Jack Mendelsohn Author Updated: November 21st, 2022 Home: USABorn: November 8th, 1926Died: January 25th, 2017More about: Jack Mendelsohn Contributions by Jack Mendelsohn USA • MAD Magazine (New York)MAD Magazine #65September 1961Karate (Writer with Bob Clarke)MAD Magazine #66October 1961Modern Household Accidents (Writer with Mort Drucker)MAD Magazine #75December 1962Superstitions (Writer with Bob Clarke)back to top Brasil • MAD Magazine (Veechi)MAD Magazine #41November 1977O MAD Comprova a Veracidade das Superstições (Writer with Bob Clarke)back to top Miscellaneous Non-MAD PublicationsPanic #7March 1955Author (with Al Feldstein)Panic #8May 1955Author (with Al Feldstein)Panic #9July 1955Author (with Al Feldstein)Panic #10September 1955Author (with Al Feldstein)Panic #11November 1955Author (with Al Feldstein)Panic #12December 1956Author (with Al Feldstein)back to top