The Complete MAD Paperback Gift Set List


MAD paperback boxed/gift sets are now all around 30 years old or more. They are very rare in most cases and especially rare in decent condition.

Some serious collectors don ‘t attempt to collect them, perhaps because of how hard they are to get and the expense, but I know some collector ‘s don ‘t see the point – since all the book titles already appear in their collection of the paperback books.

I see the gift-sets as being very interesting. The gift sets are much harder to find than any of the regular books, they look great, the books are often mint inside …and I see it as a great excuse to own more MAD paperbacks.

The 30 years or more of age, the reading of the books, the handling of the boxed sets etc, has led to a situation where it can be hard to know what original PRINTING of each book title belongs in each gift set, as the sets often seem to have had books substituted for one reason or another, by owners. Sometimes one or more books are missing.

I am not sure if anywhere there is an accurate list of MAD gift-box titles, WITH the original printing numbers they were issued with. – But I would like to know. I think it ‘s essential to hopefully have the original books, but at worst, the correct, identical printing as a substitute.

We are presenting a list of gift set titles & variations here – plus a work-in-progress list or tally, of what PRINTINGS collectors have in their gift sets. Obviously if the majority have a particular printing, then it ‘s more than likely that printing is the original one. – SO, hopefully collectors can compare and contribute to this list – please…even if it means undoing the plastic preservation covers and opening up 20 fragile boxes, friends.
Thanks for your help and hopefully the list can help you. – We also want to know every name and every variation of boxed sets, the list does not have them all yet. Please help if you can ?

Contact us here!


Now it’s also possible to download an Excel file containing all known MAD paperback sets including known printings:

MAD Paperback Gift Set List


Content List


Classically MAD

Classically MAD paperback Gift Set
Classically MAD paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
The MAD Reader – #28190 – Mingo Cover 27th 26th 27th
MAD Strikes Back – #28191 – Mingo Cover 25th 24th 25th
Inside MAD – #28192 – Mingo Cover 23rd 22nd 23rd
Utterly MAD – #28254 – Mingo Cover 18th 11th-17REV 11th
The Brothers MAD 12th 11th 12th

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Totally MAD

(With #345-24093-6-625 on Box)

Totally MAD paperback Gift Set
Totally MAD paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1*
 The MAD Reader – #25333 – Mingo Cover  25th
 MAD Strikes Back – #25339 – Mingo Cover 23rd
 Inside MAD – #25338 – Mingo Cover 21st
 Utterly MAD – #25340 – Mingo Cover 9th
 The Brothers MAD – #25283 – Mingo Cover 9th

* = At least 2 sets with same printings are known to exist

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Totally MAD

(Without Number on Box)

Totally MAD paperback Gift Set
Totally MAD paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 The MAD Reader – #25333 – Mingo Cover  25th 12th
 MAD Strikes Back – #25339 – Mingo Cover 23rd 23rd
 Inside MAD – #25338 – Mingo Cover 21st 21st
 Utterly MAD – #25340 – Mingo Cover Revised/9th 11th/9th Revised
 The Brothers MAD – #25283 – Mingo Cover 10th 10th

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An Insanely MAD Collection

Insanely MAD Collection
Insanely MAD Collection


An Insanely MAD Collection Front View
An Insanely MAD Collection Front View


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 MAD’s Don Martin Comes on Strong – #Y6854 6th 7th
 More MAD’s Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions – #Y6740 7th 9th
 The Self-Made MAD – #Y6981 11th 11th
 Sing Along With MAD – #Y6826 6th  7th

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It’s a MAD World

(Red Background)

It's a MAD World Paperback Gift Set (Red Background)
It’s a MAD World Paperback Gift Set (Red Background)


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 MAD Power – #Y6741 8th 9th 1st
 Mad About MAD – #Y6744 9th 9th 1st
 MADvertising – #Y6739 6th 6th 1st
 MAD’s Dave Berg Looks at Our Sick World – #Y7014 7th 6th 1st

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It’s A MAD World

(Pink Background)

It's a MAD World Paperback Gift Set (Pink Background)
It’s a MAD World Paperback Gift Set (Pink Background)


