Please help!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Chris Gudgeon. Drop us a mail here!
We are desperately looking for pictures of Chris Gudgeon. Drop us a mail here!
Contributions by Chris Gudgeon

MAD Magazine #319June 1993
- Unsuccessful Fund-Raising Events For Little Known Special Interest Groups (Writer with Al Jaffee)

MAD Magazine #95July 1993
- Levantamento de Fundos Fracassados para Grupos Minoritários a Quem Ninguém Dá a Mínima (Writer with Al Jaffee)

MAD Especial (Mythos) #2May 2002
- Eventos que Iam Ser um Sucesso... mas que Acabaram Virando um Baita Fracasso! (Writer with Al Jaffee)

MAD Magazine #22March 2006