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Contributions by Amanda Conner

MAD Magazine #382June 1999
- If Truth in Advertising Laws Applied to Comic Book Previews (Artist with Barry Liebmann)
MAD Magazine #386October 1999
- Mad-sterpiece Theater: "The Pokémon Playhouse" (Artist with Michael Gallagher)
MAD Magazine #402February 2001
- Suburban Deviants and Their Really Minor Crimes (Artist with Ryan Pagelow)
MAD Magazine #405May 2001
- A Mad Peek Behind the Scenes at a College Admissions Office (Artist with Amy Gillett)
MAD Magazine #407July 2001
- You've Officially Become Your Mother/Father When... (Artist with Butch D'Ambrosio)
MAD Magazine #433September 2003
- The Differences Between Hogwarts and Your School (Artist with Bill Wray, Wildstorm, Desmond Devlin)
MAD Magazine #441May 2004
- List of all contributors (Author with Mike Snider, Tom Cheney, Jeff Kruse, Charles Akins, Ray Alma, Desmond Devlin, Tom Nick Cocotos, Arie Kaplan, Garth Gerhart, Kevin Pope, Irving Schild, Al Jaffee, Tom Bunk, Patrick Merrel, Don Vaughan, Scott Maiko, John Caldwell, Jack Syracuse, Drew Friedman)
MAD Magazine #456August 2005
- A Kid's guide to B.S.-ing through life the George W.Bush way (Artist with Mark Cantrell)

MAD Magazine #23February 2022
- Suburban Deviants and Their Really Minor Crimes (Artist with Ryan Pagelow)

MAD Magazine #153November 1999
- Porca Miséria! É o Porkamãe! – Ato I: “Incidente na Loja de Brinquedos” (Artist with Michael Gallagher)
- Porca Miséria! É o Pórkamãe! – Ato II: “Confisco na Sala de Aula” (Artist with Michael Gallagher)
MAD Magazine #154December 1999
- O Checklist de Gibis que Gostaríamos de Ver (Artist with Barry Liebmann)

MAD Magazine #22January 2004
- Você Sabe que Virou Sua Mãe.../Você Sabe que Virou Seu Pai... (Artist with Butch D'Ambrosio)
MAD Magazine #25May 2004
- Manual de Etiqueta para los Argentinos que Vienen Passar Sus Férias nel Brasil (Artist with Butch D'Ambrosio)
MAD Magazine #26June 2004
- As Diferenças entre Hogwarts e Sua Escola (Artist with Wildstorm, Desmond Devlin, Bill Wray)

Mini-MAD (Mythos) #1June 2006
- As Diferenças entre Hogwarts e Sua Escola (Artist with Bill Wray, Desmond Devlin)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #2July 2006
- Você Sabe que Virou Sua Mãe.../Você Sabe que Virou Seu Pai... (Artist with Butch D'Ambrosio)
- Você Sabe que Virou Sua Mãe.../Você Sabe que Virou Seu Pai... (Artist with Butch D'Ambrosio)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #3August 2006
- Manual de Etiqueta para los Argentinos que Vienem Passar Sus Férias nel Brasil (Artist with Butch D'Ambrosio)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #15December 2006
- Selecionando a Tribo Certa do Colegial pra Você (Artist with Hermann Mejia, Leslie Sternbergh, Kyle Baker, Timothy Shamey, Ray Alma, Tom Bunk, R.J. Matson, Mike Snider, Bill Wray)

MAD Magazine #2August 2004
- Diferencias entre Hogwarts y Tu Escuela (Artist with Bill Wray, Wildstorm, Desmond Devlin)