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
MADvertising – #Y6739 5th 5th
More MAD’s Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions – #Y6740 7th 7th
MAD’s Dave Berg Looks at Our Sick World ? 4th
MAD’s Don Martin Comes on Strong – #Q6386 5th 5th
Sing Along With MAD – #Q6394 5th 5th
MAD Power – #Y6741 7th 7th
The Self-Made MAD – #Q6631 10th 10th
MAD About MAD! – #Y6744 9th 8th

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The MAD Scene

(Red Background)

The MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set (Red Version)
The MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set (Red Version)


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 The Ides of MAD – #P3492 11th 13th 12th
 Three Ring MAD – #P3493 6th 7th 7th
 The Bedside MAD – #P3520 24th 23rd 23rd
 Boiling MAD – #P3523 6th 6th 6th
 The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs. Spy – #P3701 10th 10th 10th
It’s a World, World, World, World, MAD – #P3720 7th 8th 7th
The Voodoo MAD – #P3521 7th 9th 7th
Greasy MAD Stuff – #P3522 7th 9th 7th

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The MAD Scene

(Red Background with Signet Books $4.80)

The MAD Scene (Red Version with Signet Books $4.80)


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set3
 Son of MAD – #P3713 16th 15th 15th
The Voodoo MAD – #P3521 9th 9th 9th
 Good ‘n’ MAD – #P3824 3rd 3rd 3rd
 The Questionable MAD – #P3719 6th 6th 6th
 The Self-Made MAD – #P3716 8th 8th ?
Like, MAD – #P3491 16th 16th ?
Fighting Mad – #P3714 13th 13th ?
Raving MAD – #P3490 7th 7th ?

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The MAD Scene

(Pink Background / Purple Alfred)

The MAD Scene paperback Gift Set (Pink version, front)
The MAD Scene paperback Gift Set (Pink version, front)


The MAD Scene paperback Gift Set (Pink version, back)
The MAD Scene paperback Gift Set (Pink version, back)


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 The Portable MAD  3rd
 Good ‘N’ MAD 4th
 Dave Berg Looks at Things 5th
MAD for Better or Verse 6th
MAD in Orbit 12th
Don Martin Steps Out 16th
 The Ides of MAD 15th
 Howling MAD 6th

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The MAD Scene

(White Background Version 1)

The MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set (White Version)
The White MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set - Opened
The White MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set – Opened
The White MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set - Closed Side View
The White MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set – Closed Side View


The White MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set - Paperback View
The White MAD Scene Paperback Gift Set – Paperback View


the_mad_scene_white_box_side_2 the_mad_scene_white_box_front
the_mad_scene_white_box_side_1 the_mad_scene_white_box_side_3



Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1  Set2
 The Voodoo MAD – #D2276  5th 5th
 Son of MAD – #D2285 13th 13th
 Fighting MAD – #D2385 10th 10th
 The MAD Frontier – #D2499 9th 9th
MAD in Orbit – #D2617 7th 7th
It’s a World, World, World, World MAD ? 4th
Raving MAD – #D2864 3rd 3rd
 The Questionable MAD – #D3158 1st 1st

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The MAD Scene

(White Background Version 2)


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 The Ides of MAD 10th
 Three Ring MAD 6th
 The Bedside MAD 22nd
 Boiling MAD 3rd
 Spy vs Spy 7th
It’s a World, World, World, World MAD 7th
The Voodoo MAD 6th
 Greasy MAD Stuff 6th

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All versions of the MAD Scene Paperback Gift Sets
All versions of the MAD Scene Paperback Gift Sets



Completely MAD

(Green Background)

Completely MAD paperback Gift Set
Completely MAD paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 MAD’s Don Martin Cooks Up More Tales – #P3914 1st
 MAD For Better or Verse – #P3657 3rd
The MAD Adventures of Captain Klutz – #P3496 7th
MAD in Orbit – #P3494 10th
Don Martin Steps Out – #P3488 14th
 The Bedside MAD – #P3520 25th
 The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs. Spy – #P3701 11th
 The MAD Sampler – #P3495 7th

