June 17th, 1927, Menahga, Minnesota, USA
November 2nd, 1981, Los Angeles, California, USA
More about:
Pseudonym: Woody
Contributions by Wally Wood

MAD Magazine #3January 1953
- E.C. Fans! (Artist with Marie Severin)
- V-Vampires! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #10April 1954
- G.I. Shmoe! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
- You, Too, Can Meet New Friends! (Artist with Marie Severin)
MAD Magazine #13July 1954
- Prince Violent! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
- You, Too, Can Meet New Friends! (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Movie...Ads! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Marie Severin)
- You, Too, Can Meet New Friends! (Artist with Marie Severin)
- E. C. Went To Sea In Search Of Another New Trend... (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Wreck of The Hesperus (Artist with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Monte Moore, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #17November 1954
- E. C. Went To Sea In Search Of Another New Trend... (Artist with Marie Severin)
- Julius Caesar! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #23May 1955
- Gopo Gossum! (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
- Ripup's Believe It Or Don't (Artist with Marie Severin, Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #24July 1955
- She Wanted To Drown Her Troubles (Artist)
- Is A Trip To The Moon Possible? (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #25August 1955
- ...The Jack E. Glisten Story (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Anyone For Wrist Slashing? (Artist with Stan Freberg)
- They Built Their Dream-House Singlehanded (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- The Blackboard Jumble (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
MAD Magazine #26November 1955
- Cover Artist (with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Cover: The Satellite (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- The Conquest of Tillie's Lookout (Artist with Ira Wallach)
- The Prodigious (Artist)
- At Home With Lorelei Latour (Artist with Ernie Kovacs, Gustave Doré)
- Tense Tycoons and Lucky Bucks (Artist with Bernard Shir-Cliff, Bernard Krigstein)
MAD Magazine #27April 1956
- Artist with Jack Davis, Harvey Kurtzman
- How To Be Smart (Artist)
- Uninterrupted Melody (Artist with Stan Freberg)
- Ulysses (Artist)
MAD Magazine #28July 1956
- Cover Artist
- Cover: Spring Issue (Colorist, Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
- He Rose Tattooed (Artist)
- The Race is On for the Super Guided Missile (Artist with Al Jaffee, Jack Davis)
- Comic Books [Black And Blue Hawks!] (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Talk (Artist)
MAD Magazine #29September 1956
- Cover Artist (with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
- Cover: 3-Ring Circus of Fun (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
- Yard Birds (Artist)
- The New Expandable Severolet... (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Free Fall Ferris (Artist with Jerry DeFuccio)
- Convention Forecasts (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Real Estate Ads (Artist with Al Feldstein, Jack Kamen)
MAD Magazine #30December 1956
- MAD Establishes an...Old Comic-Strip Characters' Home (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- Morbid Dick (Artist with Al Feldstein)
- A Medal for Horatius (Artist with W.C. Hall)
- Walt Dizzy Presents Dizzyland (Artist with Al Feldstein)
MAD Magazine #31February 1957
- The New Marilyn Marone (Artist)
- What's All This Jazz About Jazz (Artist with Al "Jazzbo" Collins)
- Don Giovanni (Artist with Nick Meglin)
MAD Magazine #32April 1957
- Nansy (Artist)
- You Can Break The Magazine Habit! (Artist)
- It's Gonna Be A Mad Mad Year! (Artist with G. Stang)
- Making A Paper Eucalyptus Tree (Artist with Orson Bean)
- Movies Are Longer Than Ever (Artist)
- The "Night People" vs. "Creeping Meatballism" (Artist with Jean Shepherd)
- MAD Record Labels (Artist with Al Feldstein)
MAD Magazine #33June 1957
- MAD Subscriptions (Artist)
- The English Titles Don't Quite Match The Action In Foreign Movies (Artist)
- Kovacs' Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- The Truth About Cowboys (Artist with Henry Morgan)
- The Potrzebie System of Weights And Measures (Artist with Donald Knuth)
- Kovacs' Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
MAD Magazine #34July 1957
- We're Looking For People With Ability To Draw (Artist)
- Now! In Full Color (Artist with Norman Mingo)
- Wedding Album (Artist)
- Baseball Is Ruining Our Children (Artist)
- Orson Bean's "The Two Chinese Fellas Who Go To An American Restaurant" Routine (Artist with Orson Bean)
MAD Magazine #35October 1957
- If Comic Strip Characters Answered Those Little Ads (Artist with Paul Krassner)
- How To Crop A Photo (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Sin-Doll Ella (Artist with Albert Meglin)
MAD Magazine #36December 1957
- TV Movies With Built-In Commercials (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- MAD Visits Corny Island (Artist)
- Home Movies (Artist)
- Mr. Morgan Tells The Story of The 12 Bottles (Artist with Henry Morgan)
MAD Magazine #37January 1958
- Secret Sportalk (Artist)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Report To Russia (Artist with Dave Berg)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
MAD Magazine #38March 1958
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Nobody Has Any Fun At Parties (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Bitter Homes And Gardens (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #39May 1958
- How To Make America's Kids...Science Conscious (Artist)
- Party Games (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- MAD T-Shirts (Artist with Larry Maleman)
MAD Magazine #40July 1958
- Hey Gang! At Last! (Artist)
- Ecccchhh, Teen-Age Son of Thing (Artist)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Pravda (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Coast-To-Coast For $16.75 (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- MAD T-Shirts (Artist with Larry Maleman)
MAD Magazine #41September 1958
- It's Fun To Phone! (Artist)
- Rare Old Magazines (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- The New, Improved, Rotten Circus (Artist with Henry Morgan, Bob Clarke)
- One Day's Advice Columns...The Next Day's Headlines (Artist)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- The National Osographic Magazine (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- You'll Be A "Knockout" In A MAD T-Shirt (Artist with Larry Maleman)
MAD Magazine #42November 1958
- Now In Its Second Printing (Artist)
