Alfred is keeping up with the 80’s keep-fit-fad that's rolling over the world in this cover by Torwald Sundbaum. He's holding a picture of one Bengt Bedrup (neé Nilsson, 1928 - 2005), that is firmly connected with sports journalism in Sweden, in newspapers, radio and later on TV. Later he also jointly ran a wellness/training show for television together with a colleague, Gun Hägglund.
The inside story is an fictive episode of said wellness show drawn by Torvald Sundbaum and written by Bengt Sahlberg. Now take a look at the athlete wearing glasses, holding a chair in the third frame; this is the editor for Swedish Mad at the time, Kell Stähl, making a Hitchcock-esque walk-by.
- Cover Artist: Torvald Sundbaum