, Joe Raiola, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, Sean Farrelly, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Don Edwing, Dick DeBartolo, Arie Kaplan, Frank Santopadre, Tom Bunk, Sergio Aragonés, Anthony Barbieri, Thomas F. "Tom" Koch, John Caldwell)