Cracked Monster Party #45

Cracked Monster Party #45 • USA
We Burn The Blair Witch Project
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Cover is new by Rurik Tyler. There are 13 pages of new material. The rest of the contents are reprints.

Comment by Tom Smith:

The cover depicts a significant stick symbol that appears in the film. I really like this one as I like any tie-ins with the Blair Witch Project. I'm fascinated by the media surrounding the movie and parodies and such. The funny thing is, I've watched movie parodies of Blair Witch, but I've never seen the actual film.

I've read so much about it, and seen so many satires and knock-offs that I feel like I know everything about it anyway. It's really a fascinating part of pop culture history, since a tiny low-budget film succeeded in making millions through an innovative concept and effective publicity. That's a very rare thing today. Even the obscure lead actress (who really could have been any struggling local actress in your small town) had her moment in the sun (see cover attached).

This is one of my favorite issues of Cracked Monster Party because it includes the Blair Witch parody, but also because it includes an even better parody of Sleepy Hollow. I really love the way Frank Cummings drew Christina Ricci in this film, and I love his drawing style in general.


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