Leslie Sternbergh is a NYC-based redhead & mostly self-taught cartoonist, artist & writer, originally from York, PA, whose work is comprised of llustrations, underground & mainstream comix & articles for comics & magazines including MAD, Vogue, SCREW, Juxtapoz, WEIRDO, Twisted Sisters, Wimmen's Comix, Dori Stories, DC's Big Book of Wild Women, Big Book of Urban Legends & Big Book of Thugs, History of the Marvel Universe, Wonder Woman, Cherry, The Comics Journal, & many more. She is married to inventor & mathematician Adam Alexander.
So far as anyone knows, Leslie Sternbergh is the first woman artist to have received a call-back to draw a second (third, etc) art job for MAD, in the mid-1990's (what took them so long?)
It was with much pleasure that Adam Alexander & Leslie enjoyed an opportunity to meet MAD genius
artist Will Elder at 2000's SDCC - where, at his request (& with the blessings of Mrs. Elder) Leslie
lent the great artist some of her hair, as documented in this photo by their pal Steve Ringgenberg.
A complete list of example works that I drew for MAD may be found online at http://www.madcoversite.com/ugoi-leslie_sternbergh.html
Leslie & Adam Alexander are at present - until October 18 - endeavoring to raise money in NYC by, among other things, fundraising with an art sale crowdsource site - if you wish to collect great artwork by any of several great artists, or to own any of Leslie's comix work - including a lot comprised of everything Leslie Sternbergh contributed to MAD magazine (2 dozen + pages plus lots of extras) - thanks in advance for viewing their Indiegogo campaign at
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Contributions by Leslie Sternbergh

- Mad's Parental Guide for Safe MTV Viewing (Artist with Desmond Devlin, Ray Burns)
- Maternity Girl (song parody of Madonna's Material Girl) (Artist with Franklin "Frank" Jacobs)
- Approaches to Avoid When Your Child's Pet Dies (Artist with Jeff Kruse)

- Song parody: “Veja a Barriga Dela!” (Artist with Paulo César Barreto)
- Abordagens a Evitar Quando o Bicho do Seu Filho Morrer (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- A Árvore Genealógica Anormal do MAD (Artist with Ryan Pagelow)
- Produtos para os Seus Velhos Pais Hippies (Artist with Jay Lynch)

- As Reações que Você Deve Evitar Quando o Bichinho do Seu Filho Morre (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- As Reações que Deve Evitar Ter Quando o Bichinho de Seu Filho Morre (Artist with Jeff Kruse)
- Desvendando a Geração MTV (Artist with Desmond Devlin)
- Selecionando a Tribo Certa do Colegial pra Você (Artist with Amanda Conner, Hermann Mejia, Kyle Baker, Timothy Shamey, Ray Alma, Tom Bunk, R.J. Matson, Mike Snider, Bill Wray)