Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon
September 19th, 1974, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
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Appearances of Jimmy Fallon in MAD

Image of MAD Magazine #416 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

MAD Magazine #416 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

So what did Jimmy Fallon (as caricatured by Drew Friedman) do in "The Final Minute Of Saturday Night Live"? According to writer Des Devlin, he was "the cast member who's always 'still in costume' at 12:59, just to ensure that home viewers are sure to notice him as the pirate captain, or wearing the fruit-basket headgear, or inside the blinking robot chest-plate." "The Final Minute Of Saturday Night Live" originally ran in MAD #416 (April '02), near the tail-end of Fallon's fourth season on SNL

Image of MAD Magazine #436 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

MAD Magazine #436 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

We kick off the MAD Mumblings Fallon-O-Rama with this Celebrity Snap secured by alert MAD reader David Minerva! Taken during Jimmy's SNL days, it originally ran in MAD #436 (December '03) and was recently re-posted on MAD's blog, The Idiotical.

Image of MAD Magazine #503 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

MAD Magazine #503 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

Still four years away from reaching the big desk on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon bided his time as NBC's Late Night host by shocking his guests with photos of themselves from earlier in their careers. You know, like every single other late night host in history. Christina Applegate is the willing co-conspirator in this Hermann Mejia artwork from "The 38 Worst Things About Late Night TV." Co-written by Desmond Devlin, Jeff Kruse and Scott Maiko, "The 38 Worst Things About Late Night TV" ran i

Image of MAD Magazine #522 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

MAD Magazine #522 • USA • 1st Edition - New York

Gee...Where could that "single long, orange hair" have come from? Rick Tulka depicted Jimmy Fallon's strangling at the hands of a familiar former Tonight Show host in this contribution to The Fundalini Pages of MAD #522 (September '03).

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