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We are desperately looking for pictures of Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone. Drop us a mail here!
Contributions by Louis D. "Lou" Silverstone

MAD Magazine #114October 1967
- Sombre (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Ratpacktrol (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #116January 1968
- Dirtier By the Dozen (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Mad's Theatrical Agent of the Year (Writer with Bruce Stark)
MAD Magazine #119June 1968
- The Invasioners (Writer with Jack Davis)
- The Shill Gasoline Commercial (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #123December 1968
- Mad Mini-Vision: Jugg for the Defense (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Mad Mini-Vision: Mannecch (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- Mad Mini-Vision: It Takes a Crook (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #130October 1969
- If This "Nudity Trend" in Movies Ever Spreads to the Comics (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #133March 1970
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at the U. S. Congress (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #136July 1970
- If There Were Only Two Survivors of World War III Left on Earth (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #139December 1970
- A Mad Look at Two High School Generations (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr., Sergio Aragonés)
- Ironride (Writer with Angelo Torres, Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #140January 1971
- If There Had Been Advice Columns Throughout History (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #146October 1971
- Mad Interviews a Typical "Middle American" Family (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #147December 1971
- If Nixon Were President During Custer's Last Stand (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #149March 1972
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Moving Company (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #152July 1972
- Mad's Educator of the Year (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Manic (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #153September 1972
- Typical Sports Movie of the Past (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Typical Sports Movie of the Present (Writer with Jack Davis)
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a Political Convention (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #154October 1972
- When Watching Television, You Can Be Sure of Seeing... (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #160July 1973
- Mad's Corporate Ecologist of the Year (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Going Thy Way (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Going Way Out (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #162October 1973
- A Mad City Street Scene We'd Like to See (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- A Mad Suburban Street Scene We'd Like to See (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #163December 1973
- A Mad Look at Two Grammar School Generations (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Picket & Strike (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Malice in Wonderland, or Watergate - - Through the Looking Glass (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #170October 1974
- Mad "Singles Only" Resort Owner of the Year (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #171December 1974
- Poor Richard's Almanac (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- You Have Reached a State of Apathy When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #172January 1975
- A Downer Is... (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- The Six Million Dollars, Man (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #174April 1975
- A White House "Garage Sale" (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- It Almost Restores Your Faith When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #175June 1975
- A Mad Look at Commuting (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad's College Football Coach of the Year (Writer with Jack Davis)
- It's Bad Timing When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #180January 1976
- TV Disclaimers We'd Like to See (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Mad's CIA Agent of the Year (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #182April 1976
- A Mad Gallery of People It's Hard to Feel Sorry For (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #183June 1976
- Take It With a Grain of Salt When... (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Barfetta (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #187December 1976
- Mad's "Undercover Revolutionary" of the Year (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #189March 1977
- It's Adding Insult to Injury When... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- Welcome Back, Klodder (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #193September 1977
- When Members of Our Armed Forces Join a Union (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Churlie's Angles (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #194October 1977
- If Today's Sex Symbols Weren't in Show Biz (Writer with Harry North)
- Mad's "Religious Cult Leader" of the Year (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Lavoine & Shoiley (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #196January 1978
- Mad's Literary Agent of the Year (Writer with Harry North)
- A Mad Look at a Modern High School (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #197March 1978
- Mad Goes to a Preview of an "In Search of ..." Movie (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #199June 1978
- Mad's Real-Life "Catch-22's" (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- We Could Sure Do Without (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
- What Happened? (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #205March 1979
- Some Really Dangerous Stunts We'd Like to See Evel Knievel Do on TV (Writer with Jack Davis)
- Kid's Letters to Santa After Xmas (Writer)
MAD Magazine #207June 1979
- Didja Ever Notice That... (Writer with Robert G. "Bob" Jones)
- The Mad Success Primer of the '70's or How to Succeed Without Working (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #209September 1979
- Mad's "Judge of the Year" (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Shmork & Windy (Writer with Dick DeBartolo, Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #212January 1980
- Mad's "Children's Movie Producer of the Year" (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #214April 1980
- Mad's "Necromania Agent" of the Year (Writer with Harry North)
- The White, Shadowed (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #215June 1980
- Mad's "TV Guide" Textbook (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Six Minutes on "The Return of the Draft" (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #216July 1980
- Mad's Plan to Make the Congressional TV Show More Entertaining (Writer with Jack Davis)
- A High School Yearbook for Average Clods (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #223June 1981
- Dullus (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- The Old Gray Line (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- The New Gray Line (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #224July 1981
- Who Are You Gonna Blame...? (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Har to Har (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #237March 1983
- The 1982 Mad Yearbook (Writer)
- Mad's School Teacher of the Year (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #239June 1983
- Simple & Simple (Writer with Mort Drucker, Dick DeBartolo)
- Mad's "Defense Contractor" of the Year (Writer with Al Jaffee)
MAD Magazine #243December 1983
- The Book of Mad (Writer with Don Martin, Bob Clarke, Dave Berg, Jack Rickard, Jack Davis, George Woodbridge, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- T.J. Shnooker (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #256July 1985
- Die-Nasty (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- The Mad Wrestling Primer (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #259December 1985
- Mad's Snappy Comments On Stupid Government Policies And Abuses (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #260January 1986
- A "Miranda Law" For Everyday Victims (Writer with George Woodbridge)
- Sicky Minutes Looks At... Sex and Violence In America Today! (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #264July 1986
- THe Reagan White House Garage Sale (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- When the Rambo Influence Spreads Everywhere (Writer with John Prete, Angelo Torres)
- Mad's Wrestling Promoter of the Year (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #268January 1987
- A Mad Peek behind the Scenes at a Terrorist Training Camp (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
- Famous Stories as Told by Famous People (Writer with Bob Clarke)
MAD Magazine #270April 1987
- Banana Republic Dictator of the Year (Writer with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
MAD Magazine #272July 1987
- When American TV Programs Are Shown in Russia (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Mad Visits an Organ Transplant Hospital (Writer with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
MAD Magazine #273September 1987
- The Mad D.J. Primer (Writer with Jack Davis)
- The Andy Grinning Show (Writer with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #277March 1988
- Step Through the Looking Glass For Wonderland Revisited (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Mad's TV Newsreporter of the Year (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #280July 1988
- Mad's Comprehensive Modern-Day Disaster, Hazard & Problem Insurance (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #283December 1988
- More Famous Stories Told By Famous People (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- A Mad Peek (Comedy Club) Behind The Scenes (Artist with Sam Viviano)
MAD Magazine #286April 1989
- Personal Ads That Remind Us Of Somebody We Know Or Nah, It Couldn't Be Them! (Writer)
- Back Cover: A Mad Fish Story (Writer with Richard Williams)
MAD Magazine #290October 1989
- MAD Visits a Fat Farm (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- Did You Ever Notice That the Same People Who… (Writer with Harry North)
MAD Magazine #292January 1990
- Six Minutes Looks At... Smoking (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- One Typical Afternoon In The Bronx (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #301March 1991
- A Mad Peek...Behind The Scenes (The TV News Business) (Writer with Mort Drucker)

