Please help!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Mike Morse. Drop us a mail here!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Mike Morse. Drop us a mail here!
Contributions by Mike Morse

MAD Magazine #549February 2018
- Fundalini Presents... Unless (Writer with John Kerschbaum)
- The Mad 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2017 (Writer with Scott Bricher)
- 1 Team Trump Colludes with Russians (Writer with Mark Fredrickson)
MAD Magazine #550April 2018
- What's on Sean Hannity's Desk? (Writer with Ward Sutton)
- Useful Things to do with Your Old Fidget Spinner (Writer with Rich Powell)

MAD Magazine #77December 2014
- O Lado Extremamente Claro do Aquecimento Global (Writer with John Kerschbaum)
MAD Magazine #83June 2015
- Coisas que o Obama Quer Fazer Antes de Morrer (Writer with Paul Coker, Jr.)
MAD Magazine #84July 2015
- TV satire: "2 Garotas Sem Apuro" ["Duas Garotas em Apuros"/"2 Broke Girls"] (Writer with Tom Bunk)
- Linha do Tempo de um Boato na Internet (Writer with Ward Sutton)