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Completely MAD

(Green Background with Alfred Heads)

Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 The MAD Sampler – #P3495  7th 7th
 The MAD Adventures of Captain Klutz – #P3496 7th 7th
 The Self-Made MAD – #P3716 6th 6th
 Raving MAD – #P3490 7th 6th
 Howling MAD – #P3613 5th 5th
Like, MAD – #P3491 16th 16th
MAD’s Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions – #P3555 8th 8th
Fighting Mad – #P3714 13th 13th

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Both green Completely MAD Gift sets (Paperback binder view)
Both green Completely MAD Gift sets (Paperback binder view)


Both green Completely MAD Gift sets (side view)
Both green Completely MAD Gift sets (side view)





Completely MAD

(Black Background)

Completely MAD paperback Gift Set
Completely MAD paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 MAD About MAD! – #T4619  12th 12th
 Three Ring MAD – #T4984 9th 9th
 MAD’s Dave Berg Looks at Our Sick World – # T4816 2nd 2nd
 MADvertising – #T5078 2nd 2nd
MAD’s Al Jaffee Spews Out More Snappy Answers…- #T4899 3rd 3rd
MAD Power – #T4952 5th 5th
MAD’s Dave Berg Looks at the U.S.A. – #T5043 9th 9th
 Sing Along With MAD – #T5035 2nd 2nd

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Completely MAD

(Black Background Version 2)


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 MAD About MAD! – #T4619  3rd 3rd
 Viva MAD! – #T4708 6th 6th
Fighting MAD – #T4757 14th 15th?
Hopping MAD – #T4844 4th 4th
MAD’s Al Jaffee Spews Out More Snappy Answers…- #T4899 3rd 2nd
 MAD Power – #T4952 2nd 3rd
 A MAD Look at Old Movies – #T5036 7th 7th
 Don Martin Bounces Back – #T5041 12th 12th

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Both black Completely MAD Gift sets (Paperback binder view)
Both black Completely MAD Gift sets (Paperback binder view)




Completely MAD

(Yellow Background)

Completely MAD paperback Gift Set
Completely MAD paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
 The MAD Sampler – #D2627  10th 1st 3rd 3rd 1st
 The Organization MAD – #D2286 10th 10th 13th 13th 12th
 Self-Made MAD – #D2561 1st 1st 4th 4th 1st
 The Ides of MAD – #D2384 7th 7th 8th 8th 6th
Three Ring MAD – #D2439 1st 1st 5th 5th 1st
Like MAD – #D2347 11th 11th 12th 12th 10th
Greasy MAD Stuff – #D2343 1st 1st 5th 5th 1st
 The Bedside MAD – #D2316 19th 19th 21th 21st 17th

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Completely MAD

(Black Background with orange Alfred(Misprint))

Completely MAD (Black Signet Version, front)
Completely MAD (Black Signet Version, front)



Black Completely MAD Gift set (Paperback binder view)
Black Completely MAD Gift set (Paperback binder view)


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 MAD’s Al Jaffee Spews Out More Snappy Answers…- #Q6292  5th
The Portable MAD – #Q6292 6th
Al Jaffee’s MAD Book of Magic – #Q6297 6th
The Voodoo MAD – #Q6245 13th
 MAD’s Dave Berg Looks at the U.S.A. – #Q6119 11th
 MADvertising – #Q6086 3rd
 MAD Power – #Q6293 6th
 Don Martin Cooks Up More Tales – #Q6295 6th

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Completely MAD

(Yellow Background Version 2)

Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set3
 Fighting MAD – #P3714  11th 10th 11th
 MAD’s A.J. Spews Out Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions – #P3555 4th 4th 4th
 Like, MAD – #P3491 13th 13th 12th
Howling MAD – #P3613 2nd 2nd 2nd
Raving MAD – #P3490 4th 4th 4th
The Self-Made MAD – #P3716 5th 5th 5th
 The MAD Adventures of Captain Klutz – #P3496 – Gold Lettering on Spine 5th 5th 5th
 The MAD Sampler – #P3495 4th 4th 4th

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Both yellow Completely MAD Gift sets (Paperback binder view)
Both yellow Completely MAD Gift sets (Paperback binder view)


Both yellow Completely MAD Gift sets (side view)
Both yellow Completely MAD Gift sets (side view)





Completely MAD

(6 Book Set – Black Background)

Completely MAD (Black Background, 2nd Version) - Front View
Front View

Unpacked View
Unpacked View

Binding View
Binding View

Completely MAD (Black Background, 2nd Version) - Side View
Side View


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 Self-Made MAD – #D2561  1st 1st 1st
 Three Ring MAD – #D2439 1st 1st 1st
 Like MAD – #D2347 11th ? 8th 9th
 The Ides of MAD – #D2384 7th ? 5th 5th
 Greasy MAD Stuff – #D2343 1st 1st 1st
The Bedside MAD – #D2316 19th ? 16th 15th

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Some of the 'Completely MAD' Gift Sets in a row
Some of the ‘Completely MAD’ Gift Sets in a row




The World Is Going MAD

The World is going MAD - Paperback Gift Set
The World is going MAD – Paperback Gift Set


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 Rip-Off MAD – #74-252 – Black/Red Lettering  2nd 2nd
 The MAD Book of Word Power – #74-024 – Red/Black Lettering 1st 1st
 The MAD Sampler – #74-111 – Red/Green Lettering 1st 2nd
 MAD About Sports – #64-969 – Red/Red Lettering 1st 1st
 The Non-Violent MAD – #64-946 – Red Lettering 4th 4th

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The MAD Sampler

(4 Book Set)

MAD Sampler Paperback Gift Set
MAD Sampler Paperback Gift Set


MAD Sampler Paperback Gift Set Side View
MAD Sampler Paperback Gift Set Side View


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 The MAD Sampler – #86-041 – Blue/Red Lettering  4th
 The Pocket MAD – #86-045 – White book with Black/Red Lettering 4th
 The Invisible MAD – #86-044 – Red Cover with Yellow/Blue Lettering 2nd
 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. MAD – #86-046 – Green/Red Lettering 2nd

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The MAD Sampler #2 – A Collection of Wit, Man!

The MAD Sampler Box is a collection of wit, man! Paperback Gift set
The MAD Sampler Box is a collection of wit, man! Paperback Gift set


The MAD Sampler Box is a collection of wit, man! Paperback Gift set Side View
The MAD Sampler Box is a collection of wit, man! Paperback Gift set Side View


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 The Bedside MAD #6 – Blue/Red Lettering  2nd 2nd
 The Organization MAD – Yellow/Red Lettering 1st 3rd
 MAD’s Cradle to Grave Primer – Red/Black Lettering 1st 1st
 The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs. Spy – 3rd 3rd
 It’s a World, World, World, World MAD – Black/Red Lettering 2nd 2nd

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MAD Paperback Gift Set

MAD Paperback Gift Set
MAD Paperback Gift Set


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 Polyunsaturated MAD – #64-702 – Black/Red Lettering 6th 2nd
 The Dirty Old MAD – ##64-577 – Red/Red Lettering 6th 6th
 The Recycled MAD – #64-836 – Red/Red Lettering  1st 1st
 The Non-Violent MAD – #64-946 1st 1st
MAD-Ly Yours – #64-872 – Pink Lettering 1st 1st
The Third MAD Dossier of Spy vs Spy 2nd 2nd

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Gold Box)

A Certifiably MAD Paperback Gift Set
A Certifiably MAD Paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 MAD as The Devil! – Pink/Red/Orange Lettering  5th 5th 5th
 Don Martin Forges Ahead #9 – Red/Yellow/Blue Lettering 4th 4th 5th
 MAD’s Spy vs. Spy Follow-Up File #2 5th 6th 6th
 The Third MAD Dossier of Spy vs. Spy 11th 12th 12th
 Don Martin Bounces Back #2 – Red/Black/Green/Pink Lettering 4th 5th 5th

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Orange Box)