MAD Magazine #17February 2021
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes At A Comic Book Convention (Writer with Joey Townsel, Sergio Aragonés)

MAD Magazine #8February 1975
- MAD Apresenta o Instituto de Pesquisas do Ano (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #9March 1975
- Você Sabe que Chegou a um Estado de Apatia Quando... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
MAD Magazine #11March 1975
- MAD Vê os Transportes Urbanos (Writer with Bob Clarke)
- Você Sabe que É Fora de Hora Quando... (Writer with Jack Rickard)
- TV satire: “O Homem dos Seis Milhões de Centavos” (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #15September 1975
- Movie satire: “Assim” de Mortos no Oriente Express” (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #21March 1976
- Episódios Finais MAD para Programas que Já Duraram Demais (Writer with Angelo Torres, Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #67January 1980
- Cartas para o Papai Noel, Após o Natal (Writer with Waldemar Valim)
- TV satire: “Chopps” (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #90November 1981
- TV satire: “Dá-las” (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- O Reverendo do Ano (Eleito pelo MAD) (Writer with George Woodbridge)
MAD Magazine #101November 1982
- Entrevista Altamente Radioativa na Usina de Sangra (Writer with Jack Davis)

MAD Magazine #4October 1984
- O Livro MAD (Writer with George Woodbridge, Paul Coker, Jr., Bob Clarke, Don Martin, Dave Berg, Jack Rickard, Jack Davis)
MAD Magazine #14September 1985
- Cartilha MAD da Luta Livre (Writer with Jack Davis)
- TV satire: 'Caca Dupla' ['Carga Dupla'/'Simon & Simon'] (Writer with Mort Drucker, Dick DeBartolo)
MAD Magazine #18February 1986
- TV satire: 'Escarro Comando' ['Carro Comando'/'T.J. Hooker'] (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #26January 1987
- MAD Vê os Bastidores de um Acampamento de Terroristas (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #28March 1987
- O Ditador de Republiqueta do Ano (Writer with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
MAD Magazine #29April 1987
- TV satire: 'O Xoxô da Lucy' ['O Show da Lucy'/'I Love Lucy'] (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #32August 1987
- Quando os Enlatados Americanos Forem Exibidos na Rússia (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- MAD Visita um Hospital de Transplante de Órgãos (Writer with Harvey Kurtzman, Bill Elder)
MAD Magazine #36December 1987
- MAD Vê os Bastidores de uma Convenção de Quadrinhos (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)
MAD Magazine #44August 1988
- TV satire: ‘Ilha da Porcaria’ [‘A Ilha da Fantasia’/‘Fantasy Island’] (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Magazine #45September 1988
- A Apólice de Seguro MAD para Desastres & Acidentes dos Dias de Hoje (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- O Repórter de TV do Ano (Writer with Mort Drucker)
MAD Magazine #66September 1990
- MAD Visita uma Faculdade de Direito Moderna (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)

MAD Magazine #74October 2014
- Galeria MAD: Pessoas de Quem Não Sentimos Pena (Writer with Jack Rickard)

- TV satire: ‘Os Invazorras’ [‘Os Invasores’/‘The Invaders’] (Writer with Jack Davis)

MAD Especial (Record) #9March 1991
- Baixo Astral É… (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
- O Dia dos Desarvorados (Writer with Jack Davis)
MAD Especial (Record) #10July 1991
- TV satire: ‘Miami Vai-se’ [‘Miami Vice’] (Writer with Mort Drucker)
- TV satire: ‘O Homem dos Seis Milhões de Centavos’ [‘O Homem de Seis Milhões de Dólares’/‘The Six Million Dollar Man’] (Writer with Angelo Torres)
MAD Especial (Record) #12February 1992
- MAD Vê os Bastidores de um Acampamento de Terroristas (Writer with Sergio Aragonés)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #9August 2004
- TV satire: 'As Patetas' [Charlie’s Angels] (Writer with Angelo Torres)

MAD Magazine #4May 1975
- Columbio. (Parodia de la serie televisiva Columbo, Colombo en España, protagonizada por Peter Falk) (Writer with Angelo Torres)
- Humor fotográfico (Writer with Irving Schild)
MAD Magazine #5June 1975
- McClod (Parodia de la serie televisiva McCloud, protagonizada por Dennis Weaver como el sheriff Sam McCloud que debe desempeñar su labor en Nueva York) (Writer with Angelo Torres)
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications