A lifelong reader of MAD (except that one summer when was going through his ‘Amish phase’) Scott has been a contributor to the magazine since 2007 and is the proud creator of Projectile Vomit Baby, MAD’s grossest comic strip. Scott often collaborates with Kit Lively, and the two have worked tirelessly to spread their idiocy around the globe, including foreign editions of MAD. Looking for ways to avoid spending time with his family, Scott produces the syndicated comic strip EEK!, creates humorous greeting cards, writes children’s books, draws gag cartoons for national magazines, and works full-time for Jim Davis, the creator of GARFIELD. When not toiling at his craft, Scott enjoys listening to banjo music and milking Schnauzers.
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Contributions by Scott Nickel

- List of all contributors (Author with Darren Johnson, Bob Staake, P.C. Vey, Kevin Pope, Tom Bunk, Dan Long, Kiernan P. Schmitt, Rick Tulka, John Caldwell, Dick DeBartolo, Matthew A. Cohen, Jeff Kruse, Leonardo Rodriguez, Scott Bricher, Paul Coker, Jr.)
- List of all contributors (Author with Kevin Pope, Jacob Lambert, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Hermann Mejia, Barry Liebmann, Rick Tulka, Jack Syracuse, Desmond Devlin, Dave Hanson, Garth Gerhart)
- The Cougar (Episode 1) (Artist, Writer)
- The Cougar (Episode 2) (Artist, Writer)
- The Cougar (Episode 3) (Writer, Artist)
- Zombie Love Is... (Artist, Writer)
- Twitter (Sung to the Tune of Michael Jackson's "Thriller") (Writer with Hermann Mejia)
- Zombie Love Is... (Writer, Artist)
- Zombie Love Is... (Writer, Artist)
- Projectile Vomit Baby (Artist)
- 6. Charlie Sheen Self-Destructs - "Sheen Lantern" - (Green Lantern Comic Book Cover Parody) (Artist with Tom Richmond, Kit Lively)
- The Dork Side (Artist with Kit Lively)
- Projectile Vomit Baby Through History (Writer, Artist)
- WTF Jeff? or My Roommate Might Be a Serial Killer (Artist with Kit Lively)

- Final Frightful Funny! - (originally Plugged Nickel) (Artist with Kit Lively)

- Festival de Tiras: “Merchan de Produtos em Filmes de Terror”, A Máquina que Viaja pelo Tempo”, “Cenas Cortadas Apresenta ‘Clube da Luta’”, “Ooops”, “As Aparências Enganam” (Artist, Writer with Joey Alison Sayers, Douglas Paszkiewicz, Stan Arrowood, Paul Gilligan)
- Festival de Tiras: “A Máquina que Viaja pelo Tempo”, “O Lado Babaca”, “A Homepage da Sua Mãe É Tão Feia…”, “Sendo Curto e Grosso…”, “As Legendárias Entregas de Pete Zahn”, “Os Colegas de Quarto: John, Joe e Jerry”, “Certa Adorável Manhã de Páscoa…” (Author with Tony Murphy, Joey Alison Sayers, Todd Clark, Dan Long, Christopher Baldwin, John Kovaleski)
- “Zé Mané & Zé José – Guia da Saúde Pessoal”, “Parece Mentira, mas É Verdade!”, “A Coroa (Episódio 1)”, “LeLievre e Deixe LeLievre”, “Amorim”, “A Visita que Ninguém Quer Receber” (Author with Evandro Alves, Kevin Pope, Carlos Alberto da Costa Amorim, Renato Machado, Glen LeLievre, Desmond Devlin)
- 'Mitos Médicos que Você não Deveria Acreditar', “O Covil do Ryan”, “A Coroa (Episódio 2)” (Author with Ryan Pagelow, Tom Bunk, Jeff Kruse)
- 'Dando Cinco Rapidinhas – 5 Razões pra que a Microsoft Pense que Você Vai Amar o Windows 7' “Bola Katz do Bom”, “Certo Dia no Deserto”, “A Coroa (Episódio 3)”, “Faça Seu Próprio Título de Best-Seller” (Author with Jackson, John Caldwell, Farley Katz, Darren Johnson, Dick DeBartolo)
- Festival de Tiras: “Só Dói Quando Dou Risada”, “A Máquina que Viaja pelo Tempo”, “Blogueiros Através dos Tempos”, “O Lado Estúpido…”, “Outro Dia no Deserto”, “As Aparências Enganam” (Author with Christopher Baldwin, Feggo, Joey Alison Sayers, Dustin Glick, Douglas Paszkiewicz)
- Festival de Tiras: 'Jungle Jeff', 'Rex in the City', 'Só Dói Quando Dou Risada', 'Bebê Disparador de Vômito', 'As Aparências Enganam', 'Fantabulaman' (Author with Dan Thompson, Douglas Paszkiewicz, Christopher Baldwin, Dustin Glick, Ted Rall)
- Vale um Níquel (Artist with Kit Lively)
- Festival de Tiras: ‘Vômito Potente de Bebê’ (Artist, Writer)
- Festival de Tiras: 'Que P**** É Essa? Ou Meu Inquilino Pode Ser um Serial Killer (Artist with Kit Lively)
- Festival de Tiras: 'Que P**** É Essa? Ou Meu Inquilino Pode Ser um Serial Killer (Artist with Kit Lively)
- Festival de Tiras: "Que P... É Essa ou Meu Colega de Quarto Pode Ser um Serial Killer" (Artist with Kit Lively)
- Festival de Tiras: "Que P... É Essa ou Meu Colega de Quarto Pode Ser um Serial Killer" (Artist with Kit Lively)
- Festival de Tiras: "Que P... É Essa ou Meu Colega de Quarto Pode Ser um Serial Killer (Artist with Kit Lively)