Appearances of Alan Hale in MAD
MAD Magazine #325 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
Alan Hale in the MAD article "Shocking 'Tell-All' Books By TV Sitcom Characters" by Sam Viviano and Mike Snider for MAD #325
MAD Magazine #369 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
Alan Hale in the Titanic spoof "Trypanic" by Sam Viviano and Dick DeBartolo for MAD #369
MAD Magazine #374 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
Alan Hale in MAD's parody of the Jim Carrey movie "The Truman Show" which was called "The Truedumb Show" by Sam Viviano and Stan Hart for MAD #374
MAD Magazine #453 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
Alan Hale in the "Lost" parody called "Lots" by Tom Richmond and Dick DeBartolo for MAD #453
MAD Magazine #464 • USA • 1st Edition - New York
Alan Hale in the spoof "King Korn!", the MAD parody of Peter Jacksons King Kong remake written by Dick DeBartolo and illustrated by Hermann Mejia for MAD #464