Corey Pandolph

Please help!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Corey Pandolph. Drop us a mail here!

Contributions by Corey Pandolph

USA • MAD Magazine (New York)
  • Rob, the evil backstabbing robot temp (Writer, Artist)
MAD Magazine #459November 2005
  • Rob, the evil backstabbing robot temp (Artist, Writer)
  • Rob the evil backstabbing robot temp (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #471November 2006
  • Rob the evil backstabbing robot temp (Writer, Artist)
  • Rob, the evil, backstabbing, robot temp (Artist, Writer)
MAD Magazine #506December 2010
  • Cathy: Final Episodes You Never Saw (Idea, Artist)
USA • MAD Magazine (California)
  • The Strip Club: Rob, the evil backstabbing robot temp (Artist, Writer)
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Mythos)
MAD Magazine #37November 2005
MAD Magazine #38January 2006
Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)
MAD Magazine #6August 2008
Brasil • Various MAD Books
  • Clube da Comédia: 'Rob, o Maldoso Robô Mentiroso' (Artist, Writer)