A Certifiably MAD Collection
A Certifiably MAD Collection


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 The Questionable MAD #22 – Green Cover with Yellow/Orange Lettering  6th 1st
 Al Jaffee’s MAD Inventions #6 – White/Blue/Pink Lettering 3rd 1st
 Don Martin Drops 13 Stories! – Blue/Black/Salmon/Pink Lettering 10th 2nd
 The MAD Guide to Careers #2  2nd 1st
 Sing Along With MAD #2 – Green/Pink/Blue Lettering 3rd 1st

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Green Box)

A Certifiably MAD Paperback Gift Set
A Certifiably MAD Paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 Good ‘n’ MAD – #26 – White/Blue Lettering  4th 4th 1st
 Steaming MAD – #39 – Yellow/Baby Blue Lettering 5th 3rd 1st
 The MAD Book of Magic and Other Dirty Tricks – #2 – Pink/Blue/Green Lettering 3rd 3rd 1st
 Dave Berg Looks at Things – Blue/Pink/Black Lettering 5th 5th 1st
 A MAD Guide to Leisure Time – Red/Black/Yellow Lettering 3rd 3rd 1st

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Blue Box)

A Certifiably MAD Paperback Gift Set
A Certifiably MAD Paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
 In MAD We Trust -Yellow Cover with Red Lettering  7th 7th 7th 1st
 Don Martin Cooks Up More Tales – Red/Blue/Cranberry Lettering 4th 3rd 4th 1st
 Looks Around – Blue & White Cover with Red/White Lettering 4th 4th 4th 1st
 The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs. Spy 9th 9th 8th 1st
 MAD (Yecch!) Monstrosities – Yellow/Dark Orange Lettering 5th 5th 4th 1st

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4 versions of 'A Certifiably MAD Collection' in a row
4 versions of ‘A Certifiably MAD Collection’ in a row




A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Gold Box – Plain Background)

Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 ?  ?
 ? ?
 ? ?
 ? ?
 ? ?

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Orange Box – Plain Background)

A Certifiably MAD Collection Paperback Gift Set
A Certifiably MAD Collection Paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
A MAD Guide to Careers  ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Green Box – Plain Background)

Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
?  ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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A Certifiably MAD Collection

(Blue Box – Plain Background)

A Certifiably MAD Collection Paperback Gift Set
A Certifiably MAD Collection Paperback Gift Set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 The MAD Guide to Self Improvement ?
 More MAD about Sports ?
 Invisible MAD ?
 Dave Berg Loving Look ?
 Son of MAD ?

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MAD’s Don Martin: The Whole ‘Don’ Set

(Green Suit Version)

MAD's Don Martin - The whole 'Don' set
MAD’s Don Martin – The whole ‘Don’ set


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 Don Martin Carries On – Blue/Cranberry Lettering 10th 11th 10th
 Don Martin Drops 13 Stories! – Yellow/Black/Green Lettering 13th 12th 13th
 Don Martin Cooks Up More Tales – #5 – Red/Green/Gold Lettering 6th 7th 7th
 Don Martin Steps Further Out – #8 – Green/Blue/Aqua Lettering 7th 7th 7th
 Don Martin Forges Ahead – #9 -Blue/Green/Light Green Lettering 7th 7th 7th

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MAD’s Don Martin: The Whole ‘Don’ Set

(Yellow Suit Version)

MAD's Don Martin - The whole 'Don' set
MAD’s Don Martin – The whole ‘Don’ set


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 Don Martin Drops 13 Stories! – Yellow/Black/Blue/Lavender Lettering 14th
 Don Martin Forges Ahead – #9 -White/Cranberry/Red Lettering 8th
 Don Martin Steps Out! – #1 – Red/Green/Black/Pink Lettering 9th
 Don Martin Digs Deeper – #10 – Blue/Peach/Red Lettering 6th
 Don Martin Steps Further Out – Blue/Purple/Dark Purple Lettering 9th

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Don Martin Carries On

MAD's Don Martin carries on
MAD’s Don Martin carries on


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 Don Martin Carries On – Red/Blue Lettering  4th
 Don Martin Steps Out! – #1 – Red/Gold/Black/Red Lettering 2nd
 Don Martin Steps Further Out – Red/Purple/Dark Purple Lettering 1st
 Don Martin Drops 13 Stories! – Red/Red/Blue/Black Lettering 3rd

