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We are desperately looking for pictures of Rich Powell. Drop us a mail here!
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Contributions by Rich Powell

MAD Magazine #460December 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Timothy Shamey, Tom Nick Cocotos, Leonardo Rodriguez, Don Edwing, Ross Garmil, Mark Cantrell, Matthew A. Cohen, Kevin Pope, Desmond Devlin, Huw Evans, Grey Blackwell, P.C. Vey, Ray Alma)
MAD Magazine #470October 2006
- List of all contributors (Author with Kiernan P. Schmitt, Jeff Kruse, Jacob Lambert, Adam Zyglis, Patrick Merrel, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, P.C. Vey, Johnny Ryan, Garth Gerhart, Scott Maiko, Jack Syracuse)
MAD Magazine #481September 2007
- The young Mans guide to successful mall romance (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
MAD Magazine #482October 2007
- MAD's 50 Worst Things about Advertising (Artist with Hermann Mejia, Jack Syracuse, Peter Bagge, Drew Friedman, Jose Garibaldi, Tom Bunk, Evan Dorkin, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Jeff Kruse, Kevin Pope, Charles Akins, Scott Bricher, Sam Viviano, Peter Kuper, Mort Drucker, Sergio Aragonés, Dave Crosland, Francis Mao, Sam Sisco, Tom Fowler, Rick Tulka, Marc Hempel, Tom Richmond, Irving Schild, Angelo Torres, Al Jaffee, Tim Hamilton, Paul Coker, Jr., Timothy Shamey, Sarah Dyer, Bob Staake, Scott Maiko, Leonardo Rodriguez, John Caldwell)
MAD Magazine #550April 2018
- Useful Things to do with Your Old Fidget Spinner (Artist with Mike Morse)

MAD Magazine #18September 2009
- O Guia para Jovens Rapazes que Querem Conquistar Garotas no Shopping (Artist with Jacob Lambert)
MAD Magazine #64November 2013
- Cinco Vantagens do Novo Boeing Dreamliner (Artist with Shira Rachel Danan)
MAD Magazine #77December 2014
- As 50 Piores Coisas sobre a Comida (Artist with Josh Mecouch, Peter Kuper, Justin Peterson, Desmond Devlin)

MAD Magazine #111December 2007
- MADs Leitfaden für eine Erfolgreiche Einkaufscenter Romanze (Artist with Jacob Lambert, Oliver Naatz)