Jay Lynch Updated: March 31st, 2015 Please help!We are desperately looking for pictures of Jay Lynch. Drop us a mail here! Home: USAMore about: Jay Lynch Contributions by Jay Lynch USA • MAD Magazine (New York)MAD Magazine #368April 1998One Sunny Morning on Easter Island (Writer with Timothy Shamey)MAD Magazine #375November 1998One Fine Day at the Candy Store (Writer with Monte Wolverton)MAD Magazine #390February 2000Products For Your Aging Hippie Parents (Writer with Leslie Sternbergh)back to top Brasil • MAD Magazine (Record)MAD Magazine #145January 1999Um Belo Dia na Loja de Doces (Writer with Monte Wolverton)MAD Magazine #150July 1999Uma Manhã de Sol na Ilha de Páscoa (Writer with Timothy Shamey)MAD Magazine #158August 2000Produtos para os Seus Velhos Pais Hippies (Writer with Leslie Sternbergh)back to top Brasil • MAD Magazine (Panini)MAD Magazine #73September 2014Fora com o Lynch (Writer, Artist)back to top Brasil • MAD Especial (Mythos) (Mythos)MAD Especial (Mythos) #3November 2002O Paspalho e o Pirulito Elétrico (Writer with Monte Wolverton)back to top