MAD Star Wars Covers


Welcome to the MAD TRASH Star Wars Pages!

A collection of Star Wars Mad Magazine covers

Author: Simon Wilson
Here you ‘ll find every Star Wars related cover from every MAD magazine, special or book published over the last 35+ yearsfrom MAD editions published all around the world!Ever wanted to ruin your eyesight while trying to make out the miniscule differences in wording on the half dozen or so international covers for Episode 4? Ever wondered how the Usual Gang Of Idiots in Puetro Rico, Greece, Argentina or numerous other places might have tried to shamlessly cash in on the Star Wars phenomenon by having Darth Vader and co. on their covers? If you ‘ve answered ‘yes ‘ to either question then you ‘re in the right place! Guaranteed to keep even the most casual of MAD or Star Wars fans entertained for perhaps minutes, until they realise that we couldn ‘t be bothered to link the thumbnails to the full sized images!

Help us keep these pages complete! If you know of any MAD Star Wars items not included  contact us here!!


Star Wars Covers


Empire Strikes Back Covers


Return of the Jedi Covers


The Phantom Menace Covers


Attack of the Clones Covers


Revenge of the Sith Covers


Misc Star Wars Covers


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Covers


Star Wars: Rogue One Covers


Star Wars Books


Misc Star Wars Items


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