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Contributions by Ted Rall
USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
MAD Magazine #457September 2005
- List of all contributors (Author with Timothy Shamey, Mike Snider, Jack Syracuse, Peter Kuper, Paul Coker, Jr., Nate Fakes, Jacob Lambert, Franklin "Frank" Jacobs, Scott Mendenhall, Patrick Merrel, Barry Liebmann, Peter Bagge, Dick DeBartolo)
- Fantabulaman (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #464April 2006
- 7 periods closer to death: Mensa meeting alt tues except 2nd tues (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #465May 2006
- 7 periods closer to death: Dance cancelled (Artist, Writer)
- Fantabulaman (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #477May 2007
- 7 periods closer to death (Writer, Artist)
- The unnervingly continous adventures of Fantabulaman (Artist)
MAD Magazine #483November 2007
- 7 periods closer to death - We apologize 4 our appearanceduring renovations (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #486February 2008
- The Origin of Fantabulaman (Artist, Writer)
- Happy Hour Candidate Rundown (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #491July 2008
- Things we'd like to see at this year's political conventions (Writer, Artist)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #37November 2005
- “Confissões na Banheira com Padre Benevides”, “Hospício Lelé”, “Waldirley, o Cartunista Invisível”, “Firmino, o Zelador do Zoológico”, “Mona Lisa e Mona Lusa”, “Viva a Gordura!, por Jô Gordo”, “Rob, o Robô Sacana”, “Como Fazer um Punk Sorrir”, “Dona Fulustreca Visita Nova York”, “Asdrú (Author with Waldirley, Otacílio d’Assunção, Chiquinha, Mo Willems, Keith Knight, Paul Coker, Jr., Pupuca de Sá, Corey Pandolph, Garth Gerhart, Leonardo & Duchamp)
MAD Magazine #38January 2006
- “Urso Dildo”, “Rob, o Robô Sacana”, “Azevedo”, “Os Invisíveis”, “Asdrúbal, o Eqüino”, “Mona Lisa e Mana Lisa”, “Viva a Gordura!, por Jô Gordo”, “Confissões na Banheira com Padre Benevides”, “Fantabulaman” (Author with Chiquinha, Waldirley, Keith Knight, Pupuca de Sá, Corey Pandolph, Garth Gerhart, Leonardo & Pablo, Kemp)
MAD Magazine #40March 2006
- "Amely, uma Mulher de Verdade", "Rob, o Robô Sacana", "Os Invisíveis", "Salmonellas", "Bar da Tia Chica", "Salmonellas Bis", "Fantabulaman", "Mona Lisa e Mona Lusa", "Urso Dildo", "Viva a Gordura!" (Author with Chiquinha, Pupuca de Sá, Corey Pandolph, Benett, Kemp, Leonardo, Pryscila Vieira, Waldirley)
MAD Magazine #42August 2006
- "Fantabulaman", "Amely, uma Mulher de Verdade", "O Jovem Nostradamus", "Viva a Gordura!", "Tiras de Nenhum Lugar", "Os Invisíveis", "Turma da Masmorra" (Author with Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira, Waldirley, Pryscila Vieira, M.K. Perker, Douglas Paszkiewicz, Pupuca de Sá, Simon Rich)
MAD Magazine #44October 2006
- "Tira Gosto", "Confissões na Banheira com Padre Benevides", "Fantabulaman" (Writer, Artist with Rich Moyer, Keith Knight)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #16July 2009
- Festival de Tiras: “Refletindo sobre o Verdadeiro Significado das Coisas…”, “Mundobrabos”, “O Maior Cover do Aragonés em ‘MAD Vê os Transformers’”, “Curto e Grosso”, “A Origem de Fantabulaman” (Author with Johann Vernizzi, Pablo Mayer, Dan Long, Rob Harrell)
MAD Magazine #31October 2010
- Festival de Tiras: 'Jungle Jeff', 'Rex in the City', 'Só Dói Quando Dou Risada', 'Bebê Disparador de Vômito', 'As Aparências Enganam', 'Fantabulaman' (Author with Dan Thompson, Douglas Paszkiewicz, Christopher Baldwin, Dustin Glick, Scott Nickel)
Brasil • Various MAD Books