College Laughs

College Laughs • USA
February 1957 - November 1968
Some of you may be familiar with the plethora of gag magazines published in the 1950s and 60s. Candar/Major Magazines, the publishers of Cracked, got into this game, just like every other publishing trend they could jump on.
These titles were typically aimed at men and often contained, alongside the cheeky cartoons, photos of scantily-clad women (either stock photos or publicity photos).
College Laughs began as a digest-sized magazine before transitioning into a full-size magazine in 1961.
Artists found within the pages of these magazines include not only Bill Riley, but noted cartoonists such as Bill Wenzel and Cracked regulars such as Don Orehek, Bill Ward, Vic Martin and even John Severin.

Involved MAD Artists

Don Orehek, John P. Severin