- I'm Five! (Artist with Milton Schafer, Danny Kaye)
- Strangely Believe It! (Artist with Ernie Kovacs)
- Credits For The Common Man (Artist with Paul I. Laikin)
- Scenes We Never Got To See (Artist with Albert Meglin)
- You'll Be A "Horror" In A MAD T-Shirt (Artist with Larry Maleman)
MAD Magazine #43December 1958
- The End of Comics (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- If Hollywood Directors Staged...Advertising Photos (Artist)
- The New Baby (Artist with Milton Schafer, Danny Kaye)
- The Bathtub Admiral (Artist with Milton Schafer, Danny Kaye)
- You'll "Go Far" In A MAD T-Shirt (Artist with Larry Maleman)
MAD Magazine #44January 1959
- A Christmas Gift Suggestion (Artist)
- The Coming Attractions...Don't Always Show Exactly What's Coming! (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Junior Additions (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- Alfred E. Neuman's Family Tree (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #45March 1959
- The First Annual MAD Awards for "Worsts" of 1958 (Artist)
- If Comic Strip Artists Drew Editorial Cartoons (Artist with Gary Belkin)
- Gook (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
MAD Magazine #46April 1959
- Authentic Sounds In Stereo (Artist with Thomas F. "Tom" Koch)
- The Hidden Persuaders Become The Hip Persuaders (Artist with Gary Belkin)
- If Famous Authors Wrote The Comics (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #47June 1959
- The Professor Lectures On Space (Artist with Sid Caesar)
- The Greatest Missle Ever Built (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- First Aid Handbook (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #48July 1959
- Comic Strip Heroes (Taken From Real Life) (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- How A Television Script is Born (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Who Says Lightning Never Strike Twice In The Same Place? (Artist)
MAD Magazine #49September 1959
- The MAD Horror Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- A Best Seller Hits The Commercial Trail (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- Vic Tinny Gyms (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- You'll "Fight 'Em Off" In Your MAD T-Shirt (Artist with Larry Maleman)
MAD Magazine #50October 1959
- Spot That Plug! (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- The MAD Time Capsule (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- Blue Confessions (Artist with Paul I. Laikin)
MAD Magazine #51December 1959
- Advertising Slogans Will Replace Everyday Conversations (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Scenes We'd Like To See: Driving The Golden Spike (Artist with Eugene St. Jean)
- Announcing The Birth Of A New Brainchild (Artist)
MAD Magazine #52January 1960
- The MAD 1960 Calendar (Artist with Dave Berg, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Frank Kelly Freas, Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Mort Drucker, George Woodbridge, Don Martin)
- The Truth About "Before" And "After" Ads (Artist with Seymour V. "Sy" Reit)
- MAD's Up-To-Date Version of The Night Before Christmas (Artist with Clement Clarke Moore, Paul I. Laikin)
MAD Magazine #53March 1960
- New Movie Monsters From Madison Avenue (Artist with E. Nelson Bridwell)
- MAD Goes To An Alfred Hatchplot Movie (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #54April 1960
- Around The World With U.S. Television (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel, Frank Kelly Freas, Bob Clarke, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Mort Drucker, George Woodbridge, Don Martin, Dave Berg)
- Doctors' Progress (Artist with Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Frank Kelly Freas, George Woodbridge, Don Martin, Mort Drucker, Al Jaffee, Dave Berg, Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #55June 1960
- The MAD Madison Avenue Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- The Jackie Talented Story (Artist with Sid Caesar)
MAD Magazine #57September 1960
- If Magazines Carried Comic Strips (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Mad Goes to a Gangster Movie Preview (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #58October 1960
- Mad's 1960 Political Alphabet Book (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #62April 1961
- How to Make Dull Reading Matter Interesting (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Tomorrow's Parents (Artist with Gary Belkin)
MAD Magazine #64July 1961
- Bedtime Stories As Told by Job-Conscious Fathers (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #65September 1961
- Television Programs Aimed at Late, Late Audiences (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #68January 1962
- The Comic Strip Characters' Christmas Party (Artist with Gary Belkin)
- What Do You Do For a Living, Daddy? (Artist with Don Reilly)
MAD Magazine #71June 1962
- MAD Investigates the Sordid Business of Gambling (Artist with Al Jaffee)
- The Big Bad Wall (Artist)
MAD Magazine #72July 1962
- If Comic Strip Characters Were As Old As Their Strips (Artist with Earle Doud)
- A Mad Look at the Eating Habits of Animals (Artist with Dean Norman)
MAD Magazine #73September 1962
- What If Products Only Worked Under Demonstration Conditions (Artist with Earle Doud)
- Mad Sets a Record (Artist)
MAD Magazine #74October 1962
- TV Ads We'd Like to See (Artist with Earle Doud)
- The Mad Celebrity Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #75December 1962
- Celebrities' Home Movies (Artist with Arnold H. "Arnie" Kogen, Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #77March 1963
- If Five Comic Strip Cartoonists Interpreted the Age-Old Riddle (Artist with Gary Belkin)
MAD Magazine #79June 1963
- TV's Effect on Children (Artist with Stan Hart)
- Mad's "Discount Center" Owner of the Year (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #81September 1963
- If Comic Strip Characters Behaved Like Real People (Artist with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #85March 1964
- Future Educational Comic Pamphlets (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
MAD Magazine #86April 1964
- When This Trend Towards "Understanding" Gets Out of Hand (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
MAD Magazine #500June 2009
- MAD issues 1-100 "Murmurs and Mumblings" (Author with Frank Kelly Freas, Jack Davis, Lester Krauss, Frank Frazetta, Jack Rickard, Basil Wolverton, Norman Mingo, Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder, Dave Berg, Don Reilly, Bob Clarke, George Woodbridge, Antonio Prohias, Nick Meglin, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Margaret Szep, Phil Hahn, Irving Schild, Joseph "Joe" Orlando, Don Martin)

