Contributions by Tom Fowler

MAD Magazine #448December 2004
- When Spiderman goes completely international (Artist with Gina Going, David Rodriguez, Alé Garza, Kirbycolors, Kagan Mcleod, Marcos Martín, David Shayne, Alvaro Lopez, Javier Rodriguez, Tom Raney, Timothy Shamey)
MAD Magazine #461January 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Carolyn Abram, Tom Cheney, John Caldwell, Jacob Lambert, Michael Lore, Grey Blackwell, Darren Johnson, Rick Tulka, Gary Hallgren, Desmond Devlin, Mike Capozzola, Megan Ganz, Barry Liebmann, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #481September 2007
- Monroe and... The summer jobs Part 1 (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Ryan Flanders)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
- MAD's 50 Worst Things about Advertising (Artist with Scott Maiko, Leonardo Rodriguez, John Caldwell, Hermann Mejia, Jack Syracuse, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Jose Garibaldi, Tom Bunk, Rich Powell, Evan Dorkin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Dave Crosland, Francis Mao, Sam Sisco, Rick Tulka, Marc Hempel, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Tim Hamilton, Paul Coker, Jr., Timothy Shamey, Sarah Dyer, Bob Staake)
- Monroe &...The Summer Job Part 2 (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Ryan Flanders)
MAD Magazine #486February 2008
- Monroe and... The Recall (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Ryan Flanders)
MAD Magazine #487March 2008
- Monroe and... High School Musical (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Ryan Flanders)
MAD Magazine #489May 2008
- Monroe and... Extreme Makeover (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Ryan Flanders)
MAD Magazine #495November 2008
- Monroe and... Domestic Terror (Artist with Carl Peterson, Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #496December 2008
- Monroe and... The Natural Disaster (Artist with Carl Peterson, Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #498February 2009
- Monroe and... The Plane Trip (Artist with Carl Peterson, Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- Monroe and... The Brief Disappearance (Artist with Carl Peterson, Rob Leigh, Anthony Barbieri)

MAD Magazine #10December 2008
- Mário e os Bicos de Verão – Part 1 (Artist with Ryan Flanders, Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #11February 2009
- Mário e os Bicos de Verão – Part 2 (Artist with Ryan Flanders, Anthony Barbieri)
MAD Magazine #20November 2009
- Mário e a Obesidade na Adolescência (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Carl Peterson)
MAD Magazine #21December 2009
- Mário em “Terror Doméstico” (Artist with Anthony Barbieri, Carl Peterson)
MAD Magazine #23February 2010
- “Amarguraman”, “Mário e o Breve Desaparecimento”, “Respostas Cretinas para Perguntas Imbecis”, “Uma Rima da Maternidade Moderna…”, “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia para a Saúde Sexual”, “Purgantes Porges”, “Carta Tapa-Buraco”, “Superstições do Mundo Todo”, “Filho do Brasil”, “Puxa Meu Cheney” (Author with Carl Peterson, Garth Gerhart, Jeff Kruse, Peter Bagge, Paul Coker, Jr., João Montanaro, Kevin Pope, Paul Peter Porges, Pablo Peneira, Tom Cheney, Anthony Barbieri, Raphael Fernandes, Al Jaffee)