Mark Evanier Author, Illustrator and Artist Updated: March 20th, 2015 © Home: USABorn: March 2nd, 1952More about: Mark Evanier Contributions by Mark Evanier USA • MAD Magazine (New York)MAD Magazine #346June 1996What's the Difference? (Writer with Rick Tulka)back to top USA • MAD Magazine (California)MAD Magazine #17February 2021A Mad Look At Cars (Idea)back to top USA • Miscellaneous MAD Books (New York)Mad Art : A Visual Celebration of the Art of Mad Magazine and the Idiots Who Create ItJanuary 2003Authorback to top Miscellaneous Non-MAD PublicationsDia de los Muertos - Day of the DeadAuthor (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo: Death and TaxesAuthor (with Sergio Aragonés)Destroyer Duck1982Editor (with Steve Gerber)The Death of Groo - The Wanderer1987Author (with Sergio Aragonés)The Groo Adventurer1990Author (with Sergio Aragonés)The Life of Groo - The Wanderer1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)The Groo HoundbookMay 1999Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Wertham was Right!June 2003AuthorGroo - The Hogs of HorderAugust 2010Author (with Sergio Aragonés)The Mighty Magnor #1Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo vs Conan #1Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Pacific) #1December 1982Author (with Sergio Aragonés)The Groo Bazaar #11991Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #1December 1994Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo the Wanderer (Dark Horse) #1January 2000Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Friends and Foes #1January 2015Author (with Sergio Aragonés)The Mighty Magnor #2Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo vs Conan #2Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Pacific) #2February 1983Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo the Wanderer (Dark Horse) #2February 2000Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Friends and Foes #2February 2015Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo vs Conan #3Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo the Wanderer (Dark Horse) #3March 2000Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Friends and Foes #3March 2015Artist (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo vs Conan #4Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo the Wanderer (Dark Horse) #4April 2000Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Friends and Foes #4April 2015Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Pacific) #5October 1983Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #5April 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The WandererGroo - The Wanderer (Image) #6May 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Pacific) #7Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #7June 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #8July 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #9August 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #10September 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #11October 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Image) #12November 1995Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #26April 1987Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #27May 1987Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #45November 1988Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #54August 1989Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #56October 1989Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #92August 1992Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - The Wanderer (Marvel) #93September 1992Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Sergio Aragones zerstört Marvel1999Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Der Wanderer #1February 1984Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo der Blahbar #1May 1990Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo #11999Illustrator (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Der Wanderer #2June 1984Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo der Blahbar #2July 1990Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo & Rufferto #22000Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Der Wanderer #3November 1984Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo der Blahbar #3September 1990Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo #32000Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Der Wanderer #4March 1985Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo der Blahbar #4November 1990Author (with Sergio Aragonés)Groo - Der Wanderer #5August 1985Author (with Sergio Aragonés)back to top