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All three Don Martin paperback gift sets in a row
All three Don Martin paperback gift sets in a row




A Certifiably MAD Prohias Spy vs. Spy

The certifiably MAD Prohias Spy vs. Spy Paperback Gift Set
The certifiably MAD Prohias Spy vs. Spy Paperback Gift Set


 Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
 The All New MAD Secret File on Spy vs. Spy  13th 13th 1st
 MAD’s Spy vs. Spy Follow-Up File #2 10th 9th 1st
 The Third MAD Dossier of Spy vs. Spy 15th 15th 2nd
 The Fourth MAD Declassified Papers on Spy vs. Spy 10th 10th 1st
 The Fifth MAD Report on Spy vs. Spy 4th 4th 1st

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Five MAD Books, Gold Book-Ends by Warner

Golden Bookend paperback Gift Set Front View
Golden Bookend paperback Gift Set Front View


Golden Bookend paperback Gift Set Side View
Golden Bookend paperback Gift Set Side View


 Paperback Title   Printings available
Set 1
 Spy vs. Spy Follow up file. $1.25 ?
Incurably MAD $1.25 ?
Don Martin Steps Out $1.25 ?
Still More Snappy Answers #5 $1.25 ?
Dave Berg Looks Around #7 $1.25 ?

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Five MAD Books, Red Book-Ends by Warner

Red Bookend paperback Gift Set


Red Bookend paperback Gift Set - Front View
Red Bookend paperback Gift Set – Front View

Red Bookend paperback Gift Set - Back View
Red Bookend paperback Gift Set – Back View

Red Bookend paperback Gift Set - Binder View
Red Bookend paperback Gift Set – Binder View

Red Bookend paperback Gift Set - Side View
Red Bookend paperback Gift Set – Side View



 Paperback Title   Printings available
Set 1
Don Martin Carries On $1.25 ?
Don Martin Steps Out $1.25 ?
Don Martin Drops 13 Stories $1.25 ?
Don Martin Steps Further Out $1.25 ?
The MAD Adventures of Captain Klutz $1.25 ?

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It’s A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD World

For years there has been a rumored boxed-set titled ‘MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD World‘ – however, I don’t know anyone with first hand knowledge of it’s existence. I think there is a good chance it was recorded as a misidentified VHS video boxed-set of the famous movie with that title, especially as MAD’s Jack Davis did the art-work for the movie poster.


It's a MAD, MAD, MAD World - VHS Box
It’s a MAD, MAD, MAD World – VHS Box


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 ? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee

(5 Book Set – Non MAD)

The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Front View
The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Front View


The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Side View
The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Side View


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1
 Al Jaffee Bombs Again – #Y7979  3rd
 Al Jaffee Blows His Mind – #Y6759 4th
 Al Jaffee Draws a Crowd – #Y8226 3rd
 Al Jaffee Gags – #Y6856 4th
 Al Jaffee’s Next Book – #Y7625 3rd

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The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee

(4 Book Set – Non MAD)

The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Front View
The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Front View


The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Side View
The Cool, Calm, Collected Al Jaffee Paperback Gift Set Side View


Paperback Title Printings available
Set 1 Set 2
 Al Jaffee Blows His Mind – #Y6759  4th 4th
 Al Jaffee Gags – #Y6856 3rd 4th
 Al Jaffee Gags Again – #Y6652 4th 2nd
 Al Jaffee’s Next Book – #Y7625 1st 1st

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      • Bernd, do you actually have in your possession the Al Jaffee Cool Calm box set? Because I do, and it’s a five book set not a 4 book set, with one side listing 5 books and the other side only listing 4 books, a little Al Jaffee humor I’m assuming. So do you have an actual 4 book set of this? Thanks, Jason,

        • Jason, yes I do have the Al jaffee 4 book set and the side is listing 4 books and 4 books are really inside. I’m pretty sure that 2 version (4 books and 5 books) exist. Please check the images on this page. The boxes are different and lists 4 books on the 1st version and 5 books on the 2nd version.


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