MAD Magazine #11

Great Britain

Ron Letchford, the last British MAD editor to date, was a huge fan of this cover, but lamented “you can’t do it again” (Ron had shrewdly foreseen that none of us, let alone the British MAD, would be around in 6009!)

Page 2: LETTERS DEPARTMENT contains a reference to newspaper item: ‘MAD to launch a London evening’ says Cecil King. King was chairman of Daily Mirror Newspapers Ltd (and later IPC). Later, in 1968, he was involved in a failed plot to bring down the Labour government of Harold Wilson. The exact meaning of this reference in MAD was unclear and was never expanded upon.

Note the 'big bang' debut of Spy vs. Spy, with three pages in the first 53% of the mag.

Pgs 15 – 18: PADDED SELL DEPARTMENT: TV Movies with Built-in Commercials. The British eds have dropped back to 1957 (MAD #36) for this one. Department text altered from THE PAUSE THAT DEPRESSES (REFRESHES being the last word of a Coca-Cola strap-line). British changes (including Movie to Film in the intro, though not in the title) seem to have thrown the whole width of the intro typography out of kilter.

Pg 20: The Producer and I (from MAD #60) Note: in making a minor change in the intro, British eds have managed wrongly to lose the 'd' from Rodgers (as in 'and Hammerstein').

Pg 31 HOLLYWOOD DEPARTMENT: Scenes We’d Like to See: the Duel (from MAD #36) British eds again dropping back to 1957.

Pgs 34 – 37: THIS IS FOR REEL DEPARTMENT (Naked Town, from MAD #60) - Department text changed from 'Throwing the Bulls'.


Cover Variations