Roger Price

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Contributions by Roger Price

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
  • How To Get The Job You Want By Thinking Positively And Also Get Ahead By Learning My Five Rules That Will Give You A New And Unbelievable Positive Personality And Help You Achieve Success (Writer)
MAD Magazine #25August 1955
  • Advice To Young Men On How To Get Into The Army (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #26November 1955
  • Today's Criminal Investigating Game (Writer, Artist)
  • The Brave Dogs (Artist, Writer)
  • Roger Price (Artist)
Miscellaneous Non-MAD Publications
  • Editor
  • Editor
Grump Magazine #3October 1965
  • Editor
Grump Magazine #4December 1965
  • Editor
Grump Magazine #5February 1966
  • Editor
  • Editor
Grump Magazine #9November 1966
  • Editor
Grump Magazine #10January 1967
  • Editor
  • Editor