MAD Magazine #16December 2020
- The MAD Horror Primer (Artist with Lawrence H. "Larry" Siegel)
- New Movie Monsters From Madison Avenue (Artist with E. Nelson Bridwell)
- Ecccchhh, Teen-Age Son of Thing (Artist)

- TV Ads We’d Like to See (Artist with Earle Doud)
- TV Ads We’d Like to See (Artist with Earle Doud)

- Author
The Mad Archives #2November 2007
- Illustrator (with John P. Severin, Bill Elder, Jack Davis, Bernard Krigstein, Basil Wolverton)

- Author (with Jack Davis, Bill Elder)

MAD Magazine #3September 1974
- Se os Personagens de Quadrinhos Fossem Velhos como as Suas Tiras (Artist with Earle Doud)
- A Árvore Genealógica de Alfred E. Neuman (Artist)
MAD Magazine #9March 1975
- Se os Personagens de Quadrinhos se Comportassem como Pessoas Normais (Artist with Al Jaffee)

MAD Magazine #14December 2002
- Comic satire: “Supermongo!” (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- 50 Anos de MAD – Parte V: MAD Domina o Mundo (continuação da página 22) (Artist with Myoung Youn Lee, Otacílio d’Assunção, Antonio Prohias, Harvey Kurtzman, Frank Kelly Freas, Sergio Aragonés, Carlos Chagas, Bill Wray, Norman Mingo, Al Jaffee, Mort Drucker, 3/Design Studios, Don Martin, Drew Friedman, Dave Berg)

MAD Especial (Record) #2August 1985
- Superômi! (Artist with Harvey Kurtzman)
- Se os Personagens de Quadrinhos Fossem Velhos como Suas Tiras (Artist with Earle Doud)
- Se os Personagens de Quadrinhos Se Comportassem como Pessoas Normais (Artist with Al Jaffee)

Mini-MAD (Mythos) #6November 2006
- MAD Investiga o Sórdido Negócio da Jogatina (Artist with Al Jaffee)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #9August 2004
- MAD Investiga o Sórdido Negócio da Jogatina (Artist with Al Jaffee)

- Artist (with Bernard Krigstein, Basil Wolverton, Jack Davis, John P. Severin, Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
- Artist (with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder, Bernard Krigstein, Basil Wolverton, Jack Davis, John P. Severin)
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications