Mick Austin

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Great Britain

Michael J. ‘Mick’ Austin is nowadays a fine artist (since 1996). He began in British comics in 1981 with Marvel and Blake’s Seven, moving on to Warrior and winning an Eagle Award in 1982 with a cover for the revised Marvelman. He drew Judges Dredd and Anderson for 2000 AD (1989-1995), plus other work including Doctor Who Magazine. Austin was features artist for The Sunday Times (1982-85) and worked on TV Times, book covers, film posters and more. His later comic work included Fleetway's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the early 90s. As a fine artist in 2003, he accompanied HRH The Prince of Wales as tour artist to India and Oman.

Contributions by Mick Austin

Great Britain • MAD Magazine
  • Cover Artist
MAD Magazine #283November 1985
  • Cover Artist
MAD Magazine #305September 1987
  • Cover Artist
MAD Magazine #310February 1988
  • Cover Artist
Finland • MAD Magazine (Semic)
  • Cover Artist