Completely MAD Trade Paperback - Uncorrected Advance Proof

Completely MAD Trade Paperback - Uncorrected Advance Proof • USA • 1st Edition - New York
1st Edition - New York

This is a cool piece of MAD Magazine memorabilia. Published in 1991 by Little, Brown & Co., this is an "uncorrected advance proof" of the book, Completely MAD. Completely MAD takes a super detailed look into the creation of MAD Magazine, and is a thoroughly entertaining read. This uncorrected proof is basically a bound collection of photocopies of the pages of the book, with margin notes and post-it stickers placed on top of photographs to mark their place in the book. It is rather cool, actually. It's even better when you compare the proof to the actual published book, just to see if there were any changes made before publication.


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