Please help!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Felipe Cazale. Drop us a mail here!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Felipe Cazale. Drop us a mail here!
Contributions by Felipe Cazale
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #24April 2004
- Semelhanças da Luma com Outras Celebridades (Author with Carlos Alberto "Xalberto" Paes Oliveira, César Lobo, Fernando Brum, Pato Puto, Otacílio d’Assunção, Ed Da Silva Rodrigues)
MAD Magazine #31January 2005
- Dossiê sobre o Bob Esponja (Writer with Greg Leitman, Renato Martins, Jack Syracuse, Otto Pestana, Jeff Kruse, Luciano Félix, Gary Hallgren, Marcelo Martinez)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #7September 2008
- TV satire: "Os Mutretas – Caminhos da Copiação" (Writer with Luciano Félix)
Brasil • Mini-MAD (Mythos) (Mythos)
Mini-MAD (Mythos) #5October 2006
- Dossiê sobre o Bob Esponja (Writer with Greg Leitman, Renato Martins, Jack Syracuse, Otto Pestana, Jeff Kruse, Luciano Félix, Gary Hallgren, Marcelo Martinez)